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10848278 No.10848278 [Reply] [Original]

You cannot debate this.


>> No.10848383

I always love a chance to post a potholer video

>> No.10848485

You sound upset

>> No.10848487

Yes I can, and I would, if I didn't think it was a massive waste of time.

>> No.10848490

You sound like you're projecting.

>> No.10848497

Brought to you by the same folks that claim tobacco is safe.

>> No.10848500

No he doesn't. Why do science deniers always lie and try to emotionally manipulate?

>> No.10848524

Sherman should have finished the job.

>> No.10848530

Who benefits from global warming being true? Why would scientists lie about it?

>> No.10848538

I don't know man. The mind of the Southerner is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

>> No.10848546

>mind of the Southerner
liars, projecting

>> No.10848549

If you get your education from self-made YouTube docs you're a moron.

>> No.10848560

The Southerner is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Southerner and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.10848563

I think the argument some people make is that it's used to justify a carbon tax which would benefit the state to the disadvantage of the average person (see the 'Yellow Vests' protests in France), but there are other ways you can approach the problem, e.g. punishing oil companies which pussy neolib politicians refuse to do.

>> No.10848570

Oil companies pretty much run the West, and politicians are just the managers of public life. They serve the oil companies. They could hardly do anything to reprimand their masters.

>> No.10848618 [DELETED] 

Petrodollar is a real thing.
After the USD wasn't tied to gold anymore in 1971, its reputation suffered.
This was fixed in 1975 with the Petrodollar.

>> No.10848623

Petrodollar is a real thing.
After the USD wasn't tied to gold anymore in 1971, its reputation suffered.
This was fixed in 1974 with the Petrodollar.

>> No.10848648

Step 1: Reallocate 20 percent of defense budget to clean energy cars, subsidizing American car companies specifically in a 10 year plan.

Step 2: Create tax write offs for switching to clean energy cars once the tech inevitably becomes status quo.

Step 3: Bankrupt the middle east and Russia.

Pretty sound investment if you ask me.

>> No.10848703

>science deniers always lie and try to emotionally manipulate
...bcoz logic and facts don't work for them.

>> No.10848716

I understand that the planet is heating up because of humans, but youd have to be insanely ignorant to claim that there isn't a looot of money in climate change by now. All of our german car manufacturers have by now invested billions into electric cars and of course theres a huge industry for solar panels and wind turbines.
If hypothetically speaking there would be some radically new survey or model that could predict future climate much more accurately than we can now, and it (again hypothetically) would show that climate change either isnt happening or isnt human made, you can be sure that these companies would lobby against publishing or accepting that result, as it would invalidate massive investments they made into technology that nobody would use.
Add to that the political wing. Green party may become the strongest in our next federal elections, and if it turned out that it wasnt actually true it would rob them of 90% of their political platform.

Now obviously its unlikely that such a study or survey or model will come and have these results, so working towards reducing emissions and trash should definitely be a major focus of our investments and politics, but the problem with people who are right for the wrong reasons is that they are only marginally better than plain wrong people, cause as soon as circumstances in the real world change, they turn into wrong people.
Plus they easily become delusional and stubborn and since they listen to actual science to the same degree that climate change deniers do, ie none, they are prone to finding solutions that sound really good at first sight or for short periods, but end up either not solving the problem or even making it worse.

>> No.10848741

Why do idiots like yourself ignore the actual science?

>> No.10848743

Actually you can't. You choose not to, because admitting you're wrong is a bitter pill to swallow.

>> No.10848745 [DELETED] 

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'

Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.

The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too

And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely https://youtu.be/oYhCQv5tNsQ

>> No.10848746
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>>10848648First it was 'the ice age is coming!'

Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.

The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too

And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

>> No.10848752
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I unironically hope climate alarmists are right.

In fact, humanity needs it to be right. Otherwise, we will deplete the Earth's increasingly scarce resources while arguing about what pronouns to call trannies all century. Climate change can and may kill billions, and it needs to desu.

Humans have not evolved any meaningful way in the last 20,000 years. A great cleansing fire has always been needed to burn away the deadwood of decadent and overextended populations to lay the foundation for a newer, stronger, more purpose driven people. We need death and despair to kick humanity's ass into shape. If it doesn't happen soon, this rock, warmed or not, will be our species' graveyard.

>> No.10848764
File: 2.12 MB, 2898x2226, 1564416245176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 In perspective

And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'

And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.

Sea levels are rising...

Temperatures are rising...
During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C

And glaciers are disappearing...

So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?


>> No.10848767
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>> No.10848770


>> No.10848773

[banjo duel intensifies]

>> No.10848782

>All of our german car manufacturers have by now invested billions into electric cars
Money they would have made instead by investing in the same as they did before that they made bank on, fossile fuel cars

>and of course theres a huge industry for solar panels and wind turbines.
All moot considering fossile fuel industry make a whole, whole lot more of money

>> No.10848785

Very good fanfic

>> No.10848795

that is true but i wish it could be done without fucking up the planet

>> No.10848799

>It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.
Lol none of this is true

>> No.10848806

Oh no we are progressing human civilisation for nothing.

>> No.10848811
File: 503 KB, 1440x811, 1564416272539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?

In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal https://archive.is/OeGiu

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles

So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.

The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.

Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'

But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones

More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel

Ice Age Farmer Channel

Adapt 2030 Channel

>> No.10848827

Well what if it turns out that some things arent actually progress but regress? Green tech often involves slightly lower power for much higher environmental friendliness.
For example e cars compared to benzine are less powerful and a lower range, but can be almost co2 neutral (if the energy grid is). But if (big if of course) it turns out that for some reason co2 emissons dont matter, developing e cars wasnt actually progressive at all since you now have a lower powered car at the same climate impact.
Please do note that Im not saying that co2 doesnt matter or that its not worth developing electric cars especially if we can eventually make them on par with combustion cars, but the reasons should always be straight and mistakes should be admitted as early as possible.
More money means more incentives to obscure new research, regardless of what side of the fence the money is invested in.

>Money they would have made instead by investing in the same as they did before that they made bank on, fossile fuel cars
Well they have invested it now and they will want returns on that investment regardless of if its good for the environment or not.
>All moot considering fossile fuel industry make a whole, whole lot more of money
In germany? I doubt that but Ill check when I can. Intuitively it should be roughly on par since "fossile energy" in germany really only involves coal powerplant operators since theres no more mining here, and these operators like Eon also own renewable energy production.
On a global scale I agree though. Much of the opposition to combating climate change comes from oil and gas producing countries.

>> No.10848837


>arguing about what pronouns to call trannies all century

a localised phenomena in the anglosphere

>Humans have not evolved any meaningful way in the last 20,000 years

Our technology has, and only evolves faster

>We need death and despair to kick humanity's ass into shape

Start with yourself

>> No.10848839

Based retard

>> No.10848921

>no sources for data

>> No.10848933

Your image is a fake graph that calls temperature from one site in Greenland global and musk handles the y axis. The data ends in 1855, completely missing global warming.

Well that's not a good start, let's click on your first link... oh it's a fake Time Magazine cover. Yeah I think we're done here.

>> No.10848937
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>Human contribution of CO2 into the atmosphere
>Ignores that natural sinks absorb more CO2 than natural sources emit, while humans don't.

>CO2 lags temperature by 800-2000 years
Of course it does, if orbital eccentricity causes insolation to increase, then warming starts the feedback loop between warming and CO2 evaporating from the oceans. The climate has never had humans dump massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, thus we have never seen CO2 start to increase before temperature, until now! Do you think climatologists don't already know this? Do you not realize that without this feedback loop you cannot explain the Milankovich cycle? No of course not, you have no idea what your idiotic memes are even implying.

>The models are wrong
Actually the data is wrong. Several sources of error were discovered in the satellite techniques since 2009 and they are now much more in line with the instrumental data. To see how well the IPCC is doing I suggest you look at current updates:


>Ice core samples indicate warm periods long before the Industrial Revolution
And? The problem with global warming is not that it's warm, it's that it's warming very quickly. The rate of warming is unprecedented and the infrastructure and ecosystems we rely on have no time to adapt. Also, you do know that ice cores are proxies for the temperature in a single place, not the global climate right?

And last but not least another fraudulent graph, using flawed, cherrypicked data and not even showing surface temperature.

>> No.10848940
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, Grand_Solar_Min_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my God just look at all this cooling!
Yet you have the gall to call others alarmists. What a pathetic hypocrite.

>> No.10848943

>can't read

>> No.10849029

>he posted the same thread on /tv/ at the exact same time

>> No.10849042

>a tv watching moron
who would have guessed
>watching documentaries
what brainlets who can't into study do to feel smart

>> No.10849345

>oil companies run the west
Maybe in the days of standard oil

Big Tech and Big Ag are way more impactful at a government level

>> No.10849365

Revision of the EPICA Dome C CO2 record from 800 to 600kyr before present


The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome ice core from Dome C (EDC) has allowed for the reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations for the last 800,000years. Here we revisit the oldest part of the EDC CO2 record using different air extraction methods and sections of the core. For our established cracker system, we found an analytical artifact, which increases over the deepest 200m and reaches 10.1±2.4ppm in the oldest/deepest part. The governing mechanism is not yet fully understood, but it is related to insufficient gas extraction in combination with ice relaxation during storage and ice structure. The corrected record presented here resolves partly ‐ but not completely ‐ the issue with a different correlation between CO2 and Antarctic temperatures found in this oldest part of the records. In addition, we provide here an update of 800,000years atmospheric CO2 history including recent studies covering the last glacial cycle.

OHNONONO ice core data were wrong

>> No.10849370

>actual science
>literally a debunked propaganda film where everyone filmed says they were misrepresented
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.10849373

Oh look, a bunch of spam posts involving fake graphs and debunked lies. Good one anon!

>> No.10849379
File: 38 KB, 490x290, gb2pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are we entertaining these /pol/ interloper turbo brainlets?

>> No.10849380

Government gains by taxing everything to save the planet. Government funded scientists deliver the product the government wants or they find a new job. Pretty fucking basic. Why is it so hard for you to imagine people using a crisis to enrich themselves?

>> No.10849404
File: 316 KB, 607x819, 1564490572906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you figured it all out anon congrats, now head on back to /pol/ please


>> No.10849519
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>scientists have never insisted on theories that turned out to be wrong

>> No.10849556

> plus or minus 2.4ppm at the most

>> No.10849561

The difference between Einstein and Russian shills like you is evidence of which you have absolutely none.

>> No.10849578

Well, today absence of evidence for one theory counts as evidence for another theory, so what do you know?

>> No.10849582

>virtually unlimited evidence for AGW
>absolutely no evidence for any theories which would discredit AGW
>this means AGW isn't true
I hope you're getting paid for this

>> No.10849605

>virtually unlimited evidence for AGW
You'll only have actual evidence for it if the world starts cooling down once CO2 stops being produced faster than its consumed but predictions make it impossible for this to happen. They say that after a certain point, global temperature will increase in a way that any increase will cause a further increase, i.e: a thermal runaway situation. The proposition makes itself impossible to be disproven.

>> No.10849616
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>> No.10849619

congratulations you understand absolutely none of the really quite basic physics upon which AGW is based on, all you have to do is falsify those laws of physics then the entire theory falls apart. Have fun I'll shake your hand when you earn your Nobel prize.

>> No.10849623

>AGW is unfalsifiable because the planet continues to get warmer
anon that's not unfalsifiability it's just science providing meaningful predictions. Gravity isn't unfalsifiable because it accurately predicts orbital mechanics.

>> No.10849636

>no argument
No problem, idiot. You shouldn't get involved in debates you're clearly clueless in.

>> No.10849639

Idiots like you believe Leonardo DiCaprio is a credible voice on the climate of the planet. You are so stupid it's funny.

>> No.10849641

No, pointing out it's a literal propaganda film debunked in the first post is a pretty good argument.

>> No.10849644

No, I get all my information on climate from scientific journals, where do you get yours from anyways? /pol/ infographics?

>> No.10849691

Mmmh I actually never considered that. I guess global warming isn't science after all, like the theory of evolution, and I've been getting duped or swindled this whole time.

>> No.10849705
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>Who benefits from smoking being considered healthy? Why would doctors lie about it?
t. No.10848530 in the year 1930

>> No.10849710

congratulations you have correctly identified the source of AGW deniers.

>> No.10849711
File: 53 KB, 318x378, 1349493149173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did I cite Leonardo DiCaprio? Not only are you stupid you have no idea how to argue. Go back to /pol/ or reddit.

>> No.10849713

same thing desu

>> No.10849717

The one main thing this documentary cites that really fucks up the fear mongering of all the brainwashed alarmists: the global temperature drops during the post-war industrial boom.

Of course, they'll all try to say the data is fake, the data wasn't recorded properly, it's not the right data etc. Common tactic among those who can't swallow their pride.

>> No.10849723
File: 57 KB, 640x410, UkyH36t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like we debunked meme deniers charts every single thread. Once the thread is archived new threads pop up with the same old meme charts and the arguments are repeated ad nauseum. Is there a way to combat this?

>> No.10849727

the temperate only dropped post-war because of simple thermodynamic principles.
heat is energy, and energy is never created, it is transferred.
for our current earth to be as hot as it is, it had to get that energy in the form of heat from somewhere
the cold temperatures during the post-war industrial boom were because all of the heat draining heat energy from the atmosphere, the same heat energy that we feel today

>> No.10849732
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Always an excuse, never a bow too long to be drawn as far as the cult is concerned.

>> No.10849738

If you global warming is so dangerous why do politicians and experts only propose solution that include taxes or subsidies for big green energy firms which are entirely fruitless even in the short run? And even though this has become clear over the last decade now they only argue for more of the same?

>> No.10849740

You didn't debunk anything though, idiot.

Fanatics like yourself and AOC are like the Catholics from 500 years ago.

>> No.10849762

hey dumbass, the GISP2 core ends in 1855; local temperatures have risen another 1.5 C since then.
not to mention, that's a regional proxy, not a global one.

literally every claim in that post is false, which makes it very unsurprising that all your links are to far-right outlets with a history of fabricating stories.

>> No.10849769

I can choose not to buy Oil or any related products whereas glorified fortune tellers who claim to be scientists want me to pay taxes for projects that wouldn't make a difference even if their prediction models that are about as accurate as horoscopes were true.

>> No.10849808

This is my favorite video from him, always makes me laugh

>> No.10849826
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If climate models are wrong or "runs hot" how come skeptics cannot make their own models and present their own predictions?

>> No.10849854

because i'm just a high school dropout

>> No.10849890

Not really, /pol/ always reaches out, reaches out, reaches out ...

>> No.10849911

really makes you think...

>> No.10849928
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That's the uncertainties. The offset is more like 10ppm.

>> No.10849952

>Why can't people who say that the climate cannot be accurately models make their own accurate models


>> No.10850035

>why are useless faggots useless faggots
Gee I wonder

>> No.10850066

>like the Catholics from 500 years ago.

oh you mean like preserving knowledge, funding education, the arts, colleges and being a world leader in science and philosophy, right?

>> No.10850357

One of the scientist they quote mined was fucking pissed after he found out what they did, for one.

>> No.10851233

ironic given that the people pushing climate change denial based on "we just can't be sure" are the same ones who pushed tobacco being safe based on "we just can't be sure".

>> No.10851568

Ah it makes sense now, you're even admitting it. I'm sure it genuinely pains you that people who doubt global warming aren't burned at the stake for heresy.

>> No.10851636

>and being a world leader in science and philosophy

Christian Europe was a shithole until Renaissance.

And it's Protestants who started industrial revolution and made Europe the world leader.

>> No.10851639


Nobody is debating that climate change is something caused only by humans. And yes there were periods when Earth was even hotter.

But never in history were temperatures raising so fast.

>> No.10851660

>and everyone wore drab rags covered in mud and leather armors with metal spikes. i know my history from movies

>> No.10851994
File: 156 KB, 500x286, 36vuwf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solar cycle is more important than people want to realise. We're going into the lowest one in 200 years.

And it's already showing in weather patterns.
We have more snow...

>> No.10851998
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And less ice melting.
Yet they are still parading their fetal alcohol syndrome poster girl Greta and focusing on the local heatwaves to keep the narrative intact.
I don't know if it will totally switch to multi decadal cooling, but it's getting likely the warming trend is coming to a (temporary) end.