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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 279 KB, 952x717, garybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10869035 No.10869035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hi guyss its garilee, jsut wantned to let u no i solvd the unverse, look U = E/S bam!!! kek rofl haha

look i made excel speadsheet anb ooh colors KEWL!!!~! :-) pluz i proved jeesus AMEN! :3

i cnat do anythign witd it yet butt i probise itz the theury of ev3eryting cuz haha kek but ill do mind upolads in 10 year topps, guarantied, i just need gibz plz. plz gibz moneyz plz. no mnid upload uneless 90k plz. plz plz

>> No.10869042

Who the fuck is Gary?

>> No.10869054

Resident schizo

>> No.10869064


>> No.10869073


Fine then. I have investigated Gary and found out that he's a bitch.

>> No.10870287

Fuck off
Im not doing any more you cunt

>> No.10871066

optimal bump

>> No.10872457

That's what you fucking get for sharing your actual identity on 4chan. Forget the fact that he is wrong about his belief that he unified physics, he literally doxxed himself.

>> No.10872466

I think he's getting somewhere. I watched some popsci videos and the cellular automata approach is seeming more and more valid.

>> No.10872468

Does anyone save Gary pasta? I have only interacted with him one time, and that's when he infiltrated our boy Tooker's thread, so I have no idea about his braindead gf and all the other stuff mentioned in the picture. I would like to get up to speed with Gary and I think this would be beneficial for all as I am a very well-known Tookerologist and my skills will translate well to Garyology.

>> No.10872512
File: 147 KB, 871x990, 1564106511983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been keeping track of Gary since April, this is every thread he's posted in to my knowledge https://pastebin.com/AeZh3eN9
A lot of his crazier shit is on reddit. I can try and find some of of the more entertaining posts.

>> No.10872558

Nice, makes sense that optimum boy would be shilling everywhere. Post all you can.

>> No.10872586

The braindead gf thing. >>/sci/thread/S10832793#p10837445
Him lying about talking to Sabine Hossenfelder https://boards.fireden.net/sci/thread/10534146/#10553566
Claiming Sabine is coding messages to him in her music https://boards.fireden.net/sci/thread/10600281/#10601225
Story about Optimum theory being some sort of message from God https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/c181pq/what_if_god_exists_but_the_bible_is_wrong/ercuc8v/
Trump is blackmailing Muslims to commit terrorist attacks https://www.removeddit.com/r/politics/comments/7a6vcv/the_stunning_difference_between_trumps_reaction/dp7o344/
Calling white people pedophiles, normally Gary is pro white but he's much more pro kike >>/sci/thread/S10869606#p10870607
Deleted video about how Archivefag, namefag from Optimum threads, is trying to bully him into suicide. https://anonfile.com/BbQcb0v4ne/A_Word_About_Online_Harrassment-8mCjJLVp7T0_mkv
Aspergers is fake, a conpiracy by Christians, >>10870330
rationalizing his cuckoldry >>/sci/thread/S10600281#p10611932

I've been keeping track of everything so it's difficult to find singular things worth posting. Alot of it isn't one off statements, but him saying similar things over and over, like how he blames every problem in society on Christians.

>> No.10872596
File: 73 KB, 963x483, 1563789742965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10872602
File: 19 KB, 865x161, 1563791961399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10872603
File: 29 KB, 876x216, 1563794357662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10872614
File: 163 KB, 1205x777, screenshot-https-www.reddit.com-r-proceduralgeneration-comments-c59eo5-automaton_simulation_that_procedurally_generates-es2c4ie-context=8&depth=9-2019.06.25-20-39-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aspergers is fake, a conpiracy by Christians
That's not a great link for that. If I find a better one I'll post it. He believes the same thing about schizophrenia.

>> No.10872625

do you have archives for other resident schizos

>> No.10872644
File: 44 KB, 931x321, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just Gary. I was participating in the Optimum threads before Gary went full retard, I was in contact with an anon who was going to make a video documenting Gary's rise and fall, as he put it, but I haven't heard from him since June 3rd so I've started working on one myself. which is why I've got all this.

>> No.10872650

Damn, this is all levels beyond what I even knew. I even thought that he was one of the healthiest schizos we had but seeing this he is clearly approaching Tooker levels. I only say Tooker is beyond because of his anal implants, but I would not be surprised to hear Gary talking about gangstalkers.

Braindead wife story is actually pretty sad though. I'm inclined to believe it just because it changes nothing about how I see Gary and his theory.

>> No.10872659

>a video documenting Gary's rise and fall, as he put it, but I haven't heard from him since June 3rd so I've started working on one myself. which is why I've got all this.

Please do this my dude. I don't think I have the dedication to read hundreds of threads but a video documenting essential Gary sounds like a great idea. Once it's done please shill it here for a while so I can catch it.

>> No.10872667
File: 864 KB, 1920x1656, screencapture-angleball-net-angleball-events-2019-05-21-12_38_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to believe most of it but not the degenerative brain disease part. You can judge for yourself but she seems perfectly fine to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn3C3qCRbWA&t=750s At the very least I'm sure he's greatly exaggerating it.

I'm doing it but it will take a while. I've got a lot of irl shit going on right now. You can keep an eye out for a thread asking whether, scientifically speaking, Angleball is the Optimum sport to build muscle.

>> No.10872679

>You can judge for yourself
Ok yeah, she looks more sane and stable than him that's for sure. My optimum theory now is that the part about the church messing with them is true and that his "life partner" was just being more dismissive of him as usual, and his schizo mind in which he can't do any wrong ever rationalized that this change in behavior was a disease. At least he's not claiming it is the government implanting anal implants inside his life partner.

>> No.10872727


he talks a lot more about her in this thread >>/sci/thread/10856708

>> No.10872770

Fuck that was a Gary thread? How do you recognize him? CTRL+F Optimum yields 0 results.

>> No.10872785

If I give away my secrets Gary might adapt his behaviour. But for that thread in specific Gary has just talked about that stuff before, 7x grey matter is a specific talking point of his from reddit, though I can't find a link right now.

>> No.10872790

Damn, I respect you. You are a true intellectual. With Tooker he just lets everyone know because his filenames are so particular. TRINITY or TIMESAND.

>> No.10872803

Who here /clamped/?

>> No.10872862

I can't wait for the clampster to doxx himself.

>> No.10872924

Was this the first Gary thread? Or has he been around 4chan for longer?

>> No.10872931
File: 130 KB, 1047x757, screenshot-https-www.removeddit.com-r-IAmA-comments-1bjypm-i_am_the_guy_who_is_introducing_the_next_great--2019.08.07-21-57-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes that's the first. He was only on reddit before that.

>> No.10872934

primarily, rather.

>> No.10872952

>primarily, rather
but not on 4chan, correct?

>> No.10872957


>> No.10872973

Can I access all your screenshots and such?

>> No.10872978

t. Gary

>> No.10872988

heh, I understand. Can I access some* of your screenshots then?

>> No.10872989

I'm taking the screenshots as I post them.
These are all his 4chan posts >>10872512
These are all his reddit accounts https://pastebin.com/v044Xdaq You can use redditsearch.io, make sure to set the filter to display more than 100, and removeddit to view his posts.

>> No.10873002


>> No.10873015

That's the vast majority, if you want more, like stuff from his website or youtube, you can email me musclebuilder@rape.lol

>> No.10873072

In Jesus Christ name brothers. There are forces at work here that even I do not understand.


>> No.10873093

You haven't seen anything yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJa1lVOMoAA

>> No.10873100


lol. Very impressive anon.


>> No.10873113
File: 943 KB, 2560x1311, screenshot-https-www.optimuminstitute.org--2019.08.07-23-58-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the second time your sites gone down this week, what's up with that?

>> No.10873130


You are truly perceptive anon. Again, I am impressed.

The site will be back up soon.

Would anon be interested in a podcast with Rose and I? She is homeless. this is not a joke. She lives in a shelter in Seattle. Making a podcast might help. I don't know. Maybe it would give her purpose in a world that is increasingly leaving us behind. She is severely depressed. This is not about me. If you can give her a home them tell me or her. Otherwise, enable me to help her.

>> No.10873147
File: 435 KB, 1920x983, Job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is homeless
She has a listed address, it coincidentally is the same as your listed address. She has a Facebook account. She has a youtube account. She moved from Arizona to Washington the same time you did. She appears in several of your angleball videos. Pic related purports that she has a job. She dresses far too well for a homeless woman.
I don't believe you Gary. If you want to get her on video to lie about it that's your perogative.

>> No.10873156


I try and help her as I can. I have said this. My way, we don't leave people behind. We do not believe in divorce. She divorced me and then had nothing, not even a family because she was taken by the government when she was a child. I never once have gone back on our vows and it has been nearly a decade. Anything said about polyamory is to appeal to HER lifestyle. I love her. She is the DNA of my own proven blood and I want her to succeed.

In 2015 I asked what was to become of people like me, people who are mixed heritage, if the people who frequent this site have their way. I was told to prepare for a "night of the rope" where my family and I would be exterminated. Is this true anon?

>> No.10873160

>In 2015 I asked what was to become of people like me, people who are mixed heritage, if the people who frequent this site have their way. I was told to prepare for a "night of the rope" where my family and I would be exterminated. Is this true anon?
I'd say it's quite the non sequitur.

I don't really enjoy talking to you when you get all faggotty and evasive. I'll see you later Gary. I've gotta get back to scripting.

>> No.10873164

I really enjoy these

>> No.10873224

You people pay this mentally ill retard entirely too much attention.