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File: 1.73 MB, 666x416, 1541923273665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10864648 No.10864648 [Reply] [Original]

this is the trick that flat earthers, aka relativisists, quantum relativists, aetherists, use to push their idea.
This is what they think when they think of their theories. That this is infinitity they are looking at.

>> No.10864712

>That this is infinitity they are looking at.

No it's one thing, actually.

>> No.10864728

its a trick is what you are looking at man you are dumb.

>> No.10864752

what you are loking at are what ends up being 2 single lines in the middle there, that you are tricked because they mold into one that one is siwtched places with the other, as your seeing the picture and its moving. but if u took the one frame and stared at it you will realize its a trick and they just come back out the other side and nothings changed.

>> No.10864769
File: 460 KB, 426x240, 1548543039952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no faggot its what you see. infinity is a word and you claim it being rational meajns its 1 thing and can be used consistently.
but its NOT. its an irrational word

and this image is teh portrayal of it in REAL LIFE working.

whats it doing tell me? its locking up on itself. so there is no infinite and no free energy.

>> No.10864841

Fuck I thought there was something going on here in the GIF but I realized it's just a rope positioned like curvy Z just being rotated 2π

>> No.10864862

its a trick they tell you thats a working model of ininity
this is it in real life. its a trick, in the 3d/non 2d imagination world, it locks up on itself.

>> No.10864917

Yeah I knew as much. Anytime I look at stuff like that I try to see some sort of invariants.. is this a good way (geometrically speaking) to seek out as a type of pattern per se?

>> No.10864937
File: 29 KB, 544x529, 1548078573715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... You arent listening and are just hoping someone follows you.
I said its them claiming tehy are looking at infinity. that it is a continous loop. that its self generating. that this is an actual shape, a workign model.

they call it infinity. they call infinity free energy, they think thats were it comes from

Its a trick. see it? there is no such thing what they are talking about. its a vortex what they say. another word is TORUS. that concept. they draw that 3d ish image of it, and call it a working model.
is the physical working model. it locks in on itself. it is NOT a working model of shit. that is what happens when you attempt to use a vortex or a torus in real life. image is taken right from a ken wheeler video.
you dont have to listen to him, there is always a video that explains when it comes down to it to see. or a model of their theory.
its a TRICK. like cutting a woman in half. a magic trick. you see it its like the 3d box and a fly and they ask, which side of the box is the fly on? inside or outside? box is clear and they ask you.

>> No.10864949
File: 22 KB, 372x465, 1258821857538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a trap!
Oh okay, it all makes sense now.

>no faggot its what you see. infinity is a word and you claim it being rational meajns its 1 thing and can be used consistently.

I am looking at a gif. One gif.

>and this image is teh portrayal of it in REAL LIFE working.
>whats it doing tell me? its locking up on itself. so there is no infinite and no free energy.

What the fuck are you talking about you gibbering idiot.

>> No.10864962

its a movie a gif is a movie. you tell me what i posted like thats a smart reply. shove your smart ass comments up your own ass
the thing ken wheeler flips out is a mechanical model of the torus. and what happens when it flips out? does it spin around and around on its own? no it locks up on itself. thats how that shape/object mechanically works. it doesnt work is what im saying. it just locks in on itlsef. it pushes on itself.

if ur too stupiod to describe a movie shown to you or get what im saying and just point out its a gif file then ur a dumbass and wasted replies to my topic.

the torus isnt a WORKING model, it mechanically is broke. its just a drawing on a piece of paper.
if you cant make a workign model, or make a movie thats not forming to a single line in the middle to trick somebody with 2 lines coming out/going in to it and of it. then you dont have anything but a concept, not any explanation for any physical object and you didnt debunk as ken wheeler bleieves we dont live in a hphysical universe because i bet a bullet would sure blow his fat head off

>> No.10864969

Well im not listening considering we are using a keyboard but either way
>are just hoping someone follows you.
What did you mean by this?
Also what do you mean they think it's "infinity" infinity can't be respresented as a finite shape. Unless this is what you were trying to explain to me? A torus has an algebraic equation and the path the curvilinear object is taking is infinitesimal or numerically irrational hence 2π. So idk maybe I'm not quite understanding what you mean but do want to discuss to learn so help me understand!

>> No.10864970
File: 536 KB, 680x679, 1553350557362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also
2D-drawings is their excuse when they claim the world universe is flat
as in this picture.
all these other theories are really flat earth/flat universe theories
i just broke their trick. and illustrated it too so everybody can see

>> No.10864980
File: 15 KB, 305x301, 1558018027705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thing ken wheeler flips out is a mechanical model of the torus. and what happens when it flips out? does it spin around and around on its own? no it locks up on itself. thats how that shape/object mechanically works. it doesnt work is what im saying. it just locks in on itlsef. it pushes on itself.

Cool story bro

>if ur too stupiod to describe a movie shown to you or get what im saying and just point out its a gif file then ur a dumbass and wasted replies to my topic.

Descriptions are not explanations. Also your "Description" doesn't really describe anything. Infinity" "of what" you fucking idiot? This reeks of buttblasted schizoposting. Pretty sure he also used the term "incommensurable" which doesn't mean "infinity" at all. It doesn't come close to meaning "infinity".

>the torus isnt a WORKING model, it mechanically is broke. its just a drawing on a piece of paper.

Why do you assume the universe changes?

>if you cant make a workign model, or make a movie thats not forming to a single line in the middle to trick somebody with 2 lines coming out/going in to it and of it. then you dont have anything but a concept, not any explanation for any physical object and you didnt debunk as ken wheeler bleieves we dont live in a hphysical universe because i bet a bullet would sure blow his fat head off

Maybe that's why he clarifies that it's an analogy at the start of that video you moron.

I'm not filling in the blanks for your stupid thread anymore. Clarify your shit up, don't just take a shot in the dark. You use the term "they" like you're Alex Jones combating some kind of conspiracy or something. Give me a break faggot, nobody cares about your paranoia, this is a science board.

>> No.10864995

pwnt pwnt
not going to get into arguements with people who dont read what is told to them. i never described anything moron he said he never understood nothing more than a gif. a gif is an explanation, a movie is an explanation
but the movie is irrational is what im saying and thats the trick.
its a trick

a trick like the 3d box with the fly they tell you is a fly inside, or is it outside the box.

its one of those visual tricks. this ones pretty simple, its just a mind trick. they use tricks to control your mind

the big thing they connect this with is FLAT EARTH. they claim the earth is flat and they attempt to tell you that you can sail a boat off the edge of it, thats what you tink. but they really are saying its 2d and everybody knows that its not its 3d. we all know it.

>> No.10865000

if i say trick, and you dont undrestnd it and i tell you the sotry they tell you with it and you dont look and see it. there is no explanining it to you. its simple for the most simplest of minds. also they confuse it with large lies too.

maybe you dont understand what all the tricks are. a trick is any lie.

and i needed to baby spoon feed it to you. u people shold literally all lay in a ditch and die. ur too stupid to feed urself.

>> No.10865009

I'm not sure I understand? So are you saying that the "trick" in the image is that this curvilinear object isn't part of the torus? Or that it's really 2D and not 3D? In terms of it's path that is. Because in 2D the path oscillates in both the x and y axis. In 3D it's invariant on the z and clockwise on the x and y.

>> No.10865010

i never described anything moron
That's the joke. OP is a faggot as usual.

>a gif is an explanation, a movie is an explanation

>but the movie is irrational is what im saying and thats the trick.
>its a trick

Get help

The only trickster here is you, back to >>>/x/. I know it's late, but there's more traffic there.

>> No.10865011

Well I shouldn't say not moving on the z because if you look close enough it does move a small amount

>> No.10865014

what the fuck is a torus/vortex then asshole? its a trick
a magic trick
a lie
an irational concept

but look at the gif. it spins around and goes back outa nd around, again and again

its a trick. they make you think when they show you that GIF that its infinity. then go on about infintessimal, and inconsumerate and other fucking shit

i figured look at teh fucking thing and see. thats how they tricked you.

>> No.10865019

I think this dude >>10865000
is on meth anon maybe we should stop because he isn't the best at explaining this. I'm simply talking about this mathematically in terms of "the trick" and he just keeps bringing up Flat Earthers when that should be the next point in the topic after we've established "the trick".

>> No.10865023
File: 53 KB, 682x232, 1555622729854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the movie shoud be able to show you, the mechanism, unless of course its using trickery
? its an explanation. the point is they call the torus something thats real in the 3d world then they show you the image
wheeler for example, one person, does all this mumbo jumbo then tells you
WOW man look its free energy its how mechanically things work

while attempting to claim there is no physical universe
to that i can tell him to go fuck himself and you all belived him like little church goers

>> No.10865032
File: 239 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_20190804-234830~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is a torus/vortex then asshole?

>> No.10865036

there isnt any math problem in physics.
its an irrational concept.
objects are what physics is about get out if you dont htink so.
holyu fucking shit
and a representation was posted by me courtesy of ken wheeler.>>10864769

>just a fucking trick
thats a trick ball
it palys on shapes i believe is the deal behind it.

>> No.10865039
File: 115 KB, 1219x1043, 1564174527374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There isn't any math problem in physics

>> No.10865066

how come every time i come here all i see is replies to things your angry about is with ugly pictures or somehting

>> No.10865072

What am I angry about? I'm actually pretty relaxed I'm sipping coffee and enjoying my night

>> No.10865077
File: 90 KB, 294x250, 1546047905227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that physics has nothing to do with math.

>> No.10865086

maybe i didnt write my topic right
what im saying is that all the physics theories are btfo by the trick im revealing. just by me telling you its a trick its revealed.
becuase noones ever looked at it and pointed it out to you and told you its atrick.

if you look at a 3d image of a lfy in a box...
then you might say to yourself so and so its inside teh box or maybe outside. or not know

then you continue to think that until you go its a fuckign 2d picture of a box
my kindgergarden teacher asked us that and that besides teh fuck word was my answer.

>> No.10865087

What made you think I was angry with that? I'm actually laughing because of what the anon said. It's like saying there isn't any recipes in cooking.

>> No.10865090

schizophrenia thread

>> No.10865098

Yeah no kidding

>> No.10865131

suck each others dick

math is the language of adverbs

>> No.10865150

yoy uactually think everythings sitting there waiting for you? in a predetermined way? do you konw anything about langauge and adverbs?

>> No.10865241

Why would I be concerned with "language and adverbs?" What does this prove? Yet provide in what I have said

>> No.10865250

math can only describe verbs. a recipe isnt a verb. math could only descrbie a recipe that is being made. not any actual recipes.
its not a recipe.

>> No.10865269

>Math is a Language of Adverbs
Not at all, Math is the Language of Shape, Quantity, Structure, and Change. Which contains various Adverbs as does anything else that can be described by a Linguistic language. So I'm not sure what you mean when you say this perhaps you need to explain a bit further.

>> No.10865270

Oh I see your point. Just being Technical

>> No.10865280

technical that word doesnt make sense in any context. i cant even understand you people you are just spitting words out.

i say trick and you get completely acting like your confused. you attempt to make the word mean sommething else then take off and leave thinking you have destroyed the langauge again

alll of you shills come into threads shiitting all over ever words'' definition. its like you sit back stew for 10 iminutes then come back tryign to change the definitions of stuff. not even attempting to understand my theory or anything

like 1st guy. he can see a gif. did he ever claim to understand my topic at all? no and he then left, without saying yes or that he was wrong. i dont fucking care abou twhat he saw. the picture and half of my topic made the case. he had to act like some smart ass tho

tehchincally you are 100% wrong and are now shilling some big word to make yoruself seem smart to laymen reading gtfo like u juste got btfo

>> No.10865285

My analogy was more in principle. I guess it wasn't the best analogy on the spot but nonetheless.
>There isn't any math problems in physics
Assuming that you are the one who quoted it. Is absurd because if you learn physics you learn the rules of certain phenomena which are describe using math. You can verbally describe something sure but the math gives you the intuition and insight that words don't.

>> No.10865293

stop describing to me and start explaining use nature examples
thanks ill be sleeping and never coming back yu guys are retards go back down the stairs to the retarded class
its a simple animated gif picture and a simple trick. you were fooled.
of phenomena. phenomena dont have rules. you havent even explained your theory yet but you want to start jumping into describing how this and how that.

stfu im sick of it i showed a basic picture and you ignored that. stop trying to confuse everyone else.

>> No.10865295

math wouldnt do fuckign shit
im out your retarded. explain anything you say or do so someone can understand you ever and maybe ill reply

>> No.10865296

So just so I'm clear I'm not trying to be hostile. So why don't we try this again. Explain you're theory. What is the "trick", explain it. Don't bring up anything else. Explain what the trick is. Math is always good for this. Once I know the trick! We can discuss the theory and how this illusion relates to your/the flat earthers theory. I don't come here to fight or anything or put people down. I genuinely want taxing and fun conversation seeing as there is no one in my social circle I can do this talking with. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid because I don't care about your intelligence. I care about what you are thinking in terms of the topic. So for both of our sakes use your reasoning to describe what you are talking about.

>> No.10865298

Let's restart. Brief me on this.

>> No.10865304

look at the picture you see the visual trick
there. thats it. they tell you its the working mechanism of infinite energy

they show you that and say its working

they go on to describe on some paper and make up all these words and stuff
everybody wants to see it working

the only working thing yu find is a 3d animated gif

people see that and are tricked.

nothing else to it. look at it. its an illusion

then i never believe in drawings or just follow what someone else tells me i want to see how it works. i want a machine to do it

ken wheeler himself flings it out one day. i had saw these before. the metal spring ball gif.

it locks up on itself in the middle. it doesnt function. its a trick.

it can't perform work.

so any theory involving vortex's or torus are bunk.

i did ask wheeler to explain this or if he had any comments maybe in the video he did that in something about explaining the unified theory yada yada magnetism maybe.

he never replied.

>> No.10865307

Unifying Gravity, Magnetism,

>> No.10865308

heres the video that animated real life torus is from

>> No.10865319

Okay so what I see in the GIF are two different things

First, visualizing this in 3D i see the rope that is in a fixed position rotating around the torus clockwise.

Second, visualizing this in 2D I see the rope crossing over itself roughly 3 times then spreading out momentarily then repeating the same thing.

>> No.10865322

Also are you saying this Ken Wheeler Guy in the video is right or wrong?

>> No.10865366

>48 replies
>4 unique IPs
Kill yourself you retarded schizo.

>> No.10865903

Oh woooow theEM spectrum. Light, a coaxial circuit of magnetism and electricity. This is a totally and completely new phenomena to science. Only this time the fancy term "rope" is used instead of "wave". Congrats, you still have a description, not an explanation.

>wheeler for example, one person, does all this mumbo jumbo then tells you
>WOW man look its free energy its how mechanically things work

Ken Wheeler has NEVER used the term "free energy" unless literally making fun of the retards that believe in it. "Mother nature doesn't dish out a free lunch" was his exact fucking quote. That's okay though, I know you you tube scientists are hard of hearing/listening.

>while attempting to claim there is no physical universe
Explain how it is physical without magical bumping particles and ropes. You can't fucking do it because the subject is not an object to be negated (basically that means fields are not physical and are an action).

>to that i can tell him to go fuck himself and you all belived him like little church goers
Because platonic logic is religion now.

>maybe i didnt write my topic right
It's learning

>what im saying is that all the physics theories are btfo by the trick im revealing. just by me telling you its a trick its revealed.

Your "trick" was already known you massive retard. It's called "the electromagnetic spectrum".

>becuase noones ever looked at it and pointed it out to you and told you its atrick.
Yeah and you aren't doing it either moron. You're sitting here posting pictures of a coaxial cable thinking that explains something, Let me just post a picture of the color "red" and then claim "hurr this is red". It doesn't explain what "red" is, how it's "red" or how I'm perceiving it to be "red". It's just a fucking picture with a jackasses description posted to it. That is you with your stupid fucking ropes.