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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10823457 No.10823457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, Is there an explanation for this?

>> No.10823463

It's a mental disorder called autism.

>> No.10823464

Yes, and it's called schizophrenia.

>> No.10823475

>tfw jews are just a tulpa made from /pol/'s fears

>> No.10823479

jews literally are the priestly class and moral arbiters of society. Alot of them subconsciously view themselves as more intelligent and ethically righteous. They are incredibly smart, have an extremely unified ethos, are allowed to congregate and order themselves on racial and ethnic grounds,and do not have a self hating complex like they did in the 19th and beginning of the 20th century (guess what caused that).

>> No.10823480

High IQ
For example, if you assume kikes have normally distributed IQ of mean 115 and std 15, make up 2% of the population and the rest has mean IQ 100, the probability that a 145 IQ guy is a kike is about 25%, which is about the proportion of Nobel prize winners that are kikes

So there is no conspiracy

>> No.10823481

what caused that anon? why don’t I hate myself as my grandparents did like you’re suggesting?

>> No.10823493

i didnt say your grandparents hated themselves, jews as a whole were incredibly self hating in the 19th century simply because of the zeitgeist. Even some jews were ridiculously anti semetic, and this is why so much antisemitism was allowed. "Even alot of jews agree with us! the jews are capitalistic hebrew prasite race" If youre actually jewish you should know about this.
Think of it like how white people are now, but like 10 times worse

>> No.10823496

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10823502

This is correct

>> No.10823518

oh okay, now /sci/ has become /pol/. Sad!
(trump reference)

>> No.10823521

why isn't the media Korean then

>> No.10823529

Confirmation bias. You have a lot of contributors, and other loosely associated people on there. Post everyone who would fall into those categories.

>> No.10823533

not high IQ. these /pol/ infographics are usually factually incorrect if you look into them, and people who shill them are usually low-IQ brainlets who accept unsourced infographics as fact on face value since they lack critical thinking required for high or even average IQ

>> No.10823537

OP's infographic is wrong, but it is true that jews are overrepresented in positions of power, I am just giving a general justification of this

>> No.10823558

fine, i don’t disagree that jews are overrepresented. so are christian white people. the problem is that infographics like this come from people who push conspiracy theories, as opposed to accepting that normal history explains these sorts of inequalities in gaining high-profile positions.

throughout history jews were delegated (almost as a punishment) to be bankers and shopkeepers, by normal christian white people, so whining about how jews are rich and well connected now is kind of their great-great-(many more greats)-grandparents fault. not some ridiculous conspiracy theory (and just to show how ridiculous it is, it usually resorts to some nonsense magical “satan” or “reptilian” theory)

>> No.10823643

Are you saying Jews don't have a higher IQ? This is factually wrong.

>> No.10823712

Ashkenazi's aren't real jews.

>> No.10823740

Yes, it's called in-group favoritism refined over centuries

>> No.10823759

maybe they do score higher on a meme test that idiot psychologists cooked up, but historical facts are facts

>> No.10823765

>jews invent iq test
>then use their hivemind to know the answers already
It's not fair!

>> No.10823798

i think a german dude invented IQ tests, but yes, basically that. IQ tests have a bias in favor of whatever their author seems to be “intelligence”

>> No.10823801

*deems not “seems”

>> No.10823826

ITT: blacks wondering why whitey rules

>> No.10823835

nepotism / in group preferences
since jews are white

>> No.10823862


Jews are not white.

>> No.10823871

oh, haha, the argument about whether jews are white or not, kek
you ralize that >/sci/entifically the concept of race is not well defined?

totally outed yourselves as /pol/ tourists.

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10823872

>banjo dueling intensifies

>> No.10823873

coulda fooled me. They sure look white in OP's pic. jews are white lol

>> No.10823876

bad post anon. that basically amounts to /pol/'s best bait there is. they don't understand the difference between ethnic groups and religious groups, and apparently neither do you.

>> No.10823880

oh ok so they look and sound white, but they're not white
and if you don't agree you're an ebil wacist,


>> No.10823888
File: 31 KB, 415x233, fl-1539708422-lq3ndhk1ch-snap-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there exists a set of jews who are ethnically ethiopian. pic related

religions are belief systems, they only correlate with genetics due to cultural/sociological/historical trends that don't actually dictate people's beliefs nor their genetics

>> No.10823891

>you're an ebil wacist,
it's stupid and evil, illiterate

>> No.10823900

>Thinking that jews arent behind every major event
you low IQ tards aint gonna make it.

>> No.10823901


>> No.10823902

stop screaming and clean the toilets
>fucking lazy hillbillies

>> No.10823903

Back to sucking off foreskin rabbi
>fucking vegan kikes

>> No.10823910

come on, /pol/tard hillbilly idiots aren't lazy because of anything intrisic, it's just because we academic elites haven't supplied the resources they need to become acquainted with factual information. cletus and maryjoe are good people, they just are totally backward because we ivy league guys haven't figured out how to supply gibs to them, yet

>> No.10823913

If you were actually smart you’d know I was just teasing you

>> No.10823917

>hehe i shitposted, that makes me smart and you dumb for real posting

>> No.10823918

>literally mensa member
Its ok burger mutt with your american education im sure your local walmart could use you or try that foreskin trade market.

>> No.10823923

>literally europoor using anti-america meme out of the blue
it's okay, anon, you are poor and have no education. people in america who are smart enough to get into our universities will send you money to bail you out when your economies collapse, no big deal

>> No.10823928

As a race they're generally of higher average IQ and are fairly ethnocentric and engage in nepotism over the centuries it's hardly a surprise

>> No.10823930

>cope more mutt
try not to commit incel rage shooting or die to illegals

>> No.10823932
File: 105 KB, 700x525, fellow white people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still with a non-fluctuating self-identity

>> No.10823934

haha, what an original meme, so based and redpilled

stay poor, and stay toasty, triggered brainlet

>> No.10823936

Calling you stupid was insincere while the original post was not, but now I really do think you’re kind of an idiot at least in one way.

>> No.10823940

i believe you are thinking too far into it. nobody is following posts more than one (You) at this pint. especially since this thread had devolved into /pol/tier "mutt" and "(((jews)))" type crap by now.

>> No.10823941

>hurdur me go to ivy mcdonald academy ,meesa so smart ,meesa big debt
pipe down burgerbrain and shill for the jews

>> No.10823946

next clean aisle #7

>> No.10823950

>everyone who disagrees with me is JIDF!!!

ever heard of “schizophrenia”?

>> No.10823987

It's high IQ plus a culture of familial based nepotism. Jewish families help each other out and half in group preference, while also pushing their children for success. These two factors contribute to their over representation in certain areas of society.