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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10900279 No.10900279 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci.
I was wondering what kind of people lurk here.
What is your job ? How many of you are professionnal scientists, or curious amateurs ? Physicists, mathematicians, engenieers ?

>> No.10900284

Not science or math

>> No.10900298

I studied math in undergrad. I currently work in IT. I continue to study math on my own for fun.

>> No.10900314

I graduated as a Physics student. I am a 32 y/o NEET wizard.

>> No.10900324

Finishing up my PhD in Chemical Engineering soon and failing to find employment.

>> No.10900326

geoespacial engineering bachelor
currently on an internship

>> No.10900335

Mechanical engineer with mechatronics concentration. I work at KUKA.

>> No.10900337

MSc Biology
Working for government

>> No.10900359

>industrial engineer
>work with risk management at a BB bank

Just curious about mathematics and psychology (at least the scientific part of it).

>> No.10900368

Currently doing my undergrad in math

>> No.10900372

Mathematician here. I'm a risk manager for a bank while I continue my studies on the side.

>> No.10900375

I'm just an autistic NEET

>> No.10900377
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Medical Student in Tunisia.

>> No.10900383

Same here.
I was also thinking about doing this, but is it really possible? Are you hoping to achieve a level where you can actually publish a paper or are you just learning basic math?

>> No.10900387

Do you even nassim taleb bro? Risk management my anus

>> No.10900393

>Are you hoping to achieve a level where you can actually publish a paper or are you just learning basic math?

I am aim for being able to publish significant papers, otherwise I wouldn't call myself mathematician. I am already published by the way. However, this is just ego. I really just want to do whatever I want. I am already very active in my local mathematics community, but I have other goals that require I have a very prestigious job, preferably in finance. So that's what I'm doing.

>> No.10900394

Taleb is based and redpilled. Every day I wake up and recite "I'm a filthy rent-seeker".

>> No.10900417

>I have other goals that require I have a very prestigious job, preferably in finance
you are short and want to compensate for reproduction purposes?

>> No.10900424

I am kinda short but still taller than most women and I'm already married so it is not really that. I just seek status and influence because I'm a middle class goy and this kind of stuff is in our DNA. When you go to the annual family meeting and your aunt asks "What is a math degree good for anon?" it stings.

>> No.10900427
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>> No.10900439

Yeah. But I already make more than many of my own university professors, and have better benefits. It's kinda sad. I wish to eventually reform the entire university system so that the situation is not this dire. So that the next generation doesn't have to make my same compromises.

>> No.10900440
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>> No.10900446

Stop ruining this thread you retard.

>> No.10900489

>let's meme pixels on a screen make furiously mad for no reason
I think you're the retard bud. Get tested for autism.

>> No.10900498

Working on my MS in mathematics.

>> No.10900512

if you get a money machine go and try to kill publishers with a free platform, i will lick your shoes if you succeed.

>> No.10900527

I’m everything almost

>> No.10900554


What percentage of /sci/ is finance professionals nostalgic for the halcyon days of academic math?

>> No.10900556

OP here.
For myself, i'm a maths student, mostly learning differential geometry right now, will do a phd next year and become mathematician if everything goes well.

>> No.10900558

I work at my uni physics department doing odd jobs but mainly I go around to local schools and do physics demonstrations. I'm basically a glorified magician but we try to make it as educational as possible.

>> No.10900941

Pretty close to finishing a phd in theoretical physics (focusing on 2D quantum field theories). I don't regularly post here though

>> No.10900958

MechE currently working as a Mech. Design Engineer

>> No.10900976

CS major just trying to do what interests me and careermax

>> No.10900978

Math PhD working at StarBucks.

>> No.10900994

I'd like to fuck publishers too but my main concern are universities. I want to cut all the garbage and then raise professor compensation to the point that it is competitive. Here's the reason academia loses their best minds to finance: even at the lowest position, someone working in academia is earning half of what they'd earn in industry. And in specific areas like quant research, you could even earn 5 times as much as academia. It's a joke. But universities have too many useless money sinks to match industry. Purge administration and the problem is solved.

>> No.10901027 [DELETED] 

How? Most grad program don't accept students without offering support

>> No.10901045
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Flight Instructor

>> No.10901150

My boy Zhang who proved gaps between primes were bounded (in a certain sense) worked at fucking Subway.

>> No.10901282

Industrial Design major but interested in science/engineering/math.

>> No.10901296

Underachiever here. Abstract thinking calms me.

>> No.10901297

Quick question. Why the fuck does anyone care about that work? From an outsider perspective why would anyone care about the prime gap. Just seems like something to think about while you're taking a jog or making a sandwich, who cares otherwise? Another offense, unlike a lot of other math accomplishments, it's just not very cool.

>> No.10901338

Well, the primes are probably the most chaotic example of a set of numbers that is relevant and useful. If you are a smart person, you could probably prove weird properties or fancy patterns in any set, but if you prove them for the primes you are immediately ready for publication because no one gives a shit. Everyone cares about anything about the primes. It's like endless egyptmania.

>> No.10901344

Bu why? Why does anyone care about primes?

>> No.10901345

>relevant and useful

>> No.10901347


>> No.10901352

Most obvious is cryptography.

>> No.10901356

CS major

124 iq

I took discrete math (very hard and highly abstract!!!!!111!), non-proof based calc, intro retard stats and watered down linear algebra without any proofs required, but I like to think of myself as a mathematician, engineer and scientist

My work? I make shitty webapps that steal user personal information and slow down your pc.

I would have failed out of an orgo 2 course or any sophomore level physics course but luckily I only have to take freshman AP highschool class tier courses for gen ed requirements. I am far superior to people that pursue degrees in the sciences and mathematics because I steal money from the local economy by benefiting from inflated wages and contributing to rent hikes in cities suffering through "tech booms". I am very immoral and hate life itself, but I make 90k/year to produce useless web apps and to steal user information for chinese and russian haxorz to then in turn steal and use against my country. CS majors are smart, we're very creative that's why we watch online tutorials to learn to code and steal code from each other on github. Very smart and I sit at a desk 12 hours a day, metabolically indistinguishable from an obese 50 year old man but I am very smart and wealthy.

>> No.10901362

I forgot to mention that I'm an ally for women and the LGBTP community, I will not tolerate sexism, racism, misogyny or anti-pedophilia on this subreddit. You had better watch what you say and think we black ball people at my startup who have opinions.

>> No.10901369

nobody read past the iq part of your first post. why bother with the second?

>> No.10901383

I am important, my job is important, you are irrelevant, probably upset that I have acquired a hellish lifestyle as an overpaid wageslave please do not respond to my posts I am busy with my 60 hour a week software engineering job thank you.

>> No.10902756

There was a second?

>> No.10902769

he was referencing my brave statement of solidarity with the pedophile and differently abled persons communities bigot. unfortunately he was not blessed with the self starter’s spirit and higher consciousness that pushed me through my CS degree at Stanford and thus cannot reason properly about what is and is not worth investing his precious time into. Unlikely to as you incels say “make it”.

>> No.10904127

Is there a single STEM job that is actually enjoyable and marketable?

>> No.10904141

>philosophy major
>i wait tables
true story

>> No.10904143

Industrial engineer here. I only chose my course because I like math and I want to make a lot of money.
In retrospect I have no regrets, but I would have chosen Mathematics as my undergrad.

>> No.10904148

No. If a degree is enjoyable, lots of people flock towards it, and as a result it loses it's market value.

>> No.10904177

The easiest one, which allows you to use the spare fume hood off-hours

>> No.10904182

I start my second year in civil engineering education next week

>> No.10904187

consultant here
I don't use math or physics except when I need to come up with innovative solutions to a problem.

>> No.10904202

Statistics dept. at a university
Currently looking at genetics

>> No.10904233

172? I work in aviation as well

>> No.10904245

doing my CE master atm

>> No.10904257

I'm Donald Trump, President of the United States of America. Maybe you've heard of me. I invented the art of the deal. I am the least racist person in the world. Ring any bells?

>> No.10904325
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Yep, C172S NavIII. It’s slow but forgiving, and has better office views than most jobs

>> No.10904473
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I am an interested amateur in maths. So far I can understand basic algebra and trigonometry. I can also compute derivatives with one variable and I can use integration techniques to find areas under curves. Soon I will go to university to further my knowledge

>> No.10904479
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Poog ya z I'm not alone

>> No.10904501

lol, I literally did stop reading after that, good call

>> No.10904505

Mostly talented computer programmers and engineers, the kinds of people who don't know freshman physics or chemistry.

>> No.10904739

Ok, so more of a vicarious nostalgia for you.

Likewise no regrets selling out.

>> No.10904808

I'm at House Salesman for DR Horton. I sale model homes.

I have a degree in Organic Chemistry

>> No.10904815

do you ever get into any real estate sex4deal situations?

>> No.10904824

I'm a predental student, this whole application process is pure torture. I'm still waiting to hear from my dream school. If I don't get into any programs, I will pursue a masters in the BIO medical field. But if I do manage to get into one, my passion is to become a maxilofacial surgeon.

>> No.10904837

informatic engineering + psychology working on being a game developer for research.

>> No.10905233

Props up in all kinds of mathematics. Primes are really useful.

>> No.10905236

>informatic engineering and psychofaggotry

>> No.10905245

27 yo neet musician with an undergraduate in math.

>> No.10905248

absolutely based

>> No.10905264

I am just a brainlet psychologist with a hard on for physics

>> No.10905291
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hehehehe this is a pretty specific combination to find two of on a malaysian bug hunting forum
Which school you at? I'm in Tunis