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File: 36 KB, 600x340, musk_has_invested_around_us$100_million_in_the_startup_since_its_founding_in_2016_.jpg_1718483346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10835060 No.10835060 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this kind of technology will it really be possible within the next 10 years?....... or is Elon full of shit?

>> No.10835068
File: 46 KB, 960x708, 140117CC-1A82-4D77-810A-BA11AE061906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it won’t be possible, much less mainstream tech, for about 80 years. it’s just a sao meme for now.

>> No.10835080

You can already control computers with your brain using electrodes. neurolink is just trying to make a a better version of what you can already buy.

>> No.10835121

Look what he is claiming they can do now is not difficult. They could put the electrodes in your brain tomorrow.

People will start getting these implants even if, EVEN IF, there are complications and/or lifespan reduction. They will get them because without one they are nothing but a fuckin vegetable.

These guys are only tapping into the motor center of the brain. For now. Once they have antennae farms inside peoples brains the potential for unlocking its secrets become reality.

So people with retarded motor function will be getting neuralink implants. Within ten years they hope to be able to make some of the first cases public. That's what is being said.

If you want the matrix you will be waiting decades more.

>> No.10835200

So far, the actual practical application of this, outside of maybe helping someone severely disabled, is a bit questionable. It's like google glass is pretty cool in theory, but in practice, it's never gonna take off.
People use tech that makes their life easier, not gadgets that only add additional hassle to keep them running in case you need them.

I don't see any of these brain interface devices taking off, until they're good enough so you can use such a device to say, go online, instead of having to use a computer/phone and at the same time, pose no health risk or hassle with maintenance.

>> No.10835224

It's been possible since 2008 though.

>> No.10835225

Google Glass would have taken off if it launched right now. When it launched people still got mad for being filmed in public. Now with live streamers and everything people are getting used to it. Google glass wouldn't have been seen as obnoxious now as back then.

>> No.10835230

It was possible 11 years ago. He's just making a newer version with 10,000 electrodes instead of 100 electrodes like the 2008 version.

It's like having a computer chip from 1990 and saying do you really think it's possible to have a chip 100x faster than this in 2019?

>> No.10835233

>will it really be possible within the next 10 years?


>> No.10835419

In 10 years you'll probably have disabled people using it to power their chairs or even exoskeleton type devices. That's it.

>> No.10835464
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 1345802981993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a headband that let's me control keyboard and mouse functions with my mind.

>> No.10835500

That has been done since 2008. This is more about it being a two-way connection so that you can "download" shit into your brain.

>> No.10835504

I'm getting seriously tired of this attention whore, taking working technologies and "improving" them under the Elon brand, to sell them to sheep. For a guy that named his company Tesla, he sure acts a whole lot like Edison.

>> No.10835512

It'll work as good as the Starhopper.

>> No.10835572

Pretty sure this is how Borg started.

>> No.10835573

better than expected boundaries? oh ok

>> No.10835590


>> No.10835627
File: 51 KB, 1200x600, monkeys-learn-to-steer-wheelchair-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might even get tested in humans within the next year. Here's the redpill though, while it will be possible, there is not a snowball's chance in hell the FDA is going to approve installing one as an elective procedure. So you're not getting one.

>> No.10835631

Tesla and Edison both ripped off people by taking their inventions marketing them and then selling them to the public. Edison was just slightly better at it.

I hate how Tesla is now some cult personality while almost no one talks about how he ripped off the engineers he worked with and had patented ideas under his own name that was actually a team effort.

He even went mad with guilt later in his life as one of his colleagues and old friends he scammed committed suicide due to it.

>> No.10835641

>It was possible 11 years ago. He's just making a newer version with 10,000 electrodes instead of 100 electrodes like the 2008 version.

Quoted for truth.

Neuralink is just a bunch of electrodes in the brain. The main advancement of Neuralink is increasing the number of electrodes by several orders of magnitude, miniaturizing them, designing a robot that can easily and non-invasively implant them, and then using machine learning to make sense of the vast amounts of data they produce.

Neuralink is a plausible and significant advance in the field, if a bit optimistic.

>> No.10835644
File: 135 KB, 1132x1280, neural sewing machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty goddamn invasive anon.

>> No.10835658

Noninvasively as opposed to legacy electrode implantation methods. Neuralink electrodes are tiny and actively guided to avoid blood vessels.

>> No.10835698

anon, it is still the very definition of invasive.

>> No.10836468

The procedure can be done under local anaesthetic. Very little of the skull is removed.

He's sitting on a bunch of ideas that aren't his right now and he isn't using them. So far.

He's a flawed egotistical human. I still support him for pushing boundaries quickly. Seems as soon as a company is swallowed by your grandpas super fund it turns to garbage.

>> No.10836476
File: 42 KB, 980x609, 1536275741_670800_1536276027_noticia_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the big enchilada OP, let me give you a basic gestalt

>> No.10836479

I want it now. To replace my military service worn out body.

>> No.10836480

it will allow you to move a wheelchair forward and backward

>> No.10836667

Did you not see the monkey videos?

>> No.10836680 [DELETED] 


>> No.10836686

Must watch:

>> No.10836694

Ugh. This fake stuff again.

>> No.10836888

Neuralink is fucking retarded.
What's the point of using this shit unless you're disabled and can't do anything else?

Its like strapping yourself into a steven hawking chair just because its newer than a keyboard.
Doesn't mean its better.

I'm a big fan of spacex and i like what tesla is doing by making electric cars less gay but every other musk project is just retarded.

>> No.10836909

I will be able to ghost hack OP's and make them wander into traffic smeared in their own shit.

>> No.10837072

Being able to shitpost and fap with both hands at the same time. Eventually, doing math too complicated for regular humans to understand. We aren't there yet.

>> No.10837288
File: 849 KB, 1048x720, Aubrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10837292

You'll have to
until it gets FDA approved.

>> No.10837319

Sorry, I only use GNU GPL neural implants certified by the FSF.

>> No.10837633

Baby steps, have you hear of it?

>> No.10837646

Also yes.

>> No.10837685

It's a bit frightening but I find this avenue of research really interesting. I would get the 2nd version of this tech. I'd want people to have had them for at least a few years ot make sure they won't give you cancer.

>> No.10837707

Its not a meme, but the technology is still really basic. Elons sales pitch was asking for job applications from people who want to create brain computer interfaces.
Personally, the electrodes implanted in the brain are a pretty big stumbling block for most people. However, they do offer medical possibilities for certain people who have few other options. Ultimately any implanted nonorganic material in the brain is going to cause issues.

>> No.10837711

It will be possible at some point. That's clear. But Elon seems to want to rush everything before he dies. Pay close attention to the amount of time that elapsed between the Copernican revolution and the moon landings: a buttload.

>> No.10838275
File: 138 KB, 562x312, 1541026871467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried that when this become possible/mainstream we will still not have regulatory agency or government capable of keeping giant companies like Facebook from gathering & selling any data obtained this way.

We are going straight into a world where cyberbrain will make you an artificially-willing vassal of a megacorporation, with more people fighting against any democratic attempt to regulate it (in the name of freedom) than fighting against Megacorp.inc ability to effectively control how we live.


>> No.10838278
File: 61 KB, 720x486, Screenshot_20190726-215241_DuckDuckGo~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838290

Microsoft halo > Google glass

Halo is a true AR device. Halo is a tiny android phone in front of your eye.

>> No.10838312
File: 134 KB, 819x872, Brain_in_a_vat_(en)[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of using this shit unless you're disabled and can't do anything else?

We will be. Plausible lifespan of an average human brain is several hundred years. It is usually some crucial part in the rest of the body that shits the bed, and drags the brain six feet under with it.

Sooner or later we will all end up like brains in a vat, interfacing with the word through neuralink.

>> No.10838322
File: 41 KB, 624x624, 1563852109162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brain.exe is corrupt mcafee has found itself entitled to deleting it

>> No.10838325

>brains in a vat
is this even possible?

>> No.10838424
File: 804 KB, 1366x768, 1536419498413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to open door with implant
>More security holes than windows 9x since nobody wants to pay for good software and your brain is now directly connected to your phone through bluetooth
>Barely have time to say "MC Ride predicted this" before needful.exe is downloaded directly into my brain giving me a grand mal seizure as I'm bombarded by adware and cryptolockers
>Put into an eternal coma so my brain power can be used to mine cryptocurrency and DoS websites
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy warned us
We didn't listen

>> No.10838451


>> No.10838455

>But Elon seems to want to rush everything before he dies.
>Implying he plans on dying
He plans on using this Neural Link to upload his mind within the framework of Open AI, and save copies deep underground with the Boring Tech, and in electrical solar based satellites Tesla satellites that he will use the SpaceX rockets to launch the backups of his mind all over the solar system. You might think there's no link to his various projects, but they're all a part of a deep architectural mastermind plan for immortality.

>> No.10838466

>He plans on using this Neural Link to upload his mind within the framework of Open AI,
You really think that can be achieved in just 30+ years?

>> No.10838470

If we reach quantum supremacy, which experts claim could happen this year, then yes.

>> No.10838497

The quantum supremacy we can achieve this year is only for noisy quantum circuits doing a useless task. We don't know if this type of noisy quantum computing is useful for anything.

>> No.10838535

>What is Shor's algorithm

>> No.10838873


Do you know what the long term effects of these things in the brain are?
For all we know they could greatly increases chances of brain tumors, cancers, strokes, etc.

It sounds like a great idea for people with neurological damage.

Give it 20 years, THEN perhaps, maybe, it might be worth considering.

>> No.10839449

An algorithm that cannot be run with noisy quantum computing. Quantum computers capable of running Shor's algorithm are DECADES away.

>> No.10839482

Whats even the point, if neurons fire on specific paths that can be quantified into usable and repeated data, wouldn't the magnitude of the (presumably) slight em waves be usable too. I remember there was some sort of sensor that worked on this basis. I'd rather have some sort of

>> No.10840184

>10 years
do we even have a timeline from elon regarding neuralink?

>there is not a snowball's chance in hell the FDA is going to approve installing one as an elective procedure
just go to another country to get the procedure. people do it all the time.

>> No.10840702

>your grandpas super fund it turns to garbage.
Yes, as much as bernie constantly screaming about muh corrupt banks is its not a meme.

>> No.10840845

>Neural Cringe

>> No.10841332

Getting it for my pets tho. I can finally talk to my dog.

>> No.10841399

>or is Elon full of shit?
You got it.

>> No.10841430

How useful would an EEG + ML setup be?

>> No.10841470

Google Glass was just launched way too early in the development cycle and the product looked extremely unfashionable. In a few years, the size of the hardware will decrease so much that you’ll be able to buy a pair that look Identical to normal glasses

>> No.10841603

There is a very simple rule of thumb to use when evaluating something like this.

Until Elon installs one into his own brain, its a worthless piece of junk.

>> No.10841618

Shit. Absolute shit.

>> No.10841626

>If we reach quantum supremacy

>> No.10841642

stop using problematic language, incels