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File: 546 KB, 2500x1667, pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10858077 No.10858077 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10858084 [DELETED] 

fuck no bitch

>> No.10858087

No. It is something of the group {mental disease / cultural phenomenon / personal choice / sociological phenomenon}.

If it was genetic, it would be dead long time ago, because gays don't have biological kids.

>> No.10858088

You're the expert on homosexuality, OP. You tell us.

>> No.10858098

It's caused by sexual abuse in childhood.

>> No.10858101

It is leftist degeneracy.

>> No.10858103
File: 41 KB, 399x385, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is homosexuality genetic?
Fuck no

>> No.10858129

The OP pic looks like the gay version of Willy Wonka. Who wants to visit his chocolate factory?

>> No.10858132

There is a clear trend in more social mammals having more occurrences of exotic sexual behavior. Mountain goats->dolphins->bonobos->humans. More social =more gay shit
Please do not respond with a non sequitor about how animals also rape. I'm not talking about morality .

>> No.10858152


>> No.10858159

There is physiognomy which is not completely heredity. Gaydar AIgorithms are detecting a phenotype.

>> No.10858243

Which may be passed as information, not the DNA sequence.

>> No.10858283

Both rape and faggotry are immoral.

>> No.10858302


I agree.

>> No.10858333 [DELETED] 

No; it's possible to be a straight dude and just like the look of a nice pair of balls or admire a respectably size dick. Can any straight dude, comfortable in their masculinity, honestly say they've never seen a big juicy package and wonder what it'd feel like to be on the receiving end? Not even just absent-mindedly letting your mind wander about it?

>> No.10858342

No; I'm straight and I can admit I just like the look of a nice pair of balls or admire a respectably size dick. Can any straight dude, comfortable in their masculinity, honestly say they've never seen a big juicy package and wonder what it'd feel like to be on the receiving end? Not even just absent-mindedly letting your mind wander about it?
Nobody in my family is gay and I'm honestly not, but sometimes I can choose to think about other guys.

>> No.10858350

so genetic rng has no potential to create it spontaneously and all gay people never reproduce

>> No.10858351

Tell me how I know you watch porn

>> No.10858353

Low quality bait. The fish here are smarter than that.

>> No.10858384

Current research suggests it's mostly epigenetic among males

>> No.10859053

Homosexuality is a choice. A nearly entirely subconscious choice, but a choice nonetheless. The choice is informed by a variety of factors, and those factors can be very different from homosexual to homosexual.

>> No.10859122

I'm not going to label you, but that's not heterosexual behavior.

>> No.10859126


>> No.10859398

Homosexual behavior is absolutely genetic. There are some species that do it regularly and some which we have never observed it in, and there is a clear trend in social animals, even more so in social mammals specifically.
The real question:
Is exclusive lifelong homosexuality in humans genetic?
The answer is no, because no lifelong pattern of human behavior is genetic. A lifetime of decisions cannot be reduced to genetic determinism.
But just the behavior itself, independent of the extent to which is gets expressed? Of course it's genetic. It is a feature of the human animal for sure, as it is a feature of many social creatures.
That said, it does seem to make sense that the most advanced social mammal of them all is also only one to sometimes express it so severely that it wholly replaces the normal heterosexual behavior.

>> No.10860741

>gays don't have biological kids
I got news for you. They fuck around and get kids faster than straight people sometimes. They do things against their own nature. Thats why its mental / genetic illness.

>> No.10860745

t. Someone without proper understanding of genetics

>> No.10860746

They call themself bisexual to fit in, end up with kids, until they hit their 40s, then they "realize they're gay." Its all a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.10860752


It's epigenetic.

>> No.10860755
File: 76 KB, 296x296, think about it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If you're father is gay, and your mother is gay, chances are that you won't be.

>> No.10860796

/pol/tards riddle me this. Why is intelligence genetic but homosexuality isn't?

>> No.10861326

You are not genetically coded gay,

but you can be in a position where your genetics make it a much higher chance of you becoming gay


>> No.10861430

interestingly enough 2000 years of Christianity ensured homosexuals reproduced at levels almost identical to heterosexuals in the west.

>> No.10861463

genetics can make some guys cute and soft spoken and thats fine

>> No.10861501

sure link me some serious studies correlating any of that

oh yeah that's right

you got none lmao !!!!

>> No.10861769

It's likely a combo of external chemicals (e.g. endochrine disruption via plastic), awareness of social conditions (perhaps overpopulation triggering non-reproductive behaviour or excess resources leading to nihilism and aberrant psychological states via some mechanism a la Calhoun), genetic mutation (most genes affect the mind, and far more mutation is floating around because of improvements in medical technology since the 19th century - particularly re: infant and childhood morality), plus an experiential/upbringing/childhood component where showing it to people, letting them around gays, and letting people do gay things is more normal. Plus there's the aspect that parents no longer look after their children and instead put children in institutions: schools, sports teams, scout troupes, where they're more vulnerable to being molested and ending up with odd sexualities assuming a clay-on-a-potter's-wheel model of sexuality where it starts off more fluid and easily affected when people are younger and hardens over time.

>> No.10861775

I'll also add that the law has cucked parents of the ability to mete out deterrent justice on child molestors.

>> No.10861777

If it would be solely genetic it wouldn't exist

>> No.10861981

Choice is genetic.

>> No.10861990

>gene makes woman love men a lot
>now son likes men a lot

>> No.10861999

What would the world be like if every person was 100% heterosexual?

>> No.10862005

if all gays were converted into their straight counterparts? we would have more incels and more degenerates impregnating wombs of every possibly creature

>> No.10862006

Yes it would. You can force them to reproduce by religion

>> No.10862009

The behavior predates those religions.

>> No.10862050

Dogs have evolved in 20k years what humans have in 200k

>> No.10862067
File: 290 KB, 531x710, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you can't and your savior is a gay nigger by the way

god how i miss baiting religious cunts by the thousands

>> No.10862071

he looks white there

>> No.10862075

That's a shooped photo

>> No.10862101
File: 66 KB, 1334x750, 10yiql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, otherwise they'd find a link between parents and offspring.

the only science shown (since we cant dissect humans anymore) links it to brain anatomy/physiology because other mammal species behave in homosexual mating/sex when theres no reason for it, but they ignore females hormones, dont respond sexually to their pussy scent, and prefer the dick.
see pic

>> No.10862129

>cuckanity is europian confirmed
imagine having to lie to yourself that hard day after day

in some ways i envy christians, i just wouldn't be able to do that

>> No.10862172

This. Gays reproduce through child molestation.
Every single gay dude I know had some sort of early childhood sexual encounter with either an older teen or an adult man.

>> No.10862193

You don't understand how biological evolution works.

>> No.10862200

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.10862216

I'm not gay and I haven't had any sexual abuse, BUT> I fap to trannies. Checkmate

>> No.10862239

>Every single gay dude I know
and every single retarded homophobe that i immediately told to fuck off but interviewed me about my penis anyway, implied that i was raped, and that i wanted to rape cute little sexy kids even though they know shit about me or my life

none of you can prove shit, not a single scientific study confirms your stupid claims, and i am still free to call jesus a gay nigger as much as i want, not a single cop will ever be able to charge me for pedophilia. or maybe i am just really good at my craft, like michael jackson who even knows right?

>> No.10862268

But homosexuality occurs in other animals and from observing animals that form longterm couples such as penguins. We have seen gay penguins take in orphaned birds. This occurs in other species too and it is fair to say non-reproductive sexualities occur in order to create functioning parents for orphaned young.

>> No.10862361

we need to make a distinction:
greek were not homos they just understood bro time
now bro time is a sin and only retard faggots betray the word of the ultimate bro: god
being gay is not even real but being retarded is.

>> No.10862378

>bro time
hello faggot

>> No.10862393
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>greek were not homos they just understood bro time

>> No.10862452
File: 59 KB, 600x350, How-To-Make-Yourself-Throw-Up-Easily-n-Quickly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you don't feel attracted to men yet you hate women?

>> No.10862580


>> No.10862597


Fuckin bro time lol. Like do you want gay porn? I watch porn every day and have never watched gay porn in like the 20,000 times...

>> No.10862601


Jus sayin u might be kind of gay, but thats okay.

>> No.10862606


*do u watch gay porn?

Sounds kind of gay but thats okay...

>> No.10862918

pro-tip: mental illness also happens in animal. If our brains can malfunction, why can't an animals brain malfunction?

>This occurs in other species too and it is fair to say non-reproductive sexualities occur in order to create functioning parents for orphaned young.
That doesn't follow. The penguins may still have strong parenting instinct despite their homosexuality. To say that it is a species strategy to regulate its population doesn't follow as it punishes the ones predisposed to this behavior and rewards the ones without it. Even worse than ending their own gene line, it perpetuates another one, potentially without this supposed regulatory function. A better suggestion is the one proposed here
>>10861990. In this case it is just a case of a gene regulating female sexuality backfiring.

>> No.10862974

homo pride and feminist movements were literally bankrolled by soviets to destabilise the west while being actively suppressed at home to protect their societies from destabilisation.

>> No.10862999

no, but faggotry is

>> No.10863025

Not true, stop believing /pol/ on everything.

>> No.10863034

Why is every single society "homophobic"? You can't pin it on abrahamic religion, you can't even pin it on religion (e.g. China, african/amazonian tribes before christianity, Japan). Some people will try to pin it on european colonisation and the spread of christianity but that doesn't explain china or islamic countries.

>> No.10863040

some of it is caused by childhood sexual abuse, /pol/ just overstates the numbers for their own agenda.

>> No.10863054

Is this a serious question? Sexual issues are introduced as a child which lead to developmental/emotional/mental issues. You become confused. If it's not from some form of childhood abuse ("I can't help my feelings") then it is a conscious choice of hedonism. It's similar to animals in the sense that they will often times hump or rape anything. Like a dog humping your leg - it has a sexual drive to reproduce but it's not intelligent enough to be discerning and it doesn't really care so it will hump whatever. In the same way, you can be brought to orgasm by a guy or a girl, And usually sexual acts in and of themselves are arousing. So at some level if you don't find it utterly reprehensible then you're bound to be turned on and develop attraction. If there is any genetic aspect involved, it would be a detrimental genetic mutation, because it would drive you to NOT reproduce which would mean the entire gay population would slowly die off.

I think whatever started the sudden boom, population control is on someone's mind hence they are pushing the LGBT agenda and trying to get more kids confused and hence on board.

>> No.10863096



https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/bering-in-mind/is-your-child-a-prehomosexual-forecasting-adult-sexual-orientation/ (way deep down it acknowledges environmental factors mingle with genetic ones)

>> No.10863114


>> No.10863122
File: 22 KB, 742x409, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exclusive lifelong homosexuality
doesn't exist.

>> No.10863131
File: 44 KB, 460x374, david-gandy-5-1308567016-view-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah
Here's your "scientific proof", boyo:

>> No.10863170

I'm from /pol/ and I don't believe this bullshit. Don't generalize, anon.

>> No.10863189
File: 138 KB, 791x724, 7B961F04-6E3E-4191-B977-B848404751F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence is genetic hurr durr

>> No.10863304

that's propaganda

>> No.10863323

>not heterosexual
Jokes on you, same sex fantasies are common, particularly in teens. Legit 5 minutes of googling would tell you this.

>> No.10863364
File: 37 KB, 687x167, we can't even math lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh another one of those self reporting studies where for some really special reason they couldn't find any gay men and 99% of the LGBT interviewed were mentally retarded women, and in which the people who conducted it didn't say anything that resembles these retarded headlines written by journos

definitely not causation, the "correlation" is weak and bullshit, and new zealand is a piece of shit country and i would ignore it based on that anyway so fuck yourself

>> No.10863365 [DELETED] 

>Legit 5 minutes of googling would tell you this.
Believing (((settled facts)))

>> No.10863366

must be nice living in a world where you think people will accept cant know nuffin as a valid counter point

>> No.10863418

>that's propaganda
Are you saying it's cherrypicked, or falsified with actors, or something like that? It is not.

>> No.10863538

cherrypicked definitely, a handful of people doesn't represent every gay person on earth. falsified with actors maybe, they may also just be lying

the guy who made it is an anti gay activist, the video was made as propaganda, it was a desperate attempt by conservative entities to stop marriage in the US, it failed, he moved on

>> No.10863542

being gay is a sin bro god is number one
nah im not a homo. I don't want to fuck men but if a bro sucks me off im ok with that as long as he says no homo.

>> No.10863546

No, it is epigenetic. Something during childhood triggers a change in gene expression.

>> No.10863548

>not a single scientific study
before I post one do you think rape is over or under reported?

>> No.10863558

>intelligence isn't genetic look at my shit meme
But then.
Human intelligence is highly heritable. Source: http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/v16/n10/abs/mp201185a.html
The scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased. Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289608000305
Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks. Source: http://www.jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public. Source: http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1994egalitarianfiction.pdf#page=3
Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households. Source: http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1977-07996-001
The average African IQ is estimated at 75. Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912003741
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100. Source: http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1997mainstream.pdf#page=2
The White-Black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing. Source: http://www.jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa. Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB115040765329081636
Intelligence has a 40-50% genetic basis. Source: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/10/news/la-heb-genetic-study-intelligence-20110809
The heritability of IQ reaches .8 (80%) in later adulthood. Source: http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/v20/n1/full/mp2014105a.html

>> No.10863571

>I don't want to fuck men but if a bro sucks me off im ok with that as long as he says no homo.
cool now go to pornhub and link me to any video from the straight section of a man sucking another man

i will wait

>rape is over
LMAO what

definitely under reported, a lot of crime happens is goes unreported, like with weinstein, there are many such cases but linking it to faggotry is illogical

>> No.10863623

well, a few decades ago it was considered a mental illness with some root in brain damage. Nowadays is a choice.

Make your own conclusions.

>> No.10863626

I don't know the reason but we must kill them all.

>> No.10863641

Homosexuality isn't real. It's an antisocial behavior disorder

-t. Kinsley

>> No.10863684

>definitely under reported
I was hoping you would say that my reddit spacing fren.
>46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men. Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11501300
Given you freely admit rape is under-reported can you explain why just under 50% of homosexual males are willing to admit they were raped by another male as children?

>> No.10863777

holy kek what a piece of shit study

>it was a non-clinical study and the data concerning homosexuals was gathered by setting up an interview booth at a “Gay Pride” parade while the data for heterosexuals was gathered at a college. Did the signage attracting participants at the Gay Pride parade booth ask specifically for victims of abuse who were willing to tell their story? The study does not say anything on this point – we do not know how participants were attracted.
it implied that gays don't attend college, and that everyone at the gay parade was actually gay, what a piece of trash
>contradictions between the results and their interpretation
>68% of men and 62% of women identified as homosexual before their molestation experience
>In the questionnaire given to participants, the word “molestation” is never used; “sexual contact” is used.
> Since 84% of gay men and 95% of women considered themselves gay before the “sexual contact” according to the study, could it be something less nefarious than, for example, forcible rape they were recounting?
>The American Sociological Association has criticized Dr. Cameron, stating that "Cameron has consistently misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism" and that he was kicked out of the American Psychological Association.

very /pol/ tier to drop me a link that leads me to incredible bullshit
randomly showing up at a college already reveals their intentions, schools aren't clinics, only fucking retards with an agenda do this shit, and every enabled retard to ever show in my classroom to talk about the damn homosexuals had an agenda and wanted to indoctrinate me (had to hear both gay and anti-gay bullshit btw)


>> No.10863793

>people who are more open to answering questions about their sexual identity are more open to answering questions about their sexual trauma.

Holy shit dude you mega dumb.

>> No.10863800

You would have to clinically concept homosexuals and make them adopted to heterosexual families to find out. This is not what science is for.

Let's say homosexuality in men is sin, and in woman it doesn't matter because if it doesn't involve penis or penis bearer it's not sex.

>> No.10863810

>everything animals do is normal

>> No.10863819

>Let's say homosexuality in men is sin
>Let's say
Welcome to the thread Mr. Shapiro I'm a big fan.

>> No.10863820

In ancient Rome, Pompeii used to have penis sculptures everywhere, they were suppose to ward off the evil and point the sailors to the nearest brothel.
I know dicks are not very fashionable in this day and age, but I'm proud of my aesthetic dick and low hanging big balls.

>> No.10863829

>gets angry
>attempts to refute peer reviewed science by linking to a Christian blog

>> No.10863837

>most gay men are raped in childhood
>is rape under or over reported
>46% of gay men say they were raped as a child. given you postulate rape is under-reported the figure is likely to be even higher.
cut up, not across

>> No.10863845

what part about the study purposely using completely skewed numbers, and Paul Cameron being kicked out of psychology for being an anti gay hack did you not understand?

how can i rephrase that so even a delusional lunatic such as yourself will be able to understand it?

>> No.10863848

i didn't get those quotes from the christian blog btw
i merely pasted it there

>> No.10863853

What part of you attempting to refute peer reviewed science by linking to a Christian blog are you struggling with?

>> No.10863860

I don't think it's genetic. I'm homosexual and my identical twin is heterosexual.
That never happened to me. I know that a pretty high amount of gays were molested, but not all, so it's not the only one cause of it.
Politically I'm further to the right than everyone else I know combined. The mainstream LGBT community are leftists so a lot of people make the connection between homosexuality and leftism.

>> No.10863868


Greg Johnson?

>> No.10863870

the quotes were rephrased from the study YOU posted with your own hands, not from the blog. i posted the blog in case anyone wanted to read his arguments since i am not rewriting the bible here

Paul Cameron is a hack and was kicked from psychology, all his work is worthless, and i'd rank it bellow even that blog given the amount of insane bullshit

and no i don't care about his faith

>> No.10863893

>was kicked from psychology
OH NO he was kicked from a pseudoscience? That definitely explains why 50% of gay men say they were raped as children.

>> No.10863903
File: 278 KB, 738x669, Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10863913

>posts flawed study
>calls same study pseudoscience
damn i really glitched this drone

yeah man that definitely explains why 50% of gay men say they were raped as children, you posted literal sudoscience made by a certified hack. thanks

>> No.10863968

Nigger ya fuming. Do you have any rebuttal to peer reviewed science other than REEEEEEing and linking to a Christian blog?

>> No.10863981

>rape is ok if 5 year olds can be convinced they are gay
>sexual contact with minors is ok if a faggot does it
unironically kys

>> No.10864000

>peer reviewed science
you just called it pseudo science

>Christian blog
>it was a non-clinical study and the data concerning homosexuals was gathered by setting up an interview booth at a “Gay Pride” parade while the data for heterosexuals was gathered at a college. Did the signage attracting participants at the Gay Pride parade booth ask specifically for victims of abuse who were willing to tell their story? The study does not say anything on this point – we do not know how participants were attracted.
>68% of men and 62% of women identified as homosexual before their molestation experience
>In the questionnaire given to participants, the word “molestation” is never used; “sexual contact” is used.
> Since 84% of gay men and 95% of women considered themselves gay before the “sexual contact” according to the study, could it be something less nefarious than, for example, forcible rape they were recounting?
>The American Sociological Association has criticized Dr. Cameron, stating that "Cameron has consistently misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism" and that he was kicked out of the American Psychological Association.

>homophobe glitching out
it starts saying random shit just like that, hilarious

>> No.10864025
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Good be genetic but not hereditary

>> No.10864043

>everyone calling me a retard is the same person
Nigger you are embarrassing yourself.
>toddlers know they are homosexual
>sexual contact with children is ok
>my source is a christian blog
>sociologists don't agree getting fucked up the ass age 9 affects you in any way

>> No.10864053

Imagine trying to worm out of a peer reviwed ncbi article by crying about homophobia.

>> No.10864059

ah you're talking about the blog
yeah people report to know of their same sex attraction at early ages but only being aware of its full implications during adulthood

>sexual contact with children is ok
where did this even come from

>my source is a christian blog
that is wellknown and documented i thought i was on /sci/

>According to current scientific and professional understanding, the core attractions that form the basis for adult sexual orientation typically emerge between middle childhood and early adolescence.

>sociologists don't agree getting fucked up the ass age 9 affects you in any way
it surely affects people but it doesn't turn them into faggots

imagine ignoring literally everything a person said and calling the day

>> No.10864062

>inb4 muh christian blog

>> No.10864071

>refuting peer reviewed ncbi articles with links to a self help FAQ
the fucking state of this board

>> No.10864076

>>sexual contact with children is ok
>where did this even come from
>68% of men and 62% of women identified as homosexual before their molestation experience
you realize the molestation experience reported is happening in prepubescence?
>christian blogs are valid sources if they agree with my world view
i would assume if i googled "christian blogs homosexuality immoral" that wouldn't be a valid source so you're on shaky ground here.

>> No.10864111

that quote comes from a peer reviewed study:

Gilbert Herdt, PhD, Executive Director of the National Centers on Sexuality at San Francisco State University, and Martha K. McClintock, PhD, David Lee Shillinglaw Distinguished Service Professor in Psychology at the University of Chicago, stated in their study "The Magical Age of 10," published in the Dec. 2000 issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior:

"Accumulating studies from the United States over the past decade suggest that the development of sexual attraction may commence in middle childhood and achieve individual subjective recognition sometime around the age of 10. As these studies have shown, first same-sex attraction for males and females typically occurs at the mean age of 9.6 for boys and between the ages of 10 and 10.5 for girls."

>you realize the molestation experience reported is happening in prepubescence?
they reported to be gay before the molestation took place

>christian blogs are valid sources if they agree with my world view
it isn't source of anything, merely a critique

>that wouldn't be a valid source
neither is that study, i don't even know how it got approved

>> No.10864142

>they said they were gay age 8 so its ok a fully grown man fucked them up the ass
this level of cope

>> No.10864212

it is not pedo apologia, you all love to straw man studies like that and say it is pedophilia, nowhere it states that, you're literally the only person saying that those kids are gay and then projecting it onto others

in the study i was replying, they asked the participants which age they started identifying as gay, but no one identify as gay when they are children, if you look at studies like "The Magical Age of 10" (there are many like that) they all report in averages that sexual attraction (all attraction, not just same sex attraction) start as early as childhood but no where they say those children are literally gay or straight, kids aren't sexual like adults, you do feel a certain way towards girls and boys but you are yet to mature those ideas, and the study i was replying concluded saying that they were all raped as children and not as adults/teenagers, thus incongruent, that was his point stated on the "christian blog"

>> No.10864407

Whatever it is, and whatever its origin, I don't really see peoples objection to two consenting adults doing things with each other. Especially if it harms literally nobody.

The claims about it being 'disordered' or 'unnatural' also strike me as strange. Why assign so much importance to this particular expression of deviation from the biological/sociological norm amongst the thousands of others present in everyday life?

t. homo

>> No.10864426

>especially if it harms literally nobody
>spread HIV around the world so furiously it was called gay cancer
wew lad

>> No.10864435


>IF it harms nobody

please read more carefully in the future. FWIW, people who willfully spread HIV through deceptive conduct should be burned alive

>> No.10864450

>/pol/tards riddle me this. Why is intelligence genetic but homosexuality isn't?

Because you anti-/pol/ gene denying retard. IQ and all other measures of intelligence shows high heritability estimates. Homosexuality does not. Identical twins have nearly the same IQ, but some identical twins can turn out to be heterosexual and homosexual.

After genetics (but still influenced by genetics), the strongest thing that can influence human development are proteins and hormone exposure during the fetus stage. No doubt, homosexuality is caused by this. Unless it turns out homosexual is all 100% genetic, but its not heritable, like down syndrome.

>> No.10864478


Checkmate athiests

>> No.10864569
File: 84 KB, 400x533, N+i+c+e+_ad11e578e79f8b7bf10470e4f36bc482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking LOL

>> No.10864840

>Cute little sexy kids
Looks like you're too far gone my good buddy.

>> No.10864859

can't help i am an edgy memelord

i said much worse, if someone was being incessantly annoying i'd just agree and say yeah i do want to cook those kid in my kitchen, this is why i don't take >>10863131 seriously, i do that myself

>> No.10864897

I notice you did not deny that you were molested.

>> No.10864955

i could say anything back then, people weren't convinced by anything, and that is with the aggravating that i am someone who was born in the age of information so shit just is widely available, all underline science already existed during my school years, homosexuality was declassified as a disease long before i was even born, and still, they would rather take the word from hacks, religious figures, etc... they were just baseless. shit used to be pretty wild, some people would be just hateful, and others wanted to "help" me, but they couldn't even convince me that there was an issue to begin with. i remember i was once gangbanged by a group, and they just wouldn't go away because it was a "public space" and they rationalized that they could bring me back into my "normal state" by blocking my view, i just said "yeah and soon all political influence will turn against you and i wanna see you losing your mind" they laughed "oh you're such a fool, that could never happen, we are all united, bla bla bla", they though that was some kind of cringy statement and they just couldn't foresee it for their own sake, entirely clueless. basically every conversation would devolve into "you're infringing on my rights to be annoying", and the way it ends would depend on my mood

>> No.10865117
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Why can't you just give a random internet nigger a simple yes or no be done with it then ignore him instead of going on tldr tangents, showing off your damaged psyche

>> No.10865137

that wasn't even a question

>> No.10865141

It's not, bot even if it was there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.10865145


>> No.10865191


You neither, because evolution is just one theory amongst many. Within my lifetime, I have never observed beneficial mutations, natural selection, and the creation of novel species within existing ones, and neither has anyone else.

Text me whenever an oak tree turns into a pine tree.

>> No.10865210

>whenever an oak tree turns into a pine tree
This is a creationist tier argument

>> No.10865234
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>"it's not true, because the filmmaker thought it was true"
Imagine if this were your response to 40 minutes of unedited video evidence. Just. Imagine.

>> No.10865345

It's called sanity.

>> No.10865379

It's neurological.

>> No.10865381

Rape can be easily proven to be immoral. Faggotry, not so much.

>> No.10865427

In all my 24 years, having interacted with hundreds of gays and have had several as close friends, i'd say it's around 80% a learned behaviour

>> No.10865636

Heritability reaches 80%. You're clearly reaching when you're making that point kek.
Try not reaching and it won't reach as far

>> No.10866367

Nigger ya fuming. Tell me how strong a .8 correlation is.

>> No.10866397
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>> No.10866461
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I searched for key words and found nothing, i looked over the thread ans saw creationist level arguments by people who don't understand evolution. So i'm gonna make my own Tl:dr.

As far as i can tell homosexuality is an unintended consequence of many mechanisms.
Let's say monkey has a gene for promiscuity, the gene makes him have more offspring than chaste competitor but one in 20 will be a faggot. In the long run he wins the race because he had more children than anyone else despite the dead ends mixed in. The fact he died early of monkey AIDS is meaningless because he would've died of anything else along the way anyways.

There is an immune thing too, it's a well documented fact that the more older brothers a man has the more likely he is to be gay, i think this has been controlled for adopted children too so you can't use the retarded idea that older brothers tend to dominate and abuse younger brothers. The idea is that the more males a woman gestates the more likely her immune system is gonna become sensitive and attack the Y chromosome and screw up the development of male characteristics.

Does this mean faggotry is completely genetic? No. If that were the case identical twins would share sexuality 100% of the time, but they do share so often that it's obvious that the genetic component is very strong.

>> No.10866481

I guess that evolutionary forms of gayness would have been present before the installment of widespread oppression

>> No.10866607

those are shitty articles, not studies

>> No.10866665

>Let's say monkey has a gene for promiscuity...
that has been confirmed last year using 23andme data

>Does this mean faggotry is completely genetic? No. If that were the case identical twins would share sexuality 100% of the time
twin studies suggest there is a link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1845227 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8494487
and note that the likelihood is way higher for identical twins. now why isn't it 100%? until science is able to isolate every switch involved no one will know for sure, but it may just be the sheer complexity involved, it may just not kick in evenly, and those percentages are nothing to glance over because there isn't a single country that is 60% gay, not even sweden, rates usually sit around 1% to 5%, they are extremely low. that's why it is a strong case

>> No.10866669

Yeah that's what i said.

>> No.10866672

Adopted lab monkey.

>> No.10866906

What is Hardy weinberg equilibrium
>inb4 but those conditions never occur!
It's still been observed to be pretty much valid

>> No.10866915

I am gay and have had no sexual trauma as a child
Lost my virginity at 19, had no sexual experience prior to that

>> No.10866949

Could still be hereditary, since in the past many men had to live a normal life (wife and kids) along with their homosexual one to avoid suspicion.

>> No.10866956

In b4 some dumb freudian motherfucker says you were molested but have suppressed memories.

>> No.10866993

You were molested but you have suppressed memories

>> No.10867019

>>10858087 >>10858103

y'all don't know about the 'uncle' hypothesis or w/e it's called, which states that gay 'uncles' or other gay caregivers would improve the chances of the offspring they cared about surviving to adulthood by taking care of them.

as being gay is by no means a monogenetic trait, this means that alleles of genes relevant to homosexuality could be carried in a population latently via other people's children that gay people were/are related to

>> No.10867471

its suprising how many trans people reproduce

>> No.10867477

its an infection, once you get injected with gay bacteria in your gut, ur gay.

>> No.10867478

Maybe, but who cares? Only /pol/tards do.

>> No.10867506
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>> No.10867582

Technically it was the bifags and blood donors who really spread it around.

>> No.10867587

If you inject estrogen into male mice at critical development point they will turn out male but will follow female behavioral patterns. Some evidence that their brains resemble female brains more than male brains too. So you tell me

>> No.10867886

That's the maximum correlation if you REACH