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10869606 No.10869606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Even when "clean," they're still teaming with bacteria, including e-coli.
Is it just nearness to the vagina?

>> No.10869619

Learned behavior, therefore not involved with evolution.

>> No.10869623


Considering the prevalence of vaginal sex you can't say it's selected for.

However, novelty is sexually exciting as is tightness and dry friction.

I like it because she doesn't.

>> No.10869633

you're american and have been mutilated

>> No.10869654

There's no evolutionary advantage. Just like intelligence, it's something dependent on social influence instead of genetics.

>> No.10869721

In penetrating the female's anus, the male allows his partner to experience a simulacra of male homosexual intercourse, which may lead the female to self-insert as her partner being dominated by a superior male, thus allowing her to empathize with her partner.

>> No.10869745

Completeley new development

Due to new focus on tighter social control due to
Internet and population.

A focus on the womans anus demystefied the darkest part of gentials and sheds light on most private,function.

When previous assholes were concealed mostly .
Now everything is topsy turvey.

And our PRIDE and hubris have blinded us to the folley of man.
That we still dont have a healthy diets.
And fucking with an asshole brinfs unwanted side effects.

And while the public will be too embarassed to say it out loud, there will be markets that support and maintain
The asshole lifestyle.

buzzwords like
are only beginning.
next will be marketing enemas like we do with neti pots.

>> No.10869763

What about men wanting to lick the anus?

>> No.10869767

please refer here

>> No.10869781

Man, imagine this. In 100 years the role of Africa and Europe will be reversed. Europe will have anal-fisted itself to death, while Africa will be full with based and redpilled individuals such as this bright and talented man, conquering the universe.

I will no longer accept /pol/'s argument that whites are smarter than blacks. The proof of the black man's supeiror intellect is in that video. I mean, how superior can a race be when they can't even repopulate their own nations.

>> No.10869784

Is this true?

>> No.10869811


It feels good to receive it.

What, never had your salad tossed? Are you some kind of fagcel?

>> No.10869813


It feels good.

Even lesbians engage in anal play.

>> No.10869844

Ask yourself why you're home with sapien

>> No.10869860

Because the ego is the root of all good

>> No.10870032

there is no sexual dimorphism to anuses so if youre attracted to womens' anuses then you're also attracted to mens' anuses

>> No.10870057


>> No.10870110

Yeah, I have to agree with this. I won't engage in IQ denialism by saying that abstract pattern recognition ability is meaningless and doesn't predict certain outcomes, but it is faaaaar from everything.
Also blacks are clearly superior to whites in Africa. For us, it's unliveable, and we've got driven out. For them, it's home.
I refuse to copepost about this, and instead want to look at the facts head on.

>> No.10870139
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>all these "men" who have never enjoyed the fruit of anal

>> No.10870155
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what the fuck am i reading

>> No.10870560

*sniff* thanks Slavoj *sniff*

>> No.10870566

Demonic possession

>> No.10870567

Its to avoid stds

>> No.10870568

I don't think it's like that. I think we evolved to find anything related to sex sexy, and the ass is in very great proximity to the vagina, it's censored, and covered, it's only a couple inches away. I think the brain makes natural connections to the two being linked.

>> No.10870587

Bacteria are everywhere, not just in tight wet rectums. So long as your dick doesn’t have an open wound it’s not a big problem.

>> No.10870588

more about pattern recognition making assumptions of what should be based on basic information rather than evolution specifically saying "anus is sexy"

>> No.10870590


Your... dick?

I eat my Bs ass... everytime... daily

>> No.10870594

Yes, thats right you child fucking, Jesus hating faggot. The Jews are to blame even for you eating ass.

>> No.10870595

The more things a person is attracted to the more oppurtunies a person has to become turned on. the more times a person is turned on the more likely they will reproduce. Imagine a guy who wants to fuck a girl because of her ass, she won't let him fuck her ass but she will let him fuck her pussy. Good enough for him, a hole's a hole, but his attraction to her ass is what started it to begin with.

>> No.10870606

This. 90% of the recent obsession with butt stuff is shit that's being pushed in society for (((some reason))). Think about it, did anyone talk about wanting to "eat ass" a decade ago? If you expressed that desire, everyone but your fellow niche ass to mouth fetishists would think it was fucking disgusting and there was something wrong with you. Now it's something 13 year olds on twitter talk about. (((Someone))), for (((some reason))) is pushing unhygenic and unreproductive sex acts in popular media, a fetish that was seen as this bizarre this recently doesn't become normalized organically unless the top down structure of mass media starts producing content that tells people it's cool and normal.

>> No.10870607


Whites are more likely to 1) fuck a child 2) murder and their their own parents like Jeffery Damer 3) murder anyone for any reason - women and children - most likely related to not following their false LARP interpretation of their harry potter esque book that they stole from the native population... because thats what white do, they have no creativity so stealing and raping is their go to...

Am I doing this right you Nazi fuck?

Fyi Im Aryan, suck my dick you fuck

>> No.10870608


Oh FoR SuRe it was the Jews who started the butt stuff, not your Roman child fucking faggot ancestors you triggered bitch ass pussy faggot fuck

>> No.10870609

You seem upset :)

>> No.10870610


Oh, and you white Roman child fuckers killed Jesus Christ and then blamed it on the Jews. We all know. Everyone knows. The world knows. You triggered pussy bitch

>> No.10870615

Lol. Your reply to being exposed for anally raping children is "you sound upset".


U are barely human.

But thankfully we forgive because we are actual followers of Jesus Christ, so we even forgive animals.

>> No.10870624

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Are you off your meds?

>> No.10870629


Off my meds lmfao.

Take the plank out of your eye, hypocrite.

I know youre a good Christian but you never even read the Bible. Almost none of your kind have, and yet everything is the Jews fault, because of the Bible, that youve never read, in which Jesus Christ is a Jew.

You brain washed cattle ass slave fucks.

Get a fucking clue.

Level up. Please. Fuck. For the good of humanity level the fuck up.

>> No.10870633

References to anal sex go ages back. Why do you think the Bible took care to mention you shouldn't do it?

>> No.10870642


Because of STDs which our ancestors didnt understand and yet were prevalent within "perverse" communities. "Truly the devil must be at work", How else do you explain disease before the knowedge of basic germ theory.

Fuck sake.

I am Aryan, white as fuck, but we have a good man running as pres, Bernie, and you fucking slaves are going to vote Trump again because you people are brain washed. Our species deserves better!!!! Our children deserve better!!!!

>> No.10870754
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>> No.10870953

Is this what people refer to as reddit spacing?

>> No.10870961

Fuck off. Things don’t have to have evolutionary advantages. These threads should be BANNED

>> No.10870966

You seem upset.
Was it the ass-eating comment that hit so close to home?

>> No.10870968

Why would I go vote for a Jew over someone who has done great things for the economy