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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10860716 No.10860716 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways you can learn & apply mathematics to make money without having a degree? It seems fun to learn math because I haven’t done anything past freshman calculus, but I don’t think it’s worth my time investment if it doesn’t have any real life application

>> No.10860753

It depends on how autistic you are, knowing a lot of math isn't necessarily useful but can be. But if you're decent the fastest way is not math per se but algorithms, if you have really good problem solving and knowledge of meme programming problems you can get a job at a decent company based on that. This is high skill. Other high skill things involve sports betting, trading bots and stuff like that.

Medium skill is things data science & ML, statistics, excel and shit like that any company needs, they don't need much raw skill, it's all about selling yourself.

Low skill is multiplication tables and casheering in McDonalds

>> No.10860765

Not that anon but how about research? Both non-independent and independent?

>> No.10860776

If you learn math then it will become easier to solve a lot of real life problems, if you can solve a real life problem that a lot of people have in common then you can make a lot of money. You either pick a problem you want to solve and learn the math, or you learn the math and try to solve a problem with the things you learned

>> No.10860788

How to do independent research? Read about currrent math and solve problems, it's the same as going to academia. It's just hard mode because if you don't go to college either as a student or a professor you'll most certainly have other things to occupy your time as do as a job, so less time, meeting less people with the same interests and other factors which all compound, but some people have done it with moderate success, but it's not common.

For non-independent research going to college is the best

>> No.10861991

>without having a degree?

you didn't even read what the anon said

>without having a degree?

hes not asking for a desk monkey career.

I guess your only choice is to learn stock trading.

>> No.10863649

Learn the math behind advanced machine learning algos and get into algo trading/quant finance on your own. Historical market data, research papers on trading algorithms, finance courses, ML courses are all available online for free.

>> No.10863663

this is the best way to DIRECTLY use math for profits.

its actually a very comfy subject to learn.

>> No.10863748

I'm currently learning it just in my free time, and it's actually quite enjoyable. I don't really expect to make much money for the time being, but the prospect of turning a profit in the next year is definitely motivating.

>> No.10863821

Sports predictions.

>> No.10863909

Gambling and betting on sports. Not even joking.

>> No.10864051

Teach me anon, how do I use maths for sports predictions?

>> No.10864171

>Find a problem that affects you or other people
>Create a mathematical solution to the problem
>Sell the solution for money

>> No.10864193

Give one example of using math in gambling to make money other than muh card counting.

Also, I know nothing about sports or sports betting. Please explain your experience.

>> No.10864211


Anyone in here have any success or even any experience in this?

Would love to hear some tips

>> No.10864575
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Not that anon, but physics can help you infer a variety of external factors about a particular athelete from their times or records.

For gambling, as far as statistics goes, you can most likely use statistical analysis to whittle down options to come to the most likely scenario or answer. Maybe even algebra.

>> No.10864623

Research is fun as shit, and if you get something where you’re in a position to help people it’s really satisfying. There’s still a ton of paper pushing and bullshit, but you get creativity and freedom with research.

>> No.10864736

Thanks for giving me some hope, I only see people posting about how research is hell. I keep thinking these people probably shouldn't have gotten involved in research in the first place.

>> No.10864742

prove the riemann hypothesis

>> No.10864772

>without having a degree

>> No.10864823
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>the only way you can learn is by going to government mandated brainwashing centers

line up for recess, and make sure you ask before you go to the bathroom, child (cuck)

>> No.10865995

bayesian statistics