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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 480x360, captainslog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1090646 No.1090646 [Reply] [Original]

isn't it ironic that science can predict everything except the most curcial fact: science will one day destroy humanity.

the most logical thing to do would be for scientists to stop now, yet they refuse. Ergo, science isn't logical.

no it is the practice of charlattans who make up 'theories' (aka fairy tales) because they are insane and wish to mock the name of God

>> No.1090664

Holy fuck it's chris chan!

>> No.1090668

No, Dumbshits will destroy humanity.

>> No.1090675

how do you know science exists when its just a bunch of theories? ( an gauss?)

>> No.1090696

it's similar to witch craft in that they're both lies from the devil to sway good christians from their path


>> No.1090703

i'll be dead by then. DGAF

>> No.1090718

>the most logical thing to do would be for scientists to stop now, yet they refuse. Ergo, science isn't logical.

Alright class, logic 101, what is the flaw in this troll's argument?

Bonus points for refuting it, too.

>> No.1090741

Politics is the main way science is used eg nukes controlled by leaders not academics. Politics is also not pushing forward to stop the obvious destroyer of humanity ie climate change, and thus politics is the main cause of many 'end of the world' situations (cuban missile crisis, climate change etc) ergo we must stop politics and become anarchists. But if we stop politics we'll have no way of stopping climate change and we won't be able to protect the nukes so terrorist might get them and shit would go down.
Science has to solve the problems it creates, so just cutting and running would be the easy option.

>> No.1090778

For starters the troll's first premise is flawed; it cannot be said for certain that science will one day destroy humanity. Such a statement assumes knowledge of how humanity is destroyed.

>> No.1090799
File: 25 KB, 300x300, mag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1090802
File: 163 KB, 357x600, icp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1090817
File: 27 KB, 400x400, sci troll 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Precisely my dear fellow /sci/entists.

>> No.1090840

this one picture should be on a single post thread that is always on top off all the others on this board.

>> No.1090864

and yet you forget your sage and you bump a retarded thread, you retard.

>> No.1090867


This will be fun, I'll give it a try;

First of, logic doesn't work that way. Or you doesn't express it like that anyway. What OP really seem to be out after is "the only rational thing to do is blabla".

And even if we say that, there's a missing premises. For OP to be true, one premise would have to be that we want to persevere the human race. Something like this;

We want to live
If we want to live, then we stop science
Thus; we stop science.

But the thing is, we've knowledge that can undermine this; there's nothing that supports that if we want to live, we have to stop science.

Another way to attack it would be to express it like this, if we don't want to be nice;

The most logical thing to do, is to stop scientists.
scientist doesn't stop
Thus, science isn't logical

But the last statement doesn't follow the premises. It doesn't mean that science isn't logical. It just say that it wouldn't be the "most logical", whatever that mean. And even if it was a valid form, it would STILL be undermined.

>> No.1090974

lol wut