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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10849708 No.10849708 [Reply] [Original]

>as a kid I was always pure shit at math, always went through one ear and out the other
>brother has always been the naturally talented one
>mid-adolescence I gave another serious go at it and ended up developing a real passion for it after hard work
>everytime I think of maybe having a chance at making it in research, I remember how bad I was naturally and how I still struggle to understand a lot of concepts as easily as most of my peers in my prestigious uni
>get extremely disheartened and cry
I just wanted to make it... I want to discover and learn for the rest of my life, but my brain won’t let me. I can’t fucking live without it. I can’t help but think how much better my brother would be in this position.

>> No.10849718

stop reading IQ threads
get off this board
exercise more and get checked for low test, you might have it.
lift weights
have sex a couple times
and keep studying math

>> No.10849767

Get back to doing the thing

>> No.10849770

>get off this board
good advice, yes, do get off 4chan, because you will hear shit like

>get checked for low test, you might have it

>> No.10849776

What thing?
How do I get off of this board? My brain seems to think i need 4chan and the internet a lot more than I actually do. It’s shaped my brain and helped my interest in math, and now I’m scared of how I’ll cope without it. It’s my essence.

>> No.10849780

>lift weights
I can't build muscle

>I just wanted to make it... I want to discover and learn for the rest of my life, but my brain won’t let me. I can’t fucking live without it
Just like I can't live without building muscle and conveniently I'm the only one who can't build muscle

>> No.10849786

Oh and if it matters, OP, on top of not being able to build muscle, I'm in the same spot as you
I wish I could die painlessly and quickly right now

>> No.10849853

I wasn't complete shit at math as a kid but I hated it and avoided it as much as possible
only finished the high school pre-cal which didnt count for college credit
ignored math for 6 years, finished 4 years in military
took cal 1 and got a really high A during my associates, 4 year college I'm transferring to told me they could get me more money from scholarships if I declare math as my major
wtf I love math now

>> No.10850280
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>getting brain cucked over muh natural talent

this is why you aren't going to make it. there are average IQ mathematicians out there getting shit done, but you are here shitposting on 4chan because of your inferiority complex.

your brother didn't choose to be a mathematician because his temperament/personality is the true genetic block

>> No.10850313

Hi! I have a th- no hypothesis that the most muscle is built by just getting us through our day; look at the well muscled natives, each labor-saving device must be replaced by an exercise machine of some sort, so, if you use your muscle power just to get through your day you will be better muscled! (our great grandparents knew about that! ;D...)

>> No.10850318

Yeah, I know, that's why I lift heavy but it doesn't work for me

>> No.10850347

You have misunderstood the nature of mathematics academia. Raw talent is the least important factor. The 3rd most important factor is enthusiasm. The 2nd most important factor is hard work and dedication. And the most important factor of all is luck. Very few of the people who want to be researchers will get the chance. You study it because you find it captivating and find the hard work rewarding, not because it will pan out somehow. You can always learn math in your freetime if you have one of many lucrative careers that your education can land you.
Here's the reality, most of the people who look to understand things effortlessly don't do so at all. Many of them are hiding their process of learning (but not all of them, a few people do just get things immediately somehow). And very few of these people will make it. Many of them will come to the harsh realization that they need to pivot because they just get unlucky at some point. Talent has nothing to do with it and at most marginally boosts your luck. You are in a different situation, you brought yourself to where you are through focused, intense work and passion, in the face of adversity. That tells me that you might get unlucky just like anyone else, but that you're less likely to allow that to stop you. That's what matters the most, your perserverence.
Also, don't listen to the guy who says to stop coming here. I find myself that discussing math helps me to build literacy and intuition, and this makes it a lot easier to learn about new things (especially because many times I'll have read some specific advanced discussion on them before and picked up some ideas). I think /sci/ is one of only a few places on the internet where you can really discuss intense math without being mired in displays of egoism and competition. Of course it happens here, but only every so often since none of us have anything to prove. If you have people in real life to talk to that's great too.