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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10928013 No.10928013 [Reply] [Original]

>/sci/ will sperg out over this

>> No.10928019

Actually I unironically respect Philosophy and the humanities in general.

It's an easy ride for undergrad if you just want a piece of paper with your name on it, but if you sincerely study it, it can be quite enriching.

>> No.10928048

>reddit spacing
>reddit tier post quality

>> No.10928156
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>Believing in reddit spacing

>> No.10928183
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Powerful images.

>> No.10928231

Hey, what's wrong with Kurt Vonnegut? His books are a good laugh.

>> No.10928239

I know literally everyone there.

>> No.10928492
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>> No.10928812

everyone is laughing at you, brainlet

>> No.10928827

I love how desperate IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE faggots have to rationalize this picture to prevent their brains from melting.

>> No.10929257

A positivist atheist virgin MIT physics professor and Dr Who fan was teaching a class on Newton, known autist

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship science, and accept that it's the only way, and any other thing is superstition!"

At this moment, a brave, intelligent, continental philosopher, who has written 1500 essays on topics such as free will, and understood the necessity of ontology and fully supported all ways of knowing stood up and held a rock.

"What IS this rock?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite geekishly and smugly replied "A mixture of quartz and other minerals you low IQ jock"

"Fool, for you have taken the identity of this object as a mere composition of it's part, but you failed to define an essence. If everything were just atoms... then you yourself would be indistinguishable from a rock"

The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and a copy of A Brief History of Time. He stormed out of the room crying those asthma induced crocodile tears. The same tears scientists cry for the "scientifically illiterate" (who today live much worse lives thanks to technology and science) when they jealously try to claw profound epistemological models from true thinkers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Sheldor Leonard, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a mere lab monkey. He wished that he could defend himself in writing, but he himself had petitioned against "useless" rethoric classes!

The students applauded and all debated the nature of being that day and accepted the duality of their minds. An eagle named "Will to Power" flew in into the room and looked deeply into the void. The original formulation of the categorical imperative was read several times, and Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died after doing genetic testing on himself and not reviewing the ethical concerns.

>> No.10929261

you somehow recovered strongly at the end, 7/10

>> No.10929278

xD lol good one

>> No.10929286

Philosophy is like everything else: in the hands of someone incompetent, it's completely useless.

>> No.10929288

>mommi Lindsay Ellis not on image

i knew she were the real deal!

>> No.10929311

all fools besides Albert "God Does not Play Dice" Einstein

Can't spell copenhagen without COPE

>> No.10929340

Philosophy as a subject is worth reading into, however as a degree it's basically useless as it has been watered down by normies who just want a bachelors for the sake of it, or for the "uni experience"
Most arts/humanities have been hit hard in terms of credibility by this degree inflation. As an undergrad subject, science is generally harder to dumb down or just coast through if you're a low IQ normie. Meanwhile humanities have been overrun by post modernists who just teach normies to parrot their own bullshit ideas.

>> No.10929377

Are all the quotes on the right supposed to be "anti-philosophy" or what? I don't see the Richard Dawkins or Bill Nye quotes that way.

>> No.10929415


>> No.10929423

woah, thanks anon. I almost changed my worldview to that of Ethan from h3h3. He just looks like such an intellectual!

>> No.10929463

It's idealism vs materialism, as well as accepting the philosophical underpinning of science/the scientific method as being something you need to understand.
Heisenberg, Planck, Bohr and Schrodinger were not physicalists. They thought that consciousness was fundamental. Von Neumann pointed out the paradox of those trying to make quantum equations compatible with physicalism and laid out a mathematical model for consciousness as fundamental.
So unlike the false picture of "materialists advancing science at the expense of unscientific idealists", it has always been the other way around. Idealists advance science, either due to being less bound to dogma or simply that idealists are more intelligent, and physicalists run behind them trying to shoehorn the corpse of materialism back into the game, always fruitless.
Idealism is true, materialism is false. That's basically the gist of it.

>> No.10929471

i love how this thread doesn’t even have one person sperging out against jesusfags and instead it became a jesusfag circlejerk

>> No.10929475

Who mentioned anything about jesus?
This is the problem with morons like you. Idealism has nothing to do with any religion let alone christianity, where are you getting this from?
Why are you so stupid? (genuinely asking)

>> No.10929481

so what, you guys are newagers? muslims? shilling in favor of mystical shit without revealing which team you’re on is pretty disingenuous

>> No.10929500

Idealism has nothing to do with any of that either.
This is what Einstein meant when he said people need to be educated before they speak. Do you even know what idealism is?

>> No.10929513

>dodges question by employing logical fallacy
just impossible with you people

>> No.10929522

Hello, is this the daily pseud containment thread?

>> No.10929531

Im not dodging the question. I'm neither a muslim or a new ager.
It's impossible with you idiots. Are you genuinely incapable of understanding these things?
The only pseuds at this point are people who still cling to materialism.

>> No.10929546

>The only pseuds at this point are people who still cling to materialism.
Oh, so it is, then.

>> No.10929552

Choosing to write a field of thought off completely without engaging with it because you think you know better sounds pseud to me

>> No.10929553

I'm sorry you only have a 115 IQ anon
Anyway, respond to >>10929463 without making the pseudo counter of attempting to claim it's a fallacy or some shit.

>> No.10929563

because he refuses to admit which religion he’s shilling for. so far it’s not jesus nor mohammad nor newage shit. jew then?

>> No.10929568

I don't come here to engage with pseuds though. I'm sure you can find a suitable conversation partner on reddit.

There's nothing to refute because it's full of vague bullshit. Show me the equations or gtfo.

>> No.10929575

None, it's the philosophy of idealism which has nothing to do with any religion or new age bullshit.
Ok, yea, you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are. You are in fact pretty stupid. I'm sorry for your disability.

>> No.10929581

>You are in fact pretty stupid.
Bold of you to say that considering you haven't even read an intro qm text

>> No.10929583

you are making shit up now and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10929586

>None, it's the philosophy of idealism which has nothing to do with any religion or new age bullshit.
oh okay so you win the pro god side of the argument by admitting you aren’t arguing in favor of god, just philosophy nonsense? ok fine, as long as you claim it’s all word games and has no real effect on facts

>> No.10929628
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"reddit spacing" predates reddit faggot

I'm pretty sure most of /sci/ apart from the /pol/tards agrees with you though.

>> No.10929656

I take it you haven't read a qm textbook either

>> No.10929662

Who /christianhermeticist/ here?

>> No.10929670
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Why are redditors always seething so hard?

>> No.10929671
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>without revealing which team you’re on

>> No.10929682

philosophy graduates literally have the highest mean IQ at 131. out of all the arguments you could have used, why did you pick IQ lol

>> No.10929773


>> No.10929814

whats wrong with degrasse tyson?

>> No.10929816

That a joke?

>> No.10929828

Wrong, Math and Physics majors have higher iqs.

>> No.10929855

>actually being this idealist

>> No.10929859

lmao why are there two sam hydes in this picture

>> No.10929875

Not the same guy, but he's talking about the mean, not average IQ. Maybe the average IQs of physicists and mathematicians are higher than that of philosophers, but their medians are lower.

>> No.10929879
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>> No.10929880

I can feel my blood pressure rising. Science is a subset of Philosophy.

>> No.10929894
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 1567155722694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ending

>> No.10929910

LMFAOO get fucked faggot. Just because you read griffiths doesn’t mean the people who made QM were materialists (they weren’t). Retard

>> No.10929919

I'm so happy this meme has survived through the years

>> No.10930430

why does it have so many musicians and random youtubers, particularly in the bottom third? I feel like the original intention of that compilation was different than with the text

>> No.10930514


>> No.10930517

We've seen it a million times, and no one here unironically likes the people on the right.
Take your bait to reddit and never come back.

>> No.10930522

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.10930530

This is an appeal to authority type persuasive argument in favor of ideals held by those credible persons on the left. Free will fags WILL respond to this.

>> No.10930581

How is Beckett a pseudointellectual?
He is not an essayist, and if anything, what he precisely tried to do is to devoid his work of any floritures.

>> No.10931244

materialists btfo

>> No.10931257

more like philosotard couldn't handle the god argument so he retreated into word game philosophy argumentation.

either god exists or he (she? oh wait no, i read you guys and god is male in all religions) doesn't. philosofag anon tried to argue in favor of "i believe in mystical shit..... but only when it is completely disjoint from reality" as demonstrated here:
and he had no comeback

>> No.10931262

>Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay.

Really made the post worth it.

>> No.10931289

Holy shit you're really dumb. I read your argument with the other guy and you don't even understand what Idealism is. It has nothing to do with god or religion, it basically just is the position that the material reality isn't the most fundamental part of existence. That there is some other part that is more fundamental, whether it be a God or a plane of ideals or just a set of eternal nonphysical laws, that exists as a foundation to the material.
You have no idea what you're talking about and the whole argumetn with that guy was you getting mad and making ad hominems that don't even work.

>> No.10931297

ohhhhhh okay, facts BTFO. "God or a plane of ideals or just a set of eternal nonphysical laws" BTFO empirically confirmed facts, based on "muh idealism"

anon, i know that 4chan attracts 2D waifu and furry and MyLittlePony and anime and "muh ethnostate polo shirt wearers" idiots, but reality doesn't actually care about memes

>> No.10931303

Idealism says nothing about empiricism, idealism and empiricism aren't dichotomous. Anon, do you have ANY idea of what these ideas are or what you're talking about at all, are you trolling, or are you truly genuinely uneducated?
What does Empiricism have to do with idealism or what the image in the OP is talking about? All of the great scientists on the left are both idealists as well as accepting empiricist epistemology. You are very strongly showing that you do not know what you are talking about.

>> No.10931314

>resorts back to logical fallacies
the thread was about god. the OP image is about god. that's the topic, not philosophy word games. back to this post:

>> No.10931316 [DELETED] 

Huh? Walter never got a nobel prize, that was the point of the whole show.

>> No.10931658
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I love to see when butthurt faggots lose to me in an argument, they actually go and do their homework, only to come back, repost their same bullshit, and get BTFO by another anon who isn't me. lmao

>> No.10932432

>cutting off Nietzsche at the bottom


>> No.10932618

the arrogant philosopher is doing a trick question to the unsuspecting scientist who is not wrong

as if all you need is a single definition/theory to understand an idea

Gödel already debunks this shit decades ago

>> No.10932782

>this famous scientist agreed with me on some irrelevant religious nonsense
Funny how philosophy majors are so lacking in awareness of their own fallacious reasoning. Obsession with the esoteric opinions of personalities is an unfortunate learned behavior you will eventually grow out of.

>> No.10933530
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This is some seriously big brain posting

>> No.10933545

I don't hate philosophy as a field, but I hate it as a degree

>> No.10933656

>cheech and chong
>pat bateman

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10933668

Hydes is a double nigger

>> No.10933700

Philosophy is in effect reinvention of thoughts. It's no wonder all we are still burning oil to get somewhere. Too many phoney scientists making claims instead of discovering fscts.

>> No.10933862

> Word games

Empiricists get out

>> No.10933901

double check which board you’re on