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10899710 No.10899710 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me how the sexual marketplace works using economics and math? I'm really curious about the science behind it.

>> No.10899717

Most men are pedophiles, for some definition of pedophile. Christianity was founded on father/son love to test the hypothesis that time travelers have been covering up human nature. How many preachers do you think prayed for a sign before they took permission to molest little boys?

>> No.10899718

Pretty sure this is some sort of rescaling of how people rated the other sex in a survey or through online dating sites.

>> No.10899771

high landwhale

>> No.10899774

>peak female value at 23
>not 17
>peak male value at 36
>not 50

rigged survey

>> No.10901012

White women: it is George Clooney grade hunk, or bust!
White men: heading to Thailand.

>> No.10901023

Hmm, it almost looks as though the female curve would continue before 15...

>> No.10901210

>wanting to fuck 17yo thots
They are mental children. 23 is perfect.

>> No.10901279
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>23 is perfect
No, but 24 is.

>> No.10901285

23 is perfect for women they are, whoring and brain damage from chronic substance abuse aside, at their peak of beauty from ~19-24

>> No.10901292

>They are mental children
>wanting to fuck intellectuals

>> No.10901295

23 yo are mental children, 43 yo is better, then they have several children of their own (often different fathers) and they are then ready to settle, mr niceguy, and are confirmed not children anymore.

>> No.10901304

Men want to fuck young meat to feel validated. Women want to be fucked by rich meat to feel validated while fucking young meat on the side.

>> No.10901310

Conclusion: Everyone wants to fuck everyone

>> No.10901312

Incorrect, men dont want to fuck old women

>> No.10901314

How old are we talking here? Becuase I've seen some might fine MILFs.

>> No.10901327

Rare exceptions, doesnt count

>> No.10901438

>having cuck fantasies

>> No.10901480

youre having sex, not discussing ancient greek theatre

>> No.10901481
File: 222 KB, 2100x1088, agegap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10901484

women are more compromising or men age better?

>> No.10901487

men age better

>> No.10901516


Females on average earns less/ provides less compared to men. Thus their value is weak in said space.

Females do not produce anymore eggs, thus every year they grow in age their eggs become more compromised.

Females physical traits on average suffer from age and stress deterioration more than Males.

>> No.10901560
File: 153 KB, 1346x1056, 1427989294790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the peak male SMV is equivalent to the peak female SMV
What moron made this chart?

>> No.10901593

The gist is that they ain't buying what you're selling

>> No.10901602

Whenever you have to ask a dichotomy, it's both.

>> No.10901803

That's a fabricated graph, made by a wishful thinker

>> No.10901964
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The issue is that women get infertile with 45 and get more complications after 31.
So women from 18 to 27 are good to plan breeding.
Men have status going into their better half of the career in their mid 30's, so you can still easily get pregnant from a 45yo, even if semen also don't get better with age.

>> No.10901973
File: 166 KB, 634x948, upton_15yox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember it's not a survey but from an old redpiller man advice guy who plotted his estimation of what peak performance in shape people would be perceived as (think fit actress and actor, say Jessica Biel and Brad Pitt, not that I particularly like those two)

>> No.10902016

Oh neat, so I still got few years before my gender's statistical modeling tells me I've peaked.

>> No.10902034

This. It assumes men and women.have equal sexual value at their peak. Hint: the entire male curve is below the female curve.

>> No.10902045

Can anyone say how muscle size is part of that peak equation? What would the graph look like it you, say, can't grow muscles and have to take the factor to 0?

>> No.10902048

It’s Chinese funded incel gaslighting. They’re spreading defeatist memetic to wear down your spirit.

>> No.10902072

If you can't build muscle, women will notice when they outmuscle you and will lose interest, so you're not going to peak before 70 (after that, you might, since cancer incidence increases sharply, thereby allowing potential muscle growth)

>> No.10902089

t. mentally ill kike trying to justify the crimes of his tribe

>> No.10902092

I would say 22

>> No.10902095


>> No.10902098

Can you leave this board and never come back?

>> No.10902099

neither 23 nor 24 are perfect, 28 is though.

>> No.10902100

>not 26

wasted dubs

>> No.10902104
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>> No.10902135

I think it gets easier to get girls your age as you get older, but getting youthful, looksprime 18-25 women gets harder. That's the misleading thing about the graph

>> No.10902260

What is the evolutionary advantage of not being able to build muscle. Certainly some women are attracted to men who can't build muscle otherwise they would have been sexually selected against.

>> No.10902262

Requires less food but it's pretty useless now that being overfed is so easy

>Certainly some women are attracted to men who can't build muscle
Lesbians yeah

>> No.10902413

>rare enough to have own branch of porn

>> No.10902422


what did u expect?

>> No.10903563



>> No.10903814

lmao nerds just be yourself it's not hard to get women lol. stop trying to make everything into a math equation maybe that's why you're still a virgin

>> No.10903839
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>> No.10903888

Funny how instead of actually discussing the thread topic everyone is bitching about how they can’t get laid. What I want to know is how SMV is determined in these studies.

>> No.10903902

>t. christian that thinks jews are any less evil than british foreign policy

Go fuck yourself. Better you than your child.

>> No.10903967

By and large women are slightly more neurotic then men. That means that they will have a larger emotional reaction on percieved negative traits. That make women slightly more selective. On the other hand, being less neurotic makes you more willing to mate. So men are less selective and willing to move down the socioeconomic ladder for a partner

>> No.10903988

>They are mental children
>they grow up ever
the peak age is 14 because then you can groom them into becoming good women.

>> No.10904025

male SMV is determined by height > face >status

>> No.10904071

It's not a study