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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10898270 No.10898270 [Reply] [Original]

My mother had her IQ measured by a psychologist at 132.

She believes in flat earth. She does many stupid things routinely. Like, she once let the TV turned on in religious channel even when she wasn't at home so the house would be continually blessed by the preacher on it. And she can't understand *anything* you try to explain her, no matter how didactically you do it.

Would you feel the right to be sure the psychologist, for some reason, adulterated the result?

>> No.10898279

She has autism

>> No.10898293
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Electronic devices tend to mess up with the thought patter of individuals, no matter what the IQ is.
The only solution is to go analog, read more books and exercise math problems:

>> No.10898294


>> No.10898308

This is an example of what I meant. No matter how much IQ the individual has, his thought pattern causes him to make irrational decision, thanks to the electronic device he is using.

>> No.10898315

religion poisons everything

>> No.10898318

Can she build muscle?

>> No.10898353

Almost like it isn't a good idea to oversimplify intelligence with a two-digit or three-digit number.

>> No.10898357

What does she do?

>> No.10898361

>adulterated the result
no, IQ tests were tools to be used for outliers and population level.

IQ is an extremely damaging concept for most to focus on.

Do not focus on it, whats yours or other peoples are it will in no way help you acheive anything.

It has been shown countless times that focus on IQ lowers self esteem and leads to a self fulfilling prophecy.

Do yourself a favor and do what you have a passion for and has use to others. Work hard at it, if your making progress thats what matters.

IQ is a measure of one component of "intelligence" (defined as interacting with the world for purposes of personal goal achievement), intelligence involves your ethic and personality which drastically affects what you will achieve in this world.

>> No.10898391

>Intelligence measured by right or wrong answers

>> No.10898724
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10898861


>> No.10898885

welcome reddit friend. I hope you enjoy your time here.
you mom sounds pretty smart to me. post her feet please.

>> No.10899268

IQ is not so much about what you think, but more about how you think.

>> No.10899290

okay sure do math problems, but not those that you suggested.
If you want to do those you can best redo highschool

>> No.10899317

IQ is a measure of pattern recognition. 120-130s are the sweet spot for seeing patterns in things that they can follow but not being able to recognize that they are disinformation.

>> No.10899319

>My mother had her IQ measured by a psychologist at 132.
132 years old is pretty advanced age to get your IQ measured. You must be pretty old yourself OP at least 80.

>> No.10899323
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It appears my assertions regarding the invalidity of the so-called intelligence-quotient in predicting and stratifying level of function across the normal range have been validated yet again.

>> No.10899325

stop posting that libanese meme. This fucking weirdo has been going around spreading his arab dick everywhere.

>> No.10899327

Imbecile, Lebanon is not an arab country, very few speak arabic in Lebanon.

>> No.10899332
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Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.10899342


>> No.10899395

IQ measures the ability to do logic puzzles. It doesn't measure intelligence and it certainly doesn't measure wisdom.

>> No.10899410

>My mother had her IQ measured

Wrong. You score an IQ. You don’t have an IQ, and it’s not measured.

>> No.10899430


What do you mean? Also can't you raise your IQ a little just by studying beforehand?


>> No.10899457

When will you people understand IQ is a meme ? I got measured twice at 160 when i was a teen because my teachers wanted me to and I can't solve the most basic math problem. I literally can't fathom high school level math. I work minimum wage at a hotel (night desk waiting).
IQ is bullshit

>> No.10899460

I guess I'm pretty good at pattern recognition and "logical thinking" or whatever but it hasn't translated to anything positive in my life.
I mean apart from school being really easy I guess.

>> No.10899480
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 1549854826432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics of mom for science purposes?

>> No.10899482

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.10899520

IQ is just how fast you can pick up patterns, things that are learned through memorization or "accepting" information as facts can lead to you believing anything. Things like religious and political beliefs also tends to be rigid once you reach adulthood regardless of information. Only difference between a doctor and the schizo they treat is one spent thousands to learn accepted flashcards and one studied /x greentext.

>> No.10899584

>the sweet spot for seeing patterns in things that they can follow but not being able to recognize that they are disinformation
Sound more like schizophrenia, and the act of confusing it with IQ does also.

>> No.10899634

You should love you mother regardless of her character.

>> No.10899698

>i'm not a jew because i speak norwegian
hurrr durrr

>> No.10900240

Iq is correlated with being naive I fell for the September 23th happening with IQ tested 140 on wais

>> No.10900241

yeah ok now explain all the smart things she does.

even a genius will act stupid sometimes

>> No.10901696

She doesn't do anything smart. Really.

>> No.10901707

It isn’t, however autism is associated with social naivety.

>> No.10901719

>TV turned on in religious channel even when she wasn't at home so the house would be continually blessed by the preacher on it.
wtf anon your mother is clearly big brained at problem solving. iq is problem solving and pattern association. its like having a good computer but downloading viruses off limewire.
your mom is smartdumb OP.

>> No.10901722

Based and fedora'd

>> No.10901724

the real marker of ability is how long you can sit at your desk and read boring shit for without drifting away. focus and staying power make genius. intelligence gets you there faster but so many genius level people completely waste their potential because they have errratic personalities and lack the focus and staying power to commit to progress.

>> No.10901734

Task management, refocusing/task transition, delayed gratification are all components of most cognitively demanding professions and careers. You are assuming a special quality for a fairly standard trait of high intelligence, but the defining aspect of genius is creativity and ease of thought. Grinding is something anyone can do, intelligent people are more capable of it but any person can train themselves to slave away on an assignment or textbook.

>> No.10901736
File: 138 KB, 377x396, 1541583099675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing to at first

>> No.10901749


She's a woman.

Female cognition, value judgements and decision making is an entirely different system to that of males.

It is based on emotion, feeling and well wishing. Decisions are made not based on projection of consequences, or the objective weighing of factors.

They are made based on the emotional state at the time, and the direction in which they want that emotional experience to go.

So in your Mom's case. That's like packing a V8 engine into a Soccer Mom Van. Sure the hardware is capable of a lot, but it's not going to be used for that.

Look on the bright side. You probably inherited her genes, meaning you get the benefit of that intelligence with the added bonus of being male, and so using it for things like Logic, reason, philosophy, discernment, planning, assessments, etc.

Or maybe just the test was wrong. Alternatively if she is that smart it's entirely possible that her persona and attitude are a false front. Perhaps when she was young she went through things that made her want to hide her intelligence. Fit in, blend in. It's entirely possible her intelligence has been deliberately hidden, perhaps even to the point where she has come to believe and identify with the false persona.

Or maybe the test was wrong. Occam's razor says so.

>> No.10901775

true enough but i am a case of high cognition low investment so i kind of see not being a ADD prone anxietiy ridden mess as a type of superpower.