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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10825642 No.10825642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Optimists only. No schizos. No trolls. No yes men. We dont give a fuck about your race, religion, orientation, as long as you understand Optimum Theory (freely available at www.optimum.center) and are working toward our mission to objective and materially live forever in happiness & health. We will be disappointed with anything short of full brain scanning for save within 10 years and full upload within 30 years.

>> No.10825672

Optimist here. I was just wondering, have any of us made one single quantitative prediction? We must have right? Can somebody show me their work?

>> No.10825976


99% sure you are trolling, but yes.

Prediction: there is no smallest particle size. Larger colliders will discover smaller and smaller particles.

Optimum Theory also predicted super fluid dark matter over 1 year before it became widely accepted by academia. To give you an idea of how controversial this idea was when first preposed by an Optimist, his post about it on r/physics resulted in a full ban for posting "crackpot pseudo science" in the words of the moderator there. And yet within one year, it was a dominant position at the PENN State physics department.

I could go on, but if I really needed too then I am afraid that my troll-dar would be too loud for me to continue ignoring.

>> No.10825982

that's not a prediction, that's a speculation. if we found another particle, how would we know it was the one you predicted? can you predict its mass or spin or charge or handedness or its couplings to other particles? what about its production cross section, decay rates, and decay products?

>> No.10825985


We said no trolls, faggot. Take care.

>> No.10825991

>muh pseudoscience needs a safe space! reee real physics debunking me, not allowed, not allowed on 4chan cuz i said so, muh safe space, reeeee

>> No.10825993

"Optimism doesn't change the facts, just what you're going to see."
Whether or not altering your perceptual frame actually reality, I don't know. Actually, subconsciously I think as though it does to a great degree. I'm essentially a crippled, fragmented God that's here to learn whatever lessons.

You can briefly attain the higher layers where you have greater control over this illusion.

>> No.10825998

ahh, okay, schizophrenic rambling. fits with the whole "pseudoscience" theme.

Gary, you're here right? why don't you tell us about how you proved Jesus, even though you're a jew. the shizoids would love that shit. or should they just watch your youtube video about that instead?

>> No.10826284

lies and deception

no university has a "dominant position" on dark matter or any physics topic

gary must mean justin khoury at UPenn, not Penn State.

khoury's work is years older than anything gary put on reddit. and unlike gary, it is based on math. but still highly speculative.

>> No.10826302


>> No.10826316

Why are you disgusting schizo neo-hippies shitting up MY board with your insanity? I'd really prefer not being reminded of the plight of the mentally ill every single day while I'm on here. Please, the least you could do is space out your threads.

>> No.10826322

>khoury's work is years older than anything gary put on reddit
haha a pro-optimize theorist debunks gary. thanks!

tell me more about khoury’s ideas, maybe it can turn this thread into an actual scientific discussion

>> No.10826323

Clamped, circumcised, vaccinated.

>> No.10826326

this meme has run its course. go back to your homebirth newager forum

>> No.10826336

Exclusion isn't optimal. Inclusion is optimum.

Integrating schizophrenia into the furry and MLP-brony universe.

>Do The Full Optimal Cosplay Meme Porn Reality Play!

>> No.10826339

Duuuh controversy isn't optimal.

Do you guys even know that optimal just means the greatest shared non-destructive resolution?


>> No.10826341

PROTIP: Particle = Participant

BROTIP: Atom = indefensible argument that can be bruteforcer with sufficient attentive-focus.


>> No.10826360

hey look a new namefagging schizo. fun!

>> No.10826554

Build impulse set, that doesn't blink, but user streams it itself, is traversible in more than 6 directions, and then we can find EEG responses for that.

But concious response. Not some electrocuting brain in anesthesys.

Then we can compare eeg with experience few years later.

>> No.10826590

>Prediction: there is no smallest particle size. Larger colliders will discover smaller and smaller particles.
So why do subatomic particles behave as waves?
QFT is already onto something, this is pure shit. >>>/x/

>> No.10826594

Some people have it done...

Done done done.

You're up to something, don't kill yourself.

>> No.10826595


Can you explain this like im 5? Thats a big thing with Optimists, not to be morons, but to break things down simple so we are super clear

>> No.10826597


If you are unfamiliar with Optimum Theory, this comes out of our simulation. We unified physics if you didnt know. Computationally. You can literally see for yourself, computer simulation. You can see the waves and particle duality. Literally see it. Watch the video

>> No.10826607

Why don't you start a thread on /x/ asking what science even is and have a nice discussion?

>> No.10826620
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My face when I specifically say "no schizos" and the only people tryin to hang out are schizos.

Fyi, thats not really me or Gary. Its jus a GAN bro. Nothings real.

>> No.10826623


>> No.10826814
File: 122 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1563776220956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disregarding how pathetic it is that Gary sock puppets as his "followers" so that he can post photoshopped images to make himself look cooler (like the photoshop of himself with Jay Z seen here that one of his "followers" posted earlier), Gary did not unify physics, and his ideas about "mind uploading" and and unscientific concepts like the nature of consciousness, would excluded him even if he did. Gary does not have the seniority, the degrees, the tenure, the publishing history, or the temperament to be a shit poster let alone an academic. Fyi, he's in his mid 50s and never ranked above being a high school math and science teacher, and yet here he is on 4chan. Its pathetic.

>> No.10826964

you will be breeded out by your creation

>> No.10826983

>Fantasist thread

>> No.10826997

Clamping the umbilical cord is the newager bullshit.

>> No.10827014


Can this picture please be in the updated school textbooks that include optimum unified physics?

>> No.10827015

The cell automata in Minecraft? Fuck off. It's nothing. Conways Game of life was that mindblowing? Try Portal! Play the Sims and learn to emulate a stable life with enjoyment in the small things.

>> No.10827021


I want to see every high school science textbook with this picture of the guy who unified physics. Im not asking for a lot

>> No.10827025


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Physics was unified in minecraft. Fucking based. Someone did it in a supercomputer too with 3 million cells, so it balances out

>> No.10827031


And then I want the last page of the high school science textbook to be a picture of the guy who unified physics posing with Hopsin, and under it the Hopsin quote, "did the man who invented college go to college? Hmmm... okay then"

>> No.10827054

Maybe you get a dizzy feeling from this movie, it's based on well-accepted theories and stuff. Planck units, direction of time and interconnected points across space etc:

A bunch of what-ifing nerds and druggies... What if everything is just my dream and I wake up soon?

>> No.10827069

>What if everything is just my dream and I wake up soon?
That could be very good, very bad, or somewhere in between.

>> No.10827084
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>a theory of everything
>an 8-dimensional crystal
But... In WHAT medium does this crystal reside in????!

>> No.10827115


I have seen that video. If you like that, then you are going to fucking love the real deal.


The simulations you see there are not a trick. It is unified physics, as in you could use that algorithm to simulate all reality of you had a big enough computer.

Takes 2.5 hours to get through the three videos. I suggest starting with "what is optimum theory" then "first 16 minutes of optimum theory" then the main video.

>> No.10827121
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>> No.10827123
File: 347 KB, 642x408, Fluid Universe A Unified Theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Takes 2.5 hours to get through the three videos.
Lot faster to just read the paper. Why'd you choose to make a fucking exorbitant video instead of just updating this.

>> No.10827126


If you have to try and justify your existence with "a real scientists quoted us guys!" then you have some issues.

>> No.10827131



Gary actually wrote a paper, and he wrote it before he even made the video, after which everyone was complaining that he never wrote a paper and Gary didnt even say shit about it!!! What a fucking madlad!!!

>> No.10827132


No, Gary just likes Sabine because shes basically the Tyler Durden of Academia. She wants to burn the whole thing down, and the only reason she hasnt been blacklisted (yet) is because she so hilariously throws the woman card in their face.

Get your facts straight.

Same foes for Wolfram, except his powermove is he has fuck you money.

>> No.10827133


Not necessarily. No one is coming to save us. We need to put in the work to make sure this future happens.

>> No.10827137
File: 73 KB, 963x483, Austism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like what a literal autist. Refusing to expand on this paper and instead wasting everyones time with hours of his mentally invalid preaching.
>"a real scientists quoted us guys!"
She didn't quote him, she liked his tweet complimenting her music video. for a song which he believes contains coded messages signaling her support of him, days after he lied about being in talks with her, and her threatening legal action over it.

>> No.10827146

Like not magnetic resonance... Big brain with lot of cells is useless, if they are all just random firing due to the fact that "set up" loop was non existent...

EEG... Good. Precise EEG response to "stimuli" will make you understand the brain, because there is time series...

You don't have to intervene, you can just watch, and you can see change in time on brain.

Halogens does not belong where they put it... It's wrong.

>> No.10827150

I can explain quantum stuff without using equation, because it's not even equation, it's mostly bullshit.

Like what a fucking light is if nor particle and even not a wave...

But... You want diploms not ideas and stuff that is or may be.

Just diplomas.

>> No.10827158


If this is really Gary then he is an absolute legend and based autist.

>> No.10827160


He didnt lie about talking to "Sabine". I saw the message. If it was really Sabine, or a troll just trying to rile up Gary is something else entirely. Gary is not from anon culture. He's not used to the kind of trolling that goes on here. Also Academia is pure politics. Sabine would never admit in a million years to actually asking questions about some... *clutches pearls* high school teacher.

>> No.10827163


In fact Sabine even admited to being a liar in the song, "I lied to him" and then explained why, because she needs to keep her job. Seriously, read the song lyrics.

>> No.10827165

I'm totally with you on the anti woman shit, that's based, but your desperate need to deny that your autistic is pretty pathetic desu
>He didnt lie about talking to "Sabine"
Yes you did
>I saw the message
Then show us, prove it.
This is embarrassing.

>> No.10827169


You wont believe the message was real. You would say Gary wrote it. Same reason why Obana never showed the Osama death pictures. You have already made your mind up that Gary is a liar. Seeing a nice email from someone claiming to Hossenfelder and asking about the automatons implications for quantum gravity will not change that.

>> No.10827171


Also, Gary is not antiwomen. And that redditor is not Gary. Gary doesnt use reddit or 4chan. And those are not pictures of him either. And that is not his science paper either.

>> No.10827178
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>You wont believe the message was real
I don't believe your capable of faking it.
If you want to be a pedant you can just record your screen and refresh the page, click on some links, demonstrating that your are interacting with a real web page.
>Gary doesnt use reddit or 4chan
In that case he won't be upset about me posting these images of some reddit faggot saying schizo shit.

>> No.10827179


Calling Gary autistic is hilarious. You can video chat with him if you message him on his website. Ive talked to him for around 2 hours. His charisma is basically maxed out. Like you would have to be an autistic person to mistake him for autistic.

If he was ever diagnosted with autism (he wasnt because thats not his account, hes not on social media) then it would probably be because of why that person said, because society is broken, it sucks ever bit of humanity out of children and replaces it with pharma.

>> No.10827182


I mean, again if thats really Gary then hes a fucking prophet. Did you even watch the Gillette commercial where the guy is shamed for trying to talk to a girl?

But then again, Gary has never even used Reddit. Some say Gary does not even exist at all.

>> No.10827185

>Did you even watch the Gillette commercial where the guy is shamed for trying to talk to a girl?
How did you know that this comment was referencing that commercial? That's not something you could figure out just based on that screenshot? It's almost as if you posted it yourself?

>> No.10827190


I never said it referenced the commercial. How the fuck could it do that since that comment was poster months BEFORE the Gillette commercial. Check the date dummy

>> No.10827193
File: 158 KB, 691x861, Gillette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, that would've been such a good gotcha, but you're right that is a comment about something else. You did talk about that commercial so I got mixed up.

>> No.10827215


I get the Gary hate. He's basically a Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake type character that you just want to strangle because of how skewed they make the curve... But objectively that paper is pretty remarkable. It shows that Gary is not just bullshitting with his "unified theory automaton". It was a logical progression of his earlier "Fluid Universe Theory". Reading the paper, he himself did not even know if finding the correct automaton would be possible, only that he knew if it was, that it would have certain qualities. And he was right.

Like I said, I talked to him for a few hours, and he says he went through around 1,000 different iterations of the automaton before he figured it out. Most of them were not continuous. His first assumptions were that it would be more of a binary automaton. He said his biggest breakthroughs were in assuming a truly infinite automaton, not just in "depth and scope" but also cell states, and then it became obvious to him that if the Universe is a fluid then the automatons operator must be division (averages), since that would simulate the fluid being spread to its neighbors.

>> No.10827225


Gary said that when he first began averaging the continuous automatons by hand on graph paper he immediately saw that they formed "number waves", and then he knew he had to scale up his simulation, which led to Excel which was perfect for something like this, simple averages across cells. And then he said everything stated clicking into place and that he spent almost an entire day "just running around my house screaming that it actually worked!"

He has shown all 4 fundamental forces in his automaton.

It's unified physics. It's done. You could 1 to 1 simulate the Universe using the equation if you had an infinitely sized computer.

That's pretty fucking based.

>> No.10827226
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>I get the Gary hate. He's basically a Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake type character that you just want to strangle because of how skewed they make the curve.
The narcissism is just untenable.
>But objectively that paper is pretty remarkable
I find it far more remarkable that you decided rather than adding on to the paper, so people can easily digest your theory the same way they would any other, you decided try and force them to watch 3 hours of drivel. What is the thought process, a video is less effective for parsing the information, has no sources, is a much longer time investment. It is a truly autistic decision.

>> No.10827234
File: 40 KB, 545x298, b13aa8f2e8eb0939c2682b8ca92f0acb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a truly autistic decision

Gooble Gobble!

>> No.10827237
File: 1.08 MB, 500x376, ChillySpecificFugu-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so people can easily digest your theory the same way they would any other, you decided try and force them to watch 3 hours of drivel. What is the thought process, a video is less effective for parsing the information, has no sources, is a much longer time investment.

>> No.10827246

>The narcissism is just untenable.

No but seriously your first thought was correct.

Gary made the video for himself. He doesn't give a single fuck about Academia or their methods. Like you said, he loves himself and he's watched his own video like 100 times.

He made it for himself. And the only reason he was trying to sell it is because he truly believes that if he has a proper budget he can solve immortality. It's right in the video. And, again... he loves himself and wants to live forever.

>> No.10827258


And fyi, loving yourself is good policy. It's in the Bible. "Love your neighbor as yourself". Implication being that the self love is the foundation of all love.

>> No.10827260

And Optimum Theory asserts that we are all one anyway.

>> No.10827265
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Your faux Christianity is staggering.

>> No.10827269
File: 913 KB, 2272x1704, This image dosent sit right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey optimum faggot, AKA OP.

Care to run some modeling for me?
Run a simulation of a black hole, but instead of whatever it is you do.
Make the event horizon the point of a graviton halbach array in the weak orientation.
The mass and horizon should be in strong field extension relative to the number of Planck qbits = to Planck matter.
The strong side of the array is what I want so see line up.
Yes, the event horizon is the gravity source. Not the singularity.

>> No.10827271

Objection! The black hole is my harem that all the vidya gaming buttsluts fall into for the glory of Solivagus!

>> No.10827282
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But c'mon dude. I want to see the snake eat itself when the last bit of rubber banding falls and the array destabilizes.

>> No.10827284


You must have missed the thread where Gary did just that (model a black hole using the automaton) and then months later the first black hole pictures came out and looked basically identical to his heat map of the automaton.

Not joking, fyi

>> No.10827288

Would help if you gave a link. I just had to ask Ken today if he was feeding some info off me.
Weird how our topics aligned considering backgrounds.

>> No.10827290


>> No.10827301

It's cool, yes.
But it's too smooth. If he can do a halbach array it would inherently ripple.
As the qbits jostle for position in the event horizon, and split poles rapidly.
I'm near erect in my estimates of 'field' lengths that it's a weak pull with a strong internal matter crushing pole.

>> No.10827315

>how does it crush?
It's the strong side. It meshes up so much it becomes repulsion.

>> No.10827374

That is an amazingly specific fetish. My daughters will happily comply!

>White/slut/orgy dancers, do or die!

>> No.10827383

And if you can swing it use this as data shapes.
But like more triangle cylinders than tri point arrow.

>> No.10827404

This seems like it'll be too high level for him to even comprehend, let alone simulate for you.
If you wanna simulate something using the automata your best bet is to do it yourself using anon's code https://anonfile.com/P92bi5lfnb/optimum_py

>> No.10827430

Cheers. Now to amaze my coder mates with python that by all means should execute but doesn't this time.
Fuck also have to fix the PC if it's actually compute heavy?
Pls don't be a vrm. $500 board.