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File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10828698 No.10828698 [Reply] [Original]

In the US the umbilical cord is commonly clamped before the completion of placental transfusion. This causes hypoxic brain damage, and via lowered ferritin, leaves the infant more susceptible to free radical damage. One of ferritin's major roles is to manage free iron, and thus fenton reaction mediated autoxidation. H2O2 in the presence of free iron can rapidly become hydroxyl radical via this mechanism. Lowered ferritin is no small thing. There are few if any cases where this is NOT contraindicated. In any case where it's "necessary", it was only made such due to some other incorrect action taken during birth. All these problems are chained together.




This cannot continue to be ignored. You can try to say I'm trolling, spamming, or whatever, but all will know what's going on. And this isn't even the full extent of it.

>> No.10828707
File: 157 KB, 1838x2048, CgyjJi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another "i'm that newage 'clamped' schizo who believes in water memory and chemtrails" thread



>> No.10828756

The sheer irony.

>> No.10828764

Americans have been CLAMPED and SNIPPED. Poor little GOYIM can't compete with the BIG BLACK COCK nor the BIG JEWISH BRAIN.

>> No.10828783

That's probably the intention. Pre-verbal stage circumcision to alter brain activity and emotional processing. Clamping to do the same and dumb down the child to make a cattle-like underclass as the glue of society and laborer class that gets the material things done. Then you brain drain from the places that don't do this fucked up shit to their children, bring them in, they have no roots and don't complain, you brainwash the living fuck out of them, then throw them in some heavily compartmentalized research apparatus so they build what you want, on your terms.

This is just how it works. Circumcision has to be pre-verbal, as well. Look into the circumcision of Vlad the impaler by the Ottomans when he was 10 for an example of post verbal subjugation and genital mutilation rituals. He was also beaten and raped repeatedly by the older pederasts. Infant and childhood trauma programming goes way back.

>> No.10828787


>> No.10828905

Shut the fuck up you absolute retard

>> No.10828910

And I want to be clear, I'm not trying to spread despair or hopelessness here. What's done is done, and I'm going to make damn sure everyone knows what this place is and has the means to see through its illusions when the time comes. There are so many stories of parents who went in expecting sanity, and had no idea the brutality of the average "hospital birth". They treat us like an animal on an assembly line. We are not their cattle.

Our belief in them and their lies is our consent.

>> No.10828921
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 81D48173-D0D9-4541-84D5-BAD859E22268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up you absolute retard

>> No.10828926

This tbqh.

>> No.10828928

>No u

>> No.10828940

Well, now I'm aware that I got fucked over because I'm clamped, vaccinated, and circumcised. What now? Do you think LSD can help rewire a traumatized brain?

>> No.10828943

No drug will cure your stupidity

>> No.10828947

>Do you think LSD can help rewire a traumatized brain?
this. i took a tab of lsd once. completely fixed

>> No.10828962

Recognizing that trauma occurred is probably the first thing. What happens from there is up to you. I would say you should take care of your health as well as you can. Vaccine damage for example can be reversed to an extent with various herbs, a mix of ascorbate and sodium ascorbate, and replenishing the gut flora by making some simple sauerkraut, kefir, etc. I stress the making part, very cheap and simple.

Overall, all of this relies on our implicit consent by talking through their narratives and lies. The manufactured so-called "Overton window". This must change, we must come to pursue, speak, and live through the truth. However that might be for you.

>> No.10829756


>> No.10829775
File: 136 KB, 1142x857, 1508966925336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaccine damage

>> No.10829780

>t. injected with a product which right in section 13 of its inserts declares "[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."
>t. Has never looked at VAERS
>t. Is a squirming know-nothin' pseud
Gnobble cog.

>> No.10829783

Looks like you got OCD when they clamped you.

>> No.10829788

I don't believe this, if you ever see mammals give birth, say like a dog, they chew that thing off straight away. If it was bad for them you'd think they'd instinctively wait.

>> No.10829793

There's quite a bit of data that frankly doesn't give a damn what you believe. There are as many animals that leave it attached until it dries and falls off, various primates among them.

>> No.10829813

Go on, make a falsifiable statement

>> No.10829830

>a product which right in section 13 of its inserts declares "[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."
(ie, all vaccines)
>aluminum has nonlinear dose response
>injected materials bypass first pass processing and therefore have differing pharmacokinetics
>the immune system communicates with the peripheral and CNS, which in turn communicate with the organs and digestive system
>we never had all these now common diseases of the modern world before vaccines. this correlates with contaminants in vaccines, eg those produced with whey, suspended in peanut oil, grown in eggs, etc.
>vaccines contain aborted fetal DNA, necessarily

>> No.10829842
File: 269 KB, 634x650, laughing grugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10829847

That's what I thought. Thanks for playing. Come back when you can actually participate.

>> No.10829873
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1482300175640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he misattributes a multi vector input system as a single vector input system

>> No.10829990

post some youtube vids please

>> No.10829998

How do vaccines damage your gut flora?

>> No.10830091
