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File: 61 KB, 390x522, whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10894007 No.10894007 [Reply] [Original]

Childhood: Idealism
Adulthood: Materialism
Sagehood: Processism

>> No.10894009

>The right method of philosophy would be this: To say nothing except what can be said, i.e. the propositions of natural science, i.e. something that has nothing to do with philosophy: and then always, when someone else wished to say something metaphysical, to demonstrate to him that he had given no meaning to certain signs in his propositions. This method would be unsatisfying to the other—he would not have the feeling that we were teaching him philosophy—but it would be the only strictly correct method.

>> No.10894020

logical postivism has been BTFO'd get out of the early 20th century

>> No.10894033

>muh philosophers tried to debunk wittgenstein because he was telling us that philosophy is bullshit
no, i disagree. you know in philosophy, it's perennially a "yeah, well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man". nothing BTFO's anything in philosophy, that's why your field is a shitshow. wittgenstein is regarded as the best philosopher, so i trust him, not your second-rate mathematician who LARPed as a philosopher to sell books

>> No.10894037
File: 94 KB, 850x400, quote-the-aim-of-science-is-to-seek-the-simplest-explanations-of-complex-facts-we-are-apt-to-fall-into-alfred-north-whitehead-277870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Whitehead poster

>> No.10894045

Childhood: Materialism
Adulthood: Relativism
Sagehood: Objective Idealism

>> No.10894046

blessed Popper poster
unblessed unread anon

>> No.10894048

you know that whitehead worked for Bertrand Russell right? like as his secretary (literally)?

here is what Russell said Wittgenstein was "perhaps the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived; passionate, profound, intense, and dominating"

>> No.10894054

Yea and Whitehead rejected his earlier work and the work he did with Russell and took his own unique path in process philosophy curing himself of the eternal anglo.

>> No.10894057

Also Russell is a third rate thinker so who gives a shit what he says. And Witty rejected most of the Tractatus as well.

>> No.10894064

uh, what? "the eternal anglo"? is this some /pol/ shit you picked up since they're a crypto-/pol/ board?

anyhow the fact remains that i trust wittgenstein, and anything metaphysical you think whitehead has to say is due to him playing with signs in his propositions he failed to give meaning to. it's true -- philosophers deal with these words that they think are real, but in fact they are vacuous social constructs or the vocabulary of meaningless circle-jerks.

the standard comeback is "later wittgenstein said in Philosophical Investigations that..." but their interpretation is similarly biased in favor of not admitting philosophy is bullshit. wittgenstein described the meaning of philosophy as similar to the meaning of playing games or "spiels" i.e. meaningless activities. that is a deep insight, and yes i think philosophy has value in being an educational game one might play, but unfortunately it is only an exercising in throwing around concepts corresponding to signs that have no meaning

>> No.10894065

oops i fucked up one sentence. i meant
>is this some /lit/ shit you picked up since they're a crypto-/pol/ board?
instead of
> is this some /pol/ shit ....

>> No.10894077

Popper was a low IQ pseud.

>> No.10894164

Philosophy is not an extension of logic but a creative endeavor. Philosophy is a toolbox which one uses to create concepts. The task of the philosopher is a diagnosis of becomings in every passing present. The philosopher is an inventor of new immanent modes of existence.

>> No.10894171
File: 76 KB, 1920x420, types of dualism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a psychophysic parallelist

>> No.10894172

That's nice dear, now that you've admitted philosophy is just illogical masturbation this thread can die.

>> No.10894173

Childhood: Idealism (not philosophical)
Teenagerhood: Materialism (philosophical)
Adulthood: Memetic philosophy
Sagehood: Idealism (philosophical)

>> No.10894181

Childhood: Idealism (not philosophical)
Puberty: Materialism (philosophical)
Adulthood: Cynicism (not philosophical)
Sagehood: Apathy (philosophical)

>> No.10894183

>the philosopher is an inventor of new immanent modes of existence.
no, the philosopher is an inventor of new word salads that either promulgate more nonsense or create brand new nonsense to fit the modern bullshit culture

philosophers are useless. just fuck off with your whitehead crap.

>> No.10894184

Childhood: OP is a fag
Puberty: OP is a fag
Adulthood: OP is a fag
Sagehood: OP is a fag
Godhood: OP is a fag

>> No.10894193

t. bugman
Ive lost all hope for 110 iq stemfags

>> No.10894195

what does "bugman" even mean?

resorting to internet memes to refute Wittgenstein is pretty lame, desu

>> No.10894201

it's a /pol9k/ meme used to refer to people who are intelligent but "have no soul" ie do not believe in god/kek/astaru or whatever meme shit pol worships now

>> No.10894213

okay, i don’t believe in any variant of buddha/jesus/vishnu/quetzalcoatl. so what? i don’t think that has anything to do with whitehead’s metaphysics

>> No.10894277

Philosophers don't "invent word salads" if this is how you feel after reading works of say, Kant, it's literally and unironically because you're not that smart and can't understand what he's saying.

>> No.10894294

okay anon. go ahead and get your philosophy major and see how much it super impacts the people who actually do shit.

>> No.10894326

Objective idealism doesn't exist, and I'm sure you're just conflating the concept with your opinions

>> No.10894877

Psychophysical parallelism is based if only for the name.

>> No.10894956

God you're retarded

>> No.10895511
