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10854392 No.10854392 [Reply] [Original]

>year of our lord 2020, if you round up
>assisted suicide is still not legal
People own their body and should be able to get professional assistance if they make that decision, why is it somehow illegal?

>> No.10854394

It’s only illegal in degenerate country that hate personal freedom.

>> No.10854396

It is legal in Switzerland


>> No.10854400

Holy shit that thumbnail.
>das it granny, down it down it

>> No.10854406

Forgot to add, the video can be uncomfortable to some people, specially the last part.

>> No.10854417

>People own their body and should be able to make decisions
well allow me to retort. people are retarded and shouldn't be allowed to ruin the world

>> No.10854425

>allowing retards to kill themselves would ruin the world

>> No.10854427
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How can you ruin the world if you're dead?

>> No.10854435

not in this particular case, but that line of reasoning is used to advocate all sorts of dumb shit, so it's good to be skeptical

>> No.10854456

I don’t see how this is a science topic. Die if you want. IDC

>> No.10854458


>> No.10854474

>people own their body

no, papa state own your body because papa state pays for your education and healthcare.

>> No.10854485

Our bodies belong to Papa Nurgle

>> No.10855423

>you own your body
I'm I the only person on the internet left that grew up with the motto 'you should have 3 kids, 2 to replace you and your wife, and one for the state'?

>> No.10855835

Did you grow up in the USSR?

>> No.10855983

People don't own their own bodies, God does. Everything is on lease, whether you know or believe it or not.

>> No.10855987

>assisted suicide
You can actually legally go on hormone replacement therapy and cut off your dick. It's basically assisted suicide with extra steps, given the stats.

>> No.10855991

if by god you mean the crushing maw of the abyss then yes

>> No.10856002

>why is it somehow illegal?
It's only illegal to kill someone else.
There is no modern developed nation law against committing suicide despite what a lot of people seem to believe.
Suicide / attempted suicide is handled as a mental health issue, not a criminal issue. If police intervene it's only in the capacity of helping to commit you to a psychiatric ward and isn't any different from if you were being involuntarily committed for being a schizohprenic off his meds wandering into moving traffic.
If you're sound of mind and use a shotgun to put a slug through your skull in the privacy of your own home you will die and nobody will stop you.

>> No.10856123

Papa state doesn't pay anything, taxpayers do.
Fuck Papa state

>> No.10856158
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>assisted suicide is still not legal
> suicide
> needs to be legal
This is what eurofags actually believe.

How does suicide even need to be a political issue. If you want to kill yourself, then kill yourself. If don't want to kill yourself, then don't kill yourself.

Also not science or math. What the heck is this thread doing on the board.

>> No.10856192

The assisted variety of suicide is definitely illegal. Because that's another way of saying you're killing someone else, albeit with good intentions in most cases.

>> No.10856200
File: 81 KB, 494x420, hsthompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ludicrous. its surreal watching this casual overdose. not even a fucking mixer for it. walk in, chug, coma, die. no remorse, no responsibility. and this is on fucking television.

>> No.10856226

>casual overdose
She spent years planning and going through the process to get approved for that after being bedridden since her 50s. Definitely wasn't a casual or impulsive thing.

>> No.10856397

Why does anyone need to be "assisted" in suicide? If someone really wants to kill themselves, then they'll easily do it. Completely independent from what anyone else thinks.

>> No.10856401

yo obtuse idiot, you could be placed into a condition from an accident where you physically cannot

>> No.10856545

No, apartheid South Africa

>> No.10856574

>People own their body
No, the state owns their body, people can't even legally alter their body chemistry in ways that aren't government approved and they have to get the government's permission with visas and passports to take their body outside their home country.

>> No.10856722
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Does anyone know what the pendant symbolizes?

>> No.10856740

>If someone really wants to kill themselves, then they'll easily do it.
Nope. People aren't beep boop robots that just follow some one track "have goal" / "complete goal" routine for anything that pops into their head.
There's a massive amount of instinctual resistance against harming or killing yourself. You can want to die plenty badly without necessarily overcoming that instinctual resistance. In fact I'm pretty sure most successful suicides are done by people who have something wrong with their brains that allows them to override basic survival instincts.
tl;dr The obstacles to self-inflicted death are irrational and instinctual, so it's stupid to say you can't both want to die and still be alive.

>> No.10856794


>> No.10856803

Even if assisted suicide is illegal, you might still make money by killing your family and then rotting in jail for a while because the way I torture you and your family might last longer than the time you sat in jail without getting the kind of torture I will put you in.

>> No.10857080


Too many loop holes in assisted suicide for abuse. The young girl with tinnitus who was assisted to suicide still gives me chills. she was literally just shit testing society to see if she was okay with a mid defect, and the capitalist driven assisted suicide industry prey on it and murdered MURDERED HER FOR MONEY.

If someone wants to die they need to push the button themselves, so to speak. PERIOD. FULL STOP. Your new prophet has spoken (because you people are fucking clueless, and too dumb to recognize true genius, so I might as well use the moron labels that you want, her der I'm a prophet - but basically I am, you idiots, that's how far above you fucks that I am so whatevs.)

>> No.10857182

don't test us bitches

>> No.10857202

>tfw wan't to kill myself but too scared to break the law
what the heck bros make it legal or i cant do it
friggen politicians

>> No.10857209

The young girl surely would have killed herself anyways if the service wasn’t there.

>> No.10857375

How did it feel to be on top and enslave people?

>> No.10858185

Pretty good, they were serfs, not slaves though. I miss it so much, we used to have 6 villages on our land, with about 40 poeple working (basically all the young men and some women), enough that they could form soccer teams and compete with other land owners teams, and hold horse races around the farm, after they got promised freedom most moved to the big cities and got killed or arrested for killing, and I only have a handful of poeple left here, with only 6 stil working for me. They used to be like our children, we had a school where my mother, grandmother, and some of the older woman teached the kids how to read, write and do basic math, if one of them got sick we'd take them to the hospital personally, now the goverment took over doing all that, and they don't give a fuck. Just last week one one of them went into early labor and lost the kid because the ambulance took 5h to show up (if I took them it would have taken 30 minutes to get to town), but they are now shamed by others if they rely on us any more. It's also not uncommon for school kids to sit around waiting for the school bus till 11am before giving up and going back home multiple days in a week. We also used to have full control over all 6 villages since the 6 matriarchs were all high up in the house keepers, so by organising with them we had full control over everything, where they build, who owns what. It was like playing sim villages, now only 4 villages remain and only 2s heads still work for me, but I'm lucky in that the others still ask for permission to build in most cases. Fuck I miss our old Christmas's parties, we used to have the white party in the house, and the serf party in the back, with like 60 little niglets running around out there happy to get cake and sweets, with a BBQ for the workers, back then you could afford to spend money on them, that doesn't happen anymore. Of course it wasn't perfect, some did abuse their authority over them, but I can't recall any around here.

>> No.10858237

It's not against the law to kill yourself. It's only against the law to kill someone else, which is why assisted suicide is illegal in most countries.

>> No.10858304

You don't own your body, the State does, what you own is a lease on your body.

>> No.10858327

Stop repeating this retarded meme. If the state owned your body and not you then there wouldn't be nearly as much trouble getting everyone on the organ wait list taken care of.

>> No.10858340

Only I should be able to kms.
Others should die in agony.

>> No.10858344

not paying your taxes

>> No.10858347

the taxpayers' bodies and property also belong to papa state

>> No.10858361

good goy

>> No.10858372

Only where there's demonstratable policy of citizens not having the right of free movement.
Your China, your North Korea, etc.

>> No.10858393

You're the cause of overpopulation in Africa...

>> No.10858409

Lifecircle allows you to kill yourself at the press of a button by releasing 10 grams of liquid pentobarbital into the bloodstream with a machine.
I love my country.

>> No.10859055

the state doesn't want to push you hard enough to trigger some form of rebellion which would deprive it of more of its property and bodies

>> No.10859068

>In fact I'm pretty sure most successful suicides are done by people who have something wrong with their brains that allows them to override basic survival instincts
Yes...drugs and alcohol.

>> No.10859120
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As with many popular buzzwords, "personal freedom" is a very inversion of what these words mean, and conversely, actually do not mean freedom at all, but rather consent, submission and consent to other masters. As St. Augustine, himself fallen to such a fictitious and 'vagrant liberty' would go on to exhort: "Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices". Moreover, death will not end suffering. On the contrary, murdering yourself will lead to infinite suffering—which is justified as an insult against infinite majesty, thus a turning away from infinite good, leads to infinite and eternal corruption and damnation, a choice that the damned soul deliberately and willfully chose, despite a lifetime of opportunity to do otherwise with a simple turn to the opposite direction. Christ himself, did not wish to endure the ignominy, torture and pain of Calvary, and yet he did, oh he did, he saw it all the ways through to the point of being cruxified and nailed to a cross where he hung for six excruciating hours, he knew this would be his fate, and fell on the ground with tears and said "mi Pater si possibile est transeat a me calix iste" Father! Take this cup from me! And then, "verumtamen non sicut ego volo sed sicut tu"— not my will but yours! Where was Christ's personal freedom there. It is self-evident that "personal freedom" is nothing other than pride, arrogance and setting oneself up as God, yet (the irony!) when you do you cannot even match his majesty. Instead of being as God, what is it you chose to do with this 'personal freedom'. Filth. Fornication. Homosexuality. Abortion. Then when you can't stand it any more, you go to a state sanctioned doctor to kill yourself. It is your path, and following the will of you and other creatures that leads to ultimate and total degeneration, devastation, destruction of the individual.

>> No.10859593

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