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10879751 No.10879751 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I could hibernate for 7 years.

>> No.10879881

Look forward to the James Webb Space telescope
March 30 2021 as long as its not delayed again

>> No.10879889

You can
Look up Alcor

>> No.10879905

>March 30 2031

>> No.10880445
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>as long as its not delayed again

Or explodes. Or something malfunctions.

>> No.10880698

>>10879751 I'm more interested in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope because it should give some clues about Oumuamua after a few years of operation.

>> No.10880717

Daily reminder that NASA is 90% diversity hire incompetent women and this will 100% explode. Someone, please post that NASA picture where it is literally 1000 women and 1 guy. I doubt that 1 guy can carry all of NASA on his shoulders.

>> No.10880726

Northrop Grumman and
Ball Aerospace are the manufactures

>> No.10880728

>March 30 2021
meine freunde...

>> No.10880810

it's built by the northrop dudes out in redondo beach (legacy TRW)

look at their success rate on spy sats - they know their shit

>> No.10880817

Nothing can beat the sheer power of roastie incompetence. Mark my words.

>> No.10880862

not wrong man, northrop is a shitshow. but the older experts working on the JWST are no BS high speed guys.

>> No.10880872

No man you don’t get it. There is nothing that could ever possibly overcome the infinite power of women’s incompetence. I am very sorry astrofags, but what you have now is all you’ll ever have. It is better to accept it now. I learned to deal with it a long time ago.

>> No.10880883

>>10879751 From which article is that table?

>> No.10880895

my man, i do get it. i work at northrop. what you're talking about i experience on a daily basis.

>> No.10880896

This is exactly why they gave it to Frogs for launch.

>> No.10880898

Didn't JWST complete tests last month and supposedly everything worked this time?

>> No.10880902

they've been doing lots of tests lately - shock, vibration, radiation, acoustic. recently they completed solar array deployment tests. it's been passing all of them

>> No.10880909

>from 79 to 978

This is insane leap. They say it's going to be 16x more powerful than Hubble.

>> No.10880913

Jesus. Well, let’s hope no one dies when it crashes and explodes.

>> No.10880921

i work on an opposite side of the country from the JWST guys - i work space on the spooky side. i have faith in JWST, they've poached all the technical talent from the entire company for this. management knows they can't fuck this one up which is why the schedule keeps getting extended. they'd rather delay the launch by a year to double check everything, and i agree with them.

this isn't the hubble - once we launch it, it /has/ to work.

>> No.10880928

May the Goddess of roastie incompetence have mercy on your employment once it fails.

>> No.10880934

cheers mate. my employment is secure for now - if boeing can stay in business after their fuck ups, so can we.

>> No.10880942

True. But it has to stop somewhere. Society can only collapse so much until some radicals take power and take away women’s rights. But we are far away from that. I’m just saying that after it crashes and burns, it may be blamed on racism and sexism oppressing female engineers, and all white males will be culled from the company.

>> No.10880943
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>WOOOOW I can't wait until they shoot some pointless waste of resources that won't impact my life at all into orbit!!!!! I fucking love science!!!!

>> No.10880952

your IQ is to low for it to impact your life

>> No.10880953

It's great that in 30 years chinks will be ruling this planet and retards like you will be euthanized.

>> No.10880956

>There is nothing that could ever possibly overcome the infinite power of women’s incompetence
Listen anon you can't just be angry at all women just because they wouldn't kiss you at school

>> No.10880964

you aren't wrong, but the JWST crashing and burning wouldn't impact my job just because of how the company is set up.

that said, i appreciate your sentiment and i agree with you. there is growing agreement with your viewpoint. women are being pushed into program management roles far before theyre ready and it will absolutely lead to disaster. either the corporation will learn from their mistakes or they will prosecute the white males, and the brain drain will lead to the corporation's failure.
either way, i'm leaving soon, so it won't matter to me.

>why should we spend money on space when there are homeless people??
i hope your kind are hanged.

>> No.10880972

If only women's sins were as trivial as not wanting to kiss me. The Torah is very clear, from Genesis, that women are not to be allowed to make decisions. But our hubris will get us. We think that just because we have advanced society this far we can allow women to make decisions now that everything is idiot-proof. It's a shame.

Sadly, I really hold no anger towards women. After all, it was men who gave them rights. Women just don't know any better, it would be like being angry at your dog for shitting on the carpet. It's what dogs do, after all.

>> No.10881050

>blows up on the start

>> No.10881066
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>> No.10881072

Yeah. Jesus, it burns. I always reference this picture when NASA threads pop up, but I can never bring myself to save it due to how much it hurts me knowing that this is the peak of humanity and we will never be able to go any further because when humanity reaches a certain level of prosperity, we let women have rights and it all comes tumbling down. Happened to the Roman Empire once. If Atlantis existed, that was probably how that one fell too. Same for any possible ancient civilization.

>> No.10881088

Spacecucks need to go back to plebbit

>> No.10881089

I think it's pretty cool that guy in industry posts in this godforsaken place. I think it's you who should go back.

>> No.10881132

I don't think it's cool at all that the military-industrial complex is shilling their bullshit pseudoscience around here.

>> No.10881143

When you stop being a gay hippie you will realize that everything is the military-industrial complex because without a strong military you have no society at all.

>> No.10881269

have sex

>> No.10881270

is your argument really that money is better spent on social programs than scientific/technological advancement?

>> No.10881289


>> No.10881299

>very large telescope
>giant telescope
>extremely large telescope
Unironically excited to see what comes next. Godscope? Colossal Telescope? Behemoth Telescope?

>> No.10881304

You're indirectly referencing 'Fate of Empires' aren't you?

>> No.10881311

>Be me in physics lab for uni
>Working with women
>Them: "Hmm I think you have to do this (wrong)"
>Me: "Oh it's actually this because so-and-so"
>They do their version anyway
>wow it doesn't work
>They still refuse to do it my way
>Never get any shit done with them because they have the largest cases of dunning-kruger I've ever seen
I am NOT looking forward to working with them for real, fuck me

>> No.10881312

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10881328

If only threads lasted enough for us to see women fuck this one up. Well, assuming you don't die because a bridge built by women collapses on your head, you'll probably be alive to see that I was right.

I feel your pain, man. Giving women rights is the one mistake we'll never be able to live down. Well, more patriarchal societies like asians/jews/muslims will likely destroy our cucked western societies, so we may be able to obtain redemption through blood.

>> No.10881329

Hyper Mega Extreme Ultimate Giga THE MAX ZZ Telescope

>> No.10881368

>If only threads lasted enough for us to see jews fuck this one up. Well, assuming you don't die because a bridge built by jews collapses on your head, you'll probably be alive to see that I was right.
ftfy m8.

I was gonna post a more serious reply but I

>> No.10881376

I will not stand for this kind of antisemitism. This is a pro-Israel board, go back to /pol/.

>> No.10881385

Excuse me but we are in 4chinz, sister site of 8chen the infamous forum known for hosting internet mass shooters and jewish killers.

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to NASA tomorrow.

>> No.10881386

NEW Extremely Large Telescope & Knuckles 2 Remastered Collector's Edition

>> No.10881392

>don't go to NASA tomorrow.

I will excuse antisemitism only if you actually do a mass shooting at NASA. I'll personally send you a kike-pass to your jail cell. They discriminate against us too. They discriminate against all high-achievers anyways.

>> No.10881725

Better bump the date for the TMT up another decade at least with the way things are looking with the hawaiian natives right now

>> No.10881809

> March 30 10^2031

>> No.10881815

Jesus fucking Christ the misogyny on this site
And the transphobia too

>> No.10881817

the incels washed over from 8ch

>> No.10881828
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>> No.10881995

Aren't mirrors already being made? They will just find another location.

>> No.10882068

>On this site
Believe it or not most of your workmates hate you too, they'll just get fired if they admit it out loud

>> No.10882688

Too expensive.

>> No.10882694

Atlantis existed.

Clamped, vaccinated.

>> No.10882698

Case in point why women and trannies can't be productive, you're all too narcissistic and fragile.

>> No.10882716
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 06 [720p]-[04.56.380-04.57.589].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
