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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 1280x480, cyclocarbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891932 No.10891932 [Reply] [Original]

Time to throw that graphene in the trash cause there's a new allotrope of carbon on the block: CYCLOCARBONS! It's rings of carbon and just carbon! We might be able to make computers with it, just like was promised with graphene!

>> No.10891936

fucking hell, forgot to post the journal article:
Remember to bin that graphene!

>> No.10891946

Why would you make computers out of cyclocarbons

>> No.10891951

smaller transistors that work on single electrons at a time.

>> No.10891960

Do you have any extra reading on that? Now you've piqued my interest. If you don't, I'll do some research and return with any findings.

>> No.10891972

Nah the new hotness is reversible computing

>> No.10891973

in the venus thread, anons were just discussing on how to overcome the challenges that the planet will give them and sustain a whole colony.
they were just discussing on how to use graphene in a efficient way.
cyclocarbons literally would give humanity a plausible chance to colonize the most hostile planet in the solar system.

>> No.10892013

Sweet. I can stop presurenating lithos cells in 14ish months.
Capacitors are really fucking stupid for bypassing drain rates.
And treating mother Gaia's manic state. I don't think is effaçable...
Hell, we all know she's at odds lately.
One nice thing is see how many care for her.
lot of us do, it's near jaw dropping.
And many feel that some ways, or others blame lays in parts all of us. .
So pop'em if ya got'em.

>> No.10892022

Isn't this just a meme version of a nanotube?

>> No.10892065

Oh you don't say? I rigged up my inductor transducifier and managed to get a whole Joule. Ran that bad boy through a teslatic field and you wouldn't believe what happened next! I was able to precisely convert Delta T to 1.21 GigaWatts

>> No.10892067

Won't that shit make super asbestosis if you breath it?

>> No.10892685

BIN THAT GRAPHENE! Graphene is over. Not sure what the hell you're talking about with venus though.
If you have any bit flips at all reversible computing gets rekt. Bullshit on it being the new hotness though and besides we're talking carbon allotropes here not computing trends.

>> No.10892706

>Highly reactive
>Only stable 5K

Fucking hell.

>> No.10892862

>BIN THAT GRAPHENE! Graphene is over. Not sure what the hell you're talking about with venus though.
you see, in another thread a group of anon was talking about how to live on venus with no problems or at least overcoming the challenges of that planet.
they were talking about how to use the co2 around the planet to their advantage to build up floating houses and even cities.
with cyclocarbons, things would be easier and actually may allow us to build resistant enough rigid aircrafts to visit the planet venus without dying and even go all the way and build a floating city there or at the very least a floating swarm.
at 50km to 55km venus have earth like conditions and the atmosphere is 96.5% co2 so we can use cyclocarbons to our advantage and have a endless supply.

>> No.10892958

we don't know if it's unstable or highly. 5k was required to make and image it.
cyclocarbons are just rings anon. You can't build structures with them. Literally the only application is better understanding long chains of carbon because we might be able to build electronics with them. This is just like graphene, literally all the hype around graphene was due to its electronic properties. It's structural properties are worthless, because if you have more than 10 sheets or something, it becomes graphite which is brittle and worthless.

>> No.10892976

/pol/ here. I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about - I just want to know: will this save Evropa and the white race?

>> No.10892981

Just have sex incel

>> No.10892984

Will that save Evropa?

>> No.10892990

but to save europe you better make sexbots real and as human as possible without terminator bullshit.
then perfect the artificial womb.
and then harvest from healthy girls their eggs so that you can create your own farm and save your people.
and yes cyclocarbons may allow you to create a lot of things shouls you master it.

>> No.10892994

Yes having more sex will save the white race

>> No.10893183

Thanks anon. From what I'm reading, I'd expect more development in qubits before we see computation on carbon allotropes. Great find, though!

>> No.10893537

Actually anon I hate to break it to you but cyclocarbons could be the building material of the future if you can interlock them like chainmail.

It could become atomic scale chainmail. Or just chains which would form threads. Which could be woven and spun into ropes.

A man can dream.

>> No.10893567
File: 133 KB, 962x640, Dragon_Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyclocarbons will be the thing that will make rigid aircrafts like zeppelins a chance to become a fully functional house in the sky.
don't you see? this discovery will allow humanity to master the art of flying cities and houses.
armored but still rubbery.
we use cyclocarbons and fuse them with iron and other materials to sew a damn zeppelin that is able to safely withstand the pressure and stress.

>> No.10893575

Or just making ultra-secure meme limos for presidents and heads of state. Now that's a real money maker.

>> No.10893593

How big can you make it?

>> No.10893633

You may be right. It seems to me as though it should be easier to get these things to make chains than it is to get nanotubes to grow longer. I'm probably wrong. I doubt they are anywhere near the level of understanding required to splice these rings together.

As you say some other element would be needed. I have been trying to think of a way to get something to crystalise through a chainmail made of cyclocarbons. This adds rigidity and strength.

So much to do and so little money. Recruiting scientists to join my socialist empire in space. Money can no longer be allowed to stifle scientific progress.

>> No.10893681

this is unironically a good idea.
no, without sarcasm or anything like that, this is a good idea, a perfect idea.

>> No.10893696
File: 48 KB, 432x960, SzZJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recruiting scientists to join my socialist empire in space.
socialism wouldn't be enough, you'll need something far more than just a failed concept to pull it off.
you'll need a more darwinian and eugenic approach, you need to be all about the better of humanity and do whatever it takes to make it go forward without fear.
to take that next step in evolution and go the distance required for progress, leaving behind the competition among ourselves and compete against this dimension.
we need to be better than ourselves and evolve through eugenics so that we can discover and go through constant synthesis.
socialism isn't enough, thats just merely step 1.
>Money can no longer be allowed to stifle scientific progress.
this, if I was a billionaire I would have gone elon musk and fund for people like you.

>> No.10893708

>How big can you make it?
what? oh the cyclocarbons?
I suspect we will have to find out

>> No.10893710

I say that calcium, iron or obsidian would be good minerals to begin with.

>> No.10893720


>> No.10893743

>woah dude macrocycles exist
youre an idiot

>> No.10893944

Yes, imagine an atom-thin 1000mm ring

>> No.10893980

would that even be visible?

>> No.10893991


Not to you, but it should be a perfect fit for your imaginary girlfriend.

The two of you can finally take the next step.

It is too late for a summer wedding?!!!

>> No.10894024

12 what?

>> No.10894025

12 molecules. We've only made 12 molecules of it. At least that we've been able to image.

>> No.10894257

and thats perfect, when we figure out how to mass produce it then we will have a whole new world open to us.