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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1087901 No.1087901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1087912


>> No.1087915

I just drew a perfect square on a piece of paper. Does it not exist?

>> No.1087906

Then what were strings?

>> No.1087917

lol two triangles

>> No.1087919
File: 7 KB, 327x309, circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1087924



>> No.1087928

lol, thats an ellipse, stupid

>> No.1087932

doesnt know what an ellipse is

>> No.1087934

You can reduce it even further. Triangles and Ellipses are just regions of points.

>> No.1087935


Nope, it's a square. It has ceased to be related or exist as a triangle. It's a square. It's not made of two triangles.

>> No.1087940
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>> No.1087952

you're an idiot.
look at the equation for an ellipse.
when the two foci are at the same point, you get the equation for a circle.
circle is a special case of an ellipse, like special relativity is a special case for general relativity.

>> No.1087958

two triangles can make up a square, so a square isnt the lowest common denominator.
did i get trolled i /sci/? im not native from here...

>> No.1087961

we are talking about shapes, not regions of points.
your argument is invalid.

>> No.1087962

did someone say spirals?

>> No.1087971

spiral isn't a shape, dood

>> No.1087973
File: 3 KB, 266x219, ellipse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew an awesome ellipse.

>> No.1087981

Hyperbola, parabola

>> No.1087991

Think outside the box people

>> No.1087998


that is an ellipse, a morphed one but an ellipse nonetheless

>> No.1088004

I morphed your mom's ellipse.

>> No.1088006





>> No.1088005


No it's not. Are you blind?

>> No.1088012

What the fuck? If we're talking about topology than a triangle is an ellipse.

>> No.1088015


Nope. Pretty sure I'm looking at a square.

It exists only as a square. If you separate it, of course you have a triangle, but it ceases to be a square.

This square is not made of triangles, then it would be two triangles. This square is a square, it exists.

>> No.1088025

any curve can be estimated by an ellipse
that shape is simply an infinite amount of differently-sized ellipses

>> No.1088028

square = 2*triangle
L*L = 2*L*L/2 = L*L
you're argument is invalid.

>> No.1088031

how can you believe in shapes if they are estimated (a guess)?

>> No.1088033
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An ellipse is the set of points whose sum of distances from two foci is a constant.
IE: take two pins and a length of string. Now, attach both ends of string to the pins, take a pencil, and trace along, keeping the string taught.

Then: ellipse!

>> No.1088040

Calabi-Yau manifold was here, ellipses and triangles are a faggot.

>> No.1088042

you don't understand calculus.
in calculus, we accurately estimate things all the time.
it isn't a guess.

>> No.1088047


Then an ellipse can be estimated by an infinite amount of triangles and triangles can be estimated by an infinite amount of ellipses?

>> No.1088052

that's dumb, because triangles have straight lines.
triangles are used to map straight lines.
ellipses are used to map curves.

>> No.1088068


So? It would still work.

>> No.1088069

Actually you can construct a triangle with exactly 3 ellipses with minor axis=0. (i.e. 3 lines).

>> No.1088072


>If you divide a square, it ceases to be a square.

>> No.1088075

Zero shapes exist in the entire universe. Only points do. Everything comes from them.

>> No.1088088
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If you wish to create an ellipse from scratch you must first invent the universe.

>> No.1088092


Well said, Carl.

>> No.1088108


So this square I just drew is actually just a series of points? It doesn't exist as a square, even though, if you could look at a microscopic level, the lines of the square aren't separated?