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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10901081 No.10901081 [Reply] [Original]

What's the science behind adrenochrome and it's extraction from the brain of victims of torture and human sacrifice?

>did people do it?
>does it function as a hallucinogenic?
>does torturing the victim increase its production?
>can you consume it by sucking it out of the pineal gland or other body parts?
>is it still done today?

>> No.10901276

Someone just read fear and loathing in Las Vegas didn't they

>> No.10901418

it absolutely is real, hunter thompson had a case of cryptomnesia in regards to adrenochrome. by putting the substance in such a ridiculous context he managed to make any attempts to investigate its production seem silly.

>> No.10901431

Could you maybe elaborate a bit and add sources?

>> No.10901432

Shoo shoo schizo

>> No.10901442

>merely asking about the veracity of an obscure and virtually unexplored idea means you're mentally ill

>> No.10901456

>not acknowledging human sacrifice and ritual abuse
Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.10901468
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>institute for the study of Globalization and Covert politics

>> No.10901476

>judging a book by it's cover
How quintessentially /sci/entific! Read the article and come back with actual arguments.

>> No.10901977


>> No.10902515

>Read the article and come back with actual arguments.
read: Please waste your time on this horseshit only to come back with multiple obvious counterarguments to said horseshit so that I can spit in your face as I reject them all with further horseshit or ignore your post entirely because the truth scares me. I am a little baby and also gay. Lock me up before I hurt someone during one of my frequent schizoid outbursts.

>> No.10903288

>because the truth scares me
Dear Lord, the irony and lack of awareness thereof is truly astonishing. Imagine being so much of an imbecile that you don't even try to consider any viewpoint that isn't disseminated by .gov/.edu-tier sources.
If I gave you the same exact article in print and wrote Seymour Hersh or some other renowned name at the top, you would eat it up in one go and praise the outstanding level of detail and inquiry once you were done.

>> No.10903292

imagine being this stupid

>> No.10903441

The article is formatted in a very incoherent way. It's unclear what it's even talking about, idk senpai imma save myself the time of rummaging through this garbage pile.

>> No.10903832

I respect you already for at least having a reason not to look into it. I don't fully agree with your criticism, but that might also be due to the fact that I'm familiar with the content and know how convoluted the case itself is. Personally, I would not know how to structure the content in a more coherent way.

Anyway, you seem like an openminded person (as opposed to this moron >>10902515), so I will try to nudge you towards checking it out.

I can assure you that the information in this article will be (one of) the most shocking and impactful pieces of information you will encounter in your entire life.
Reading it literally turned my worlview upside down and made me reconsider a lot of things I thought to know about society.
Reading it was also one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and ususally I would warn you before advocating it, but seeing as you are on 4chan, you are probably used to a certain degree of horror.

Without trying to be pathetic or theatrical, I beg you on my knees to check it out. It will open up many new ways for you to perceive the world and there's a big chance of it having a major impact on your life.

>> No.10904068

OK I got further into this article and I kindof regret it. It's exactly what you expect from the domain name, a story about some conspiracy to cover for pedophiles. Is it true? Idk probably, but it's a really boring read, kinda poorly written, and not sci related. I don't understand how this is supposed to change my worldview? Unless you're naïve enough to think the rich and powerful are benevolent this isn't going to do much for you.

3/10 would not read again

>> No.10904134

Ok, thank you for at least trying. I guess we differ too much in our perspectives and interests to see the same thing.

I was curious enough to read through it all, despite not believing beforehand that rich people are benevolent. I just didn't expect that unimaginable evil isn't just common among the extremely powerful, but seemingly the most dominant force and possibly becoming a required trait the higher up the hierarchy you go.

In my eyes it is very much /sci/ related, as it seems that traits like sadism, psychopathy and pedophilia dominate the ruling core of society and indeed are used as a tool to increase group cohesion (i.e. via mutual blackmail).
It's not just a couple of perverts using their influence to do fucked up shit. It's many very well organized groups that operate in many countries, seem to have enough grip on the media and the government to be completely untouchable.

>> No.10904435

I'm not the guy that you were initially responding to, dumdum. Imagine being so much of an “imbecile” (what are you, an English lord, you fucking ponce) that you think everyone on a Chilean llama-herding forum is the same guy. I don't care about the source of your horseshit or even what it consists of. The only point that I'm making is that there's no point in arguing with schizos or reading their materials. No matter what I, or anyone else, says to you, your mind is already made up. Your beliefs are absolute, and you will bend over sideways, backwards, and in dimensions unheard-of in order to protect them.

Your beliefs aren't dictated by the truth but by your ego. If a fact doesn't make you feel superior to others, it can't possibly be real and must just be another establishment lie.

>> No.10904439
