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10876779 No.10876779 [Reply] [Original]

How can someone reliably commit safe & painless suicide /sci/?

If they didnt want to end up dying horribly or surviving with severe permanent impairment and constant continuous suicide watch for example.

>> No.10876833 [DELETED] 
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this was probably pretty painless

>> No.10876837

nitrogen tank + pressure regulator + exit bag

>> No.10876845

Begin a career in petroleum engineering.

>> No.10876850

the shuaiby-cide looked painless

>> No.10876852

Solution is trivial and left to the reader as an exercise.

You're just here to talk about it. You don't want to die man. Find a way forward.

>> No.10876856

Helium, Nitrogen, Argon.

>> No.10876886

how can I synthesis these any textbook recommendations?

>> No.10876929
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>> No.10876950
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For the sake of your soul, I really hope you don't go through with it

>> No.10876952

I don’t like this image but i gotta admit that 4chan is probably the only place people could actually talk about this

>> No.10876955

Also don’t do it op

>> No.10877004

the helium you can buy on amazon is too impure for that now, it'll just give you brain damage

>> No.10877180

No scientific evidence of any of this.

>> No.10877183

Please don’t.

>> No.10877216

This. Balloon helium is mixed with oxygen bc suicide by this method was becoming popular. Go to a welding supply shop and buy welding helium or nitrogen tanks. They are used as a shielding gas and are almost pure

>> No.10877218


>> No.10877283
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Please don't fucking kill yourself. The world is beautiful even if you haven't gotten to experience that side of it yet. You can change for the better and make something great.

>> No.10877303

Fuck off, /leftypol/.

>> No.10877304

>The world is beautiful even if you haven't gotten to experience that side of it yet.
Hahaha, no. Take your happy horseshit somewhere else.

>> No.10877310

Inhale helium. You will pass out without feeling burning and then die within an hour, probably much earlier.

>> No.10877311

Tanks of it are affordable. Monetary issues won’t really matter because you’ll be dead so it’s irrelevant if it chews into rent or something.

>> No.10877314

You are literally evil for advocating a continuation of suffering.

>> No.10877322

i'll just accept Jesus as I do it and get in for free dumb ass.
based hero helping anons become an heros
you're an unethical asshole. there is a reason we put down animals that suffer.
a blow job might change my mind. ;)
im trying to be dead, nigga. not an asshole

>> No.10877324

How are you an asshole for not paying rent? Landlords are literally evil and should be massacred in the streets.

>> No.10877325

what did they do wrong? they own the fucking land dumbass. buy a house if you aren't happy with rent.

>> No.10877337

It's impossible, because no matter what you do, the body's natural biological response is to resist death. Knowing you are about to die is always pain itself, regardless of how painless you get the physical aspect to be.

>> No.10877340

>what did they do wrong?

Own land and charge people to live on it.

>they own the fucking land dumbass

They shouldn’t. It should all be seized by the state.

>> No.10877343

communist fuck, you should be the one that paints the streets red.

>> No.10877345

>Land should be seized by the state
>You’re a communist
>Communism is an ideology that advocates the dissolution of the state

You’re getting confused somewhere in there. Public housing isn’t communism lmao.

>> No.10877352
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This anon has the right answer
Think of all the music you haven't heard
All the doggos you haven't petted

But if you possess a condition that's terminal then I wish you the best of luck and happy dreams anon

>> No.10877855
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>doggos petted

>inb4 who hurt you?

>> No.10877887

we all know where your shit ideology goes. Stop hiding behind technicalities.

Better dead than red faggot

>> No.10877890

This is why OP wants to die

>> No.10878058


>> No.10878061 [DELETED] 

What if I can't build muscle? This is pure constant suffering

>> No.10878154

Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they're doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten.

>> No.10878161

just take steroids

>> No.10878184

Gunshot to the head. Has to be a high caliber to, or else you'll have a permanent ringing in your mind if you live.

>> No.10878313

>Knowing you are about to die is always pain itself, regardless of how painless you get the physical aspect to be.
Except for the fact that many suicide perpetrators feel bliss long before they commit suicide. The "natural biological response" isn't perfectly true if it can be objectively overcome.

Can't you still live even if you're aiming correctly?

>> No.10878330
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>> No.10878339

Hand grenade in the mouth. Works every time...
Oh! Pain-LESS! Whoops! Lol asking the wrong guy. What happened anon, did you lose hearing or something?