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10884250 No.10884250 [Reply] [Original]

Will human society eventually transform into a matriarchy similar to that of bees and ants? Females are now more educated than males and they are taking over traditionally masculine jobs.

>> No.10884282

Nah, it's just Worst Korea

>> No.10884314

>Females are now more educated than males
In the humanities, my graduating CS class had 4 girls

>they are taking over traditionally masculine jobs.
I have not seen a female construction worker in months, last one was holding a sign because they didn't have a stand on hand for some reason

>> No.10884342

they want a matriarchy, but the only thing this will achieve is collapse of society, which in turn will revert back to strongly patriarcal

>> No.10884413
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They're more educated, but only in the lower IQ majors. Men remain dominant in the higher IQ majors

>> No.10884552

what would a matriarchy look like? I can't really see any real matriarchy form in any animal, especially mammal, without women either being physically bigger and stronger than males (like hyenas or the vast majority of matriarchal animals) or women suppressing male aggression via sexual stimulation (like bonobos, where females just keep males separated and sexually satisfied so the males dont do anything to threaten female control).
I don't see either of these happening so I don't see how matriarchy would form in our species at all.

>> No.10884668

>bees and ants
Just because the thing making babies is called a queen doesn't mean it is the biggest badass.

Patriarchies in mammals are common because of the asymmetric roles played by the genders in reproduction.

>badass male
>can impregnate many bitches at one time
>Isn't saddled down by the dead weight and energy requirements of pregnancy

>badass female
>can only have 1 kid at a time
>has to deal with the dead weight and energy requirements of pregnancy which reduces its badassery

>Females are now more educated than males
The more educated females tend to have less kids or no kids at all.
>they are taking over traditionally masculine jobs
No they aren't.

>> No.10884681

anthopologists claim that there are some tribes like the second case, but I don't trust anthropologists and I find it hard to believe any of that could ever translate to a more complex society.

>> No.10884700


>> No.10884709

the big difference between bees and ants and humans is that worker bees/ants are unable to reproduce on their own and therefore if they want to pass on "their" genes, they MUST serve the queen. Human females would inevitably try to fuck other females up for their own good.

>> No.10884714
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>Will human society eventually transform into a matriarchy


>> No.10884722

99.9% of Male ants and bees don't pass on their genes. They're born to serve their colony and that's it. There's certain males that are born to fertilise the queen and the queen only mates with them I think.
It's a true communist society. I don't think there's anything like it in the bigger world.

>> No.10884723

It have multiple times in History.
It generally collapses months after.

>> No.10884747

Males mate with the Queen and then die. Females are in charge of the colony

>> No.10884775

>The more educated females tend to have less kids or no kids at all.
I wonder if this would cause dysgenic effects over time.
AFAIK women prefer to marry up, and men prefer to marry down.
This seems like it would introduce selection pressure for sexual dimorphism in intelligence / pursuit of higher education.

>> No.10884786

60% of women with university degrees reach menopause childless.

>> No.10884791

Women will not climb electricity poles in the pouring rain. They won't dive down under the sea and weld struts and steel that hold an oil rig up. They won't drive trucks halfway across the country in all weathers, day and night.

Men will because getting rich makes you more attractive to hotter women/improves the success of your offspring. It will be very interesting to see what happens now that society is pushing for the dissolution of marriage, polamory, etc. Why would anyone do the difficult, shitty jobs? Perhaps at gunpoint...

>> No.10884808

I predict that in a marriage-less society all the beta males and incels will get bred out. It's already happening and they're going online to complain about it.

>> No.10884811

Not to mention, in the UK at least it's getting to the point where house prices are so ridiculous, taxes so high and benefits so lavish that many are thinking 'fuck it, work doesn't pay, let's breed and let the government pay for everything'

Needless to say this won't end well. Personally I'm planning to fuck off if things don't change sharpish. Which is one of the major problems with a matriarchy - all the men of any kind of quality will depart.

>> No.10884826

no way

>> No.10884829
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god i hope so, i would kill to be a stay at home dad that gets his balls drained when the bitch go home after a long day at work.

>> No.10884832

Why would any man force other men to do shitty jobs like that and risk uprising, betrayals, shitty work ethics and shitty infrasctucture etc. just so some women can pretend to be powerful, when it's easier and more efficient to just force women to marry men they wouldn't otherwise want to marry because of inflated sense of ego (only marrying 'up')?
We make a social deal - women can be in powerful positions etc. if they accept marrying men who are 'lower' than them on the social ladder. Society will not function otherwise and this isn't actually a difficult thing to do. It just involves telling women they have to get over themselves.
If they refuse men just remove them from positions, physically if necessary.

>> No.10884892

The problem is not women, the problem is other men. Men are being taught that women are perfect and men, especially masculine men, are patriarchal oppressors that want to keep the good jobs for themselves and enslave women via marriage. The strongest chimp can still be taken down by several weaker chimps.

>> No.10884902

>they are taking over traditionally masculine jobs
Is it because of lower salaries?

>> No.10884966
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>> No.10885749

The factor you're all missing is technology. We can't regress as a society without full technological regression, and that won't happen even if we lose literally all of our sources of industrialized electricity.
And there you have it: Females are already turning into drones. Soon >>10884747 will take hold and you won't have to worry about being male at all. Males will be bred as-needed and society will not be matriarchal, but strictly hierarchical. There will be no gender division because males are just the extended gonads.

See the post right after yours, for reference: >>10884829

>> No.10885781

You would see it by men becoming passivated by video games and endocrine disrupting hormones.

Average male testosterone in the west has fallen 50% in the last half century. There's your trend.

>> No.10885783

>Why would anyone do the difficult, shitty jobs?

Robots designed to do them, while the vast majority of the lower/middle class is brainwashed and chemically castrated to leave the planet to the upper class.

>> No.10885879


>make women marry down

Never gonna happen. Even at peak patriarchy women didn't marry down. How do you expect them to do it now that we have hypergamy without limits.

>> No.10886065

>masculine jobs
No machinists or welders yet lmao

>> No.10886189

>Men will because getting rich

what do high risk blue collar jobs have to do with getting rich? All those men will be working for female bosses who sit on their ass in air condiontioned offices chatting all day.

>> No.10886281

Came to post this. Larger numbers of women have college degrees than men, but they are mostly soft liberal arts degrees that they never end up applying to a career.