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10883234 No.10883234 [Reply] [Original]

ive always wondered this but why is space so fascinating to us? maybe its the amount of it yet to be discovered or is it some primal thoughts

>> No.10883238 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10883245

die cunt

>> No.10883248
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imagine being so sad you don't find space neat

>> No.10883249

Space is empty and boring, why not spend that effort to make earth a paradise? We’re wasting all these smart engineers on building pointless telescopes and rockets. NASA unironically needs to be cut off

>> No.10883265

>Space is empty and boring

How is quintillion’s of galaxies “empty and boring”? This must be a bait post.

>> No.10883270

Kill yourself.

>> No.10883281

I actually find astronomy fascinating. It is midwits who pretend to like it, and say "why the fuck is space so cool", despite knowing nothing. Their interest in it, harms science, rather than aids it.

>> No.10883290

>Their interest in it, harms science,
no it doesn't
>NASA unironically needs to be cut off
agreed. space is still neat. it's still neat to go to space and look up at it.

>> No.10883292

I've never found space fascinating. To me it has always been the most boring of all the sciences.

>> No.10883293

>no it doesn't
Compelling argument, my smooth brained friend.

>> No.10883296

I like it because it's vastly different from "down here" and thus seems like a wonderful world to explore. Plus, unlike a fantasy made up world, space is governed by laws of physics that are consistent and well developed because it's a part of our natural world. And thus it's fun to read about the various forces that are involved in space and being able to relate those forces to "mundane" things.

I hope that one day I get to send something into space.

>> No.10883298

>Duuuur bare assertions are only okay when I do it!

Eat glass.

>> No.10883302

>It is midwits who pretend to like it, and say "why the fuck is space so cool", despite knowing nothing.

Stereotype that exists in your mind.

>Their interest in it, harms science, rather than aids it.

Prove it

>> No.10883307

>I like it because it's vastly different from "down here" and thus seems like a wonderful world to explore.
It's not a different world to explore it's completely empty and you would spend literally decades traversing it to look at a star or piece of rock without any life on it.

Real life isn't science fiction and space is fucking boring as shit.

>> No.10883314

>It's not a different world to explore it's completely empty

Why are you stupid? There’s literally trillions of stars.

>and you would spend literally decades traversing it to look at a star or piece of rock without any life on it.

You just admitted your previous statement was wrong. Is there something bad going on with your brain or is the idiocy on purpose?

>> No.10883326

it looks really different and beautiful .. i mean just imagine neptune
However, the more i got into science the more i love earth

>> No.10883327

.... re-read.... you just realised you are wrong

Trillions of stars means nothing. What are you gonna do? Look at 4 pixels of white light in a telescope? You have no chance to get there in your lifetime, or the lifetime of your next 4000 descendants. You won't even be able to reach the asteroid belt in our own solar system, which is boring as shit.

>> No.10883330

>It's not a different world to explore it's completely empty
Yes, space is mostly emptiness, but it's not entirely made up of emptiness. And those parts that aren't emptiness are interesting.

>you would spend literally decades traversing it to look at a star or piece of rock without any life on it.
You know that space includes the Solar system and it doesn't take decades to reach something else in it. The moon is about 3 days away using current technology.

>piece of rock without any life on it.
Life isn't the only thing that's interesting in space. The fact that you think otherwise shows that you don't know enough about space.

>> No.10883332

>Prove it

>> No.10883334

deny mathematics

>> No.10883335

Holy fuck the moon is so fucking boring. A rock of nothingness. It's more interesting to look at in the sky on earth than it is to visit in person.

>> No.10883341

>Holy fuck the moon is so fucking boring.

Holy fuck that’s just your opinion.

>> No.10883351

This guy is pure reddit.

>> No.10883352

Visit a forest or ocean once.

A 1 inch piece of soil under a microscope is more interesting than space will ever be.

>> No.10883355
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>pop-sci isn't bad

>> No.10883357

>Visit a forest or ocean once.

Interesting, but mundane.

>A 1 inch piece of soil under a microscope is more interesting than space will ever be.

Just your opinion.

>> No.10883359

>npc posting
Oh good, we can ignore you

>> No.10883362

Prove it is.

>> No.10883363

The moon has plenty of interesting features. You're just not bothering to look nor accept. Simply because you don't have an interest in something doesn't mean that it's invalid or boring.

>> No.10883364

What you said amounted to pop-sci isn't bad. That deserves ridicule and contempt.

>> No.10883366

Literally not even the same person, and you’re also lying.
“Prove pop-sci is bad”=/=“Pop-sci is not bad”

Your trolling is weak and obvious.

>> No.10883369

It's the same as far as the eye can see, grey rocks, inert, no atmosphere, nothing happens on it. So interesting...

If there was a moon base it would be cool to look out of the window on the first day. The coolest thing would be seeing the earth.

And then the mundane things inside the moon base would be far more interesting than the moon itself. You'd spend all your time looking at the internet or talking to people in the moon base and looking forward to going back to earth.

>> No.10883387

>It's the same as far as the eye can see, grey rocks, inert, no atmosphere, nothing happens on it. So interesting...

I agree. It is very interesting.

>> No.10883399

Maybe you lack curiosity. Seems like you need to be spoonfed all stimuli. You only respond to shiny things and spectacle?

>> No.10883402

because space expanded and spread the initial burst energy from the big bang over an increasingly large volume. That's why the cosmic microwave background radiation has a temperature of approximately 3 kelvin.

>> No.10883409

>It's the same as far as the eye can see
The Sea of Tranquility is definitely different from the Fermi crater.

>grey rocks, inert, no atmosphere, nothing happens on it. So interesting...
That's one of the reasons why the moon is interesting to some. The moon has no erosion, is geologically dead, has formed long ago, and is believed to have come from the same material the Earth has (btw this would have been figured out if we never went to the moon). These features mean that rocks on the moon could be like what Earth rocks were long ago. Knowing more about what the Earth is like is definitely interesting. Sure, the moon wasn't completely inactive between then and now, it's had lava flows, moon-quakes, and massive impacts. So samples would have to be gathered from across the moon to figure out general trends, and that investigation is definitely interesting.

Again, the fact that you find something boring does in no way make interest in it invalid.

>> No.10883411

>(btw this would NOT have been figured out if we never went to the moon
Fixed a typo.

>> No.10883415

No, in this case it is objectively uninteresting.

>> No.10883416

Prove it.

>> No.10883421 [DELETED] 

>That’s a contradiction and as such meaningless, but “prove it” anyway.

>> No.10883426

That’s a contradiction and as such meaningless, but “prove it” anyway.

>> No.10883433
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1561723340273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove it.

>> No.10883437

Imagine being such a fragile socially inept person that you break down into absolute shitpost mentaluty the minute you hear the word "space"

>> No.10883444

It's not the word space. It's not the interest of space, it is the specific phrase " why the fuck is space so cool", that outs him as being a brainlet superficially interested in it.

>> No.10883445

I think it's deeper than that, like extreme contrarianism. Space is "popular" and thus bad to him and need to be expunged from what he has declared as his safe space.

>> No.10883486

>P-please stop asking me to prove my bare assertions on the science board

Utterly disgraceful.

>> No.10883993


>> No.10884229

Nice b8 m8

>> No.10884475

>saying objectively makes me right

>> No.10884486

>NASA unironically needs to be cut off
Can't tell if trolling but just in case


>> No.10884505

>Trillions of stars means nothing.

Wrong. Stars are composed of hydrogen and helium, which are things, so stars are things, so there is not “nothing”.

>What are you gonna do? Look at 4 pixels of white light in a telescope? You have no chance to get there in your lifetime, or the lifetime of your next 4000 descendants. You won't even be able to reach the asteroid belt in our own solar system, which is boring as shit.

Goalpost shift and claim of prophetic knowledge. Boring.

>> No.10884580

Also it's a very defeatist attitude. If the cure for cancer might not happen in our lifetime does that mean we shouldn't try? If people thought like that about every scientific pursuit then we would have almost no scientific advancements at all..

>> No.10884607

I don’t give a shit how long it takes. I’ll just turn myself into a robot and wait it out on sleep mode.

>> No.10885628

Let's talk about how all of our taxes are dumped into the military before anything.