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10921789 No.10921789 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest number you can think of ?

>> No.10921792

Infinity hat

>> No.10921802

Johnathan W. Tooker?

>> No.10921811

thinking of 9 cubes arranged in a 2D 3x3 pattern is pretty much the most, after that it just breaks down to a pattern vs background

>> No.10921819


>> No.10921828
File: 96 KB, 867x685, 1561513472128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921838

84839293^84839299204^4939293939 is way bigger

>> No.10921839

Graham's number + 1

>> No.10921842

three dots implying infinity, never wrapped my head around how some infinities are bigger than others

>> No.10921864



>> No.10921944

thank you, anon, for helping a brainlet out, also this is the first time i have seen this woman on numberphile.

>> No.10921949

Graham's number + 2

>> No.10921958

36 is the most individual things I can visualize before I lose track of some of them.

>> No.10921959

Just the amount of digits in TREE(3) is more than the value of Graham's number.

>> No.10921968

TREE(3) + 1

>> No.10921970

Just the amount of digits in 10^(TREE(3)+1) is more than the value of TREE(3).

>> No.10921976

Can someone point me to a easily digestible YouTube video that explains what TREE(x) is? Ideally numberphile or a smaller brain tier channel.

>> No.10921983



>> No.10921984


>> No.10922019

Thanks based anon

>> No.10922507

Does anyone know how big TREE(4) is? Could it be smaller than TREE(3)?

>> No.10922518

This seems like a far more interesting way if interpreting OP than just listing numbers in the Graham's and up neighborhood.
I can definitely visualize 4×4 grids, 5x5 is a bit hazy.i think if it's not a square it more difficult

>> No.10922532

Utter Oblivion

>> No.10922559


I win.

>> No.10922570

[math] \infty ! [/math]

>> No.10922577

Infinite is not a number

SSCG(3) >> TREE(3)

>> No.10922588

[math]m\in \mathbb{R} | m > n \forall n\in \mathbb{R}[/math]

>> No.10922598

Let us define “OP’s Number” as the largest number in the thread + 1. OP’s Number is now the largest number in this thread.

>> No.10922615

at least 1.

>> No.10922619

An algorithm for adding a number is not a number. it is an algorithm.

>> No.10922621

ok, but defining a set via a property doesn't mean the set has elements. come on, basic logic.

>> No.10922629

That's the fucking point, there is no biggest number you autist

>> No.10922644

>What's the biggest number you can think of ?
>you can think of ?
try doing it before posting.

>> No.10922664
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>> No.10922679

Like 5 or 6 maybe?
Yeah, definitely 6

>> No.10922807

Try to find a number bigger than that. Pro tip: you can't, complex numbers aren't an ordered field.

>> No.10922844

6 gorillion

>> No.10922908

i usually get stuck around 2

>> No.10922926


>> No.10923417

Absolute infinite

I win

>> No.10923561

damn that is big

>> No.10923641
File: 26 KB, 388x258, leran_spectral_sequence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two, because the Leray spectran sequence [math]E^{p,q}_2 \cong E_\infty^{p,q}[/math] for fibre bundles on paracompact spaces.

>> No.10923646


>> No.10923650

BB(TREE(3)) where BB(n) is the nth Busy Beaver number

>> No.10923661

the smallest number you can think of

>> No.10923675

Pi without the decimal point

>> No.10923681

Stop overthinking it retards. It's obviously Infinity to the infinity'th power

>> No.10923685

Based schizo

>> No.10923700

>>10921789 A Googol.

>> No.10923759

but it is a partially ordered field (using complex modulus) for which there always exists a larger element in the partial order. thus 2+2i is larger.

>> No.10923766

N'th DiCorrective Koolediscope Perspective Goon Squad Land Oozy Breakfast!

Check out the climate thread

>> No.10923853

largest number you can think of plus one

>> No.10923882


>> No.10923949

>Biggest number you can think of
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000847653782910147382957380545203506400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^87857987987896286529898659265895896739 + 150
I don't know how you could count that high

>> No.10923959


>> No.10924066


>> No.10924157

That’s about as large as my penis

In feet of course

>> No.10925309

no, that's not antisymmetric. so no partial order

>> No.10925318

Every single number posted in this thread multiplied by each other to create a new number. Every single post, before and after, is included and this post cannot be included in anyone else's post.

There I win fuck you guys

>> No.10925340


>> No.10925354


>> No.10925370


>> No.10925383

n + 1

>> No.10925393

bout tree fiddy

>> No.10925394


>> No.10925516

(Every single number posted in this thread multiplied by each other to create a new number)^grahams number. This number will not be included in the post I am replying to

I win more. Go fuck yourself

>> No.10925568

Add every number in this thread, plus one

>> No.10925583

I said you can THINK of. no the biggest number in general. Can't you read, fags? I mean a number you can literally imagine in your head as a countable number of things. How many distinct objects of different kinds can you imagine in your mind? 5? 10? Now, how about the same kind of objects, 10 apples? 20 apples? etc. I can probably 'feel' about 7 apples.

>> No.10925595
File: 23 KB, 292x325, +_86928725489ba967e8c7c1281ec77e14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the planck?
Well get ready for the

>> No.10925611

I was going to answer in that style but decided against it because I figured it would just be autist faggotry.

I have pretty solid visualization abilities and a ton of math in me, so, probably, somewhere between [math]10^{20}[/math] times the total upper information limit of the known universe and a googol.

>> No.10925637


>> No.10925640

teach me master

>> No.10925801


>> No.10926056

From the definitoon of TREE(.) I think it's at least as big as TREE(3), there should be at least as many posaibilities for trees with 4 nodes as there are for 3 nodes (intuition says there should be even more).
But it's just a random guess

>> No.10926924

Whatever the biggest number posted in this thread is plus one.

you guys literally can't make a number bigger than mine now. Try it.

>> No.10926927

whatever the biggest number posted in this thread is PLUS 2

>> No.10926939

infinity ^ infinity

>> No.10926944

that's not bigger than my number.

think about it for a second.

if your number is bigger than mine that means it's the biggest number in the thread and therefore my number is your number plus one.

>> No.10927096
File: 27 KB, 361x416, 1548686130665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using a number bigger than 8, you're not doing real math.

>> No.10927465

googolplex^googolplex^googolplex... and so on

>> No.10927470

fuck, beat me to it

>> No.10927477

Your mom weight.

>> No.10927520


get fucked

>> No.10927532

G =Graham's number

( G (Graham's number of knuth up arrows) G )!

>> No.10927541

+20 Your mom's weight + jewelry
+40 Your mom's weight + jewelry + makeup

>> No.10927797

2 infinity and beyond

>> No.10927800

Let CHAIN(f, a, n) be f(f(f(f(f(.....f(a)))...))) -- n recursive calls of f with initial value a

Let G(x) be Graham's function where G(64) is Graham's number.

Let M(n, 0) = 3
Let M(0, m), m>0 = CHAIN(G, 0, M(0,m-1))
Let M(n,m) n,m> 0 CHAIN(M(n-1), 0, M(n, m-1)))

M(10^10000, 10^1000000000)

>> No.10927809

that number + 1

>> No.10927823
File: 229 KB, 859x960, qFtnEPp2pvk37bnISQRXeHd1HOJ4E3c_voZzm3A7NMc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think in numbers

>> No.10927879

Only logical answer

>> No.10929477


>> No.10929499

TREE(this number)

>> No.10929506

Alaph nolll to alaph noll

>> No.10929768


>> No.10929797
File: 14 KB, 636x773, bc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10931383

true infinty
fractal infinty

>> No.10931422
File: 87 KB, 582x600, 1470343635665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10931433

your two posts would create a logical infinite loop actually

>> No.10931444

this is the lowest IQ post in this thread, I'd delete it if I were you

>> No.10931542

>doesn't think combinatorics is real math

>> No.10931572


>> No.10931715

Ok watch this
Let this post be defined as the biggest number in the thread

>> No.10931731


>> No.10931750

1 is the biggest number because it's only number there is. Everything else is either a fraction or a collection of 1s.

Take two apples together and you won't end up with a big apple, so why putting two ones together make a bigger number?

>> No.10931752


>> No.10931753
File: 21 KB, 360x360, 1557091282478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally abbreviation of "Not a Number"
>biggest number

>> No.10931767

1 / (size of OP's penis)

>> No.10931839

a hundred million trillion times the amount of grain of sands in the universe, elevated to the power of one trillion million billion times the amount loser people like youo have wished they had a girl but they didnt, times the amount of stars in the universe, times the amounf of micromiliseconds elapsed since the big band elevated to one hundred trillion million billion trillion times the amount of atoms in the observavle universe, times ten trillion million elevated to the power of all possible chess moves

>> No.10931842


>> No.10931845

based and high iq

>> No.10931882


>> No.10932255

That's gotta be at least like 3

>> No.10932259

How the mighty have fallen

>> No.10932268

Yeah but if we put together 2 of your brains, we would only have about one quarter of a cockroache's brain

>> No.10932275


>> No.10932311


>> No.10932315

the number of lives lost in the holocaust
oy vey

>> No.10932423

But that's like a billion numbers goyim!

>> No.10932577

As in able to visualize in the head with all the 00s following the 1? Or a matrix of function to generate uncountable numbers? The former is limited to a trillion or so. The later is virtually infinite due to sheer scale.

>> No.10932691

the mass of ur mom

>> No.10932771


>> No.10932878

Up to sets containing five objects which I can visualize in a straight line.
x x x x x

I can also think of sets that contain 6 objects by thinking of sets arranged in a two by three array.
x x x
x x x

Also sets containing eight objects.
x x x x
x x x x

....and sets containing 10 objects
x x x x x
x x x x x

I can't visualizing twelve that clearly.

But, I can visualize twenty-seven objects clearly by taking a three by three by three array of objects.

Any number other than those I've mentioned I can't think of, but I can resort to symbols to represent them.

So the largest number I can think off is twenty-seven.

>> No.10933592


The sum of all natural numbers.
That is, - 1/12

>> No.10933637

>I can't make threads on /sci/ so I will settle for replying to shitposts to hijack the thread
New thread topic: What mechanical description of motion should I optimize in order to optimize a strike? Possible answers include:
>kinetic energy
>optimize closeness to natural frequency
>something else?

>> No.10933870

OPs weight.

>> No.10934164

googolplex raised to the googolplex power googolplex times

>> No.10934171

>Infinite is not a number

infinity minus one then

>> No.10934181

It’s not really different from decimal numbers. There’s already sub infinities in the numbers we use all the time.

>> No.10934263


>> No.10934356

Number = 0
While True:
Number += 1

>> No.10934527

the amount of cocks your mom has sucked.

>> No.10934663


>> No.10935392

your mom's weight

>> No.10935394

Define "think".

>> No.10935395

Define "define"

>> No.10935399

biggest number on this thread + 1

>> No.10935402

Define "Define "define""

>> No.10935408

[eqn]\frac{1}{\epsilon }[/eqn]

>> No.10935411

G*d did it. Fuckass

>> No.10935420


>> No.10935436

1 / ur iq

>> No.10935456

6 millions
t. jew

>> No.10935560


>> No.10935626

All of the suggestions in this thread combined + 1

>> No.10935807

All of the numbers, infinitely multiplied by themselves and infinity forever, at a rate of infinity multiplications each attosecond, for all of time.

>> No.10936824


>> No.10936828


>> No.10937578

69 dude