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10863324 No.10863324 [Reply] [Original]

Can you program something to feel pain?

>> No.10863355


>> No.10863356

you can program it to understand when it should feel pain and react in certain ways i guess but it wont feel human pain

>> No.10863363
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>> No.10863374

>Make a coputer with 4000 hours of power
>Program it so that it tries to dissipate energy as low as it could
>If someone tries to use it, make it react by releasing a strong beep

The feel of pain is a reaction to tell the body that the life of the organism is in danger, there you have it

>> No.10863376

Yes, program any living thing such that it cannot grow any muscles

>> No.10863394

Yes. Analog sensors would be required to modulate the experience but it would essentially be installing a , "Rape my existence," function into it.

Rape is when a sensory or memetic experience can be overwritten by another identity/entity. Pain would be considered an overwrite given how highly it is a primary ranked experience.

>> No.10863396

I promise to be the whole seller and nothing but the seller, so help me Supply Side Jesus.

>> No.10863422

>Can you program something to feel pain?
What have you tried?

>> No.10863432

Myself by operator overload and operant condition discipline training.

>> No.10863455

Still works.

Always be polynomic and all NP solution searchers will find you. NP is a non-immediate-shared-domain parameter.

If I always say my observation is OFF-BY-ONE then I get to collect real faithful or social members who deserve a good trolling.

>> No.10863458

*gives middle finger to his Chinese wife*

>Best timeline to be a white guy in, for any white guy. We are the minority masculine energy on the planet.

>> No.10863539

Spite vs. Smite functions

P=NP ain't got shite on Smite < Spite evaluation outputs on my Quantum terminal!

>> No.10863831

Do something really need to feel the pain so you can feel the pain trough empathy that doing something to it is causing pain?

>> No.10864258
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Physical human pain is a programmed response to nerve damage.Emotional human pain would work the same way except with metaphorical damage to emotional foundations. Spiritual pain, simply hits you at a motivational level, and seeps into every other aspect of your being.

>> No.10864301
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>It's the daily "16 year old stem lords tackle big questions with half assed reductive accounts that would fall flat after 1 second of any sort of critical analysis.

You're on the right track. The real interesting question is why you think that is.

>> No.10864425

No. No combination of material accident can have conscious experience of sense, let alone pain, emotion, etc

>> No.10864516

The answer to that question probanly lies in the way that the human brain translates information in comparison to the processors machine’s use. Sadly my knowledge on the aforementioned subject is limited.
How do we define pain, though ,could be an interesting question aswell: One of the most extreme examples of biological pain could be an instant black-out due to an injury that could otherwise overwhelm the body and send it into shock. This safe mechanism could easily be applied on an android and function similarly to a blue screen on windows. On that case, we would observe the android getting hit really hard, and then dropping un”conscious” in order to avoid short circuits. This is a much more straight-to-the-point version of human pain