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10863529 No.10863529 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10863535
File: 84 KB, 1055x815, LazardDt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wind's LCOE looks like that!!??!

>> No.10863772


>> No.10863797
File: 79 KB, 1024x249, 1024px-San_Gorgonio_Pass_Wind_Farm_-_360°_Panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it isn't like you can't have that land for dual purposes. Like farming for instance. Not that it matters for like another 10k years before land space ever becomes a problem.

>> No.10863842 [DELETED] 

Nuclear generates 1000kw per sq mtr and uses up a fraction of the land.

>> No.10863863

Nuclear makes 1kw per sq mtr and uses up a fraction of the land.

>> No.10863920

Not if you count the pile of radioactive waste it produces.

>> No.10863961

Tell me the radioactive half-life of uranium and if you think depleted uranium can be reused in nuclear fission. As an aside solar panels are made up of lead, cadmium and antimony. Would you like to have a guess of these elements half-life and what you can do with them after the solar panels life expectancy of 25 years runs out?

>> No.10863966

fire it into the sun, nuclear is literally the only way to go. Until we can nail that Fusion bitch.

>> No.10864005

What if the sheep get wind cancer?

>> No.10864009
File: 247 KB, 1024x683, Rossing Uranium Mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the purpose of this argument. Stuff takes up space and that's bad?

>> No.10864013

Why would you evaluate them using power per area? That's not a sensible metric for several reasons. Actually, how was the area even calculated? Don't tell me they took the empty land between towers into account...

>> No.10864016

Coal actually produces a shitton of nuclear waste as well. The more you know...

>> No.10864022

Wow nuclear's LCOE is INCREASING!

>> No.10864023


>> No.10864034

Germania is tipping on 50% renewables and the United Emirates of France is still 80% nuclear. The cost of energy in France is 14.72 cents per kWh, one of the lowest in Europe. Germany pays 24 cents per kWh and rising.

>> No.10864058

Funding for new reactors has dried up. New technologies aren't being developed nor implemented, and all that's left are obsolete and aging reactors.

>> No.10864081

Wind is fucking shit tier and I can't believe people unironically defend it, not to mention it absolutely fucking ruins the landscape.

>> No.10864143

>Until we can nail that Fusion bitch.
Weird how retards love fusion until somebody mentions the already existing fusion we could easily use that sits up in the sky.

>> No.10864146

I'm sorry about your golf course Donald.

>> No.10864199

>the fusion that only works optimally 30% of the time
Tell me how you plan to cover down time.

>> No.10864202

It can't be cloudy everywhere.

>> No.10864243


Im no Trump fan and you can fuck off to rebbit

>> No.10864251

>my plan is to cover the entire planet is solar panels!
Ebin. Simply ebin. And as anon
points out when they wear out after 2 decades what are you going to do with the toxic waste?

>> No.10864264

>solar panels are made up of lead, cadmium and antimony
>solar panels life expectancy of 25 years
Where did you find those 1997 talking points?

>> No.10864274

Good thing panels are virtually entirely recyclable. So just make the old panels into new ones easy.

>> No.10864277

Useful life expectancy is still around that mark, yes they will still work but they will have lost a large amount of production and it will continue to drop off steeply after that. So you are still going to have to be building hundreds of hectares of fields regularly. Yes panels are free of most nasty shit these days but it's more about the production process which you don't see because it's outsourced to China where they dump all the refining byproducts into rivers.

>> No.10864279

Oh you found some 2007 talking points feel free to goalpost again.

>> No.10864280

Nuclear is the energy magic bullet we have had for half a century. Can't wait to pave the rainforests with solar panels and windmills rather than just having a nuke station here and there.

>> No.10864286

Debunk it then

>> No.10864288

Why do greenfags resort to passive aggressive reddit cringe when they can't answer a question?

>> No.10864289

Can we please just keep using coal and oil instead of larping as hippies?

>> No.10864292

>Debunk it then
You made the claim which you knew was a lie and then proceeded to walk it back. I don't have to debunk shit.

>> No.10864294

If it wasn't for fucking hippies we'd be nuclear and not having this discussion.

>> No.10864295

> please return kindly to reddit

>> No.10864296

Show me a 100% recycleable solar panel. I'll be downloading laughing reaction images while I wait.

>> No.10864299

>I can't debunk shit
that's obvious.

>> No.10864303

You can't debunk it because no manufacturer will offer any more warranty than 20-25 years.

>> No.10864307


>> No.10864310

>i COULD debunk it if i wanted to but i can't my dad works at nintendo and he'd get in trouble sry guize lol xd xd xd

>> No.10864314

Not an argument

>> No.10864315


>> No.10864320
File: 3 KB, 590x27, no_u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your (You)s are malformed

>> No.10864323

imagine getting btfo so hard you resort to this

>> No.10864328

The only place for solar is off grid homes or very high sunshine places like Australia or North Africa. Everything else should be fucking nuclear or you clearly lack a brain.

>> No.10864513

they should be including only the ground occupied by the windmill's footprint in the calculation since that's all that's actually getting used

>> No.10865401
File: 22 KB, 800x366, Wind-farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not to mention it absolutely fucking ruins the landscape.

You are in luck because the true potential for wind is offshore wind farms.

>> No.10865406

>it absolutely fucking ruins the landscape.
Oh no, the majestic flat brown scrubland of south texas!

>> No.10865410

Do you know Van Gogh the painter? Did you know he refused to paint Dutch windmills as they were brand new in his age and he considered that they were high-tech trash that ruined the view so he would draw landscapes without them.

Nowadays tourists literally come to the Netherlands to view the windmills while the locals originally considered them to be high-tech ugly shit.

Wind power generators are like this. In 200 years time people will view them as quaint and an addition to the landscape because they will be outdated and characteristical of a specific era in human history.

>> No.10865441


>> No.10865446

I see the nuclear shills are pretty active today.

>> No.10865449

nuclear's a bottomless money pit

>> No.10865504

I recall nuclear makes less power per sq mtr than solar because of the exclusion zone you need to maintain around nuclear plants.

>> No.10865529


>> No.10866364


>> No.10866403


>> No.10866410

Sorry the US just isn't ready for the socialization of energy generation required to make nuclear economically viable.

>> No.10866470

holy shit that's a great idea, why isn't everyone building those already?

>> No.10866484

Why is this board getting dumber every day?

>> No.10866636

>Do you know Van Gogh the painter? Did you know he refused to paint Dutch windmills as they were brand new in his age and he considered that they were high-tech trash that ruined the view so he would draw landscapes without them.
I don't see how that's possible since tower mills date from the 12th century and van Gogh dates from the 19th century.

>> No.10866640

We still have lots of middle of fucking nowhere left on land.

>> No.10866654

Would it kill these clowns to use lines that are NOT slight shades of each other?
Nuclear/Coal/Solar look too similar, Gas/Geothermal/Wind are all similar shades of grey.

>> No.10866664

That excludes areas dedicated to
- mining
- refining
- recovery
- waste storage

>> No.10866839

All of the nuclear waste from all reactors in the US starting from the first commercial plant to right now, would fit into half of a football stadium.

>> No.10866841
File: 619 KB, 2340x2340, 1562026649043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

electricity is haram

>> No.10866856
File: 163 KB, 1229x800, Fuel_Pellet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid uranium pellets can only utilize 2-5% of the energy because of inactive isotopes becomes to much and gases start cracking the cladding.
If the uranium instead is dissolved in salt it's possible to extract useful isotopes for cancer treatment and end up with waste that only needs to be stored for a few hundred years.

>> No.10866894

I find that highly unlikely, if you had to power the entirety of the US by nuclear fission plants, it would be about 400-600 sq km. For solar, optimizing for the sunniest regions and thereby minimizing footprint, would be 12,000+ sq km. Are you sure you aren't thinking of disaster zones?

>> No.10866916
File: 2.61 MB, 384x288, 99.9%.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spit-take on keyboard when reading this

>> No.10867434


>> No.10868379

Installation/maintenance and cabling are a lot more expensive then on-shore wind farms. Salt water can also be corrosive.

>> No.10868381

That's what happens when the nowadays rare act of building new reactors turns into a giant shitshow like this:


>> No.10868467

Votgle is like 3 times worse lmao

>> No.10868522

Because they've choked the nuclear industry to death with regulation. All the reactors are old but they can't get new ones built for shit.

>> No.10869207

Shills always say this but never site their sources

>> No.10869408

>the exclusion zone you need to maintain around nuclear plants
Damn, all those nuclear powered carriers and subs must be a whole lot larger than they look in the pictures.

>> No.10869464
