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10822068 No.10822068 [Reply] [Original]

Do they walk among us?

>> No.10822109

>Do they walk among us?
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

>> No.10822112

Go to /x/, OP.

>> No.10822158


>> No.10822187


>> No.10822245


>> No.10822248


>> No.10822275

I don't know

>> No.10822280


>> No.10822286

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.10822318


If there is an absence of evidence, there is a higher likelihood of there being an absence, though

>> No.10822331

We'll find out in exactly a month

>> No.10822562


>> No.10822888
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Ayy Lmao

>> No.10822894


>> No.10822958
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>> No.10823153

I dont know but i feel pretty alienated.

>> No.10823914

Not in awhile. We have too many eyes now and we often mistreat them if we find them. Sometimes there have been cultures which have had a kind of space for aliens to fill. Because they kind of see themselves as angels or demigods from our legends and religions. They share some similarities.

They made mistakes early on before they were used to our bodies. I don't think emotions command their behaviour in their natural forms. We are a very... Passionate and depraved species.

Seriously what do you think the chances are of aliens landing secretly on earth in human bodies and remaining unseen. What do you think men in suits would do if they caught them. What would happen if they accidentally did something fucked up down here.

But aliens aren't real remember.

>> No.10825079

Yes, I'm one of them

>> No.10825110
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Would they even come from a place locatable in the world as we experience it (three dimensions of room and one for time)?

>> No.10825354
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Under a very crude disguise.

>> No.10825382

They do fly around but I’m not sure they actually send down agents.

>> No.10825400

Google shadow biosphere

They (might) live on rocks in the sonoran desert
(assuming by alien you mean taxonomically independent lifeforms)

>> No.10825455
File: 292 KB, 305x190, Shape of our Universe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among us? No, the distance between stars is too great even for them to traverse efficiently. Instead they choose to communicate inside us interdimensionally.

>> No.10825798

Does they wank among us?

>> No.10827113
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>Do they walk among us?
yes they do

>> No.10827149


>Distance too great.

I've fucking had it with this meme. 100,000 lightyears isn't very far. Say they're from the other end, coming here at 0.1 c (about as conservative an estimate as you could get). That's a million years. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Clone yourself ten times, send them to the system in question. At least 1 should get through. Travel time means nothing, not once you can efficiently hibernate yourself. Resources mean nothing to an interstellar civilization - any sane civilization would send scouts to reconnoitre their local environs (in this case the galaxy)

>> No.10827173

>not probes
it's quite likely that, assuming the sightings/meetings were legitimate, that the aliens people have come into contact with or seen aren't actually life forms and are instead some sort of terminator-esque cyborg type machine to be used as a probe.

That said, I think we're alone.

>> No.10827184


Why should we be alone? The fact that there have been countless radar-confirmed sightings of abnormal-physics aircraft is surely evidence against us being alone.

We've checked how many planets for life? We can be sure there's no other indigenous intelligent life in this system, but what about the other hundred billion systems?

I don't understand people who think we're alone. If we had scouted more than a billionth of the stars in this galacy, it would be a more convincing argument.

>> No.10827212
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>> No.10827219

>Why should we be alone?
I didn't say we should. I said I think we are. If there was another planet in our universe containing life, there are a few probable likelihoods.
>primitive bacteria-like life forms
>said life is unrecognizable to us as life at all
>organisms are advanced beyond us to a degree that contact will never occur
I don't treat this shit like a religion, so the existence of extraterrestrial life doesn't exactly excite me as much as it used to when I was younger. Though I'm not a scientist, nor am I a STEM major at some university. I'm just a machinist who admires what man is capable of. In my case, the Apollo program specifically.

>> No.10827312
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One does.

>> No.10827351

>absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
absence of evidence of absence is not evidence either

>> No.10827878

no we don't

>> No.10827880

No we don't.

>> No.10827899

>What do you think men in suits would do if they caught them
Make some incredible porn