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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 640x336, loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10835906 No.10835906 [Reply] [Original]

What makes men and women look different? I know that generally humans display dimorphism, height difference, different clothes/hair etc. But I honestly can't work out how putting foundation on Loki makes him look like a woman...

>> No.10835918

Are you blind? Have you heard of search engines?

>> No.10835929

Are you crazy? Have you heard of 4chan?

>> No.10835983

Are you diabetic? Have you heard of inter-planetary good vibe zones?

>> No.10836026

Everything that makes a masculinized lesbian horrible to look at.

>> No.10836107

mostly makeup

>> No.10836121

it's not just makeup you dildo, the chin, cheekbones and brow are all different, not to mention the ear, clothes and hair, as well as the entire picture being widened slightly, you fucking faceblind mongoloid

>> No.10836127

He doesn't look like a woman in this picture though, he looks freaky as fuck

>> No.10836128

Yeah the chin is way narrower otherwise the right would look like a man

>> No.10836173

If you squint sexual dimorphism in humans is overstated. Animals sense each other differently than us which is why we seem so different but that is because we rely on senses like sight whereas most animals don't.

>> No.10836280

The eyes are VERY slightly bigger

>> No.10836406
File: 41 KB, 700x350, any man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you exaggerate the difference between the two images.

>> No.10836416

Fuck it is really mostly makeup.

>> No.10836420

There is no real difference
The average woman has 75% chance of being able to build more muscle than me

>> No.10836425

when you choose effeminate hollywood pretty boys, yeah it's easy to make them look like attractive women. try clint eastwood or arnold schwartzenegger

>> No.10836428
File: 47 KB, 500x499, 1550799405437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10836429

But it's not about them being "attractive" women - they genuinely look like women. And with only subtle changes. So what actually makes men and women look different?

>> No.10836435

those men look like women already is what I'm trying to say, it's why they were hired

>> No.10836439

Paulina Rudd looks like the proverbial chill girl next door who you low key lose your virginity to on some rainy afternoon during the summer after junior year when you're trying to get over the fact that your crush didn't want to go to prom with you and is now all awkward about being friends after you told her you liked her.

>> No.10836444

They obviously don't look like women or we wouldn't be having a discussion...

>> No.10836449

and you're obviously not going to post a picture of sylvester stallone as a female because then we wouldn't be having a discussion either

>> No.10836454

this whole thread is some low key soviet propaganda designed to feminize western men to make their countries easier to take over in a few decades. yeah I see you.

>> No.10836457
File: 59 KB, 1080x720, 751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10836459

What would that prove? An ugly woman is still a woman.

>> No.10836497

bigger eyes, smaller chin

>> No.10836629
File: 100 KB, 960x720, qQK8B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have different skull. That's what makes them look different.

>> No.10836678

This is /sci/: males look different because they have Y chromosomes and more androgens. Even before puberty males look different from females, but after puberty androgens cause different facial, skeletal, soft tissue growth, etc.

>> No.10836771

wider cheekbones, small chin, wider eyes, larger eyes, rounder forehead, etc..

get your eyes checked.

>> No.10836791

Then why do traps exist? Did hormones reshape their skull after they were done growing?

>> No.10836796

>Less beard
>Fuller lips
>Smaller nose
>Smaller chin
>Stronger cheekbones
>Smaller forehead

There are a lot of differences - it's not just foundation. And the person on the right, doesn't exactly look like a girl. She looks kinda weird - maybe a masculinized girl's face, maybe a tranny, or whatever.

>> No.10836806

Traps are

1) Lots, and lots of makeup
2) Photo/video editing
3) Relatively "female" looking male faces, formed by lower levels of androgens
4) Cover the face with hair, or other stuff that obscures face/body shape
5) Dress in hyper-feminine clothing so that people associate them with femininity

and sometimes

6) Female hormones that generate (some) secondary female sexual characteristics.

A naked trap will look mostly like a dude. It's all fake.

>> No.10837142
File: 40 KB, 710x400, 1510628581749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly can't work out how putting foundation on Loki makes him look like a woman
You just answered your question. He looks like a woman masked with makeup after putting on makeup because that's how women who mask themselves with makeup look like. Makeup shouldn't even exist. Case closed.

>> No.10837427

It really is a scam, If that thing succeeded in becoming a norm (it's actually weird for women NOT to wear makeup in public) i question what things can't.

>> No.10837653
File: 490 KB, 811x460, makeup-face-video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makeup exists to cover up blemishes, and even out skin tone.

The weird, quasi-masculine "supermodel look" is rare, and practiced by few women.

>> No.10837724

When I look at the left image, I can feel my penis stirring slightly and I feel attraction. When I look at the right image, I don't. Simple.

>> No.10837922

Estrogen causes smooth glowing skin with small pores. Makeup emulates and exaggerates this difference. Also makeup is used to make bone structure, chins and noses look less pronounced. Testosterone leads to more pronounced facial features, especially chin, nose and protruding forehead. Plus facial hair of course.

>> No.10838042

When people talk about the differences between males and females then they talk about the norm, the average. There are always outliers inside the two groups who are more similar to the average of the other group than they are to the average of their own group. But exceptions to the rule do not disprove the rule. The rule still stays true for like 95% of people if not more. Sure you can find males who have the bone structure of a female or you can find the opposite. With so many people around as we have today, you are bound to find quite a few.

And if you administer hormone blockers during puberty and administer hormone therapy then you can change how the bodies of people will look like. Sometimes unusual hormone levels occur naturally as well, or are part of a physical disorder.

>> No.10838175

Disregarding physiognomy and phrenology as scientific disciplines was a mistake.

>> No.10838190
File: 957 KB, 1088x569, 1553035912313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why do traps exist? Did hormones reshape their skull after they were done growing?
No, you fucking retard. It's almost impossible not to notice the obvious differences between trannies and women in real life, exactly because things like their skeletal structure are still 100% male.
Only way you could possibly fall for their attempted deception is if you're looking at a heavily manipulated photograph they took of themselves at a very specific angle without anyone else in the shot to provide a comparative reference of size / scale.
Pic related is a good example. You could almost believe the first image on the left shows a tranny doing a decent job looking like a real woman. But then look at the image on the right which is what you would actually see in real life. The male form becomes super-clear looking at the entire body from an impartial random snapshot instead of a close up deceptive angle controlled by the tranny himself.
Only other way tranny deception could work is on small children or autists since they're more likely to come up with oversimplified categorical rules like "long hair = female" and then go off of that instead of what a normal mentally healthy adult would do which is actually take in the holistic visuals altogether and intuitively recognize how a man is a man even when disguising himself with a few superficial feminine attributes like long hair, makeup, breast implants, and women's clothing.

>> No.10839491

>Estrogen causes smooth glowing skin with small pores
[Citation needed]

>> No.10839496


>> No.10839508

Actually, correction: Testosterone causes large pores. Estrogen causes healthy, elastic skin.


>> No.10840421

i think makeup can achieve this, for people in drag that's the whole point

>> No.10840435
