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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 480x360, retard-alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10931273 No.10931273 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you believe in ANY of the following, you are a retard:
>Humans do not contribute to global warming
>We live in a simulation
>Vaccines cause autism
>The universe is finite
>Infinity is paradoxical/Infinity "doesn't exist"
>Mathematics is a human invention
>Philosophy is just semantics
>Reality is Deterministic
>Humans have Free Will
>Truth subjective
>Relativity is a lie
>Artificial Intelligence will never exist
>Causality is equivalent to determinism
>"Science"/empiricism is the only method for finding truth

>> No.10931275

www.reddit.com is the website you are looking for. Upvoted.

>> No.10931283
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there used to be an anon here who posted threads like this, and they were bretty good. yours is OK too, but maybe go to warosu.org/sci and hone your skills by studying the old masters

anyhow, let me add that math and physics are the highest fields of study, pic related

>> No.10931312

> Truth is not subjective
> Relativity is true
What did he mean by this

>> No.10931317

lmao no

>> No.10931324

LOL upvoted!

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.10931325
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anon, i object. pic related is me explaining this to you.

>> No.10931328

>Vaccines cause autism
then why am i not allowed to do a study to confirm it?

>> No.10931348

you're not? oh maybe it's because you are a normie without any academic credentials.... right?

>> No.10931505

>The universe is finite
>Reality is Deterministic
Why does believing these make someone a retard?

>> No.10931816

haha look at that retard, he believes in objective truths

>> No.10931822

I have a PhD in mathematics and make over 300k a year.

>> No.10931853
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>Infinity exists
>Reality is not deterministic
>It's still causal though
>There's a better epistemology than empiricism

You're not gonna make it.

>> No.10931938

Then how are you going to do a study on medicine you halfwit ?

>> No.10932116

>anyone with a different opinion than me is a retard
double retard

>> No.10932446


>> No.10932450

We're probably in some sort of simulation if you broaden your definition and include a philosophical approach

>> No.10933380

I already made it, unlike you, incel

>> No.10933581

What part of
> math PhD
> 300k starting
> any job I want
do you not understand?

>> No.10933642

>I can't make threads on /sci/ so I will settle for replying to shitposts to hijack the thread
New thread topic: What mechanical description of motion should I optimize in order to optimize a strike? Possible answers include:
>kinetic energy
>optimize closeness to natural frequency
>something else?

>> No.10933782

Who said you can't?
I am pretty sure it is not illegal.

>> No.10933898

b nice

>> No.10933908

>>Humans have Free Will
The scientific consensus is that free will exists.

>> No.10933922

Based on what?

>> No.10933941

This doesn't become true even if you post it in every thread.

>> No.10933961

>Reality is Deterministic
>Humans have Free Will

it's reality is deterministic then people have no Free will , you dumbass.

>> No.10933979
File: 252 KB, 2362x1654, DeterminismXFreeWill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's reality is deterministic then people have no Free will , you dumbass.

>> No.10933981

He’s says both those things are wrong. Reality not being deterministic doesn’t mean there’s free will

>> No.10934006

Compatibilitsm is a meme idea for people who accept hard determinism but are uncomfortable with the implications to help them avoid having an identity crisis

>> No.10934011


>> No.10934370

>Based on what?
The judgment of scientists.

>> No.10934509

>We live in a simulation
damn elon musk is a fucking dumbass

>> No.10934583

>Mathematics is a human invention
literally is though...Please show me magical sky fairies if you disagree plato

>> No.10934777

Uneducated nigger retard. People who shill for memey jewish will have inferiority complex, not identity crisis, and they can't accept compatibilism because to defeat inferiority complex they need magic, that compatibilism doesn't provide, it only provides meaningful definition of free will.

>> No.10934787

>The universe is finite
>Infinity is paradoxical/Infinity "doesn't exist"
>Mathematics is a human invention
>Reality is Deterministic
>Humans have Free Will
>Truth subjective
>Causality is equivalent to determinism
>"Science"/empiricism is the only method for finding truth
Why a retard would be surprised by finite universe?

>> No.10934800

>>The universe is finite

We do not know the real size of the universe. Nice fail of a post, OP.

>> No.10934801


>> No.10934802

even if the universe is finite, reality definitely is not
so it's a moot question

>> No.10934838

How would you establish locality over infinite universe instantaneously?

>> No.10934847

>Truth subjective

Some truths are absolute, like 2 + 2 = 4. But most "truth" relies on some subjective tolerance. Like if a rock weighs 5.0000000000000000018293 pounds and someone says that it weighs 5 pounds, is that true or false? Objectively speaking it's false, but almost everyone would agree that it's true.

>> No.10934897

Compatibilism means that the free will is true, as is experienced every day of your life.
Determinism is likewise undeniable.
Don't understand how, but compatible they are.

>> No.10935142

>Mathematics is a human invention
>Philosophy is just semantics
>Truth subjective
These are true.

>> No.10935148

The OP is saying that there is no determinism AND humans have no free will. He is a "hard indeterminist" based on that little chart.

>> No.10935152

None of those are true.

>> No.10935154

It's a rough approximation of the objective truth.

>> No.10935159

See, it's subjective.

>> No.10935161

No, its objective, you are wrong and none of those are true.

>> No.10935166
File: 55 KB, 540x960, 1565168121341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The universe is finite
So what you're saying is that there is a reality where OP is not a fag?

>> No.10935190

Then prove it.

>> No.10935201

>Mathematics is a human invention
this is literally true though

>> No.10935204

It's literally not true though

>> No.10935205

what is math then

>> No.10935212

Most of this was agreeable but then you said some bullshit.
>The universe is finite
Of course there's no boundary, but what leads you to believe that the universe is not topologically a compact manifold? I feel like that's a very reasonable possibility.
>Relativity is a lie
Depends in what you mean. Of course physics needs to be studied from a relativistic standpoint. But Einstein's theories of relativity are models. No one claims that they are absolutely true.

>> No.10935215

Time rate of change of momentum

>> No.10935224

Big dick quarter: free will debate is just semantics and ultimately irrelevant to how we experience the universe

>> No.10935232

It's a search within the Heyting algebra for tautologies.
Mathematicians are basically "travelers" who travel this uncountable set of logics and bring back tautologies in the different spaces within it. None of it is "Made up", it's recursively generated from the Kernel of Truth. A mathematical proof is then a "pointer" to some mathematical object/structure out in the platonic realm, which is a traversed in the algebra.
Wolfram is now recursively generating the infinite lattice and has discovered that the general logics that we tend to use is the ~50,000th brance of the lattice (a result which is kinda nice and cutesy but doesn't really mean that much overall). This is because the shortest condition to define the NAND operation has a value around that ordinal.

>> No.10935240
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>> No.10935261

i don't see the conflict

truth is something outside of ourselves, which we look at and judge
there is only one truth

perception is something within ourselves, and everything in perception is relative

truth/reality and perception of truth/reality are different concepts

>> No.10935301

Mathematics is a human invention.

>> No.10935340
File: 43 KB, 640x705, 1509837761271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming truths exists and that its possible for a human to comprehend a true thing; Its still not possible to know if any of the things you know are true things. You can use observation and reason to make assumptions about how likely something might be true relative to other things, but nothing more.

Empiricism is ontologically materialist, it claims that we learn things by observing reality, which exists prior to observation. Because our observations lead us to the understanding that our senses are imperfect and thus our observations are potentially flawed, to hold that you can obtain truths through empiricism as practiced by a human is ontologicaly idealist, as it substitutes the actual reality of the material with the constructed reality of the mind consisting of perfectly true things you have observed.
Therefore to believe you can use an ontologically materialist method to arrive at truth is itself ontologically idealist.

Because experience and observation shows the assumptions created through ontological materialist methods to be more successful and useful to interacting with and surviving in the world than assumptions derived from methods of idealist ontology, we can reason there is a higher chance that materialism is superior to idealism for the purposes of discovering likely things.

This means the most sensible stance is to assume reality exists before idea, and assume the ideas you obtain from your perceptions of it are false.

>> No.10935390


>> No.10935532

Nope, see >>10935232

>> No.10935544

All of this is thrown out by accepting rational idealist method of reasoning is in fact superior to empiricist materialist methods (which you have shown to be faulty)

>> No.10935553

The further you go down the list the shittier it gets.

>> No.10935656

>out in the platonic realm
You could have unironically said God and had a more empirical point. Math worshipping is complete faggotry.

>> No.10935665

No one cares about "empiricism" once the foundations are established. There is nothing special or good about "empiricism" as an ontology, it's inferior and for brainlets.
Literally every animal naturally practices "empiricism" - wolfs learn about how trees fall and how that affects hunting, squirrels learn about season, even other great apes learn about value of currency in controlled environments. But only intelligent humans have the concept of rationality - because it requires higher intelligence and abstraction to understand as the truth.
By claiming only empiricism is valid, you are literally admitting that you are a stupid fucking animal, inferior to real human beings and incapable of genuine intellectual abstraction.

>> No.10935683

That’s the best you got and you claim your stance is rationality? You know what, animals also shit. Guess that makes you a “stupid fucking animal”.

>> No.10935955

Stupid sophistry, behavior is determined by present state, not by past. Past might as well not exist at all, and it doesn't indeed.

>> No.10936164

Bullshit. There is no scientific theory or evidence regarding free will whatsoever. If you ask any scientist about it, they might think it's an interesting question but they will tell you they don't know the answer.

>> No.10936183

>Reality is not Deterministic
>Humans don't have Free Will
literally the cuck position

>> No.10936195

The thing is, there may be an absolute truth, but since we appraise through our limited perception that is not a forgone conclusion. We can say that something is practically true, a la within the 99.9999etc percentile, but that still isn’t fast and firm reality. This is from a statistical, quantum, and philosophical standpoint.

>> No.10936206

How is the truth the cuck position?

>> No.10936227

>300k starting
I'm gonna need to see some proofs for that brainsplat

>> No.10936242
File: 48 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any man who argues that global warming is not the result of human activity/ doesn't exist can call himself a scientist, and thus should not be on /sci/

>> No.10936327

>finite universe

>infinity didn't exist
Define "exist". No such thing as infinity in the real, physical world.

Define AI. It used to mean something different than what it's used as now.

>finding truth
Not finding it, but making absolutely sure it's true. We need the scientific method for that and it won't fail.

>> No.10936328

wow OP you really got me. Im a retard, but you have shown me the error of my ways. Now im going to be smart like you.

>> No.10936834


>> No.10937416 [DELETED] 

believing that (future) behavior is determined (caused) by the present state commits you to belief in causality.
you should read that article, it's really good.

>> No.10937609

OP is saying that if you are arguing that global warming isn't caused by humans, you are a retard.

>> No.10937703

Oh no

>> No.10937705
File: 60 KB, 668x720, s o y b o y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who disagrees with my hypothesis is not a scientist

>> No.10937758
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>> No.10937825

I'll play your little game.

>>Humans do not contribute to global warming
They almost surely do. The question is to what extent, how big a crisis is it creating, and what is the best way to deal with it? That would need its own thread, though trolls will probably destroy it.

>>We live in a simulation
No evidence for, non provable. Maybe, but so what. IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME, YOU DIE FOR REAL!!!! Play the cards you is dealt.

>>Vaccines cause autism
They do not.

>>The universe is finite
Maybe, put me down as open to that being proved, as open to the opposite. It is not a question I have spent any time considering. It's bigger than I'll ever need to worry about.

>>Infinity is paradoxical/Infinity "doesn't exist"
Nah, can't see the first being true. No opinion on the second.

>>Mathematics is a human invention
Obviously. It describes reality, but in artificial human terms. It can also be used to describe shit that ain't real. You make you postulates, you takes you chances.

>>Philosophy is just semantics

>>Reality is Deterministic
No opinion.

>>Humans have Free Will
I was going to say we do not, but then I changed my mind. If we don't, then the fact that we are predetermined to waste so much time arguing about it seems a flaw in the design.

>>Truth subjective
Depends on which definition of Truth you are using.

>>Relativity is a lie
No. It is an accurate theory on the scales for which it appropriate, but it is not a complete theory. There may not be a complete unified theory, which would be one of God's best jokes on us.

>>Artificial Intelligence will never exist

DK. Again, though, define terms. It exists now, for a sufficiently loose definition.

>>Causality is equivalent to determinism
No opinion

>>"Science"/empiricism is the only method for finding truth
Nope. It is a damned good method for finding truth within the frame of reference where it is applicable, though.

>> No.10937845

So you agree with everything OP says. What game are you talking about?

>> No.10937863

Cool , then begin your study. Nobody is stopping you.