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10867607 No.10867607 [Reply] [Original]

>it's over

>> No.10867609

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10867613

>Working for NASA
What a waste of a brain

>> No.10867617

His clamped and vaccinated brain.

>> No.10867618

she actually is a postdoc in the physics department of harvard now

>> No.10867648


yes. any institution hiring her or being associated with her will lose their reputation in 10-15 years when people realize the fraud that is working with/under/for women

>> No.10867675

Girls are actually better at physics. They are superior at the abstract thought processes necessary in modern physics.

>> No.10867687

by new Einstein do they mean overrated jewish hack? also how overused is the term "new Einstein"

>> No.10867698


Too much hype. She is 26. When Einstein was 26 he'd published 4 revolutionary papers. Sure, we've burned through the low-hanging fruit by now but one or two papers does not an Einstein make.

Far better to be a very clever MIT student than not-an-Einstein, as she states.

"I am just a grad student. I have so much to learn. I do not deserve the attention."

>> No.10867765

>my micropenis frustrates me

>> No.10867789

/pol/ was right

>> No.10867799

Who would win in a battle between her and Jacob Barnett?

>> No.10867813

Barnett has higher IQ than Einstein and Pasterski is touted as being the new Einstein.

>> No.10867839

What a bizarre thing to write. Can you imagine having a micropenis? I don't think frustrating is even the right word.

Your phallus would be pretty much useless as far as its most proper purpose. Without being able to penetrate, a man could never be a man to a woman. No matter what he did.

These are strange times when people casually say this stuff.

>> No.10867845

What is clamping?

>> No.10867848

Males are better at abstract thinking

>> No.10867864

What has she contributed so far? Does anyone know? Legit curious.

>> No.10867870

During one of my trips through Afghanistan, we lost our corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days.

>> No.10867875

I don't know, maybe you should try to google it.

>> No.10867881



>> No.10867888

Modern education was designed for women by women in the department of education. It was then teached by women for women in primary and high school. They now are better at most school subjects than men.

>> No.10867889

Does this cause autism?

>> No.10867906

It potentiates it.

>> No.10867908



Nice way to emphasize your point.

>> No.10867909

Schizo being called a "new Schizo". Why, it absolutely checks out.

>> No.10867919

Women actually do better than men because estrogens are potent antioxidants and strongly downregulate neuronal apoptosis, they also have intact blood brain barriers much earlier. This means any toxic insult to the body of a male child is often far more damaging.

This goes for everything from vaccines, to garbage food, to RF from wireless devices and fluorescent lights. The lattermost of which causes literal neurogeneration, brain damage, visible on macroscopic histological analysis. LEDs are worse though.

>> No.10867972

Take your meds.

>> No.10867983

I feel despair and fatigue. This has to end soon.

These are verifiable facts. Every single bit of it. What is wrong with you people?

>> No.10867994


>> No.10868014

Look at this post:

And imagine that, for years. And years. And years. Sorry, but look it up yourself. I'm here to tell you the truth, if I want to write a scientific paper that can stand without me I'll do that instead. I've learned my lesson with wasting time on degenerate cunts in shithole places, ie, everywhere.

>> No.10868023

How are you in front of a computer if RF is so bad? Even if you are not using a wireless connection, all computers emit some radiation. In fact you might stop using any electrical devices, since very few are free of EM noise, if any.

>> No.10868028

Is she smart enough to point out the "women in STEM" meme is an op to trick women into doing a career they won't enjoy to increase the supply of STEM labor and drive down the salaries of people in that sector?
>but some women do enjoy it.
Yes, the ones that don't need a "women in STEM" meme to go into it. It's not enough for the people that want to reduce labor costs, though, hence the meme.

>> No.10868039

>if RF is so bad?
>could may might
No, there is no "if". It is. Period. End of the fucking story of the latest chapter of mediocrity and pathetic failure in the horror story that is man's history. I've had enough.


How about you just research it yourself. Index.txt has a list of 1600+ papers. There you go, that goes for the rest of you. Including you braindead schizos living in the deepest delusion imaginable. Once the rest of you are up to speed, make it clear what these people are. Your silence is your CONSENT.

>> No.10868042

Then stop using electrical devices, faggot. If what you say is true you are already "consenting" and commiting suicide.
But of course for you it is conveniently restricted to avoiding fucking WiFi, isn't it?

>> No.10868052

Computer is shielded. I only use incandescent lights. I'd like an E-field attenuating screen for the monitor, but I have it back a ways. The real problem is dirty electricity. Turn off the breaker when feasible. Now the roads are filled with radar, LiDar, and intense LEDs which burn your eyes out.

If you people pulled your head out of your ass this would all be much easier. This is not a battle an individual can win.

>> No.10868085

You're going to have to battle that battle alone. Because it's not factual. It has to be proven by studies with EMPIRICAL evidence to be factual that it's bad for people. Like people dying earlier and earlier. But it's the opposite, isn't it?

But because your bullshit is hypothetical and theoretical, that kind of empirical evidence isn't coming because it's bullshit. There's radiation everywhere. It's the AMOUNT of radiation which can be harmful. Like with anything else too, like too much water. But people die of other illnesses before that kind of radiation would be even a theoretical problem. Time is a factor too.

Your attitude shows that YOUR head is in so far in your ass, I'm afraid you will never get it out from there if you don't try harder. You're not even trying to do that. You think your right because you're special little snowflake and more intelligent than everyone else. But you're just confusing hypotheticals and theoreticals with actual empirical evidence which is ALWAYS more factual and better than those. Everything is possible. But not probable. Some things are basically impossible in the real world even if they are theoretically or hypothetically possible.
t. different

>> No.10868092

You won't read the data. You're a time sink.

Conversation is over. Sorry you wrote three paragraphs, I only read the first one and skimmed the rest before I hit post. How's it feel kiddo, when people won't read? Duuuhhhh, I'm a zombie masquerading as real person duuhhhh, waste time on me uuuhhhh.....

>> No.10868131


>> No.10868138

Its not her fault some trashy garbage article took her intelligence as an opportunity for "muh epic feminism win"

>> No.10868141

Thank god if she is actually that smart. Imagine knowing so little about academia that you and youre readers think nasa is peak scientific work on par with what einstein did...

>> No.10868223

So physicists, where in heck is my transporter like in star trek. Solve the transport problem. You have had Einstien/Rosen portals in the maths and quantum theory even proves infinite probability means transport to anywhere. Where is my damn spaceship. You are all slackers.

>> No.10868227

yeah. I mean NASA only used NEWTONS 300 year old physics to get to the moon and back. The Einstien stuff is a refinement, a correction miniscule for practical purposes. I have only seen gen rel used for two things, GPS and red shift for stars. For everything else, its just all fizzle and no sausage

>> No.10868244
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>mean overrated jewish hack
Loving /pol/'s butthurt cope.

>> No.10868254

/pol/ will be banned soon. some msm is thinking its the cause of all mass shootings. wheras, we all know who really did them, samulemus hydeus.

>> No.10868427

I don't get it

>> No.10868453

The "new Einstein" has been around for ages, it's Witten. But if you want my opinion on the guy that'll actually develop a real complete TOE? It'll be some guy who didn't receive a lot of attention and won a bronze or silver medal at the IMO because he's talented but not obsessive, he, or it could be a she, will be a profoundly original thinker and will have insights which make them famous once published.

It won't be someone overhyped.

>> No.10868468

Definitely a change for the better. It's time to make this male-dominated field open for all genders, as well as positively encourage women to participate.

>> No.10868476


Haha my company tried to hire Sabrina but she has no interest in finance.

>> No.10868480

"I shouldn't be expected to actually prove my point just google it!!!!!!!"

You're like the opposite of a Ken doll. Instead of a smooth crotch, you have a smooth brain.


>> No.10868505
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>> No.10868509

Literally zero (by which I mean literally nonzero but almost zero) chance that one person will develop a ToE or anything close to it.
General relativity was only possible to be discovered more or less by one person because its definitely wrong. Development for a correct theory of gravitation will look much more like the invention of quantum mechanics, which came slowly and involved many different people working together and on various problems.
Regardless of whether string theory will yield something useful or not, development of a ToE will look exactly like that. A bunch of people working on something more and more unintuitive and abstruse until eventually something gives and people start getting nobel prizes and actual problems are solved and then a hundred years later people wont find it strange at all anymore and just accept the existence of something like 27 dimensional vibrating strings like we accept quantized energies and statistical distributions now...

>> No.10868513

Well then after a fashion the threat is moot, there will be no "New Einstein" because the age of such discoveries is over.

>> No.10868529

I mean yeah there's gonna be a new einstein but they will stand right next to the new debroglie, dirac, fermi, bohm, schrödinger, heisenberg and hundreds of others so really who cares about one of these names...

>> No.10868543

That makes no sense, you just claimed that no global approximation of reality generated by a single person (Like GR by Einstein) will be developed, you claimed that the TOE will be the piecemeal construction of many minds, therefore there will be no Einstein. There can only be a new Bohr or Heisenberg (Or maybe Schrodinger) followed by a new Dirac, Von Neumann, Teller, Schwinger Wigner etc.

I would further say, that if you are right, then the closest thing we have to a leading mind in the sense of a Bohr, is Witten.

>> No.10868557

This pic has floated around for years and she was never heard of again

>> No.10868585

> einstien
Dirac and Schwinger where smarter, but get ignored, probabiy because brainlets can yet understand QM.

>> No.10868590

> cite: your arse

>> No.10868599

they say new eistein then fail to mention her contibution.

>> No.10868604

Lol do you genuinely not actually know what einstein did beyond relativity? You should look it up. After all he got his nobel prize for his contributions to quantum mechanics and not special or general relativity.

>> No.10868609

That's not what we're talking about you spaz. When people talk about "The new Einstein" what they generally mean is "who is going to make the next global fundamental paradigm-shifting theory?". And if no single person can do that, then obviously to be "The new Einstein" in that sense is impossible.

>> No.10868617

I looked up the paper she co-authored about New Gravitational Memories and I don't have even faintest idea what's it about. Einsteins Theory of the General Relativity's basic ideas were easier to explain to a layman.

>> No.10868619

>I mean yeah there's gonna be a new einstein but they will stand right next to the new debroglie, dirac, fermi, bohm, schrödinger, heisenberg and hundreds of others so really who cares about one of these names...

>> No.10868629

That's just not what people mean when they talk about "An Einstein" you idiot. What elevates an Einstein beyond a Dirac or a Fermi or a Pauli and so on is that Einstein's Relativity was a categorical shift in understanding contributed by one dude. If there is no categorical shift of the Newtonic or Einsteinian kind, there will be no new "Einstein" because they won't have achieved something comparable to them.

Are you stupid?

>> No.10868643

Every person has been called "the new Einstein" at this point. Why are none if them remembered 2 months later?

>> No.10868672

how does one go about acquiring such a womb

>> No.10868699

Why do you care what clickbait faggots write for their popsci newspapers? There WILL be a new einstein, he just wont be known for something he radically developed on his own, which is not what einstein is actually known for in the first place among people who actually know what the fuck theyre talking about.

Also how fucking bad is your reading comprehension? Do I have to quote my post again? How can you read anything about elevation into that when I explicitly say "stand right next to"?

>> No.10868708

sorry but what does "clamp" means in this context? I've seen it all over this board

>> No.10868717

>There WILL be a new einstein, he just wont be known for something he radically developed on his own,
Then he won't be like Einstein will he you fucking turnip. The fucking phrase is devoid of all meaning if the achievement isn't comparable.
>which is not what einstein is actually known for in the first place among people who actually know what the fuck theyre talking about.
Jesus fucking Christ when people think about Einstein they don't think about the EPR Paradox or the Photoelectric effect, the first thing that comes to mind is the categorical shift that is General Relativity, the single most important categorical shift of ideas since Newtonian Mechanics hit the scene you imbecile, and when people predict someone will be "The next Einstein" generally speaking they're predicting a comparable paradigm shift.

I don't even know how you don't get this you dense fuck.
>Also how fucking bad is your reading comprehension?
Bro you are actually fucking retarded, I can't believe you missed the obvious point of comparing someone to Einstein and are now stubbornly defending your position. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.10868794
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>Its a lets reply to every sentence separately so I can avoid looking at the entire post at once episode

>> No.10868806

Has she created a paradigm shift in the field of physics?

>> No.10868808

>>get mad at sexist statement
>>use sexist statement against that person

wew the logic.

>> No.10868814

terrible bait

>> No.10868819

progressives have been pushing jews for the past hundred years to combat nazi nordicism. There were Germans on the same level as Einstein but he got all the attention because he was Jewish. Nobel prizes are given to Jews more not out of merit, but out of favoritism.

That isn't coping. That is correctly identifying the mafia like activity of "the chosen people"

>> No.10868824
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no u

>> No.10868835

It's nerdics own faults for being lazy, at least Jews do their homework.

>> No.10869589

it looks like its just a form of branding / personality cult

>> No.10869668

I'm just impressed how media never covers the Science Olympiad beasts like Allen Liu or Calvin Ling Huang. They just talk about fags that have not even achieved something important.

>> No.10869680

>ignore my mistakes please

>> No.10869719

Do you think Stephen Hawking cited her math Olympics scores?

>> No.10869726

It takes less than two minutes to Google her co-authored paper anon, it's all there.

>> No.10869742

Looking at her makes me wonder how far ahead we'd be in science if only society had allowed and encouraged women to get educated couple of hundred years earlier. We'd literally already be in Mars.

>> No.10870448

Lurk moar newfriend.

>> No.10870494
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>> No.10870498


RELISH in it

>> No.10870612

>Female better at abstract

>> No.10870635
File: 159 KB, 1384x700, Screen Shot 2019-08-07 at 3.33.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you retards just believe anything you read as long as its in big bold words?

>> No.10871098


Regardless, this girl is more successful and intelligent than 99.9% of the retarded incels that browse this site.

>> No.10871157

And what is not a waste of a brain for you..

>> No.10871186

Wow your penis must be really small

>> No.10871247

So there's still at least someone here who's more successful than her?

>> No.10872266

I got into USAMO so fuck it, I feel smarter than her

>> No.10872277

I wouldn't allow anyone to call me a liar, a fraud, a thief, and a cheat. Wouldn't stand for it at all.
I passed the test to get into university.
I passed through university.
I worked at higher jobs than 3rd rate patent clerk.
And I'm not a Zionist puppet.

>> No.10872284

>[[[this thread has been deleted and archived]]]

>> No.10872430

mmmkay, did you make this thread about yourself?

>> No.10872432

Leave it alone faggots

>> No.10872441

is there a board on 4chan that anime discord trannies aren't policing?

>> No.10872516

> Harvard

No longer relevant.

>> No.10872520

>Girls are actually better at

If men could give birth they'd be better at that too.

>> No.10873599
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Girls are better spies. They excel at forming a practical understanding of information flow through social networks and manipulating the flow of that information by spreading the 1s and 0s that will sever links in the networks.

That's about all they're good at.

>> No.10873657

i dont want to hate women but they really don't make it easy

>> No.10873667

She clearly doesn't like the label. It's just retarded journalists that don't understand anything about science trying to get clicks. Not sure why this thread is alive.

>> No.10873670

because women are gay

>> No.10873677

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10873693

oh great its the fuckin schizo again

>> No.10873697


>> No.10873949

Because anons are even more retarded

>> No.10874042

USA monthly?

>> No.10874056
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>> No.10874113

There are just plenty of guys with huge IQ and great skill for their age. Yet, they are just guys, not girls. I hate modern academia, a center of circle jerking.

>> No.10874228

Einstein is famous because of his ability to bring together new theories to rival the old ones. Being a genius alone is not enough to be considered a new Einstein, show me how she's changed the physics world and I'll believe this quote.

>> No.10874944

At 13 she learned how to pilot and was flying fighter jets into the upper reaches of earth's atmosphere. What were you doing at 13 anon?

>> No.10874950

Top kek, it's funny even the retards who hate fake news still believe in it.

>> No.10874976
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Einstein was also partly famous because he had a messy hair and was ''le funny science dude''

>> No.10875008


At least 1

>> No.10875022

At 13 I was helping my grandmother to sell stolen flowers at a distant subway station, and giving out booklets.
Must be easy and fun to grow up in America.

>> No.10875036

Friendly reminder Mathematical Olympics don't advance science and are at best just Chinese/Russian/USA dick measuring contests.

>> No.10875130
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 65557984_240045203619054_1263166072249570587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which female /sci/entist is your favorite?

>> No.10875340

so basically someone is trying to push a shill campaign for more women in stem but she isnt in on it

>> No.10875346

USA Math Olympiad

>> No.10875414

>not even IMO
| brainlet |

>> No.10875481

>gets a job offer from NASA

I like to interpret this picture this way

Also who ACTUALLY IS the new Einstein in your opinion?

>> No.10875644
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i don't get the hand+apple statue? somebody explain?

>> No.10875698

what goes around comes around

>> No.10875705

Einstein is the new Einstein

>> No.10875707

>t. Avi Einstein of Chestnut Ridge NY, class of 2025

>> No.10875775

Actually they do better because that's the only thing the fucking do. What other option is there for a woman if she doesn't study well? To be a waitress or a prostitute. Also, it's generally frowned upon when girl has bad grades in school and it's usually expected of them to at least sit on their ass whole day and study. Just like different things are expected of men. And even if you fail in school as a man, you can always end up working hard manual work to support yourself, for most woman, that's not an option.

>> No.10875776

I meant >>10875775 for >>10867888 but works either way.

>> No.10876411

I don't care about her pussy/penis
hell, tell us why her contributions are relevant to science

>> No.10876421

Here you go anon: https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.06120

>> No.10876628

yeah is like acadsemit guided reasearch
apply some theorem to new data and yadayada Good girl, schlomo

>> No.10876671
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>co-authors a paper that Stephen Hawking found useful
>some asian frog forumer says is not

>> No.10876727

I dunno, it does have 44 citations. Not that usual for a grad student.

>> No.10876729

I wouldn’t mind taking quantum physics lessons from her.

>> No.10876752
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1500, 20180322-instyle-sabrina-pasterski-1087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10876757


>> No.10876759


>> No.10876760

she ug af bro

>> No.10876762

asstract thinking*

>> No.10876765

u angri?

>> No.10876769

umad bra?

>> No.10876781

Look at those hagraven hands

>> No.10876787


>> No.10876788

they look like mine. shes cute.

>> No.10876802

But there are always Math Olympiads, right guys?

>> No.10876817

sure why not

>> No.10876867

>Sabrina Pasterski is a proud first-generation Cuban-American
I guess she is not that proud of being Polish? For some reason you don't get victim points for that.

>> No.10876893
File: 843 KB, 792x991, einsteinboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do zoomers not know about the "polish are stupid" meme?

>> No.10876921

Uh huh. So where is the grand unified theory proof? That connects gravity and relativity with quantum mechanics and the other 3 fundamental forces.

>> No.10876927

>tfw einstein worked on it for 35 years with no success and sabrina’s only 26 still

>> No.10877071
File: 49 KB, 400x600, Sabrina+Gonzalez+Pasterski+Young+Women+Honors+o8m1wyOL0tBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wizchan anon thinks girls without makeup on makes them ugly
anon, learn girls. with makeup on, a girl like sabrina turns into your morning shower fap fantasy

>> No.10877077

>young womens honors
you know what that acronym looks like?

>> No.10877082

oh fuck ((((Jews)))) goddamn anon, the Cuban-Polish catholic who graduated with a PhD from Harvard and looks real hot with makeup and a dress BTFO!!!!! because ((((parenthesis))))

>> No.10877083

>hmm i wonder what einstein did at 26 ... probably nothing important

>> No.10877087

cool PTSD, anon.

>> No.10877104

i honestly agree with sabrina that calling her the “new einstein” is a popsci media thing that should be ignored. but the (((jew))) conspiracy thing around her needs to stop. she is polish and cuban. which makes her like 900% catholic more than anyone else on this board

>> No.10877853

no it's her pussy thats important. we need more women in real jobs, so that men with high IQ can get high IQ females.
so that higher IQ males are born, and maybe in a few generations a female with an IQ that can make a real innovation.

>> No.10878143

harvard is just a bunch of liberals
of course they're pushing this feminist crap
they hate men

>> No.10878182

High IQ isn't hereditary.

>> No.10878213

>be decent but nothing out of the ordinary student
>be male

>be decent but nothing out of the ordinary student
>be female

tbqh I care more about science than meme gender politics, so if retards want to throw money at a scientist just because she has a vaj or black skin, whatever, but there is no denying this shit

>> No.10878233

We appreciate and value your input, Africa