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10843338 No.10843338 [Reply] [Original]

For the record these are the best responses to the recent Taleb's rant about IQ:

and here's Taleb's pieces

>> No.10843339


>> No.10843375

This fat fuck always overestimates his case because of his ginormous ego.

>> No.10843412

Psychology and IQ research is basically a collection of p-hacking and other forms of junk statistics.

You can build a career in psychology by picking through datasets and finding correlations with IQ. Cherry pick long enough and you will find something.

There's also the problem that IQ has become a kind of self reinforcing force in the world, with companies using pseudo-IQ tests or IQ proxies in their hiring processes, which of course would skew the results to show a correlation with IQ.

In any other discipline, the correlations that IQ researchers put up would be laughed out of the room, but I guess its good enough for social science.

Taleb is spot on with his techincal points, and then he goes into trolling as per usual. I fucking love it when onions boys lose their shit because of his "ego".

>> No.10843570
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Completely misses the point, if he did regression analysis by splitting the function outputtin iq in relation to a dependent variable in half and ran those, he would see that the bulk of the correlation weight comes from below average intelligence, while above average intelligence yields a barely significant correlation.

Via negativa not via positiva, fragilistas!

>> No.10843578
File: 183 KB, 500x651, 1_Txc8Deu_EEM7pH7ZL0k4cg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while above average intelligence yields a barely significant correlation.

Seems like possible correlation to me. More importantly, there is too little datapoints at higher IQ/income levels for a definite conclusion here. Taleb is a retard who forgot to mention this crucial fact in order to spin his agenda.

>> No.10843581

>his agenda.
what is his "agenda"?

>> No.10843590

denial of the validity of evolutionary psychology because genetic determinism baad

>> No.10843602


Imagine unironically defending income as the only measure of success. Jesus Christ. Fucking quants I swear...

So maybe correlation between IQ and income is very weak above certain level, sure. Now do the same thing with something like h-index or other metrics measuring scientific output.

>> No.10843614

>There is no significant statistical association between IQ and hard measures such as wealth. Most “achievements” linked to IQ are measured in circular stuff s.a. bureaucratic or academic success, things for test takers and salary earners in structured jobs that resemble the tests. Wealth may not mean success but it is the only “hard” number, not some discrete score of achievements. You can buy food with a $30, not with other “successes” s.a. rank, social prominence, or having had a selfie with the Queen.

>> No.10843619
File: 389 KB, 869x3565, iq-majors[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffice to say, his scale outright ends at 130 IQ points, likely even below the average of a moderately accomplished STEM scientist. How convenient, ignoring academic and scholarly achievements as a measure of success.

>> No.10843691

The blind leading the blind

>> No.10843699
File: 199 KB, 798x661, 20190720_230716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10843750

it's 2 SD up literally only 2% of the population is above that bracket

>> No.10843844

based black swan man making fun of idiots who think they are smart

>> No.10843880

>denial of the validity of evolutionary psychology because genetic determinism baad
I don't get this impression at all. I'm pretty sure Taleb believes in "Intelligence", because he calls people idiots all day long on Twitter.

I think his point is that IQ is a bad measure of "Intelligence", not that it doesn't exist at all.

>> No.10844209

>maybe correlation between IQ and income is very weak above certain level
except correlation between IQ and income is very weak (0.2-0.3) AND linear at all levels of the distribution

>> No.10845124

>he adjusted R2 is 0.356, so IQ explains ~35% of the variance of grades in this data set.
Fucking KEK. Regardless of where you personally stand on the IQ issue if this is the level of intellect presented by psychologists the field is actually garbage and its so called "results" should in no way be trusted.

>> No.10845129

Possible correlation is an honest way to put it. Taleb would still argue against it, but the way psychologist spin this data they make it seem like IQ is as ironclad as F=ma. Like if you score 70ish on an IQ test but earn 180K or score 120 on an test and earn 30K there is something that needs to be cleaned up about your test.

>> No.10845196

Academic achievement as a measure of success completely destroys IQ. You cannot hard measure the impact of a paper very well and a single brilliant insight can redefine you from ordinary to genius.

>> No.10845908

>psychologist spin this data they make it seem like IQ is as ironclad as F=ma
they don't

>> No.10845936

Taleb might not even be as butthurt as he seems in his denial. Not to say iq is as ironclad as some spergs wish it were. However, it’s probably of some use.

Nonetheless, Taleb is casting spells. He wants to define the real conditions of the real world he wishes to create, and is using his influence to that end.

>> No.10845950


>> No.10847056

he's having fun

>> No.10847080
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>another "another IQ thread" post

>> No.10847087

there is a correlation

>> No.10847114

Which doesn't in any way negate the argument of most IQ-realists who ask:
>why are we importing massive amounts of sub 80-IQ shitskins into the first world?

The only reason Taleb is going on this tirade is because he identifies strongly with his lebanese ancestry and is salty as fuck that middle-east is now just a bunch of inbred retards. It's also why his other big bone to pick is "proving" that Lebanese is not a dialect of arabic, because, again, he loves his ancestry but doesn't want to be associated with inbred retards

That's his agenda lad, saltiness.

>> No.10847120
File: 164 KB, 1280x907, Average rates of marriages between first cousins among Arabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lebanon isn't as inbred as Arab shitholes

>> No.10847137

Not disagreeing with you anon,
wasn't making a quality statement about lebanon itself (was mostly thinking about the gulf states when I referred to the "middle east") just pointing out the most obvious explanation for Taleb's tirade.

Ironically, he has fallen victim to his own construct of Wittgenstein's ruler.

>> No.10847138

It isn’t and they are much closer in genetic distance to Anatolians, Jews, Mesopotamians and Iranians than they are gulf arabs but they’re still admixed heavily with Arabian blood and culturally arabic

>> No.10847149

>admixed heavily
barely any Arab blood in the Lebanese and Western Syrians, unlike Palestines and Jordans

>> No.10847565

>these are the best responses to the recent Taleb's rant about IQ
see also

>> No.10848666
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>> No.10848856
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IQ fails 90% of the time. My generated data proofs it.

>> No.10848867
File: 48 KB, 679x766, Screenshot_2019-07-29 Nassim Taleb on IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ research is better than many other fields especially when it comes to group differences (on which publications are probably a net. negative for your academic career).


>> No.10849145

as far as social sciences go i suppose it's up there

but at the end of the day it's a social science

>> No.10849158

IQ was created to justify racism.

>> No.10849194 [DELETED] 

Sure. If you define medical research and neuroscience as social sciences which is not the normal way you define it. You imbecile.

>> No.10849207

Yeah social science is so shit that another field would never accept this.

>> No.10849211

Sure. If you define medical research and neuroscience as social sciences which is not the normal way you define it. Look into some metascience studies on different fields. All have problems, they are less severe for things like physics and pretty bad for social psychology but to claim this is mostly a problem in social sciences is completely wrong. I guess you think that because they have less fancy lab equipment and white coats so you assume it's not real science which is a retarded way to look at the quality of research you imbecile.

>> No.10849212

He’s being objective. There’s more to life than money. Jeff Bezos is a very rich man. But is he the smartest man in existence because of his money? Probably not. But iq would say he is.

>> No.10849213

But they do and intelligence research is better than medical science in terms of statistical power.

>> No.10849217

The quality is very low because it’s probably the most complex science and we have social butterflies doing it instead of actual hard workers who went into logic and natural science.

>> No.10849219

Doctors are better than “”””””””””””iq scientists“”””””””” and the world rightly treats IQ shitters like shit.

>> No.10849225

incoherent post

>> No.10849229

I think ideological bias is serious problem in social psychology. Many of them won't accept sterotype accuracy, one of the largest and most replicated findings in the field, because of this. "social butterflies" don't go into psychometric or behavioral genetics both of which are highly quantitative fields which is why a few physicist seem to be interested in it (hsu, cochran).

>> No.10849230

I’m so smart that it’s hard to explain the thoughts in my head

>> No.10849231

Taleb is right. JF did a pretty good analysis of his post, but this does not disprove IQ differences in races. But IQ does not capture all intelligence and may be useless as a metric after 105 iq.

>> No.10849232

Modern day equivalent to phrenology. Coincidentally, phrenology is backing a comeback in the bullet-biting that comes with IQ worship

>> No.10849234

Flynn effect accounts for the differences. Also define race

>> No.10849236
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Ryan debunked his shit. JF pretends to be a lot smarter than he actually is.


>> No.10849241

Race differences and Flynn effect have different causes. This has been shown pretty conclusively.


>> No.10849244

Flynn effect will fix all differences ok

>> No.10849247

Differences persist despite Flynn effect.

>But IQ does not capture all intelligence and may be useless as a metric after 105 iq.

Maybe for income. Not for other achievements, such as academic and scholarly ones.

>> No.10849251
File: 303 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also define race

>> No.10849252
File: 35 KB, 580x414, zag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe for income
This isn't actually true.


>> No.10849255

Flynn effect hasn’t finished working. Education is still low across the low in people atm. Once education is high, there will be no differences

>> No.10849257

Those are too broad. Blue has a wide range of IQs. In fact every colour has a wide range of iqs

>> No.10849259

>Flynn effect hasn’t finished working
It actually reversed in a few developed countries,

>Education is still low across the low in people atm. Once education is high, there will be no differences

Incompatible with transracial adoption studies and high within group heritability for both blacks and whites. Except if you want to argue that the enviomental gap between blacks and whites is so large that there is basically no overlap.

>> No.10849262

>High within group variance in 1 (ONE) trait makes a taxon untenable.

What is this?


>> No.10849265

The effects of Education can be inherited. That’s why children of uneducated people do badly. It’s called genetic memory. The same way Jews genetically remember the holocaust

>> No.10849267

Yeah it’s reversed because education in the developed world isn’t as good anymore.

>> No.10849271

More difference within than between means it’s useless. In any real field it would be thrown into the garbage like taleb said. But s’nce it’s social science you are getting a second chance

>> No.10849274

this is all bait

>> No.10849313

>IQ was created to justify racism.
not really, it was created to evaluate draftees and place them into military roles

>> No.10849315

I wish I knew enough about statistics to understand talebs' arguments

>> No.10849337

It goes back even further than that. It was part of a series of tests developed by a child psychologist and the french government to diagnose children with learning disabilities. The application of IQ to military draftees came later. The guy who changed the IQ test to the measure of intelligence looked at the new recruits and said that they were all retarded and became so because they were mutts who mixed too much with blacks

>> No.10849344 [DELETED] 

No it was actually created in france to diagnose learning disabilities. Doesn't really matter anyways. What's funny about taleb calling iq proponents nazis is that the nazis didn't like IQ tests at all.


>> No.10849351

No it was actually created in france to diagnose learning disabilities. Doesn't really matter anyways. What's funny about taleb calling iq proponents nazis is that the nazis didn't like IQ tests at all and the reasons they gave for disliking are somewhat similar to some of the reasons taleb gives.


>> No.10849355
File: 35 KB, 1228x179, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10849438

Cringe. My IQ is 85 and I ended up fully supporting trump. IQ isn't everything

>> No.10849477

Is there a csv available for this shit?

>> No.10849523

I'm not sure if there is a public dataset with IQ and income data. Your best bet is probably asking someone in hbd crowd like Kirkegaard, Crémieux, John Fuerst, James Thompson, ...

>> No.10849535

Does anyone have the csv of the dataset used in this example?

>> No.10849541


>> No.10849617

>another iq thread

>> No.10849655
