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File: 548 KB, 1250x781, 46dc529ff1b511809256cd3ec92899bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1084360 No.1084360 [Reply] [Original]

You've seen it before.
But you'll watch it again.
Most importantly there are one or two viewers of this thread that haven't seen it.
They will see it. And the more that do the better.

Have a good night /sci/


>> No.1084428


>> No.1084445

I fucking love Carl Sagan, but never actually thought of him as musical.


>> No.1084454

carl sagan is overhyped college philosophy garbage take this shit to /b/

>> No.1084453
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Smoke weed all day

>> No.1084463

What do you think of the video though?

>> No.1084469
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>> No.1084473

I liked it.

>> No.1084475

You could return to /b/ if you so chose.

I remember watching his show as a young child ON VHS

He is a role model of mine so fuck you.

>> No.1084490

where we float ... like a mote of dust ... in the morning sky


>> No.1084515

God I wish these faggots would hurry up and get sued by Sagan's widow.

Worst thing that ever happened to his legacy.

>> No.1084545


Any publicity is good publicity (in this case).

I would prefer 1 million people see this and 1 is moved to pursue scientific ends as a result than no one see it again.

I understand you're jaded and disenfranchised. Our best hope is MORE public support, not elitism.

>> No.1084546

The creator was asked not to include Carl Sagan and the Cosmos series from the next Symphony of Science, the request was not retroactive.

The request has since been withdrawn, and the creator now has the full blessing of the copyright holders. Keep on clinging to your petty hate, you're SUCH an interesting person, Anon.

>> No.1084562


faggots detected

>> No.1084564


>> No.1084567
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>> No.1084579

What is the harm in making contemporary a brilliant mind?

You would rather his ideas and work disappear? I watched this as a child and I am glad to see a younger generation embrace, not to mention idolize it. You're bitter /sci/.

>> No.1084594

No, we just don't appreciate having something so dear to us raped and spewed out in the form of a fad with no real value.

>> No.1084597

Forget it man, they're just trolling.

>> No.1084613

So you'd rather it get no acknowledgment. It will be lost to the annuls of history, and according to you, this is preferable to having someone young and vital make a contemporary musical rendition that could possibly enlighten an entire generation?

>> No.1084614

That's right, profound entertainment enjoyed by the vast, vast majority of those that view it has no value.


>> No.1084620

That was fucking great. Best thing I've seen all day. Amazing audio and visual experience.

>> No.1084643
File: 1.75 MB, 4288x2716, ISS,20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the haters in this thread can be negated when you actually consider what he would have wanted.

Did he make his show so angry fat kids in their basements could condescend to everyone?

I think he had something else in mind. In my honest opinion if he could see this video he would smile.

I also think he would not want me to perpetuate the hate in this thread, so I'm gonna go ahead and give an internet high five to all who will receive it.


>> No.1084651

I'll take that high five.

"The water seems inviting."

>> No.1084665

And I as well, though this is not my favorite song in the series, Sagan remains central in the SoS.

>> No.1084661


You seem to be implying that Carl Sagan was obscure before having his work turned into a no-thought throwaway song on some airheaded hipster douchebag's mp3 player.

>> No.1084679

the fanboys in this thread are worse than the christian trolls on this board.

>> No.1084682

No, you seem to be implying that only those who knew him when his show aired are capable of gaining anything from his show.

If he wanted to be exclusive he would not have made a FUCKING TV SHOW.

You're bitter, and for no apparent reason.

Do you contend that more people, regardless of generation or age, being exposed to him is a bad thing?

>> No.1084698

Is Cosmos in syndication somewhere? last I checked even when it was current it was on public broadcast which is anything but market penetrative. It's better this, which despite your assburgered opinions is massively entertaining, than letting another such series stagnate and die that arouses intrigue and wonder.

You're going to miss everything good in life and die angry.

>> No.1084702

So I suppose if britney spears took a work of art like Bosch's Garden of Delights and turned it into an album cover for her bullshit music that would be ok because it's exposing people to it? no, fuck that.

this kind of shit cheapens things of value. it has nothing to do with elitism. it's just offensive.

>> No.1084713


It aired on the discovery channel within the last few years, faggot. The entire series.

>> No.1084718

Somehow every time I hear this song I am heartened.

There is hope. There IS hope.

>> No.1084729

So not only are you raging against his message, but you're new to it.

You're indicating VERY VERY HARD on the faggot meter.

>> No.1084734


>> No.1084736

Cosmos is still on Hulu. The whole series.

>> No.1084744
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>> No.1084747


I haven't implied anything of the sort. I have never said he wanted to be "exclusive", whatever it is you mean by that. I've only stated that these musicians turned something of intellectual value into fodder.

But I suppose you can keep raging against imaginary arguments if you want to.

>> No.1084751

That's good to know, currently watching Stargate: SG-1 on there, good stuff.

>> No.1084759

Hey everyone in this thread.

Imagine Carl Sagan can hear this song.

What would his opinion be? We all know the answer, and bitter bitter men drag him down to their level. I don't know why this thread got as much attention as it did.

>> No.1084763


Damn, I must have pissed you off pretty bad to pull shit like that out of your ass. I've been a fan of this series since the 80's, when I first watched it as a tyke. But, that doesn't matter. I'm not an elitist like you obviously are.

>> No.1084779
File: 1021 B, 1280x1024, 1271835904754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should probably qualify your statements, this isn't the high road you're taking. Speaking more objectively, it's quite clear that you're majorly asspained.

>> No.1084785

i love how all these idiots act like they know how a dead man would feel about this

smells like desperate pretentiousness in here

>> No.1084793
File: 15 KB, 614x604, 1266259678152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run out of arguments
>call THEM elitist

>> No.1084807
File: 3 KB, 118x172, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get pissed
>post smug reaction image

>> No.1084811

The real question is then:

Is there something in this song that goes against Carl Sagan's ideas? Is there a part of this movement that bastardizes what he stood for?

I would contend the opposite is true. I actually believe this is exactly what he hoped for. A bunch of people who have never heard of him before are made aware of his presence by some third party.

In conclusion: Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1084821
File: 37 KB, 283x245, 1271589980536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continue implying that THEY are mad and elitist
>boy, I hope they don't catch on to me!

>> No.1084824

Unfortunately this can be applied to both sides in this argument.

>> No.1084832


If this means nothing to you, you are a gigantic faggot.

>> No.1084834
File: 324 KB, 468x463, turtlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying i posted more than twice in this thread

>> No.1084838

and yet one more closely follows logic, it is clear which. I await more pathetic posturing.

>> No.1084842

your a faggot
Carl sagan was a genious and teenagers like you riun his message

>> No.1084853
File: 72 KB, 269x298, nick.sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, guys, hey its ok
i approve of this message. check my blog that i update once every 6 yrs.
and boy am i fugy.

>> No.1084857
File: 10 KB, 336x322, 1254566725749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoo boy, can't get any more transparent than that.

>> No.1084862

Though it's unclear as to which side you rank yourself among, if you had seen any of his shows you would know how he felt about the distribution of knowledge.


>> No.1084875

This HAS to be reverse trolling...
There is just no way... What is he even doing on /sci/?

>> No.1084876

You assume my opinion was illogical, sir. I am of the opinion that Mr. Sagan would have approved of the SoS.

>> No.1084880

Oh damn. Are we really falling into the "I liked them before they were popular again" argument? This is hipster bullshit that happens when they get old and upset that there are people who like what they like who aren't in their shitty little club.

You're right. You heard something before we did. That makes you special. You're paragons of humanity. Go do something instead of wasting times shitting on we peons.

>> No.1084882

GODDAM mind or samefag
I haven't decided yet.

>> No.1084899

what the fuck

reverse hipster'd

fucking miracles

>> No.1084894

>check timestamp

>> No.1084907
File: 99 KB, 236x176, BlownAwayReaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1084914


what? did you post in the wrong thread?

>> No.1084917

>fucking miracles
That says more about you than anything we could ever say, good show, gent.

>> No.1084941

damn dude, what's with the attack? i think you misunderstood me.

>> No.1084948

While I agree with the concept of your argument, elitism is a fallacy.

Unfortunately, I was watching Carl before these guys were.

The strange thing is I was happy to see a thread about him. Even if it was a style of music I don't much care for! The message survives!

It's sad how that gets lost in a medium like the internet. REMEMBER HIS IDEAS.

The brain has it's own language for testing the consistency of the world.

>> No.1084955


Did you miss the part of the post that was a jab at elitism? :)

>> No.1084976


I think he's saying there's no elitist posturing evident here.

>> No.1084993 [DELETED] 

it should be daily dose, but is there a version with better sound online? At first I thought that was yo~outube, but original video also buzzes quite noticably in background for me

>> No.1084988

I certainly didn't. The hostility on both sides is what distresses me.

But what can you do to dissuade human nature?

The other thing I can do is listen to techno remixes of Carl Sagan.

I'm better at the latter.

>> No.1085000

itt: haters gonna hate

also, sagan rolls in his grave

>> No.1085004

I would welcome this as MP3 or some lossless audio...

I think however judging from the following audio quality is not foremost on their list.

>> No.1085002

http://www.symphonyofscience.com/ has flac downloads of each song

>> No.1085012


Might have to do with the original audio from the show. The audio mixer might have had to match the ambient noise between the clips, and since it's very difficult to remove, he would have added a fluctuating amount of it to the clips without it.

>> No.1085013
File: 10 KB, 251x251, 1270234995371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm onto you, troll-post-making-person!

>> No.1085016

needs to read the short story called
"A Pail of Air"


>> No.1085018

This is the SoS guy who started this thread.

Get out, faggot. Stop being a douchbag and arguing anonymously with people who don't like your music, you talentless coward.

>> No.1085029
File: 34 KB, 400x533, 1252785302077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope thats the end of him, because I love Sagan threads and the picture is me. These trolls is killan ma faith in man.

>> No.1085042

I started this thread you sad pathetic piece of shit. I didn't write the song, nor was I the first to watch Carl Sagan's show.

You're bitter and fuckin sad. If you hate so hard, just go to a different thread douche.

I'm just some dude who wanted to talk about it.

>> No.1085048

oh hell yes

>> No.1085052


u mad

>> No.1085059

I mad
U fake

>> No.1085065

Imagine you're sitting down to watch "Cosmos" and OPs song is the theme.

Do you stop watching? Or do you sit it out?

>> No.1085070

I'd watch the song looped for the entire combined length of the Cosmos series.

>> No.1085075

While I count you amount the enlightened your answer is not preferable.

>> No.1085076

haha nice

>> No.1085084
File: 19 KB, 282x272, 1270263233645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1085102

>count you amount

>Allow for the fact that you're watching Carl Sagan.
>edit to say among

Feels good man

>> No.1085118

spout off more memes, hipster

>> No.1085132

not even trying, are you? spout off more buzzwords, summerfag.

>> No.1085137

"Leider konnte die angeforderte Seite nicht gefunden werden. "

>> No.1085153


>> No.1085164

I'm glad this thread got so much attention, because I got to see this lovely vid. Thanks for posting, OP. :3