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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10894349 No.10894349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Don't understand highschool level math
What is a good career path for me?

>> No.10894352

Depends. What are you good at going?

>> No.10894363

I don't have hard skills but I have some sales experience. Do you think I could get a good sales job?

>> No.10894364

My understanding is that there is no good sales job, your performance makes it a good sales job

>> No.10894365

Well there are some jobs where you sell high-end things such as software or medical devices but usually those will require a degree and so on because they're so sought after

>> No.10894367


>> No.10894376


>> No.10894377

You need highschool level math to be a good musician though.

>> No.10894445


>> No.10894460

Become a teacher in a non-math/science department.

>> No.10894467


>> No.10894472

You don't understand the theory or you suck at the exercises? Big difference

>> No.10894476

Stupid people do poorly in law. Being good at law requires a blend of above average intelligence and absolute lack of morals, empathy, and trust.

>> No.10894489

Not OP here but can anyone one of you tell me how to i get to the higher echelons of society?
I know many frens of mine n their daddy/relatives has many connection n political power with crooked politicians , and life for them is good tht last several generations.
As to how, am i supposed to attain such power? My goal in life is to work less n live off other ppls hard work like those scummy lawyers/politicians n also rip ppl off.

>> No.10894507

Luck is almost everything in life https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.07068

>> No.10894563

So what you are telling everyone is that your literally retarded. The fact you know what 4chan is and the fact that you had the capability to make a thread means that you are in fact not below 80 in IQ. Either you were taught poorly, Missed a few tricks in solving shit, or you have ADHD and can't focus. Here's the thing. HS math isnt supposed to be hard. What makes it hard is lack of practice. Anything in life that seems hard is because lack of practice. OP can you solve this
[eqn]2x-1=0[/eqn] (solve for x)
If you can solve this then figure why this works. If you can't then ask someone. If you literally can't solve this then practice. Get help from classmates. Get off the computer and practice.

>> No.10894589

posting this on >>>/adv/

>> No.10894647

I can't see any images on /adv/ is it just me?

>> No.10894651

anal giver

>> No.10894656

Is the answer .5? I remember something about adding 1 to the other side to negative the -1 and then divide the other side by 2 to negative the multiply

>> No.10894693

Yes but never say 0.5. say 1/2. Use exact answers unless asked for approximate ones. Now that we know you can solve a simple equation (assuming you're op) try solving harder stuff. Practice your equation manipulation and factoring. From there the rest is easy. Try to avoid memorizing everything and figure out why stuff works. I hope this helps.

>> No.10894695

Yes I'm OP but what's the point, it will take me a long time to get anywhere in math to the point where I'm not just learning basics with no real-world application.

What should I learn instead that will have a more immediate payoff?

>> No.10894700

Learn to persuade people to stop buying into bullshit ideas about what has real-world applications and what doesn't. Most math is applicable in some way, and it takes only a little bit of research to figure out why for any given mathematics.

>> No.10894706

Well yes but I mean to do something really innovative and revolutionary, doesn't that require me to be some sort of genius and have started much earlier? Will I ever come up with a theorem or something?

It feels like in math and science it's hard to come up with anything new anymore, and just re-learning some basics isn't that valuable since someone else already made use of it before if you get what i mean

>> No.10894714

If we knew where revolutionary ideas come from then they'd cease to be revolutionary.

>> No.10894728

you have a chance to see how the world really works under all the bullshit. take it.

>> No.10894743

OP do math for the fun of it fuck revolutionary shit. Maybe if you discover something in math that's interesting one day it might find an application. Don't do anything because you want to have fame do it because it gives you pure joy and elation regardless of who's paying you. I would probably continue working at a 40-50k salary job with my math PhD because I get brain liquid running down the inside of my face and neck when doing math. Work a 8hr day at shit job and come home to continue on my research. Its not fancy but it's still comfy.

>> No.10894744

jus giv up

>> No.10895980

This was one of feynman critiques of the whole education system: you subctract from both sides, if there's a number you divide both sides and so forth without understanding the why. It's just a sequence of steps that brings you from A to B.
I was like you to be honest. In italy high school scores start from 0 up to 10 and my average in math was: 4. I truly believed I had some kind of mental retardation, so much that it started affecting me on a deeper lever. Somewhat I started to see the why of things and everything clicked. Now I'm getting bored to electrical engineering and I'm going to move to physics: for me a couple of years ago this was unthinkable.

I'm no genius, I'm slower than most of the people around me but the pursuit of why instead of "step 1, step 2, ..." has put me above many of my peers (my average is almost 27/30 while theirs is 20 tops).

>> No.10896168

Computer Sciences

>> No.10896194

You don't understand it because of your mentors most definitely. If you have enough determination and a good teacher you could easily exceed at math, find it spectacular and base your career on it. Now we step into another level, suppose you know maths but it's not for you, then possibilities are endless as well. Musician, politician, freelancer of any kind etc.

>> No.10896196

Highschool math is garbage anyways basically. If you want to build a proper intuition for math and get good at it, the only way is solving .
Get Lang's Basic Math and work through that, Additionally go Gelflands books aswell, You'll be good to go.

>> No.10896214

This. The fact that deficit spending is a thing clearly indicates that politicians don't even basic arithmetic.

>> No.10896298

How have you pursued the 'why' anon? And how can I?

>> No.10896338

garbage collector
organ donor
you figure it out dipshit

>> No.10896345

continuing to do a thing that benefits their career even though it may have negative long term impacts doesn't imply one lacks the ability to do arithmetic on said impacts

>> No.10896346

Is there a good book for basic intro to proofs. I can do math up to integrals but I don't actually understand WHY it works.

>> No.10896355

Cannon fodder

>> No.10896402

Highschool math teacher

>> No.10896473

I don't know how I started nor I can tell you "you have to do this, this and that" because otherwise we would fall back to following steps. I think it follows quite naturally from the Feynman tecnique: by imposing yourself the goal of being able to explain something to somebody who understands nothing of the topic you're dealing with, you have to consider the eventuality that such imaginary student asks you "why". Also, I think that at first it's best if you don't concern much about learning how to prove, rather read the proofs already provided to you and understand them. If you don't understand a particular reasoning then search on google for another proof as different authors can expose the same idea in different ways.

I'd say: start with linear algebra. It was my click and also my favorite. No calculus involved, just objects and how are they linked to each other.

>> No.10896510

Yes. How to Prove It by Velleman. Also look up YouTube videos for calculus stuff. PatrickJMT is probably the best for it or hell even Khan. As for intuition and full understanding go to 3Blue1Browns Calculus and linear algebra playlist there fantastic. Best advice I can give you is Watch YT videos and Read Textbooks. Practice lots of Integrals because a. There the funnest type of math expressions to do along with differential equations because you end up doing Integrals in DEs and b. It will help hone your equation manipulation and your mathematical flexibility. Practice lots and lots of proofs too. If you're wanting to do pure math then get really good at proofs so that when you approach Abstract Algebra and Analysis you won't be as flustered. If you do these things like 2-3hrs a day you'll be able to start seeing why everything works and your intuition and understanding will be strengthened greatly. You will humbly see how far you've come from what you knew.

>> No.10896776

in what universe?

>> No.10897778

music theory

>> No.10897794
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>create a modelization entirely luck-dependent
>luck is the only gactor exolainibg success in this model
>that must mean luck is everything
These guys never heard of social networks.

>> No.10897801

middleschool teacher

>> No.10897802

>gactor exolainibg
factor explaining*

>> No.10897818

I suck at exercies. I'm dumb. Hard exercies are good for detecting brainlecy and inability to solve real problems.

>> No.10897820

Suck at grammar too.

>> No.10897827

Every single human on the planet can learn high school math, unless you are retarded: as in need government support.
If you have Torigoe you are missing some fundamental or have math anxiety AND most likely no one ever taught you have to study for math, which is different than other subjects.
I say again if you are a normal human you can learn h.s. Math.
That said, if you are a bad student generally, as seems likely, the answer is constrsution. If you start at a young age you will be making good money if you put in effort by age 30.

>> No.10897896

try re-educating yourself. try restarting and start to learn from the basic fundamentals.
khanacademy is a good place to study, start at pre-algebra and work your way up. I believe in you OP :)

>> No.10897902

I understand you had a bad education, you just haven't reached your full potential.

>> No.10897908

>2-3 hours a day

I have to work and only have 1 hour for math a day at most.

>> No.10897971
