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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 113x290, Triangle1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1088429 No.1088429 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a puzzle for you, /sci/ find the value of x, using only elementary geometry. No cheating by looking it up, and if you already know, don't give the answer away right away.

It took me many, many hours and pieces of paper to work out how to do it. Enjoy being frustrated.

>> No.1088454


>> No.1088479

Fuck. Started out easy... now I'm stuck. Hint?

>> No.1088498


Don't be afraid to draw extra lines.

>> No.1088563
File: 9 KB, 224x577, adfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x = 10

>> No.1088596

lol at 200 degrees triangle

>> No.1088609


Lol, not quite.

>> No.1088619

lol at can't count

>> No.1088649

lol at lol

>> No.1088650

aw man i miss 8th grade =[

>> No.1088673


Actually try it. I'm in university studying Mathematics, and I had difficulty doing it. Don't just dismiss it because it's geometry.

>> No.1088675

> using only elementary geometry
trig faggots do u no it

>> No.1088684


That isn't the puzzle, though.

>> No.1088702


I don't have time to do it right now, but it just looks as something that takes a lot of time due to having lots of factors that need to be calculated.

It doesn't look like a "hard" problem.

>> No.1088768

I solved it! Wow I'm prooud if myself :)

>> No.1088792
File: 18 KB, 113x290, skitched-20100602-155602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got here... and then i figured I could set up an equation seeing as the last angle missing is of course related to x and so I got

20+150+x+(180-x-50) = 180

but this just simplified down to cancel out the x's of course.
im stuck. and im also in 11th grade. so, someone want to improve on this?

>> No.1088797

I got it to 30. If thats false there are several solutions.

>> No.1088808

because 130+50+20 is not 200 ?? since when has this happened to math

>> No.1088838

CDB is 140 and CEA is 150, not the one by it.

>> No.1088848


I got 20. Post your method.

>> No.1088850


shit you're right

>> No.1088855


>> No.1088897

bumping because I'm stuck and demand answers

>> No.1088906

i did it! though i got stuck at the end and had to just guess/check :|

>> No.1088912

i also got 20.
guess/check method

>> No.1088966


OP here. I just found a flaw in my previous proof, so I have to start again.

I don't think guess/check counts...

>> No.1089007


Using simultaneous equations I get multiple answers?!?!?!?!

>> No.1089028
File: 118 KB, 571x1465, triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1089029

there is a range of answers to the question

>> No.1089067



>> No.1089073
File: 30 KB, 365x357, Shirtrollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1089099

I've seen this before, It can only be done by drawing new lines and extending the current ones out side of the figure.

>> No.1089107


>>1089099 here, so I'm wrong? Is 30 incorrect? Looks good to me.

>> No.1089115

u dont have to draw a fucking thing

>> No.1089112
File: 84 KB, 571x1465, 1275510271554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1089122

Try setting it to 40 and resolving all the angles, does it still work?

>> No.1089147

What he said

>> No.1089152

You're just a dumbass. Maybe you should review the properties of parallel lines that you should have learned in middle school.

>> No.1089155


How did you get CDE and EDB?

>> No.1089163

FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU 10 and 20 both work by guesscheck, so there is no definitive answer, not enough info in question.


>> No.1089172

If this really interested me, I would try.

>> No.1089190


I remember the properties of parallel lines. None of them can give you any of the circled numbers. Troll harder.

>> No.1089196

you guys are my convex love

>> No.1089191
File: 20 KB, 295x506, hardcirclefinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x = 20 niggers

>> No.1089205
File: 7 KB, 336x664, 1275506184426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it seems there is an infinite number of solutions.

>> No.1089199

wait...was this a troll? there is no answer to get to, so is it just like posting an unsolvable sudoku to try and piss people off? hey that might work...
lol, ill make one where its possible to get right close to the end, and then it stops working, hahahahah!

>> No.1089213

actually from the properties you can get the: 80's, 70's, 100's, 60's and 110's
Just not the 40's and the 30

>> No.1089220

that was me too

>> No.1089241

yeh but that picture doesnt help, still an infinite set of answers, drawing the extra circle and triangle is pointless.

>> No.1089245


I'm not sure if you can use a circle... I dunno.

And yes, it is solvable. It was featured in some newspaper. I believe there are a number of methods.

>> No.1089255


It was never indicated that those lines were parallel to the base, much less each other, but I can see what you mean.

>> No.1089259

well how is it solvable if 10 works, and 20 works? if there was only 1 answer, they couldnt both work.

QED, bitches.

>> No.1089320

Does anyone have evidence that there are not an infinte number of answers to this?

>> No.1089344

If you look at a to scale version, there is no way to construct multiple versions of the figure. There is enough information that you will create the same one every time.

>> No.1089357



That was where I got it from, and he makes out like there is only one solution. Doesn't actually post it, however.

>> No.1089372

The only reason people think there are an infinite number of solutions is because they are trying to brute force the question using only the angle measures. The problem with this method is that those angle measures aren't sufficient to give the shape in the diagram, they are only necessary conditions. So when you go through the calculation, you are getting angle measures that satisfy equations, but those equations are not sufficient to generate the diagram in the picture.

>> No.1089447


>only elementary geometry

Not contradictory at all :/

>> No.1089480

You do realize that angle measures are not trig. You can prove using elementary geometry that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180. Nothing in what I said uses any information outside of elementary euclidean geometry.

>> No.1089487

So what is sufficient to produce the image then? I've drawn it out to scale now and it does look like there must be only one answer, but I have no idea what to do to obtain it. There must be some neat little trick that will produce the answer.

>> No.1089529

This is right. The entire thing is equilateral, so you can draw a parallel line through it, making a similar triangle of 20-80-80. From there it's child play.

>> No.1089535

There's no neat trick. You actually need to go through and construct some triangles in the diagram and use triangle congruences to get the answer, which is x=20 by the way.

>> No.1089553
File: 17 KB, 359x668, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 20. I used trig to solve it, so it's not "elementary geometry" but there is only one answer.

To scale pic related.

>> No.1089572


How did you "use trig to solve it" without a single length given?

I think you mean you "used google to solve it"

>> No.1089589

I made the base of the triangle 1 and just went from there. I didn't fill any of that in since it would just be a mess of decimals.

>> No.1089587

Well it seems the trick would be to construct lines parallel to the bottom of the largest triangle.

>> No.1089595

It's an isosceles triangle.

>> No.1089611

I'm pretty sure the person who employed that method had to make an assumption somewhere to finish. Because you need more info than just making parallel lines to finish it.

>> No.1089613


thanks I'll try that

>> No.1089638


Not really a solution to the problem, though.

>> No.1089660


Just got here. Construct parallels to AB at E and D, and just fill in angles by the ass-load using similar triangles and supplements/complements.

>> No.1089790
File: 7 KB, 336x664, 1275506184426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with x+y=70
and then ?

>> No.1089804
File: 49 KB, 1025x769, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1089826


Yeah, it doesn't work.

>> No.1089860

This triangle problem has been postet so often, here's the solution:

>> No.1089993
File: 214 KB, 1280x1678, trianglezz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used trig to solve it. I have no fucking idea how to solve it using geometry. Here is my proof. 20 degrees is the correct answer

>> No.1090009


>using only elementary geometry


>> No.1090033


i dont get it

>> No.1090056

its 10* degrees

>> No.1090101


No. Replace 30 with 20 and adjust effected angles and it still works. answer is 20

>> No.1090165

i got a 4 way simultaneous equation.

tiem to solve that shit.

>> No.1090438

That was the same problem I ran into using that method.

>> No.1091152
