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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10859200 No.10859200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your major and answer the following questions:

What is man?

What is God?

>> No.10859208
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>What is man?
A creature
>What is God?
The Creator.

>> No.10859228

>cells but with a bigger head

>> No.10859233


>What is a man
Somebody who earns six figures and can build big muscles

>What is God?
Myself, even though Im a girl

>> No.10859235
File: 85 KB, 930x773, six-epochs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is God?
God is technology.


>> No.10859245

Mechanical and Nuclear engineering

>What is man ?

Man is a evolutionary and biological response to the every expanding probabilities of the universe.

>What is god ?

God is the being that initiated the divine pulse of conscious life throughout said universe.

>> No.10859248
File: 1.92 MB, 1116x1016, robertgoddard_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerospace engineering
>What is man?
The best flight computer. Flexible, easily programmed, mass produced.

>What is God?
Robert Goddard.

>> No.10859250


>> No.10859310


>> No.10859332
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>Electrical engineering
>Man is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in the relation which accounts for it that the relation relates itself to its own self; the self is not the relation but [consists in the fact] that the relation relates itself to its own self. Man is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short it is a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two factors. So regarded, man is not yet a self. In the relation between two, the relation is the third term as a negative unity, and the two relate themselves to the relation, and in the relation to the relation; such a relation is that between soul and body, when man is regarded as soul. If on the contrary the relation relates itself to its own self, the relation is then the positive third term, and this is the self.
>God is Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.10859338
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>Post your major and answer the following questions:
Physics graduate
>What is man?
One of many conscious observers who live on this ball you call earth. To be an observer, it must realize that it's an observer

>What is God?
The grand architect of logic and the empty set.

>> No.10859344

biochemistry BS, MS, on PhDizzle
man is man
god is a concept used to control and scare man

>> No.10859492

Who is this girl?

>> No.10859500


>> No.10859503

Thank you.

>> No.10859504

>Computer Science
>Quantum Superposition
>Quantum Computer

>> No.10859506

>and can build big muscles
What if you can't build muscle?

>> No.10859517
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Computer Science

>What is man?
One of the 7-billion fingers of God

>What is God?
The One. The ultimate seer. The totality of soul and being.

>> No.10859669

Germanic history.

>What is man?
The agent used by the universe to understand itself.

>What is God?
The universe.

>> No.10859670

>computer science

>what is le man
something to sell spyware to
>what is god
my computard

>> No.10859752

>What is man?
>What is God?
What is the point of asking naïve Philosophy-101 questions on /sci/?

>> No.10859776

meaningless bunch of cells
creation of meaningless bunch of cells to get control over another meaningless bunch of cells

>> No.10859781

Comp Sci
>What is man?
Entities intended to simulate those that created him, in the sense of having some degree of moral freedom
>What is God?
The Administrators who created this simulation, or rather the way that primitive humans viewed those Admins

>> No.10859783

we sure do have a lot of big boys on /sci/ :)

>> No.10859856

I make bank by tutoring retard's retards on algebra.
didn't even go to college because it looked like an expensive meme I just read math textbooks for fun.
honestly I just want to be a fucking rock star bro.
I've been practicing guitar and singing and I want to fucking rock out all day then play some oblivion
nice thing about knowing high schoolers is when I'm tutoring senior on retard level shit like calc or trig they bring friends and I give the senior girls "private lessons"
so yeah I rock out, play vidya gaem, frog around on 4chins, fucking high school seniors and make money
and my opinions on what a man is:
someone born with the genetics to build muscle
and god:
the guy that gave me that phenotype and if he wants me to pray for an inconsequential amount of time then that's the least I can do.

>> No.10859879
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>What is man?
A miserable pile of secrets!

>> No.10860039

Mech. eng.
>What is man?
A very smart animal that was lucky to have the right tools to rise above the rest (at least mentally and technologically)
>What is God?
Every natural law in this universe, because we will never find the answer to some 'why' questions. So God will be a filler answer. God is the reason for things that happen by chance to resolve as they do.

>> No.10860140

What a piece of work is man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a God.

>> No.10860143

>someone born with the genetics to build muscle
Everytime I see this I want to punch a motherfucker. Anyone can build muscle. Just takes work and dedication same as everything else.

>> No.10860148

Computer Engineer

What is man?
FBI glow in the darks
Who is God?
Terry Davis

>> No.10860202

Your major
>What is man?
A unique composition of elements bound by time.
>What is god?
A non-real entity, basically the equivalent to Santa Claus or The Unicorn

>> No.10860213


>What is man?
An hylomorphic animal descended from a common ancestor with chimps with not only a nutritive and perceptive aspect to the soul, but a rational aspect to it as well
>What is God?
The Logos of the Universe and all of reality, the fount of all Being, Pure Actuality

>> No.10860220

sorry pal but just like your small dick, manlet height, and small IQ it's genetic.
I know I know you're sad about being a muscleless faggot. you should think about it like this: you were just meant to kill off your pathetic bloodline.

>> No.10860307

Then, you are not a man

>> No.10860376


the highest form of evolution we know of.

The central figure in the set of life guiding philosophies you're most comfortable with.

>> No.10860465

Are you brain dead retard that can't see to whom he's replying to? Fine stay a pussy ass no muscle cock sucker.

>> No.10860532

>man is an ever evolving process
>i am god, but so are you

>> No.10860551

Okay but non-real doesn't mean "doesn't exist", but rather isn't bound by measurable or Real numbers

>> No.10860562


>> No.10860588

Applied physics.
Your other questions are vague but i'll give it a shot.
Man is a small spectrum of genetic variation with intellectual features exceptional with respect to living organisms on Earth .
God is the creator in the hypothesis that all events had an origin, like the big bang theory.

>> No.10860712

Didn't felt for the academia meme (200 IQ)
All me

>> No.10860792


>> No.10860895 [DELETED] 


Mayor: Chemical Engineering

Beliefs: Agnostic Pantheist

God is a fictional idea invented to cope with life.

Entities and paranormal experience are possible, and I believe synchronicity is a real phenomenon, that science still has to explain (maybe related to quantum entanglement shit happening in our brains microtubules? idk!).

I believe the human being has a transcendent soul and I had some hints observing the effect of spiritual people, art and certain symbols on non spiritual people. Still impossible to prove it with logic / the scientific method tho.

>> No.10860905 [DELETED] 

Mayor: Chemical Engineering

Beliefs: Agnostic Pantheist

Man is an emanation of the information contained in the universe, somehow. We're probably some kind of quantum computers linked to the rest of the universe.

A personal God is a fictional idea invented to cope with life.

Entities and paranormal experience are possible, and I believe synchronicity is a real phenomenon, that science still has to explain (maybe related to quantum entanglement shit happening in our brains microtubules? idk!).
I believe the human being has a transcendent soul and I had some hints observing the effect of spiritual people, art and certain symbols on non spiritual people. Still impossible to prove it with logic / the scientific method tho.

>> No.10860921


Mayor: Chemical Engineering

Beliefs: Agnostic Pantheist

Man is an emanation of the information contained in the universe, somehow. We're probably some kind of quantum computers linked to the rest of the universe.

A personal God is a fictional idea invented to cope with life. I believe God can be approximated to the universe itself... even if it is possibly wrong to call it God.

Entities (concentrated emanations of universal conscience) and paranormal experiences are possible, and I believe synchronicity is a real phenomenon, that science still has to explain (maybe related to quantum entanglement shit happening in our brains microtubules? idk!).
I believe the human being has a transcendent soul and I had some hints observing the effect of spiritual people, art and certain symbols on non spiritual people. Still impossible to prove it with logic / the scientific method tho.

>> No.10860929


This is the nihilist and materialist view... but there must be some energy or force that makes your cells work the way they do.

From chaos there can't be order without an injection of energy or / and information.

>> No.10861057

you dropped your fedora

>> No.10861191

Philosophy and Physics

Man is an animal who unfortunately developed a greater level of intelligence and self-awareness

God is the neurotic manifestation of a collective existential dread and a fear of death. Religions that are not Abrahamic in nature however are simply the conjectures of ancient people as to how the world works.

>> No.10861318

Man is an expression of things

God is the collective envelope of all things

>> No.10861358

political science
>what is man?
the climax of life
>what is God?
the great author

>> No.10861360

>dabs fedora

>> No.10861454

What is man
something more than god

What is god
something only man know

>> No.10861457

A miserable pile of secrets.
A much larger pile of secrets.

>> No.10861458

To see what answers /sci/tards come up with.

>> No.10861462

>What is man?
>God only knows!

>What is God?
>Only man knows.

>> No.10861491

Reality is a subset of Existence. So yes God does exist, much like santa Claus or the unicorn but none of those things are real.

>> No.10861495

Pick it up for me pleb

>> No.10861504

>What is man?
A being made in Image and likeness of God
>What is God?
A being in whose image and likeness man is made

>> No.10861900

applied math and physics

>what is man
an animal creature made by God, and by him, imbued with reason and intellect.

>what is God
Unmoved mover, pure actuality, perfectly simple, ultimate cause of all things, triune in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible; One Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven.

& the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

>> No.10861914

The father of jesus christ

>> No.10862014
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>What is man

>What is god
Pizzer and Soba

>> No.10862023


>What is man?
Anything from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien

>What is god?
A being you worship/follow, can be real or fake.

>> No.10862467
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Nuclear Engineering

>what is a man
pic related

>what is a god
assuming OP means monotheistic, probably a lonely higher entity who wishes to be benevolent but also fears that the awareness of its existence will fade, so they use the fear of judgement and punishment as a way to keep its relevance known.

>> No.10862985

Based and Castlevaniapilled

>> No.10862994

Almost correct

>What is man?
The creation and the creator
>What is God?
The creation and the creator

>> No.10863020

>Your major
This is just too perfect.
>bound by time.
Very nice! Seems profound but doesn't really convey much.
>A non-real entity
Because unnecessary use of hyphens mirrors the unnecessity of the fedora itself.
>The Unicorn
Yes! Because there's only one.

>> No.10863044

Who's in the pic?

>> No.10863551

>What is man?
A featherless biped (with broad nails)

>> No.10863559

Speak for yourself featherlet

>> No.10863620

Based, finally “I can’t build muscle” guy gets BTFO

>> No.10863635


If ants were capable of such things, they'd probably think that the meaning of life was finding a potato chip or moving little pieces of dirt around.

There is no meaning to anything. We are just really smart primates who like seeing meaning in the universe because that's how our overclocked hunter gatherer brains work. There is no magic. There is no God. There is no meaning. Do whatever the fuck pleases you.

>> No.10863712

>Our brains tells us there is meaning
>There is no meaning
Pick one

>> No.10863723


Your brain tells you lots of dumb shit. Your brain tells you that YOU HAVE TO BREATHE NOW OR YOU WILL DIE when in reality, you still have about 50% O2 capacity left. Anyone who has ever done any free diving at all will tell you that.

There is no meaning. We find it comforting to ascribe meaning to the universe because we spent literally millions of years in an environment where that was really, really important. But there is no meaning there. We're just bred to look for it.

>> No.10863740

>We've evolved moved millions not years to find meaning in x
>There's no meaning in x
>We're bred to look for it
>But there's no meaning
You're full of contradictions aren't you?

>> No.10863759

>Brain is sometimes wrong
>Therefore existence can't have any meaning
I agree that there is inherintly no meaning to existence, but my God your reasoning is retarded. Have sex, and/or read some philosophy