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10823359 No.10823359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

(19 years old)Shall i see a psychiatrist?
My family wants me to visit a doctor because they think that I have mental problems{they don't refer to mental retardation (IQ:132 and certified)}. They say that I'm ill just because I smiled in my sister's funeral, that's because I don't feel sadness about other people and I don't think that it is a problem. They say that I'm a paranoid just because I don't want to eat food from others, what if anyone wants to kill me with poison? They say that I need to have friends but I don't want them,I'm very happy alone, I'm sure I have a healthy mind.

>> No.10823365

If you are a happy and productive I don't see why should you.

>> No.10823366

See the psychiatrist, be open, be humble. At the very least understand yourself more, how others view you.

>> No.10823378

if they give you meds don't take them. They gave me medication so they dumb down my thinking and make me a blind sheep that is not
aware of their surroundings and others.
I have super powers in my brain that
\god gave me. I have been told by people in heaven that I have been blessed and I am a
gift sent down by god himself to
bless this cattle lot.
I am like a 2nd coming but not really because that's only reserved for Jesus Christ.
I am more of a blessing and very powerful.
Don't take the pills. Trust me. They wan't to dumb you down and make you like them, unaware and brainwashed so corporate niggers can turn you into mindless consumer sheep.

>> No.10823386

You both should see one

Yes, you should, just do it. Other people have a perspective on you that is sometimes more true than your internal thoughts, take their advice

>> No.10823407

That's not gonna do anything Schlomo. You niggers just wan't shekels from your medication prescriptions. I am not a gullible goy

>> No.10823424

I feel sorry for you, it's terrible to be unaware of your problems, actively working against positive change. Stop throwing around those words, they are excuses, so you don't have to face your own fragile ego.

>> No.10823434

You also should see one, while we're at it.

>> No.10823435

because I am right. You use psychiatry for gullible goyim that are willing to throw shekels at sheep herding drugs

>> No.10823456

Point to where I say this. Point to where I say anything about medication

What is important is that these people get to speak about their problems, with someone experienced who can guide their thoughts beyond fallacies, toward healthier patterns. They're stuck in their heads all day, look at the ideology they throw

>> No.10823459

Threads like these remind me that there are actual retards on 4chan who aren't in on the joke.

>> No.10823467

They only throw medications out. My psychiatrist only throws out meds, that's it. I am not taking them because I am powerful.

>> No.10823492

So, where's the dumpster all these thrown out meds are ending up in? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10823494

You neex help

>> No.10823515

you're so unlikeable dude haha

>> No.10823618

Who hurt you really?

>> No.10823657

your parents hate your guts
it's their problem, not yours
psychologists will say anything for money
they're fucking useless pests

>> No.10824180

Psychiatrists are crazier than their patients

>> No.10824191

Based divine gift poster

>> No.10824218

How do you bless people? Like what I am asking is this. What are you supposed to be doing and how close are you to achieving it?

I agree about the drugs. Pretty sure they shred neurons. Your brain probably worked better before you took them. Then again maybe not.

>> No.10824238
File: 8 KB, 217x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smiles at sisters funeral

>> No.10824280
File: 11 KB, 200x200, TRINITY___Sunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smiles at sisters being made into human centipedes with whoever is paying them to torment to me

>> No.10824590
File: 82 KB, 1080x1174, PhotoPictureResizer_190721_150302660_crop_1080x1174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10824596
File: 414 KB, 1000x1000, never tther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
