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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10859962 No.10859962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This happened in the Philippines where the child scored lowest in his final gradings. His parents posted this online and said that what's important for them is their kid having a good heart and knows how to respect others and that grades aren't everything in this world.

>> No.10859965

lowest in the country or just virtue signalling parents at some mediocre school?

>> No.10859967
File: 32 KB, 132x131, 155993159993693545 285245 gsp skeptical .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the lowest-scoring kid is getting mid-70's?
something fishy there

also: why would they post it online, why not just tell him face-to-face?

>> No.10859971

I heard Einstein also got bad grades in school. This kid is probably a genius

>> No.10859976

With the current academic system low scores are the most irrelevant problem.

>> No.10859980

He didn't. It's a myth brainlets tell each other to not feel so despondent.

>> No.10859981
File: 24 KB, 460x460, B8B7CDB7-2792-41A7-BB8C-9D25B628E641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

collge is a scam
college is for parties, sex and drinking.

>> No.10859986

But many students seem virgin

>> No.10859989

What is the problem then?
Non-white people getting educated?

>> No.10859997

Bad curriculums during primary and secondary
Turning blind eye to cheaters
Ancient prusian system of academia
Reproduction crisis
Paper publishing theater

>> No.10860000

>Ancient Prussian system

>> No.10860007

This does not work in the 21st century and needs to be changed or completely revised.

>> No.10860114
File: 48 KB, 333x499, weapons of mass instruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, QuadMan (pic related)

>> No.10860117

State education is state indoctrination...

>> No.10860118
File: 239 KB, 481x394, d00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit those line of 7's god damn

>> No.10860152
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They will one day reap the whirlwind, of course.

>> No.10860251

The Philippine educational system is horrendous. They just recently shifted to a K-12 system instead of K-10. Because of this, the Department of Education has been basically pushing for mass promotions of students by penalizing teachers for failing students since failures and dropouts would reflect badly on national statistics.

>> No.10860263

wrong einstein was literally a genius stop trying to cope. you know who else was a genius? euler, gauss, newton, leibniz, noether...must I go on?
sad thing is that's the only smartest guy they know
for engineers, yes.
but for normal people that aren't retarded require it as a ticket into grad school.
and math doesn't stop at calculus unless you're a huge dumbass
what's the point of this thread? the kid's a dumbass with dumbass parents big surprise? you must be a dumbass for caring.

>> No.10860341
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Not bad if the lowest kid in class still got all 70s.
But what's more likely is the teacher being lenient and curving grades

>> No.10860347

This is >>>/his/ or >>>/int/

School isn't /sci/.