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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 338 KB, 900x603, 2012-11-16_010521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10854415 No.10854415 [Reply] [Original]

Is a near photographic/eidetic memory teachable If so, how?

>> No.10854468

Less traumatic, more correct, the memories are.

You won't remember stuff if everybody is getting bullshit at you, but you will if you ware right since beginning of memories.

>> No.10854668

Method of loci, memory palace

>> No.10854690

Read Joshua Foer's book 'Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything'. It's a great book covering a ton of information about memory sport and learning to strengthen your memory. While writing the book and interviewing people... he actually learned techniques and eventually WON the 2006 US Memory Championship... and he had virtually zero experience in that kind of memory sport before. It's a great book.

>> No.10854691

Yep... those are covered pretty extensively in 'Moonwalking with Einstein'.

>> No.10855407

Practice memorizing things, DO NOT rely on crutches like method of loci, push your self to memorize more and faster.
The big breaklthrough happens when you train up your long term memory to writing speeds equal to the bandwith of human speech.

>> No.10855585

It's a genetic abnormality and usually comes at the expense of impaired symbolic manipulation. Temple Grandin is a good example. The bandwidth between her optic nerve and vision center is something like 1.7x normal.

Con artists cottoned on to the idea and learned to emulate it for profit.

>> No.10855996

plz gib moar info

>> No.10856607 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 625x453, AD37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't impaired, the others have it impaired, as illustrated by failing the task in the image. The western culture expects you to have the flaw, otherwise you are basically autistic as your brain filters out other people's hints as meaningless noise (as it should have). It's only a problem because the western culture expects you to have this flaw and abuse it to "politely" talk about a lot of things that makes it a problem, in other cultures it's never a problem. (It is in fact those who do have it who have trouble with interpersonal skills)

>> No.10856610 [DELETED] 

It isn't impaired, the others have it impaired, as illustrated by failing the task in the image. The western culture expects you to have the flaw, otherwise you are basically autistic as your brain filters out other people's hints as meaningless noise (as it should). It's only a problem because the western culture expects you to have this flaw and the virtual requirement to use it to "politely" talk about a lot of things that makes it a problem, in other cultures it's never a problem. (It is in fact those who do have it who may have trouble)

>> No.10856612

outside of east asia most humans will fail to answer that question correctly but I can guarantee whites and ashkenazi jews come far closer to the success rate of ne asians than nignogs

>> No.10856614
File: 20 KB, 625x453, AD37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't impaired, the others have it impaired, as illustrated by failing the task in the image. The western culture expects you to have the flaw, otherwise you are basically autistic as your brain filters out other people's hints as meaningless noise (as it should). It's only a problem because the western culture expects you to have this flaw and the virtual requirement to use it to "politely" talk about a lot of things that makes it a problem, in other cultures it's never a problem. (It is in fact those who do have it who may have trouble)

>> No.10856617

sorry rfor deleting, it's a reply to this>>10856614

Do you have data about other areas? Do Africans make the same error?

>> No.10856619

its a fucking intelligence test question you can infer how subsaharans would perform from previous data. east asians probably fare somewhat better than white euros but not by a lot

>> No.10856625

It isn't intelligence test, it's a test if your thinking is fucked up. It is deliberately simple to make IQ not important.

>> No.10856643
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A and 7

>> No.10856661

Correct. Whites tend to answer A and 3, which is completely wrong.

>> No.10856666 [DELETED] 

The problem is that those who have it expect others have it too, and find it extremely funny if you don't "get" the nonexistent meanings in what you say and basically consider you retarded for that single reason alone regardless of how intelligent you are otherwise.
It's probably how the Nazis came up with the Arayn race as those who have it as opposed to those who don't.

>> No.10856669

>>10856661 (You)
>>10856614 (You)
The problem is that those who have it expect others have it too, and find it extremely funny if you don't "get" the nonexistent meanings in what they say and basically consider you retarded for that single reason alone regardless of how intelligent you are otherwise.
It's probably how the Nazis came up with the Aryan race as those who have it as opposed to those who don't.

>> No.10856677

what a weird way to cope

>> No.10856682
File: 15 KB, 320x290, 1564194234289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably only got it right due to writing out endless truth tables in logic class for CS lol

>> No.10856748

A and 3 need to be turned over, I'd imagine.

I don't get it. You haven't verified that A always occurs with 3 if you don't flip the 3. Nor is it stated that these symbols are uniquely mapped, therefore 7 or D mapping to anything proves nothing.


>> No.10856773

3 doesn't tell you anything, regardless if there is A or any other letter, the rule still holds. If there is A on the 7, the rule is broken.

No it isn't. See the other post? The people are basically mentally ill, their ability to exclude those who are not like them is their only strength. They cannot understand anything real, only thier own social world and things they copied from other people (who they only mock and hate in return). It's basically a green beard gene in practice.

>> No.10856792
File: 2 KB, 199x128, truth-tables18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implications are false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent is false. So who cares about the 3. The 7 on the other hand better not have an A on the flip side.

>> No.10856797

Source - Neuroscience of Intelligence

Photographic memory belongs to those with Static not fluid intelligence
These people tend to have LOW IQs, and need help in their daily life.
They can read 100 books, but have no idea how to use the knowledge.
We have those already, theyre called computers

>> No.10856804

>These people tend to have LOW IQs, and need help in their daily life.
No. See>>10856614


>> No.10856808

I see, now it hits me. My own logic even already states that a 3 need not map to an A, only that an A maps to a 3. A 3 is either an A and therefore holds, or something else an irrelevant.

Interesting. /sci/ has expanded my logic today. I'm working on a lossless compression algorithm and may try to use this.

>> No.10856813

>my logic

>> No.10856815

Read the Source poorfag, I know your lab boss has been stealing all your research and calling it "WORK", kinda like how government steal from the public and call it taxes.
Perhaps oneday when you realize your degree was simply a certificate given to you by the government with the hidden label of "Government LapDog" for the real geniuses you&ll pick up the book I quoted and realize how short sighted and naive you were

>> No.10856819

The logic I stated in my post, a high level derivative of the underlying logic that drives the universe.

Happy now? Prick.

>> No.10856832
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1562810820207s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm working on a lossless compression algorithm
>and may try to use this

>a high level derivative
>of the underlying logic
>that drives the universe

>> No.10856837

>Believes a machine can have logic beyond that of its constituent parts
>Believes the universe can support the existence of a machine with logic beyond its own

>> No.10856844

The distinction between "if" and "if and only if" is often ignored in spoken/nontechnical language. This is a likely source of confusion.

>> No.10856846
File: 77 KB, 499x616, 1563042387943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Believes a machine can have logic beyond that of its constituent parts
>>Believes the universe can support the existence of a machine with logic beyond its own

>> No.10856847
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1564023424346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true dat
same with the necessary AND sufficient conditions distinctions

>> No.10856850
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>> No.10856854
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babby's first recursion

>> No.10856855

Stay sober.

>> No.10856858

pretty much
the question has no real bearing other than how accurately you care to view language.
It's not about intelligence at all, but about pointing out inherent biases in language. This likely would explain why different demographics answer differently.

>> No.10856861

I don't care in the slightest about your deluded thoughts.
It's if, not if and only if. You're just getting it wrong.

>> No.10856865


Whites are more out-groupedly altruistic than any other group, therefore, if your posts are an attack on whites, it fails.

>> No.10856867


My apologies, I thought you were retarded enough to actually have a lapdog certificate, but in fact you are only retarded enough to think about having one, your clear lack of reading ability is clear of that.

>> No.10856869

No it isn't.
If you drink alcohol, you mst be over 21

Vodka juice 23 12

Same example, only that you know the answer from memory.

>> No.10856871
File: 9 KB, 392x385, 1564650782322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.10856877

>If you LEGALLY drink alcohol IN THE US, you must be over 21
>Vodka juice 23 12
And no, it's not from memory, but rather from the social context of the question. Framing matters.

>> No.10856880

Mind slightly blown.

>> No.10856883

>social context of the question
more like concrete familiarity than abstract

>> No.10856910

A does not have to occur always with 3. It is if not if only if

>> No.10856926

i can’t believe a board filled with cstards and mathfags can’t figure out what is being asked in the nigger’s stupid question.

>> No.10856951
File: 80 KB, 837x960, 1527344559694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10856960

Lol. Imagine coming across that in a scientific paper and tell me you wouldn't read it with a bit more interest.

>> No.10856975

It's probably a coincidence you used the ape meme, but funnily enough apes have it.
The current hypothesis is we traded for something better.

>> No.10856983

>The current hypothesis is we traded for something better.
That doesn't seem sensible to me. You of course have mosaicism of the brain in primates, blood flow and some other structural requirements where I suppose we developed something else "at a cost". But my suspicion is what actually happened is man was dumbed down by the Gods in one of our prior iterations where they took our fine grained use of a 6th sense. It may also be that man doesn't descend from old world primates at all, but new world primates who coincidentally also have stop codon in the CMAH gene.

Naturally no one will ever want to discuss this with me and I've been so severely maladaptively dumbed down by dealing with retards that I probably couldn't immediately talk to legitimate human being anyway. The ol' catch 22.

Fuck you. Just for existing, I don't need to know who or how you are. Fuck you all.

>> No.10857028

It seems it should be a serious defect especially for langauge.

>> No.10857035

A reasonable potential cause might be that the size of our brains makes it way too hard to supply them with nutrients, which might also be the actual cause why so few animals ever develop big brains and those who do are usually massive themselves.

>> No.10857051

Possibly. I think it's may be about the neocortex. Man, in his ability and "consciousness", is in fact robbed and forever barred from access to the deep subconscious state experienced by the other animals. It's about the layout and composition of one's conscious frame.

My mother has a photographic memory. She's also Rh negative and smokes a lot of ganja. I used to have a near photographic memory and remember everything I saw and heard in near perfect detail. This changed when I transitioned from a passive observer state living outside of myself, and started to live within some sort of a "me". It's hard to put into words. Short version is, it interrupts the fluid indexing and association of long term memory, and perhaps even the storage of that information. I'm willing to bet you'd see changes in rhythmic slow activity as well.

Recollection however I've found is less about what's there, and more about the state you're trying to recall in. I don't know. It's been a shitty, fucked up life of loss and torture. I existed. Never mind, overall.

>> No.10857062

The first is correct
Thr second is correct in certain contexts
The third is a joke.

>> No.10858556

How is that so?
We use language pretty well, while primates are not able to do so.

>> No.10858626

I mean it seems like something that should make processing language near impossible; imagine you only get four words from each sentence and the rest is lost before you could process it. How could that help with language?

>> No.10858698

You flip A to see if there is a 3 on the back. If not, you know the rule doesn't apply.
If yes, you still need to check if there is an A on the back of the 7, as that would contradict the rule as well. You want to find contradictions, with turning the 3 you could at best confirm the rule again, but never contradict it.

>> No.10859112

That is correct. I'm inclined to believe, that second was supposed to be humorous as well.

>> No.10859687

One step more and we finally get there.