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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 549x400, planetnearstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1090931 No.1090931 [Reply] [Original]

You might remember me from my other threads here! if not, im making a semi-realistic space engine using newton equation gravity and procedural generated stars and planets, you will NEVER find the exact same planet.

Try it out!

(scroll down to first official update and click)

There are a lot of flaws with the current version (some gravity related) but i fixed them and haven't update yet, right now im working on random NEBULAS! shits gonna be tight

Comments, suggestion etc

>> No.1090949
File: 238 KB, 590x457, indevnebula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of a current generated nebula, looks pretty neat, could any one on /sci/ educate me a bit on the nebulas, i looked it up a bit, but what primary color should it be? would it be alright to have the nebulas color be completely random? are there differeent colors in one nebula? or is one nebula generally one color? halp

>> No.1090968

can you post the current version so we can check it out?

>> No.1090981
File: 239 KB, 641x505, rainbownebu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was in the first post, direct link: http://talismanfusion.tumblr.com/currentproject
Also, i name this nebula.... the rainbow nebula...

>> No.1090993

That's yesterdays, do you have the edits from last night implemented?

>> No.1091014

It looks like it could become something jawesome, op. What are the plans for what one can do with planets, nebulas, and all sorts of other spatial entities? Comets and asteroids, and the shenanigans they bring, perhaps? Black holes with realistic renditions of the sorts of things that occur when two or more of them start interfering with each other?
Will there be alien life of any sort? Even bacteria, at least?

>> No.1091017

Oh, i haven't uploaded the latest yet, i will once i perfect nebula's and make them work and look good though.

>> No.1091042

Nebula's will be hard though. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, so generating ones that don't look rainbow clouds will be hard.
My suggestion, although it may be hard, is to generate a shape that has a single rotational symmetry for a start, but a random shape and color

>> No.1091053

Scratch that, I was thinking of planetary nebula's, which are usually somewhat symmetrical, what type of nebulae do you want?
from wikipedia:
Nebulae are classified in four major groups. Galaxies and globular clusters were previously thought to be other types of nebulae. Spiral nebula were used to explain the spiral structures of galaxies.

* H II regions, which encompass diffuse nebulae, bright nebulae, and reflection nebulae.
* Planetary nebulae
* Supernova remnant
* Dark nebula

>> No.1091069
File: 313 KB, 550x398, nebulanebualeuohesfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, right now i think the best way is to use little chunks of nebula, that are set with random opacity, shape, and tint then put many little chunks in a group and set them at coordinates that resembles a cloud.

Like in this pic, i think it looks a bit better what do you guys think?

>> No.1091094
File: 29 KB, 395x231, 1274894403446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't get bored from doing this and stop OP, because it's really getting sharp, keep it up

>> No.1091112
File: 944 KB, 1584x843, nebulafuckderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably wont, its almost as exciting for me as it is for you guys! lol.

It is pretty lame to not get any feedback on my dedicated blog though, i have to post on /sci/ to get any kind of feedback, my blogs deserted...

>> No.1091168
File: 316 KB, 753x513, nebulacloudfirst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i think i fine tuned it well, i packed it in a function so i can create a cloud with one line, it places a number of nebula chunks in a very unique and random shape and looks pretty good,

Here's a pic of the FIRST nebula cloud i generated using this, using 13 nebula chunks.

>> No.1091185
File: 222 KB, 628x522, nebulacloudsecond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one using only 4 nebula chunks, much smaller.

>> No.1091189

much better

>> No.1091201
File: 260 KB, 500x390, 1273139638246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should add sum zoom in/out function, manual or depending on current speed

asteroid belts?
wuts teh lazer for?
no photon torpedos?

mining sounds good

disregard me if i talk rubbish

>> No.1091211

use perlin noise, that should look aewsoem

>> No.1091215

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU power went out for a split second, luckily my pc didn't turn off, i saved it now, now its all good. hope i don't lose anything new i add.

There's already zooming, there's already moons that orbit. i am probably going to add some sort of mining game play with laser.

>> No.1091235

Can you make the generation of planets and start more coherent, I run into planets out of nowhere and sometimes several stars all toghether.

I think you should have stars and planets generated in a much wider range and further apart, ie: solar systems, also have the planets and stars be much more realistically sized and massed compared to eachother

>> No.1091269

FWI when i am using the laser the fps is decreasing, also zooming is laggy. Perhaps my pc sucks.

>> No.1091267

>several stars all together

What? are you sure you arn't just finding star looking planets? PLANETS are usually pretty small and have very small glow/athmosphere and they have surface outlines, stars are extremely glowy and MUCH bigger then planets they generate very far apart. with the current engine its impossible to find a group of stars. You most likely haven't found a star yet.

But i agree, the generation is not very coherent with planet spacing, obviously in space there are not 10 planets in every square 20km box, but i made it this way because a completely realistic 2d space game wouldn't be very fun, with billions of km separating groups of planets.

>> No.1091272

You could increase the speed limit outside the limits of a solar system?

>> No.1091287

perhaps you can make a realistic universe (billions of kms between systems) and make an alternative propulsion type (liek warp or wormholes whatnot) traveling between systems

>> No.1091292

I've been following this for a while, and it's looking good, OP. I like how the gravity is working out (finally achieved stable orbit, currently chillin).

I get a bit of an fps drop whenever I fire mah lazer. I dunno if that's just me, or if there's anything you can do about that.

I'd suggest some asteroids, doing something with the laser, and I think a speedometer type thing might be cool, as well. Keep up the good work. :)

>> No.1091295

I've found that stars have much less gravity than planets,

>> No.1091297

then, magically decrease speed when they get close? or break my engine and let the player smash through a solar system going light speed not having a chance to stop?

what about the cool things the player will miss that exists outside of solar systems? asteroids/comets black holes, rogue planets, stars with no planets, nebulas.

>> No.1091306

You should make it an exploration type thing, with a map showing where you've been, and darkness covering the parts you have yet to explore!

>> No.1091307

bug in the old version, its currently fixed in the version im working on right now.

BRB trying to finish the generation code for nebulas

>> No.1091312

Wow just wow
Well done op, nice little game you did here.

May i suggest an option that the spacecraft automatically go to a synchronous orbit?

Keep the good work up

>> No.1091318
File: 61 KB, 552x401, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make them all count as solar systems
also, stuck in a planet, lolwut?

>> No.1091353

How would the nebula interact gravitationally?

>> No.1091367
File: 261 KB, 565x409, realfirstneb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok finished the distance generation of nebula's, now i just need to make them remove when your too far then i can post another version!

Here's a pic of a HUGE nebula i made.

>> No.1091386

More powerful gravity less bouncing from a planet . I want to be like "FFFFF LIFT OFF IS A BITCH" when i try to leave a fuck-huge planet.

>> No.1091419
File: 87 KB, 561x410, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this and took a screen shot, then a moon flew through one of the planets, hit me, and dragged me into the center of the top right planet.

>> No.1091531

Bump, is OP still here?

>> No.1091570

yeah, ALMOST done with fine tuning and adding the generation part of nebulas, should have a new working build in a few

>> No.1091851

sorry for the wait, i pretty much finished it, but i found a way i could optimize and increase the speed and efficiency and reduce lag by A LOT

so wait alittle longer, then you will get a super optimized version with nebulas!

>> No.1092141

the anticipation is killing me

>> No.1092158

I determined to submit as of late because I think discussion board as a complete is very structural and social. I really like having a look at all the problems and subjects here and making an allowance for that I'm really not much of a poster, I got here to the realization to make my very first thread. Goodbye everyone
I spend a immense deal of time playing [url=http://www.playps3games.com/]new ps3 games[/url]
although I will get here online a bit more now.

>> No.1092199
File: 414 KB, 605x467, finalnebulabuild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GOGOGOGOOG alright, i will BRB for a LONG ass time im going to play a game a while with a friend, enjoy this.

>> No.1092207

WAIT, I just fell into a star first thing

>> No.1092261

what would be really sweet is if you programmed moons to have gravity allowing people to try and find the legrange points

>> No.1092321

moons do have gravity

>> No.1092376

OK im back.

into the center of it? yeah that might happen if you ram into things at high speeds until i add an explosion animation and code damage and such

>> No.1092466

bumpin, post pics of nebulas you find guys!

>> No.1092620
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebular Here.

>> No.1092927

Yeah, I have a habit of unintentionally falling into planets and stars, even at low speeds, can you fix this?

>> No.1092945
File: 164 KB, 551x403, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1093121
File: 133 KB, 552x401, supernebuler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMP sorry guys, surprised no one found it yet but there was some MAJOR bug with the nebula's, sometimes they wouldn't get assigned they're blur filter and it would look like garbage and lag out the whole thing and fuck shit up, i think i fixed it and changed and tweaked nebulas a bit more. now nebula chunks are made so that they naturally form tendrils and connect to form nebula-ish structures which makes them much more unique and i think its a LOT better.

So, please go back to the blog and re click the current project link for the newest build (1.13)

i'll try to fix this for the next build

>> No.1093149
File: 193 KB, 613x419, HUGE nebulalulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, found a HUGE nebula this is the center i think

>> No.1093153
File: 110 KB, 2068x1452, MassiveNebula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like My Nebular.

>> No.1093161

Hours of copying and pasting in paint and it doesnt work :(((

>> No.1093178
File: 211 KB, 558x395, FUCKINGGLICHFAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw damn, the thumbnail looked cool, would have been an awesome pic,
ALSO fuck i tried it again and got the glitch with even the newest version, here's what it looks like, i dont even know what causes it AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YOU GLITCH brb gonna fix it

>> No.1093184

LMfao. Thats fucked up. Fix that.

>> No.1093223

well i figured out the problem, when to many nebula chunks overlap it makes some of the not register and get rendered correctly, so i will lower the nebula chunk number, we will still get HUUUUUGE nebulas, dont worry.

hold on

>> No.1093237

Thank Goodness.

>> No.1093247

what does the lazer do

>> No.1093251

ship gets lost in nebulae sometimes, at least some abstract outline should remain visible I think.

ever thought about multiplayer?

>> No.1093337
File: 1.59 MB, 1591x838, widescreennebulas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok updated! refresh and http://talismanfusion.tumblr.com/
for the latest build, make sure you have v1.24

No, nebula's are meant to obscure vision. And multiplayer. that would be amazing, i wish. im making this in AS2 so real time multiplayer is not possible, and i cant code it. maybe in the future when i switch to AS3 i can make a sequel with multiplayer!

Here's a widescreen nebula pic!

>> No.1093447

bumpin, no one likes the new tendrils of nebula goodness?

>> No.1093483


>> No.1093502
File: 135 KB, 550x399, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was pretty

>> No.1093507
File: 25 KB, 299x276, 1257315194051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP should put a mock Event Horizon near big blue planets.

>> No.1093555

Talisman have you ever heard of/played an online game called Motherload? It's a game where you are on the planet mars and you mine for minerals and such. I was just thinking it would be cool if someday you could implement a system like that but instead of just one planet it could be any planet that is showing up.

Just a thought.

>> No.1093581

>newton equation gravity

bitches don't know?

>> No.1093639

remind me of ubuntu!

Anyways, I won't trust a game posted on 4chan on my windows computer and I don't have me Ubuntu one here right now so you better keep postin' threads about the game the following days so I don't forget about it

>> No.1094133

haha yeah, virus in flash okay.

Ah yes i used to love that game! unfortunately i don't think i could implement something like that...

Alright, im going to bed if anyone has any more comments or questions please put them on my blog


i will probably make a thread tomorrow

>> No.1094172

I wonder if you've seen Infinity?


It's a similar idea to your project, in an MMO. It's still in pre-alpha stage - alpha will probably take a couple more years at least. I think you'll like it.

>> No.1094198

Someone always posts it in my thread, and yes, i've seen it and love it, it looks amazing and its sort of what inspired me to make a space game that was pretty much infinite.

>> No.1094204

ok im really tired, going to bed... later!

>> No.1094209

Ah, I figured you'd have seen it. Never hurts to ask, though.

I'm checking out your program now.

>> No.1094217

ill be holding out for a sim with Einsteinian physics engine.