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10844917 No.10844917 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the biggest historical scientific mistakes, ones that KEPT getting made?

>> No.10844930

Constantly developing new technologies that are able to kill us all.

>> No.10844958
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>cited by 362

>> No.10845917


>> No.10846147

That is not blunder, that is medical students being bad at math. (If I guess correctly the article describes integration)

>> No.10846217

hey, how are we gonna genocide every non white without weapons of mass destruction once the weimar USA collapses

>> No.10846222

>What are some of the biggest historical scientific mistakes, ones that KEPT getting made?
Usage of the imperial system of units and all deaths associated with it in aerospatial engineering.

>> No.10846235

Destroying nature AGAIN

>> No.10846470
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>the biggest historical scientific mistakes, ones that KEPT getting made?
Fucking me over every day
Worshipping the Whore of Babylon instead of the Lord God
Giving the Lord's seat of authority to the Whore's servant the cocksucker.

>> No.10846474

Not even real integration, just the trapezoid rule.

>> No.10847608

What rule?

>> No.10847617
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>> No.10847624

austerity study that influenced EU policies

>> No.10847703

In paleontology, assuming almost every new species must also be a new genus is a mistake that continues to be made to this day.

>> No.10847705

Assumes that man, an animal that evolved in nature, is somehow now unnatural. Man and his artifacts are as much a part of nature as beavers and their dams, or termites and their mounds. Everythng that happens is nature.

>> No.10847712

Stop trying to erase the useful meanings of words to satisfy your autism.

>> No.10848243

Cold Fusion comes to mind

>> No.10848251


>> No.10848577

When E=Md2

>> No.10849941


>> No.10850288

I heard it's an inside joke to cite the article when using the trapezoid rule.

>> No.10851634


>> No.10851763

To mock medfags for their arrogance. Honestly she did pretty well for herself to reconstruct some basic results she needed for her work, that's fine. The meme is that she successfully published it as a novel contribution to the field of medicine and goes so far as to name it after herself "Tai's Method".

>> No.10852001

Dark energy
Dark matter
Real numbers

For physics we are literally in a new alchemy age where people intentionally make shit up for phenomena they observe but they dont try to explain or explore it with the contemporary knowledge.
Instead they present it as a completely unrelated and new discovery.
Im sure that in a century or two people will die of laughter because scientist of our age are so far up their asses that they cant see further than their intestine.

>> No.10852009

>Taylor approximations (any application involving them).
>Assuming smooth space models.

>> No.10852015

That's the paper where the author essentially figured out what an integral was through the trapezoid rule or something right?

>> No.10852017

>Real numbers
Oh absolutely, add this baby to >>10852009

>> No.10852030

kek I didn't know that there was an inside joke about it. I'm working on a paper (statistics/probability based) and am very tempted to cite that paper for the hell of it.

>> No.10853263


>> No.10853336

Yes it is, just fucking search for it

>> No.10853360

they didnt know how to Integrate for real???

>> No.10853362

Beliving in general relativity

>> No.10853367

Humans being part of nature has fuck nothing to do with the fact that humans are destroying the rest of nature, faggot.
>For physics we are literally in a new alchemy age where people intentionally make shit up for phenomena they observe but they dont try to explain or explore it with the contemporary knowledge.
This has been going on for about a century.

>> No.10854019
File: 558 KB, 2000x1547, Louis Slotin, at left, stands with his colleague Herb Lehr beside the first nuclear bomb, here only partially assembled. Photograph courtesy Los Alamos National Laboratory Photograph courtesy Los Alamos National Laboratory .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10854021
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>> No.10854024
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>> No.10854053

Naming things after scientists. Especially with unit names. It does nothing to describe what the unit is about if you aren't already in the know. It also seems incredibly conceited.

I've been learning Taylor approximations lately and haven't used them much. What makes them a mistake?

>> No.10855254

Polywater was a disaster many want to forget.
Acid imbalance as the cause of stomach ulcers is another disaster, causing decades of wrong and inefficient medication.
Cold fusion claimed a lot of careers. Surprisingly many survives Schoen and his forged papers.

>> No.10855292
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>> No.10855398

Poop transplants.

>> No.10855593
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Let's give a shoutout to that mad aussie doctor, Barry Marshall, who downed some H. Pylori to prove bacteria were the cause of most stomach ulcers.

>> No.10855849

this is exactly what i was thinking of. jesus christ.

>> No.10855878

abandoning soft eugenics

>> No.10855908

what is that and what is the story behind it?

>> No.10856721

Some ivy league smartass dropped a core causing massive radiation spike in the room killing himself and few people around him

>> No.10856770

molten salt reactors

>> No.10856989

read up on muon catalysed fusion

>> No.10857243

I think of him every time the "97% agreement" pops up in global warming discussions. It makes me wonder what kind of scientists they are.

i remember a professor lectured us about this topic back in my undergrad years. Nature is not a voting democracy; nature just is.

>> No.10858724


>> No.10860080


>> No.10860172
File: 116 KB, 1200x630, Louis Slotin Demon Core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louis Slotin:

He was a badass Canadian chemist and physicist who did research and built massive bombs at Los Alamos.

He did crazy shit that wouldn't be allowed today and probably wasn't allowed then -- like diving into the water of a nuclear reactor to repair a failing instrument...underwater...while the rector was operating.

One day, he was fucking around with the Demon Core, caused an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction, and died 9 days later.
Critical assembly was restricted to remote-control after that, and was never done by hand again.

He was buddies with Fermi and Eugene Wigner.
He was played by John Cusak in Fat Man & Little Boy, there have been poems and plays written about him.

Women wanted to be with him, men wanted to be like him, that kind of guy.

>> No.10860530

>Women wanted to be with him
>Men wanted to be like him
>Neutrons wanted to be in him

>> No.10860537

ether theory
big bang theory
dark energy theory
expanding universe theory

>> No.10860549

Keked and rekt

>> No.10861236
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>> No.10862502


>> No.10863660


>> No.10863674


This shit right here.

> well, we have to precisely measure energy output from this barely subcritical lump of weapons grade fissile material
> we're all physicists here, surely we can find a safe, scientifically sound and rational way to manipulate it

I swear to God, smart people are fucking retarded.

>> No.10863682
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>> No.10863753

Wrong by definition, anything created or shaped by humanity is culture, including landscapes. I'm sorry.

>> No.10864467

The Rosenhan experiment.

>> No.10865236
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>> No.10865245
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>anything created or shaped by humanity is culture, including landscapes
but it's not wrong to argue that beaver dams are part of beaver culture, for example.

>> No.10865299

>Real numbers
Based schizo

>Taylor approximations (any application involving them).
Based schizo

>What makes them a mistake?
Nothing, unless you're a schizo

>> No.10865625


>> No.10865815

Except you're a pleb and Einstein was right, initially he just didn't know why. It's the same as if he didn't realize the speed of light existed and backed into the value for c to finish special relativity

>> No.10867205

That hair...

>> No.10867507

String theory

>> No.10867544

The fuckwad who shilled his vaccine while trying to defame others by making an easily disproven study on how all vaccines but his causes autism

>> No.10868762


>> No.10868764

Muh solar energy

>> No.10870162


>> No.10870192


>> No.10871479

What are you talking about?

>> No.10871509


>> No.10871556

Neuro miraculism.

>> No.10873061

What is that?

>> No.10873062

Google it

>> No.10874425


>> No.10874736

String theory

>> No.10875763


>> No.10875933

Roughly 50 years since it's inception and ZERO real world predictions so far.

>> No.10877374


>> No.10878015

Your obsession with schizos makes this a pretty schizo post desu

>> No.10879252 [DELETED] 

Scurvy believed to be an infectious disease. It lasted for centuries, countless of sailors got killed despite sailors themselves knowing the cause but being told to shut up, because science knew otherwise.

>> No.10879261

Scurvy believed to be an infectious disease. It lasted for centuries, countless sailors got killed despite sailors themselves knowing the cause but being told to shut up, because science knew otherwise.

>> No.10879262

NASA and their defense contractor's welfare programs. Holding space flight back decades.

>> No.10879398
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>> No.10879402

>I think of him every time the "97% agreement" pops up in global warming discussio

>> No.10879640

>Burger education

>> No.10879643

Honestly, all the ethics committees are what really hold back science, especially medical science. This guy did something so unthinkable to the medical community and thus saved millions of lives.

>> No.10879648
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>> No.10879649

But the math adds up!!!! 11111

>> No.10879653

I'm guessing because it takes only one opposing result to overthrow accepted 'knowledge'.
What the anon fails to understand is that it's not "97% of climate scientists agree", but actually "97% of studies come to the same conclusions".

>> No.10881460

What is that?

>> No.10881465

Global cooling, then global warming, currently climate change

>> No.10882772

What’s wrong about them?

>> No.10883008

Not really scientific mistakes but rather scientific conclusions being ignored, but brainwashing and truth serum. None of those exist but people still believe they do.

>> No.10883182

Say what again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfuker.

>> No.10884684

w h a t

>> No.10884686

They were initially wrong and kept getting made

>> No.10884739


>> No.10885661

I mean this in addition to the fact that their default sensory mode makes it hard for them to focus on literally any macroscopic part of the environment while clothed.

Quantum physics, like most magic, is simply a delayed interpretation framework.

>> No.10886109

Now that's a bruh moment.

>> No.10887488

wish more people understood that

>> No.10888888

And how would that change things?

>> No.10888895


>> No.10888905


>> No.10889103

damn what a GET

>> No.10889113


>> No.10889514

Racism would be normal
Biology would be more important than muh feels in stuff like 'gender' debates

>> No.10890904


>> No.10890967
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>> No.10892320


>> No.10892343
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god damn...

>> No.10892388

That's deep

>> No.10892496


>> No.10893226

Normal people use the term "nature" to distinguish it from the anthropogenic.

>> No.10894645


>> No.10896126

>But the math adds up!!!! 11111
Sure, the hypothesis has so many knobs and dials that you can readjust it to allow for just about any measurement that comes up. Trouble is, just like the warmers, the stringers make these adjustments AFTERWARDS, Real science required predictive powers, not endless patching.

>> No.10897531


>> No.10898062


>> No.10898086

She's clearly pretty good at math for a normie. It's the supreme arrogance that's the fuckup.

>> No.10898125

Interesting, I guess you have a valid alternative

>> No.10898130

>I guess you have a valid alternative

Gravitational lensing isn't real, what you are seeing is the refractive effect of the solar wind surrounding the star.

>> No.10898132

Are you talking about general relativity only or also special relativity?

>> No.10898137

what would happen if you moved a microwave resonance cavity that was designed for timekeeping.... across the magnetic field lines of the earth?