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10889097 No.10889097 [Reply] [Original]

>I'll never get into Caltech

>> No.10889121

you'd be a full reddit sjw in 2 months

stay east coast friend

>> No.10889123

hmm east coast... I suppose I could get into harvard... but not MIT

>> No.10889128

I'm sure nobody here on this board can.

>> No.10889133

is there any reasoning as to why its practically impossible to get into MIT? I've heard of lots of people from my area getting into every ivy league but not MIT

>> No.10889140

It's just too competitive

iIve heard people joke the only way to get into MIT is to create a parallel universe where you get in

>> No.10889143


>> No.10889227

>he fell for the prestigious undergrad (and even grad honestly) meme

dropped out of high school, got my GED, dicked around at CC, went to a shitty state school, and I still got into a top 10 for Chemistry for grad school since I had a 4.0 and almost 4 years of research experience since undergrad was so fucking easy

>> No.10889233

don't value yourself on your alma matter, value yourself on your own accomplishments

>> No.10889244

I went to Columbia University and your provable skills, projects, and hobbies matter more than the prestige ! I was a prestige whore and ladder climber

>> No.10889375

>girl from my high school got in
>she was a top amateur skieer and on the female rowing team
>straight A student
>finished calculus by the 11th grade
>AP Chem, AP Physics electromagnetism, other AP sciences
>but also AP humanities classes
>engineering major
>moderately attractive, especially if ur into wheyfus

>> No.10889379

i will get into caltech at the ripe old age of 91

>> No.10889383


>> No.10889385

stop being dumb, go somewhere that isn't a shithole
i'm a full "sjw" now that i'm in college in california. and it's fucking great. conservatism is a mental illness.

>> No.10889386

>finished AP calculus by 11th grade
Maybe it's because I went to a high school that was 70% asian, but that's really not that impressive.

>> No.10889389

those are literally standard credentials for any moderately successful high school student. lmao.

>> No.10889411

ap calc, multivariable, and vector calc
>standard credentials
that's like a 5.0 gpa. And don't tell me you were some amateur boxer/champion wrestler in high school, you fat fuck.

>> No.10889445


>> No.10889644

You'll find that CalTech was inside you all along.

>> No.10889922

I wish I didn't grow up in a shithole. None of that stuff was even offered to me.

>> No.10889943


I was the one of first students at a newly built high school that had no programs offered, and the only AP class was history. My buddy a school district over got to take programming classes and came out with an A+ cert

>> No.10890141

There were two guys in my class that always acted smug and never took notes in class. One of them went to Harvard as a exchange student and the other went to caltech, they also got huge grants for their trips so they’ll actually make money.

>> No.10890144

they'll mellow out or kill themselves by the time they go to grad school

>> No.10890176

I dunno, they’re set up for success. All everyone says they deserve it too because they study so much and have done so many internships,

If anyone is gonna fail at life, it’s probably me. All I could manage was Australia. Oh well at least I know them. Maybe they’ll hire me if they ever make a company though they seem content to become post docs or some hotshot scientists.

Chads do study hard.

>> No.10890209
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>I fell for the "State U is just as good as ivy and cheaper" meme

>> No.10890211

caltech: girls are ugly but rare enough that they’re unattainable anyway
stanford: preppy girls and lots are asians who never socialize
USC: beautiful model actress girls all over the place, but preppy and spoiled
Berkeley: girls are blue haired man haters, run
UCSB: bikini babes all over the place and chill af, halloween parties are insane

>> No.10890215

I've known many golden boys like that. Their arrogance fizzles out the moment they step outside of the pond almost every time, since people don't take too kindly to working with pricks.

>> No.10890216

>he fell for the "Ivy undergrad without a full ride" meme

based and kikepilled

>> No.10890233

>University of Casual Sex and Booze

Great campus.

>> No.10890287

An ivy undergrad objectively opens up far better opportunities than other schools. You have otherwise history majors becoming tech CEOs and women studies funneled into investment banks.

>> No.10890305

Thanks for posting a bad thread your gay faggot life is very interesting thank you desu!

>> No.10890409

>>>10889922thisI was the one of first students at a newly built high school that had no programs offered, and the only AP class was history. My buddy a school district over got to take programming classes and came out with an A+ cert>> Anonymous08/15/19(Thu)13:31:11 No.10890141 Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)12:31:11 No.10890141▶>>10890144 There were two guys in my class that always acted smug and never took notes in class. One of them went to Harvard as a exchange student and the other went to caltech, they also got huge grants for their trips so they’ll actually make money.
>fell for

>> No.10890413

using frogpost thread to check >>10888888

>> No.10890479

Hey there anon. I went to Caltech for my undergrad. The academics are nice and rigorous, and the research opportunities can be unparalleled if you know where to look. But the social scene there is horrible, especially if you're an undergrad who's a tends towards the nerdy, quiet, introverted, and/or conservative side (which was exactly the case for me).

The undergrads, by and large, lack critical thinking in any field outside of the sciences. Many of the dumber undergrads are your garden-variety, unquestioning SJW sheeple. They blindly accept anything the media tells them and are unable to distinguish fact and opinion outside of STEM. They have no concept of the difference between physics and metaphysics whatsoever.

Pretty sure that now you have to state you're bi-gay-trans or whatever the hell on your college application in order to get in. Many wander the campus close to half-naked, or with their hair dyed some obscene color.

>> No.10890484

(continued from previous) The grad scene there is much more sophisticated, but probably harder to get in. Undergrad admissions, while nominally selective, is a complete crapshoot and while they do accept Olympiad winners and national science fair finalists and such, the rest of the population is fairly "meh." The same problems are there that plague most elite college campuses, but to a much greater extent: people are horny, proud, egotistical, while pretending to be virtuous and while pretending that moral virtue and having intellectual power is somehow synonymous. It's rare to find a genuinely kind, decent person to share genuine experiences or struggles with. A lot of the undergrads use each other to cheat on exams, a sort of academic equivalent of the old "pump-and-dump."

I don't regret going there though because of the strong name-brand and good exit opportunities. But, not gonna lie, it probably scarred that part of my brain that deals with human relationships and interactions.

To conclude, screw Caltech, screw Los Angeles, and fuck sunny California. So glad I'm finally out of there. Feel free to ask me more questions.

>> No.10890494

It's funny because I was actually looking at this school this morning. No one cares about undergrad, but even for graduate school the school itself is not too important, it's more about which schools fit you. What good is it going to Harvard or MIT if there isn't faculty that works in your field? I don't give a fuck about zebra fish and I'm not going to derail my career just so I can jerk off about how the atoms within deer DNA are important blah blah blah.

>> No.10890734
File: 36 KB, 300x360, 1434533069604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never feel my pain
>want to go to MIT to study mathematics (topology to be exact)
>get rejected
>go to Harvard
>no education whatsoever
>oh well i guess i'm going to med school
>get into Boston medical school
>will never ever study shapes and cool shit
>just a stupid fucking doctor

>> No.10890815

Applying to CalTech as well. Good luck, friend! See you in Beckman Auditorium

>> No.10891017

Why can't u study maths at MIT?

>> No.10891997

Your whining has nothing to do with science stay mad.

>> No.10892000
File: 718 KB, 1092x505, Caltech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caltech grad here. Send me something (papers, github?), maybe I can refer you.

>> No.10892006

People keep posting this image, don't. I'm pretty sure the original creator is long gone.

>> No.10892012

and as if that's proof enough he's Caltech alum

>> No.10892025
File: 88 KB, 767x785, crazy competition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these people complaining about not being able to get into top schools. Do you have any idea how crazy competitive it is? There are Indian and Syrian kids studying 20 hours a day, been programming since they were 5, winning all kids of competitions and they're applying. What makes you think you have any chance? Stop being lazy and do something.

>> No.10892040


no shit that universities are big left wing bodies and it shouldnt be a big problem. otherwise, where will u go?

just go

>> No.10892042

"Elite" universities are overrated and not worth the incredible amount of effort required to get in. Sapping your creative spirit to become better at hamster wheel challenges like earning As and passing standardized tests has exactly the results you would expect. You don't magically become capable of feats of genius.

>> No.10892047
File: 322 KB, 1843x922, Jane Street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you need it to set foot into legendary, almost mythical places like Google or Jane Street.

>> No.10892052

Big tech is full of faggots too. Who actually wants to work for one of those companies?

>> No.10892053

>Stop being lazy and do something.
yeah, just start all over and start programming since 5 years old right

>> No.10892055

You won't have access to their world-class technology stack if you don't work there. That's the point.

>> No.10892058

I'm not missing anything.

>> No.10892059

We can have kids and make sure they can get into caltech then by making them program since age 5

>> No.10892071
File: 129 KB, 698x798, js.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a top school degree to work there. Just be smart.

>> No.10892076

>fucking no name leaf university
>pajeet advisor
>meme video game project
>chink still gets into Jane street

>> No.10892078

That's actually a very good thesis project. Perfect for Wall Street.

>> No.10892082

Just be legitemately smart and pass the interview (you won't)

>> No.10892083

I know kids at MIT who wouldn't be able to write that paper. Name means nothing.

>> No.10892084

lmao please tell me you were joking about the project being a video game

>> No.10892090
File: 56 KB, 917x914, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit he wrote a fking book

>> No.10892091

That’s an average phd size isn’t it

>> No.10892093

It's obviously Game THEORY. Like equilibrium Nash theory etc.

His thesis was probably brilliant.

Willing to bet a lot of that is data tables, otherwise strong mirin. My thesis was 78 pages.

>> No.10892115

>no name leaf uni
U Guelph isnt a top stem school in Canada and yet is still a better ranked school than 90% of the unis in the US and it doesnt bankrupt its students.
>Lmaoing at burger education system eternally.

>> No.10892118

>he hasn't seen 600 page theses before
verbalets never change

>> No.10892119

this isn't really extraordinary

>> No.10892120

Statistically that isnt true. Many schools dont even offer all those AP classes, some do and they are AP only in name. Additionally moderately successful student isnt also a semi pro level athlete. Congrats on being retarded.

>> No.10892123

you went to a shit highschool if this impressed you
Many of the best students at my highschool (top 10 in the state for public schools) were accomplished athletes with offers to play for D1 programs (white sports like tennis, track and field events, golf, swimming, baseball, lacrosse; one guy did get into Cornell for football but his grades were amazing as well)

>> No.10892125

>rated 500 to 600 in the world
A guy from such a low uni got into Jane street

>> No.10892129

My uni is ranked like that, but it is the best university in our country. We have exchanges with all the top US schools including MIT etc. and the material really isn't that different. The main benefit is the network and obviously the brand name, but people will hire you in good companies if your research is good.

>> No.10892132
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, 1528724734773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is me. I was a state runner-up at swimming and finished high school with 11 perfect AP exams and an accomplished record as a competitive debater. 2390 SAT. Tutored enough kids to get into all of the subject-specific honor societies our school offered. Aced multivariable calculus and linear algebra in my senior year too. This was all at a public school too (but a good public school). Got into Penn and Cornell but not MIT or Stanford.

Many of my classmates in the higher-level classes were also solid varsity athletes. You probably grew up lower-middle-class to believe her academic résumé was outstanding.

>> No.10892134

That’s true. This proves that your project is the most important thing

>> No.10892144

wow this post came back from the dead, made it like 2 days ago tf

>> No.10892145

You can clean the toilet in my dorm if u want.

>> No.10892148

I had admissible high school GPA (Though my school didn't offer any prestigious classes) and SAT scores for any Ivy league school, but didn't even bother applying to any of them. I don't regret the decision yet because I'm currently only paying 1/12th of the price of tuition at the average Ivy League to attend my state University

>> No.10892175
File: 105 KB, 529x742, HMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpopularopinion: your thesis doesn't need to be long if it's really good.

>> No.10892177

Because MIT and Stanford are taking kids like how tech companies recruit. They look for brilliant minds, not people who have high SAT scores and did a bit of volunteering.

>> No.10892178

That's a communication not a thesis though, it literally says communication.

>> No.10892185

I wasn't suggesting that length had anything to do with quality just poking fun at anon's relative ignorance of the length that some of these can take on. I agree that brevity is usually preferable and don't think its necessary to exceed 200-300 pages to communicate most things to others.

>> No.10892228


>> No.10892251

B-but you need to go to a top teir school if you don't want to be stuck flipping burgers! You need to go to an expensive private schcool so you can get "connections"! The geniuses on this board told me so, so it must be true.

>> No.10893003

That's another thing about this brainwashed zoomer generation. They legit thing prestige is everything. I am at a very competitive company right now similar to Jane Street (same industry). But because I didn't go to Harvard/Princeton/MIT there are people wondering how I got that job... Typically the youngsters age <22

>> No.10893007

Are you trolling? Places like DE Shaw and Jane street are an entire tier above Google and/or Facebook
I studied computer science at Dartmouth but did not get very good grades, and it was easy for me to get interviews at the top tech companies (and get offers, I’m currently a SWE at Facebook a year out of college)
However, because my GPA was sub 3.5, Jane Street, DE Shaw and 2sigma and equivalent places wont even look at me, which is a shame cause it seems like the work they do is more interesting (and obviously pays way more)

>> No.10893010

Kek this guy thinks working at capital one is comparable to working at Jane street

>> No.10893013

I won't say where but it's a NY market maker with no human traders.

>> No.10893144

Not that anon, but I've seriously never heard of Jane Street or DE Shaw. Maybe because I'm not in touch with financial topics. I'm studying computer science at UCL in London currently(Undergrad).Could you tell me about what firms like Jane Street do and what jobs and opportunities I can get there? Do they have a workplace in London? Sounds very tough to get in though from my uni haha.

>> No.10893228

So because you couldn't get into some brand name school you gave up your dream of studying topology? Really nigga?

>> No.10893286

Why do you need to go to university to study something ?

>> No.10893291

Why is Jane street better than Google ?

>> No.10893294

Anywhere actually worth working at is run by men in their 40's or older. You want to see true horror wait until the zoomers control it all.

>> No.10893326

>not studying math on your own

>> No.10893554

Broadly speaking they are (very successful) quantitative investment firms. Jobs you can get would be standard software engineer jobs, or quantitative research/engineering jobs. Im sure some of them have workplaces in London. UCL is probably good enough to get an interview if you have stellar grades at like 2Sigma, idk about JS and or DE shaw though. They dont recruit at Dartmouth, which is an Ivy League school

>> No.10893564

It is not strictly better, but it is a lot harder to get into. Places like google and Facebook are obviously top tier tech companies, but it is never too late to get in. Even if you dont go to a good uni, you can always interview with them later in your career. Not really the same for the quantitative investment firms, you basically either go straight in or you never will

>> No.10893653

say you are black on the application talk about overcoming the ghetto IN your essay. Ez

>> No.10893723

Fuck r/Applyingtocollege
Now on the other hand, r/A2c_Ciclejerk...

>> No.10893729

Post SAT scores

1590 :(
Maybe retaking

>> No.10893775

>maybe retaking
underaged banned
>b-but i-i'm 18
no one is an 18-year old senior unless they're legitimately retarded

>> No.10893919

Most students start senior year at 17 and turn 18 midway through the year.

>> No.10893935

I got a 500 on the MCAT. Retake?

>> No.10893940

only if you don’t want to go to an island school

>> No.10894309

Protip: These quant positions you jerk off over are at best a plan B for burned out academics and child prodigies. You look at this guy and think he did well because he's a quant educated from the university of nowhere, if he were a child prodigy IMO winner level talent who went to Harvard/MIT/etc you'd think he's a disappointment for working in finance

>> No.10894321

Jane takes people from banks, I've seen people there with stints at Citi and shit, what are you talking about?

>> No.10894328

Actual geniuses are rarely admitted solely to being smart, a lot comes down to wealth and nepotism. My class had a lot of perfect standardized test scores from well off families who all excelled in preppy shit like debate, music, forensics, etc. Only one who was accepted into a hyps school wasn't perfectly scored or took the most rigorous classes but won a contest that was basically a poster presentation for a uni profs research and her family already had ivy connections.

>> No.10894330

Syrian kids are too busy not trying to get killed by either ISIS or their government

>> No.10894343

They don't exactly get a lot of spots, you're assuming it's a meritocratic process lol

You might have like 1 or 2 Syrians in a class at Harvard and like 5 Indians. They can admit Indian-Americans or Syrian-Americans instead from CA/NY/VA/MA/etc (elite coastal states with good public magnets or prep schools) to get ethnic faces in the group without bringing in actual third worlders who have difficulties adjusting and whose credentials could be fraudulent

>> No.10894421

Is it really normal for schools to have all of these classes? My highschool only had 0 honors courses and 3 AP classes with Calculus being the only worthwhile one (other 2 were meme subjects taught by bitchy teachers)

>> No.10894426

the majority of the above posters are bay area chinks and gooks whose families are upper middle class/lower high class, and went to top public and private schools in cali

>> No.10894470

I am one of those posters. I'm from Northern Virginia, and though my family is actually poor by regional standards it's technically the richest county in America by household income. My public high school had almost every AP class. All of the maths ones but was missing some like European History, Latin, and some other humanities APs.

>> No.10894635

Yes that is fucking terrible.

>> No.10894653

That's like 50th percentile dude, you need to do way better than that to get into med school. You probably will struggle to even get into an osteopathic medical school with a score like that.

>> No.10894657

Good ur a brainlet

>> No.10894708

He means quant researcher positions. The actual trading jobs can be people from banks.

>> No.10894725
File: 216 KB, 317x321, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much anger and jealous ITT, what's wrong folks?

>> No.10894903

They won't look at you because you don't have a PhD, they don't want to hire undergrad/Masters. A PhD with relevant research will get you an interview.

That's how the chink posted earlier got in.

>> No.10894927

>you'll never grow muscle
It's just suffering.

>> No.10895165

>LARPing this hard to push his /pol/ mania
Go outside. Get a job. Don't masturbate every 15 minutes. Grow as a person.

>> No.10895319
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