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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10824002 No.10824002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think art majors are actually much harder than STEM majors.

Science classes: Here's the stuff you need to learn. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Take a test to confirm that you know the material.

Humanities general education classes: Write a 5-page essay analyzing your opinion of the usage of traditional, modernist, and classical elements in a cubist-era painting by Pablo Picasso. Get together with your group and make a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating your understanding of the cultural and historical context around a piece of art you observed at a local art museum. Write a 2-page report discussing what you learned from this class and how you plan to apply it to your major of choice.

And that's just an introductory arts appreciation class. God help anyone who actually takes advanced classes.

>> No.10824009


>> No.10824013

Currently depressed because I have to get through boring-ass gen eds in summer community college. After this i'll finally be done. No more art/history/philosophy classes. Only the science classes I truly enjoy.

>> No.10824036

More work doesn't mean harder. There is reason brainlets are weeded out and forced into liberal arts majors. I'm a junior in biochem and never studied for any exams.

>> No.10824038

biochem is a brainlet major lmao

>> No.10824040

How so?

>> No.10824080

Biology and chemistry are the only two sciences with a significant proportion of women. Did you really think those would be the hardest?

>> No.10824106

Humanities require you to be a bit schizophrenic to create baseless nonsese like that.

>> No.10824111

Traditional biochemistry (the kind I'm doing) is male-dominated. I think the problem is a lot of "biochemistry" is actually just molecular biology/cataloging. The kind I'm going for involves organic synthesis, NMR, and X-Ray crystallography. IMHO, it's the only biochemistry that matters since it's the only one that produces results for R&D.

>> No.10824141

I agree. It's so hard to pretend that you care enough about a topic that you wanna write a 5-page essay about it

>> No.10824160

Have you ever taken a science course, OP? If you really think that all there is to science (especially physics) is to memorize material, you should take a foundations course in physics, see what grade you get.

>> No.10824166

oh it's the incel

>> No.10824197

He's not entirely wrong on those two at least for the fundamentals and for a relatively adept understanding of the subjects it can largely be learnt as almost pure memorisation

>> No.10824202

back to/his/

>> No.10824302
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM students have on average a higher iq than humanities. Thats because you need better grades to enter a STEM major.

You cannot memorize for a math exam. You can memorize the formulas but they are useless if you cant apply them. Problem solving is what you need to practice for math.

The image shows something feminists will deny all day, the more women in a major the lower iq is. This is because the average iq of both genders is different, men have more high iq and low iq individuals while women have more average iq individuals.

>> No.10824331

It's not that hard. You just have to learn to imitate senseless bullshit and generate your own. Appreciate the aesthetic aspect of semantics without concern for substance. If you can shitpost on 4chan you can probably bullshit your way through a thousand word essay on the deleterious heteronormative influences of colonialism on south east asian pottery.

>> No.10824332

How can engineering be above CS? CS is much more g-loaded than most stamp collecting engie jobs. Is software engineering boosting the engies by 5-6 points alone?

>> No.10824343

engineering includes aerospace, nuclear, ce and ee where a degree of competence in physics and higher level or at least more difficult undergrad maths is necessary to succeed. also you might be right a lot of cs majors are basically soft eng or are grouped with the theoretical cs track and machine learning track undergrads so there could be some depression in the observed group average iq. though you can make similar arguments for many other majors

>> No.10824345

Molecular biology is all about using analysis methods and shit for r and d

>> No.10824635

>Write a 5-page essay analyzing your opinion of the usage of traditional, modernist, and classical elements in a cubist-era painting by Pablo Picasso. Get together with your group and make a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating your understanding of the cultural and historical context around a piece of art you observed at a local art museum. Write a 2-page report discussing what you learned from this class and how you plan to apply it to your major of choice.
Science classes: You either know the material or you don't. Binary pass/fail.
Humanities: You don't even really have to know what you're talking about, just sound like you do and suck your instructors clit and make sure you don't imply a politically incorrect opinion.

>> No.10824673

Funny fact:

How do you replicate art?