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10828601 No.10828601 [Reply] [Original]

I want to fit into society better by decreasing my IQ. what's the best way to make that happen?

>> No.10828608

I don't think an IQ can go into the negatives Mr. Dunning Kreuger.

>> No.10828609

It actually can.

>> No.10828612

conservative beliefs are strongly correlated with lower IQ so you could try that.

>> No.10828618

>What's the best way to decrease my IQ?
What have you tried?

>> No.10828621

antidepressants+antipsychotics+weed+posting on this site

>> No.10828622

Maybe asphyxiate yourself to an extent to cause brain damage

>> No.10828626

porn, browsing /pol/, and >>10828612

>> No.10828865

...Dont do that?!
A 130 (smarter than average) individual can do what an average 100 can't & is able to mimick a 100.
The reverse situation is rather difficult...

>> No.10828890

Get vaccinated

>> No.10828946


>> No.10829030

Get an Instagram account.

>> No.10829038

And circumcised without anesthesia

>> No.10829111

get into arguments on /sci

>> No.10829117
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10829131


On the exact contrary, self-identification as "Republican" is associated with slightly higher IQ.

>> No.10829134

who the fuck intentionally follows politics?
also why use porn when you could simply peep on girls at the beach with your dick out under a towel.
do shit normal people do: drugs, alcohol, sex, parties, have friends, get a girlfriend, and other shit normal people do.

>> No.10829140

best way would be to suffer from a head injury

>> No.10829163

>also why use porn when you could simply peep on girls at the beach with your dick out under a towel.
Its not a longterm solution because once ur IQ gets low enough you wont be able to muster up enough intelligence to get out the door

>> No.10829277

I head drinking flint Michigan water can decrease your IQ a few points.

>> No.10829295

Take DXM
Huff inhalants like gasoline or permanent marker
Play American football or do boxing
Be heterosexual versus homosexual

>> No.10829313
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Daily reminder that the studies you are using to climb onto your high horses obtained their results by asking questions about some issues and then deriving your political leanings from those questions rather then just asking what party you side with or how you would describe yourself. This allows them to declare blacks and Hispanics, who tend to have lower average IQs then whites, to be conservatives because they tend to give conservative opinions on some issues like gay marriage, despite them voting solid blue every time.

>> No.10829575

take lots (not so much that you OD) of DXM and alcohol together, everyday. Should permanently decrease your IQ by giving you brain damage.

>> No.10829578

Get a prescription of a powerful antipsychotic to fuck your cortical grey matter into oblivion.

>> No.10829911

Kek, I think that 100<IQ<140 meme is real

>He can't just create different versions of himself with different brain powers
What a brainlet

>> No.10829941
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Non-meme answer: Robotripping
Go drink some cough syrup.

>> No.10830641

Send a couple of IQ points over in my direction please.

>> No.10830653

There's an episode on House where a patient does that with some cough syrup and alcohol iirc. Look it up.
Why would you want to do that though?

>> No.10830680
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10832091

Just participate in some /sci/ threads and you'll be down to 100 in no time.

>> No.10832489
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Become a US diplomat in Cuba

>> No.10832503

huff chemicals like gasoline?

>> No.10832508

Oxygen deprivation, 20 min should be good to get a genius like you to about 120 iq

>> No.10832512
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>no headache
>deductive reasoning
Until you try to explain logic of something that only generates concern because someone is broken.
Any nobody knows for sure why, But that's a relative issue.

>> No.10834378

Drink, have a girlfriend, work with lower class sheeple.

>> No.10834417

Start boxing or playing football

>> No.10834668

A good way to induce catastrophic brain damage is to post on /sci/ a lot, especially to brag about your IQ.

>> No.10834703

Real answer: alcohol

>> No.10835111

Swallow your toothpaste everyday
Huff air duster
Sleep with an ultra long range Wi-Fi router under your pillow

>> No.10835114

Smoke a lot of weed

>> No.10835116

listen to podcasts
browse /fit/ or /sp/
play low skill ceiling aesthetically worthless boring low g vidya

>> No.10835209

Smoke weed.
Even if it doesn't work out in decreasing your iq, you might make some stoner friends who are easy to communicate while stoned and you wont even have to force yourself to behave in a less intelligent way, since people aren't as judgmental while stoned and will probably be okay, listening to your ramblings about science or whatever.

>> No.10835215

oh and since such stoner circles include a lot of lower income lower class people, you'll also meet financially unstable females, who might end up letting you wife them, only because you can help them pay the rent and put food on the table.

>> No.10835355

Try instead to find a better society.

>> No.10835950

be yourself

>> No.10835960

high iq post

>> No.10836020

>Swallow your toothpaste everyday
tried this too actually but it had no effect whatsoever

>> No.10836031

>What's the best way to decrease my IQ?

>> No.10836130


That still keeps you high IQ, only brain damaged.
The reverse also becomes hard once the difference gets even bigger.

Use your brain capacity for other things - music, math, games; and do it well, learn to listen to the multiple layers of music at once, learn to perceive more things at once - widen your area of visual perception, listen to multiple voices at once. Learn to tyoe on mobile without autocorrect. Perhaps learn to play a musical instrument or dance. Learn to cook... Any skill you can think of. The trick is to use up as much of your brain capacity as possible.

>> No.10836139

Watch "reality" TV and smell lighter gas on a daily basis

>> No.10836687
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Nope. You're wrong. Do your own research, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.10836705

When a self-aware, intelligent man start to watch so-called "reality tv" tend to become a misanthrope but not less intelligent, unfortunately.

>> No.10836759


Maybe the actual problem is that you are lacking IQ.

>> No.10837000

Use your cell phone all day long.

>> No.10837026

browse 4chan

>> No.10837066

I'm already on my way lol

>> No.10837110

You're just going to ruin your life and keep having bad social skills and percieving everyone as an idiot.

>> No.10837224

Okay cleetus

>> No.10837458

>What's the best way to decrease my IQ?
head over to /pol and ask for "red pills"

the retards over there will get you dumbed down quick

>> No.10837506

Never thought about asking for red pills specifically.
I'll try this next.

>> No.10838083

Obsession with intelligence on /sci/ is cancer.

>> No.10838129
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>> No.10838263

Don't worry OP, you're already a retard.

>> No.10838633

and it didn't work?

>> No.10838667

drink heavily
take benadryl atleast once a day
maintain chronic dehydration
smoking weed optional, its not proven to lower IQ but it is proven that regular use has a negative impact on grades

Ideally you would do this after you finish college/uni or HS depending on education goals

>> No.10839419

This is because blacks, despite voting D, hold on average, conservative beliefs and drag the average down.

>> No.10839616

>Verbal intelligence
So BA brainlets?

>> No.10839643

As well as a faggot

>> No.10839680

>using the name dunning kruger (the last names of two smart people) as an insult
okay Mr. Retard

>> No.10839931

>how do I decrease my IQ
No exercise
Pop music
Drink lots of tap water
Don't read books, browse reddit instead
Smoke Devil's lettuce

>> No.10839957

books won’t make your more intelligent

>> No.10839961

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10840914

>I want to fit into society better by decreasing my IQ
This post is a good start

>> No.10841011
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>Drink lots of tap water

>> No.10841015

Believe in the white race