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File: 222 KB, 1600x900, Elon_Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10814725 No.10814725 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate him so much?
I don't understand at all. Some people have a deep visceral hatred for this guy and I don't know why. He seems innately likeable to me, but obviously the kids who threw him down the stairs and almost beat him to death were not alone in their intense hatred.
Somebody please explain.

>> No.10814735

I don't hate him, people think you hate him just because you don't suck his dick.

He's an investor who got lucky with his PR work and publicity (I say lucky after seeing his recent display of public speaking skills). Once you realize there are a lot of other people who had the same startup ideas, but not investment money from Daddy's mining company, then you might suck his dick less.

Again nothing against him, just don't say things like "he's done so much for science and technology!". He hasn't. He doesn't have a single journal publication. His companies buy tech from other high tech startups, mostly using government grant money. That's it.

I like Elon, but saying stupid shit about makes you look like uneducated fanboy twat.

>> No.10814737
File: 15 KB, 233x378, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one man be so BASED

>> No.10814742

You're not the kind of people I'm talking about, then.
I literally have talked with several people who get red in the face with anger when Elon Musk is mentioned. Like, just mentioned.

>> No.10814750

Dismantle their arguments piece by piece. Use Elon's method of first principles.

>> No.10814751

Could be jealousy, could be backlash to how much he is overhyped. Who knows. Thankfully we have already mostly adapted to entirely ignore anonymous critics on the internet.

>> No.10814753

Could even be short sellers btw, people unironically hire people to shill on the internet these days.

>> No.10814761

The only argument I ever hear is
>I don't like him
>I have a bad feeling about him

>> No.10814781

Unfortunately, these are people that I know irl.
Otherwise rational people.

>> No.10814782

Jealousy. It might be more complicated than that but I know I'm jealous.

>> No.10814810

They got caught up in the meme.

Lets list the "wrong" things he did.

>Shits on wallstreet shorters
This is probably where most of the hate comes from. They are powerful/influential and have the most capacity to inflict damage to him.

>Shits on the cave guy
Spat between two shitters. Unless you're white who travels to thailand for sex with underage prostitutes, there's no real issue here for the general public.

What I really think is happening behind the minds of "haters" is this.

>Elon promises new things
>Hype is built around his wild ideas
>Fails to live up to the hype

>Business gets tax breaks
>Business gets loan that are repaid or will be repaid
Standard business 101.

You're the cult! You're obsessed with Elon LMAO.

>> No.10814821

>SWAT a whistleblower then sue him for 168 million dollars
What a guy

>> No.10814839


>> No.10814849

Yeah, maybe jealousy, I guess.
Often I hear
>he's not so great
>I could do that
>what's the big deal?
If YOU could do it, then why don't you?
Why shit on the guy who's accomplishing things & trying to create a better future?

>> No.10814853

>Dude finds out subpar batteries are being used in production cars
>His concerns about waste, efficiency, and safety are repeatedly ignored
>Goes to media with evidence that Tesla is shipping unsafe batteries
>Tesla accuses him of using leet hax to get info even though they admit he just logged into their manufacturing system and read the logs he had access to
>Tesla bugs his phone
>Tesla calls the police and says he's going to shoot up the factory
>Sheriff says threat is complete bullshit while getting pressured by Tesla to play it up
>Guy gets surrounded by cops who immediately realize threat is a lie
>Enron personally shittalks him on twitter
>Tesla nuthuggers accuse him of being le big oil shill
>Gets slapped with a 168 million dollar suit because their stock price went down
His name is Martin Tripp

>> No.10814857

I don’t hate him personally, I just hate the ideal of Elon Musk because all of the “I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE” redditors who flock to him and suck his dick nonstop. I’m sure he’s a great guy, but I despise his image

>> No.10814863

>Elon's method of first principles
What is this?

>> No.10814864

>steal Tesla secret
>complain he gets not protection for stealing from Tesla
Good show. We'll see how this plays out in the court and whether or not "DINDU NUFFIN" has any credibility at all.

>> No.10814868

I have much respect for any living human being who's 90% of the way to becoming a bond villain.
If him and putin ever buy a volcanic island we'll all know the shit is about to hit the fan.

>> No.10814871

Also >threatening Elon directly by email. LMAO. The guy is a nutcase.

>> No.10814879
File: 59 KB, 740x550, 1551730930353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla appears to be stealing secrets from British Leyland

>> No.10814884

I don't hate him. He's just a VC.
Another dot com billionaire who thinks they're a genius because they got lucky in a gold rush.

>> No.10814890

>if YOU could do it, then why don't you?
Because they aren't wealthy children of south african mining giants? Because they weren't alive during the dot com gold rush?

I'm sure he has a great work ethic and deserves it, but this argument is dumb. You think Mark Cubin is some genius?

The way VC works these days is, you're basically looking for a "hit" every 10-20 failed investments. And that single hit is enough to keep you afloat.

>> No.10814892

Also, for Tesla to not have turned a profit by this point in time is abyssal. Of course anyone who knows anything about the automotive industry already knew it wouldn't.

It's been what like 10 years. They still don't have even the foundation with which to compete industrially with say, Toyota; Who will crush them in their own niche, when they see it as worthwhile.

I do respect him for not sitting around with his money though. He's pouring it into interesting things that he thinks, and that we will, eventually benefit from. And that's a very rare and cool thing to see from a billionaire.

>> No.10814898

>abusive south african mining giants
Elon has no connection to his corrupt and horrible father. He fully pulled himself up by his own bootsraps.

>> No.10814899

>Tesla is a failed business
But how does this gets transformed into hate? I don't get how you go from a observer of company's economy to a downright hate of him, his other companies, his ventures, etc. Unless you're an investor, why does it matter whether a company is successful or not? Why does it have to be so personal?

>> No.10814902

Tesla isn't supposed to make a profit. That's not the point, and Elon says it over and over.

>> No.10814903

uh huh

I don't think anyone hates him. I think you're just wasting your time talking to total brainlets.

>> No.10814905

Tesla has to make profit to be successful. But to do that, it has to go through phases of transition. Research -> Infrastructure build up -> logistics build up -> market demand

>> No.10814906

Anyone who knows anything about the industry knew this already.
Not because it's what he said, but because it's simply not possible.

I still like what he's doing, as far as the push for the charging networks. He's throwing money away for the good of us all, which is awesome.

The hate, I guess, comes from intelligent people having to hear the constant zealotry from apes.

>> No.10814907

No, Tesla has to push electric cars forward to be successful.
Remember "Who Killed the Electric Car?".
Elon turned that dynamic around, and now electric cars are strating to be manufactured everywhere.
THAT'S the point.

>> No.10814913

Treats his employees like shit.

>> No.10814918

No, people seem to either desparately hate him, love him to death, or be indifferent.
I have never talked to someone who kinda likes him, or mildly dislikes him.

>> No.10814923

Anyone who has a cult of dick suckers also gets a lot of hate.

>> No.10814935

>suck his dick
God, I would love to suck his dick while he stutters adorably.

>> No.10814945

>Elon's method

>> No.10814965

He is a liar, a fraud he is full of himself he has a poor knowledge of most subjects he talks about but the worst thing is that naive gullible (i fucking love science) retards like you believe him and give him the public support that he needs to keep scamming investors and the government.
None of his companies makes money (SpaceX is private and nobody knows huw much money they make/lose)
While real scientists that will change human future just do their job this piece of shit gains all the attention flies around in his jet and does ambien.
He is a terrible human being read what his ex wifes and employees say about him.

He does it for himself not for you or for the mankind.
Stop being a naive teenager, leave /futurology and educate yourself.

>> No.10814969

>Every company he funds is a financial failure
>The only good company in this list was not funded by him and fired him
so based

>> No.10814981

>none of his companies make money
>he does it for himself
Not only are these contradictions, but they are also bad reasons to hate someone.
Acting in self-interest is pretty basic to being human. I would argue that by acting in his own self-interest (and presumably in the interest of his kids), he is ultimately benefitting all of us.

>> No.10814985

>quoting an ex wife

>> No.10815007

He needs to stop dating Gr*mes, she's flushing his life down the toilet.

>> No.10815009

>ot only are these contradictions
No they are not, a company that loses money still pays wages you retard.

>> No.10815013
File: 213 KB, 456x285, consumer7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just another mentally ill billionaire - bloated CONSUUUUMER megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur (eg. Richard Branson Jeff Bezos). His fanbois (mostly dumb cunts) are all utterly retarded, and he's ok with that because they keep him living the good life

>> No.10815021

His wages are tied to the company's profits, as the link that you posted stated clearly.

>> No.10815022

>believing a convicted fraud and known liar anything
You guys realize that everything he has to offer is his PR right?
He needs you retards to help him hold up his laughable iron man image to keep scamming investors.
You are just as guilty as him.
I hope you bought Tesla stock and lost all your money this year like so many other 25 year old gullible hipster fanboys.

>> No.10815025

He decides how much he is being paid he is not a victim of his wage.

>> No.10815028
File: 61 KB, 634x391, 16116178-7252747-image-a-2_1563285445496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute & nerdy/10
She's probably good for him, actually.

>> No.10815037

How does this equal only acting in self-interest, you illogical turd?

>> No.10815041
File: 93 KB, 620x670, 1485715661810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really hate the guy, but I definitely find it hilarious that his super duper vacuum train from the future by now devolved into a literal one lane road tunnel .

>> No.10815043

No, she's the reason he's turning into a druggie with no motivation who posts anime on his Twitter

>> No.10815044

I bet he's reading this thread. Or Grimes is. I love being able to literally cus the shit out of retarded celebs anonymously.

LOL suck it MUSK you massive faggot

>> No.10815047

Actually I kinda feel bad for him he's the government agenda poster boy and doesn't even know it.

>> No.10815055

>he's a supervillian
>no, no, he's a corrupt businessman
>I mean he's a mean boss
>no, no, his businesses are failing
>his ex wife doesn't like him
>he works more than 80 hours a week, so he's insane
>I mean, he has no motivation and shit posts on twitter
Well? Which is it?

>> No.10815058

>Tesla had the largest CEO-to-median worker compensation ratio among public companies in the data analyzed by Bloomberg.

Why would you defend such a selfish piece of shit?
I hope you are being paid because if you do this for free you are one of the most retarded human beings on this planet.

>> No.10815061

why not all/most of them?

>> No.10815065

Read the whole article where his whole income was potential & he didn't actually take home anything, brainlet retard.

>> No.10815068

So does 99.99999% of business do. Grow up?

>> No.10815070

So he's a dumb idiot who masterfully manipulates people into giving him money by not turning a profit and busting his ass while having no motivation?

>> No.10815071

>t. neet

>> No.10815075

Do any of those "median" tesla workers own 20% of the company?

>> No.10815077

>he didn't actually take home
A claim made by a convicted fraud and known liar right?

>> No.10815080

Yes, kinda like Holmes. I admire both.

>> No.10815083

>masterfully manipulates people into giving him money by not turning a profit
That's a fact, fuck the strawman that you added I don't care about his motivation.

>> No.10815085

So what did he lie to you about? What makes you so personally angry and hateful towards him?

>> No.10815086

From the first article posted:

"Tesla disputed this characterization of Musk's compensation. In a statement to Business Insider, a company spokesperson wrote:

"Elon actually earned $0 in total compensation from Tesla in 2018, and any reporting otherwise is incorrect and misleading. Unlike other CEOs, Elon receives no salary, no cash bonuses, and no equity that simply vests by the passage of time. His only compensation is a completely at-risk performance award that was specifically designed with ambitious milestones, such as doubling Tesla's current market capitalization from approximately $40 billion to $100 billion. As a result, Elon's entire compensation is directly tied to the long-term success of Tesla and its shareholders, and none of the equity from his 2018 performance package has vested."

>> No.10815087

>convicted fraud
Citation needed

>> No.10815096

He never lied to me.
He is lying to you and the public and since it's not my tax money he is burning at SpaceX I can laugh about you gullible fools.
When Steve Jobs died, silicon valley and /futurology needed someone new and Space Jesus got hyped by naive people.
The damage to investors and stock holders is real just like the dead people that relied on his "auto pilot".
Stop acting like he has no negative impact.
I don't dislike him like people dislike actors/musicians.
He holds back science and ruins the perception of the public when it comes to realistic targets e.g. landing ans living on mars.
It's weird, experts hate him while 20 year old students and I fucking love science youtube kiddies adore him.
Almost as if there is little substance to his claims and "groundbreaking" companies.
I hate him but I pity you.
Going back to work wasted enough time with you.Don't forget to twist the failure at the hopper test into a minor anomaly.

>> No.10815099

So you see yourself as a savior of humanity/investors/stock/science and trying to defend me against Elon's "lies"? So thats the mindset you're operating on. What is it called again? Delusion of grandeur? KEK

>> No.10815100


If he was not guilty he wouldn't have accepted this deal.

>> No.10815104

>the damge is real
>he holds back science
What is the damage, and how is he holding back science?

>> No.10815109

>what is minimizing damage
Also they tried to bring his girlfriend into this.
Obviously a gentleman would take the settlement over that.

>> No.10815112

Nice ad-hominem, keep believing him and buy his stock it will end well.
He is a true saivior of mankind a saint and he will achieve everything that he claims.
See you on mars in a few years.
Gullible fool.
ps: Yes I am smarter than you and if you would leave your circlejerk you would be able to see how many smart people criticize him.

>> No.10815116


>> No.10815119

Its not ad hominen if its a summary of what you've written. I think you're mistaking yourself for Elon. You see yourself as a savior of humanity and hate how Elon is grabbing the public attention away from yourself. LMAO. This is just your own mental illness at play.

>> No.10815122


>> No.10815124

damage: dead tesla drivers that trust his "autopilot", workers treated like shit, billions of investor and tax payer money wasted.
science: taking away attention from serious scientists and agencies that did more for mankind than he will ever do, poisoning every conversation about spaceflight because his retarded fanboys repeat his unproven claims 24/7 even when the subject is absolutely not SpaceX realated

>> No.10815133

>This is just your own mental illness at play.
Sure no ad-hominem
Okay bye kid, it's not a mental illness when it's true I have not been caught lying again and again like Musk.
Looks like I am right and you look like a bitter fanboy.
No more (you) bye

>> No.10815135

>Elon is grabbing the public attention away from yourself
Do you get paid per logical fallacy by Musk?

>> No.10815136

>Tesla deathcount
Compare that to other cars
>subjective bs

>> No.10815139


>> No.10815140


>> No.10815145


>> No.10815147


Shit facts vs fanboys, can't wait for the next shifting of goal post or ad-hominem.

>> No.10815156

Link for link
Also, please clarify: are you alleging that Elon is trying to kill people?

>> No.10815163

that was the last strawman
Keep sucking his dick keep acting like a weird cult keep ignoring criticism unlike you I have better things to do than waste my time here.

>> No.10815168

>I have better things to do
>shits posts all day about how Elon is the devil and how you're "only" trying to save all of humanity/science/investors

>> No.10815171
File: 54 KB, 960x639, https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_dam_imageserve_6d6d8d319f544ff49747f140f1625a66_960x0.jpg_fit=scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck this qt's dick
I fucking wish
Also, by the way, you're the ad hominem-er here.

>> No.10815197

Are you alleging that he is trying to kill people, yes or no?

>> No.10815203

So you hate him because he is a capitalist who plays the game well?

>> No.10815210

People are obsessed with profit. But profit =/= technological progress, he's pushing his industries in uncomfortable territories because others are too worried about wasting money.

>> No.10815212

Its mostly seething jealous socialists.

>> No.10815224

This could be it.
He's smart and a good businessman.
Maybe they just hate him for being rich. That's stupid, but common.
There's a part of me that worries that he is just hated for being intelligent, or (maybe) on the spectrum, and that freaks me out, when coming from people that I know.

>> No.10815228

he's not that intelligent. he's just willing to spend his money on cool stuff. he's not in it for profit, which is something I wish more billionaires with nothing better to do would be about. unfortunately making the money is the fun for most billionaires otherwise they wouldn't be one in the first place.

>> No.10815245

Do you think he's on the spectrum?
I don't think he's a big genius like fanboy Rogan, but I do think he's pretty smart

>> No.10815258

yes, he's pretty smart, well above average of course. 97-98 percentile probably.
but, he's not writing books on EM, QM, or other theoretical physics.

And idk what the spectrum actually is or means, but in the parlance of our times yes he is for sure an autismo

>> No.10815272

Yes, he might be mildly autistic, not that it is a bad thing

>> No.10815286

I don't see it as a bad thing.
I do wonder if his oddness is part of the hate thing, though.

>> No.10815302

>Why do you hate him so much?

Redditors hate him. There is a certain large subreddit with tens of thousands of subscribers dedicated to hating Musk. Mostly populated by scientifically illiterate far leftists. Some of these redditors are on /sci/, too.

>> No.10815306

Nobody forces anyone to work there. Also, pushing whole industries forward requires more than just a 9 to 5 cozy job. You think NASA during the time of Apollo was a cozy job like that? No, it was more like SpaceX is today.

>> No.10815322

>it's not my tax money he is burning at SpaceX
Some of the best spent tax money ever you retard.

>> No.10815329

As far as I'm aware, working conditions and pay have improved at SpaceX

>> No.10815390

Because he's an attention whore, see, e.g., his retard tweets and the whole thai cave thing. Also because he claims his endgames are bullshit like colonizing mars and merging brains with AI. He likely has some megalomaniac tendencies.

>> No.10815428

But why hate?
Why not just annoyance?

>> No.10815439


The privatized space race has nothing to do with colonizing planets. Take a bong hit and think from first principles, and you might figure out the real end game. I dont want to leak it, because it involves a pretty shitty "institution" that we are all stuck inside of becoming as relevant as the Church, and I would rather see it play out on its own.

>> No.10815454

Who knows? I don't particularly hate him. Maybe you are misinterpreting the posts here. We are on 4chan, shitting on people and complaining are kind of our sport.
Sorry, I don't really follow Musk, I thought he said something about mars colonies based on internet discussions, but I couldn't be bothered to check it.

>> No.10815465

>I don't really follow Musk
Doubt. I think you're following him and stacking up the negatives for a "clean" solid "ELON MAN BAD" spin.

>> No.10815466

>This is probably where most of the hate comes from. They are powerful/influential and have the most capacity to inflict damage to him.
The people shorting him are not by and large much to do with Wall Street, and certainly not powerful. It's also delusion to think that people who short stocks are incessantly negative about said stocks.

>> No.10815470

Calm down Elon.

>> No.10815480

Nah, I posted this because of hatred of Elon that I hear and experience in real life.
Unfortunately, the irl people are not very good at explaining why they hate the guy, so I thought I would ask here.
Believe me, I understand the goofy hyperbole of this place.

>> No.10815483

? It's about establishing a Foundation of sorts.

>> No.10815502

You're confusing the meaning behind the post.

If Trump declared war on China and sends 20 million Americans to land on China, you can make the argument that Trump isn't going to war, its just regular people going to war. Does that make sense? Technically this is true, all the 20 million American going landing in China are regular Joes Shmoe soldiers. When people summarize this war, they're not saying regular American went to war with China. They'll say Trump went to war against China, even though Trump never set a foot in China and never fired a gun against another Chinese person. Trump is also a weak old man who may die of old age/diseases/frailty/etc at any time as well due to his advanced age.

When I said shorts are doing this, its that there are small group of influential people who push for things in a direction for which the mass follows without understanding why. Whether this is personal grudge or just psychopaths or simply see opportunity to crush Elon Musk because he's easily manipulated/ticked off, who knows.

They certainly have media influence that cover the wall street market. Many of these shorts are regulars on large news media. They have long ties to other shorts/wallstreet financers/etc as well.

>> No.10815513
File: 87 KB, 859x602, TIMESAND___46c3hc5h4r7kkkkr70gg3ttgh3c56ch3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Satanists know that I am trying to kill them, and they know that because I am the Governor of Jerusalem, I have the authorities needed to kill them all. For this reason, they run a campaign against me. When you see them hating me, you might not recognize them as Satan's agents or even Satan's slaves. However, when you ask, "Why do they hate him?," then you should know the only answer is that they are Satan's agents or Satan's slaves. Furthermore, it is likely that Satan's slaves spew even more hatred against me than do Satan's agents.

>> No.10815521
File: 103 KB, 192x320, TRINITY___TheLivingGod40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make no mistake: I am trying to kill them all. There is no price I wouldn't pay if it meant that in the end I will wipe out their line forever. I would pay any price for that.

>> No.10815557

Is Elon one of them? Or the ones against him are? I have seen you posting here all the time lately, but I can't figure out most of what you say.

>> No.10815597
File: 10 KB, 183x275, TIMESAND___2qtfek76qqfgvlq2ddjnnjetthrrr0yro88nsifbrybk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Elon a Satanist?
Pic related, my guess is yes.

>> No.10815623

>I am trying to kill them all.
"them" being either "jews" or "whites" no doubt...

>> No.10815626
File: 85 KB, 1300x650, di58dolwsaewug4jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815695

I dont hate but definetely dislike him.
Everyone thinks like he is the second coming of christ. He builds an electric tax payer subsidised car, spacex colonising mars ,1 mile tunnel, flamethrowers, now this neural link which is basically vaporware, he goes on and talks about AI, about a range of other issues and topics and how he is gonna connect brains with computer and control the future ai. This is all abstract stuff and everyone is going crazy while the real problems like white farmers, innocent people getting murdered daily in his native south africa he doesnt even squeak about. Then of course he lights up a cannabis joint while millions of people watch him, its no big deal says elon.

The example and message he sends is: be retarded pothead, continue subsidising tesla and listen to my bs fantasy and my stupid advice.

>> No.10815709

damn that chick is a freak. Not in a good way, like a really weird way. Just read up on her

>> No.10815716
File: 86 KB, 700x700, grimesy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just a cute little musician.
She's also pretty smart & had uptight & abusive parents, so they seem like a good match.
Watch an interview with her.

>> No.10815719

>tax payer subsidies
Gas/Oil is subsidized. You dislike all the oil/gas based products?

>spacex colonizing mars
Something against private companies dreaming of doing what no other entity has done?

>1 mile tunnel
Why the dislike? Its his own money.

No one is forced to buy it and its not even a flamethorwer.

>neural link
Company started last year with group of leading scientists/engineers is "vaporware" and you somehow dislike it.

>etc etc etc
I don't get it. Why do you dislike it over everything else?

>> No.10815729

He can do whatever he wants, I just dont like the message he is sending, selectively avoiding real stuff and painting the world like the only problems we have is the ones he invented.

>> No.10815767

You really don't want to introduce something that is not reversible until proved at least somehow beneficial.

There is a thing, called hate, and with machines like this it is easier to cooperate, but hate may not be easier to manage.

You can hate more and cooperate more.

Is not everybody acting with too hot or cold be so much change in society we maintain a well balanced equation, but never leave the solar system?

How can you know giving people product not tested on so many people cannot be dangerous?

This was written in some prophecies, it's dead for all the humans, therefore not win for a humanity.

Is it really necessary? First after implant, you start questioning everything, because there is many unlearned neurons.

If you question everything, you end up like schizo. And having no memories is having no life.

We can end up having no memories and therefore no food.

How many back ups of humanity do you have? We can end up in hell looking at what our bodies does without self. You haven't been there, please stop. Can you imagine you'll feel pain of all the other people? It's not a good idea. You can't handle the truth.

How many people you want to feel the pain but being able to do nothing about it?

>> No.10815795

Show some plans, offer some choices of adaptation schema or something...

If you don't understand that, don't make your self one gigantic machine, that can hit the wall by having internet in the brain?

I still feel it, but we have no idea what to do now, and once somebody fall asleep.

If you still have black box problems in society, and some problems that you do not notice, problems you ignore... Problems you want to solve too fast are still problem.

I was too fast, I tried many things, but storing moral values in huge stress is harder than hard...

Value can be slighter different then... There are like... Rasterization. Infinite streams. Shivers. Many different stuff, that can happen for people who are having some "hidden" personality problems.

Abuse... Can you imagine somebody mining decision trees on you? What would happen. Do you really want problems like that? How do you transfer a model?

Is this state only possible way of getting higher than the atmosphere.

Are protocols ready? What kind of protocol do you want to use?

It's sounds like you're going to fuck up.

Checksum of neuron pressure is not a model.

>> No.10815807

So you hate him for highlighting some of the problems he's tackling. Okay

>> No.10815857

>hating someone you will never personally interact with
You kids have entirely too much free time on your hands.

>> No.10815889

He and his bloated billionaire entourage are using up all the resources, bucko.
>let them drive electric cars
we all know how that ends

>> No.10815904

Problem is that there is generation raised on video games without much moral more than not killing humans, becoming interconnected in a new way. What if somebody just go for score?

>> No.10815912

First post best post, any arguements of muh so much technology please refer to this

>> No.10815917

People don't hate him, they hate the cult of sycophants who praise him every time he takes a breath. I'm all for what he's doing, but people worship the guy like he's a god. I read a bio on the guy, and he's a legit captain of industry but he's far from perfect. Treats his employees like dirt, doesn't know how to delegate, and blames his employees when they can't meet literally impossible deadlines. He'd be more productive if he would loosen up about 85% and take some public speaking classes.

>> No.10816110

Elon Musk is Bob Page

>> No.10816162

all career exec resumes look like this anon

>> No.10816212

>career exec resumes
That's a really smart way to counter criticism now you showed him.
This is exactly what people are talking about Musks fans act like a cult/religion when it comes to defending their saviour, they rarely hav the facts on their side they just attack the person that dares to criticize Musk.
Really telling

>> No.10816218

Like every other influential enterpreneur, he's a cryptokike and as such will lie, steal and compromise his own products in whatever way that makes him more precious jewgold.

>> No.10816220

>and he's a legit captain of industry
Source? Because every company he touched so far is in deep trouble.

>> No.10816221

So hate the fans

>> No.10816232

>t. anti-capitalist

>> No.10816240

Anti-corporatist would be more correct. Small local startups are the sane and sustainable future, not these pseud celebrities and their multinational money laundering corps.

>> No.10816374 [DELETED] 
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(((they're))) coming after him

>> No.10816487

>Implying he's not working with ((((((((((them))))))))))

>> No.10816521

Artifial problems created mostly by himself

>> No.10816523
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I love the fact that people can't see the difference between products bent only on making money vs the companies he starts. He ussually starts massive projects with the intent of pushing humanity forward in the greater long term. Meanwhile every other billionaire out there is out of touch and using their resources to maximize profits and ignore the greater responsibility of having enough money to make the world a better place. I never hear criticisms of them. I never hear criticisms in the 30 trillion dollar oil industry. I only see people ignoring the real giants who's sole purposes are to milk us, not help us.

>> No.10816538

He is trying to merge our brains with the antichrist. Do NOT Listen to him! Find Jesus Christ.

>> No.10816540


Doesn't SpaceX post pricing, unlike their competitors?

>> No.10816543

small local startups would not scale, we will never achieve anything significant while being limited to small companies, you need big ones to pool resources

>> No.10816559

There is literally only one thing on there that isn't between a scam and a complete disaster

>> No.10816596

Large, humanity shaping scale projects should be the responsibility of the state, or alternatively joint collaborative efforts of small companies. Relegating responsibility of such projects to decentralized, nebulous large companies only leads to formation of virtually unregulable superstate-like enterprises like Google and similar.

>> No.10816600
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might just become god

>> No.10816607
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I hate him because he brought obnoxious onions boys into my hobby

>> No.10816611

Yeah, Google becomes god. A selfish, self-serving demiurge for whom humans are a mere resource to exploit.

>> No.10816616

The state is worse at being regulated than large corporations. At least with corporations you can still vote with your wallet.

>> No.10816621

>superstate-like enterprises like Google and similar.

Google yearly revenue $130 billion, US government revenue $3.3 trillion.

>> No.10816645

>voting with your wallet
that is still not a thing, you fucking ancap retard

>> No.10816666

It is much more of a thing when compared to voting in elections. You complain about muh big corporations, and then you want to replace them with by far the biggest and most monopolistic corporation of them all - the government? The contradiction is palpable.

>> No.10816676

That's because the state is currently treated merely as a privileged corporation and not a proper bedrock for small companies. You could have startups voting or collaborating on large scale projects.

>> No.10816678

>You could have startups voting or collaborating on large scale projects.

You can have that right now, all kinds of company structures are allowed.

It just does not work beyond certain size.

>> No.10816679

The governement, at least on paper, is interested in your well-being. Corporations are not, they are only after your labor.

Any corporation serves its stakeholders. The ones who hold a stake in the governement are we, the people. While a traditional corporation exllicitly only serves a select few.

>> No.10816681

I don't have a problem with him, I don't know the dude. He at least uses his money in interesting ways, that could might benefit us in some way. His willy wonka crackhead cult following who thinks that he is some sort of super scientists or something is annoying, even though he knows shit depending on the topic

>> No.10816682

Nice theory there, but I would rather not give even more power to by far the largest monopoly of them all, based on what is just "on paper".

>> No.10816687

You can, but currently you can also have the state act on its own accord, which unfortunately leads to its corp-like behavior.

>> No.10816743

>largest monopoly of them all
not if its made by the people and democratically voted by them you liberal fuck

>> No.10816761


Elon is a greedy, lying piece of shit fuck him

>> No.10816819

>The only argument I ever hear is

>uh huh


>> No.10816831

I'm with you, except that publishing papaers isn't the only way to contribute to science. Making such publications possible is part of it as well.

>> No.10816895

Yeah, no criticisms of them, but with Elon it's like
>why doesn't he address poverty

>> No.10816939

>doesn't make money
I'm confused here.
What lies?

>> No.10816974

>I never hear criticisms in the 30 trillion dollar oil industry
Because you live in a bubble. And musk receives more criticism due to his cult of personality.

>> No.10816975

let the workers unionize, elon

>> No.10816980

Name 3 other billionaires and what you dislike about them.

>> No.10816987

Why are you asking that?

>> No.10816994

Because the post you were responding to said
>meanwhile every other billionaire out there is out of touch and using their resources to maximize profits and ignore the greater responsibility of having enough money to make the world a better place. I never hear criticisms of them.

And you basically said that poster lives in a bubble.
So tell me about all the criticisms of the other billionaires.

>> No.10817046

>None of his companies makes money (SpaceX is private and nobody knows huw much money they make/lose)
so then spacex could be making money, you just contradicted yourself

>> No.10817048

>having a total lack of reading comprehension
You explicitly mentioned the
>30 trillion dollar oil industry
not any oil billionairy. And you indeed must live in a bubble if you never heard any criticism of the oil industry, like environment concerns, corruption, lobbying, etc.
But if you really can't sleep without knowing why oil billionaries aren't personally criticized like Musk, it's because most of the biggest oil companies are state owned, and the private ones don't have owners with cult of personality like Musk.

>> No.10817060
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>not hating every millionaire

>> No.10817061

Name one (1) publicly traded successful company founded by him.
Alternatively, name one (1) significant contribution to science or a scientific field of his.

There you have the answer, he simply doesn't belong on /sci/.

>> No.10817069

Elon is turning the world of capitalism on its head because industry & innovation =/= profit. He goes against the narrative by doing things for the sake of usefulness and net benefit to everyone. This contradicts the story that we are all suposed to believe that the ONLY readon to do anything is to make a buck, and therefore we *can't* do pleasant, helpful, and important things, because they won't turn a profit.
THAT'S why he is hated: because he is disrupting the stable stasis that a certain amount of people bemefit from.

>> No.10817071

HA! You avoided my question.

>> No.10817073

>Name one (1) publicly traded successful company founded by him.
>name one (1) significant contribution to science or a scientific field of his.
falcon 9s reusable first stage rocket system

>> No.10817076

>publicly traded successful company
What is the relation to /sci/?
>implying that SpaceX hasn't completely rejvenated and jumpstarted space travel

>> No.10817098

>and net benefit to everyone.
Nonsense. Musk is a billionaire, he would not step into the same square mile if there were common people in it. He doesnt give single f about people or the common good. The people, people like him are being rapidly replaced in usa and outright murdered in his native south africa, what has he done about it? Why doesnt he come with some new tech to prevent illegals entering the country, why doesnt he help his fellow white south africans and maybe try and help to solve their problems. No, he just assembled a car using parts made in china that is heavily tax payer funded. Or just build another rocket, jesus christ, commies were building rockets 50 years ago without any help of modern computers.
Musk is just a part, a member of a ruling class, he doesnt care about people or the greater good, his public persona is just an act to gather support and popularity.

>> No.10817117

>everyone is a hypocrite, therefore a non-hypocrite cannot exist
Not buying it.
Notice how the majority of the criticism revolves around his companies not turning a profit. Notice the massive satisfaction rate of the customers of his products.

>> No.10817119

>not if its made by the people and democratically voted by them you liberal fuck
still a monopoly, even if it magically becomes representative of the will of the people (which it will not be as usual)

>> No.10817128

>most of the biggest oil companies are state owned
So much for "public ownership would adress cliamte change" BS.

>> No.10817130

>(1) significant contribution to science or a scientific field of his.
Falcon rockets you moron.

>> No.10817139

A rocket with a bad payload to higher orbits that never launches scientific payloads?
Reusability is a economic action and it has never been proven to actually save money.

>> No.10817140

>Why doesnt he come with some new tech to prevent illegals entering the country, why doesnt he help his fellow white south africans and maybe try and help to solve their problems.

Because it is over. Dont you get it? he would just be called a nazi and disgraced. The days of white people in South Africa are numbered, and demographics of the US are going to change no matter what Musk does since entire political spectrum is aligned with the globalists.

What he does hope to do it to ensure that white people can colonize space before the inevitable happens. That is where our salvation will lie, our ethnic homeland.

Hundreds of millions of miles of hard vacuum are the best border wall.

>> No.10817142

>so then spacex could be making money, you just contradicted yourself
check mate they also could lose money that means you have 0 evidence that it makes money so I am still right gullible fool

>> No.10817143

It launched many scientific payloads. Reusability is the only way to ever achieve anything significant in space. SpaceX pioneering reusability already puts them far above the rest of the industry.

>> No.10817151

>None of his companies makes money

Neither Amazon made any money until recently. It is normal for quickly growing companies to not make money as they reinvest all revenue. And especially when they are in areas like electric cars, which are pushing technological limits.

>> No.10817159

but since they could be making money you're not right either, also since I never claimed spacex does make money I'm not wrong, only you are, I said spacex COULD be making money so I was right you weren't

>> No.10817176

But he has done a lot for science and technology. Look, you don't have to make publications to accelerate these fields, throwing billions at projects like neuralink also does the job pretty well. In fact, someone who spends billions to enable scientific research on such a scale arguebly does much more for research than a researcher. If any individual scientists working for elon didn't exist then his research wouldn't be as far advanced, but if elon didn't exist then it wouldn't exist at all.
Basically, he doesn't do the science himself, but he provides the necessary initial conditions for the developement of revolutionairy technology. Considering that, I don't know how you can say he's not doing much for science and technology.

>> No.10817198

>What he does hope to do it to ensure that white people can colonize space before the inevitable happens. That is where our salvation will lie, our ethnic homeland.
>Hundreds of millions of miles of hard vacuum are the best border wall.
Wishful thinking. Whites will be replaced before space colonisation is possible. With all that money and high iq talent just go for a virus that will wipe out 90% of population, mainly non whites and some whites who just have low iq/liberal tendencies. That would solve pretty much all problems we have today (global warming, energy crisis, polution etc).
The fact that he is pouring money into nonsense projects is clear indication that he doesnt care. Good luck to him and his companies, soon his only customers will be niggers and mutts, if he wants to waste his life improving lives of nogs and the greater good for nogs (like that ever worked out) more power to him.

>> No.10817200

>white genocide theory
>assumption that whites will be wiped out
>therefore we should not work to improve the future
Good god, man, your head is literally on backwards.

>> No.10817202

I read Tesla outsold all other electrics combined. I wonder if he'll get bought out.

>> No.10817220

Its not a theory, its statistics, white birth rates are too low to maintain even replacement levels not even talking about increasing population, birthrates of non whites are many times higher, immigration level of non whites into white coutries are high and likely to increase even more when global warming/climate change really hits hard.
If you are white then there is no future for you. If you, your genes, and even individuals from your group are not surviving then why would you care about improving the future for others?

>> No.10817252

well, there are always east Asians to carry the torch of civilization forward

>> No.10817253

also Slavs

>> No.10817268

I am all for diversity(actual diversity like having a homogenous group of people living in their own nation and different groups living in their own nations, not just turning everyone in to a mut) and carrying the torch together but whats the point to working hard for the future while being forcefully excluded from that future?

>> No.10817273
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>> No.10817317

Reproduce and raise your children well, dummy.
Stop worry about the masses, and ensure that your genes continue. A propos to this thread, Elin Musk has five sons.
The future is yours to create.

>> No.10817332

Which part of white birth rates are too low and immigration into white countries is high and likely to get higher did you not understand? It is not about people on individual level, its exactly the matter of the mases. If one or two people have 5 children that means nothing when the masses have hardly one child and immigrants have atleast 7.

>> No.10817353

You are blinded by dogma.
Each of us can only live his own life.
What if your great grandson is the one to save the white race (your goal, not mine: my focus is not race)?
Abandoning hope for the future is the way to ensure a terrible future.

>> No.10817587

elon musk is a chink

>> No.10817995

also this

>> No.10818713

The 30 billion dollar oil industry has done more for humanity than any single prrson ever could. If you don't understand how important and ubiquitous oil and oil products are, you should probably leave this board.

>> No.10818838


Elon is Antichrist

>> No.10818842

Jealous becomes hatred if you let it fester. Elon Musk has a super awesome life if you ignore the intense childhood bullying. Seems too good to be true though, like someone some doctored his life to be bully-payback.

>> No.10818991

His first son died of SIDS, and he's been married 3 times, and had his heart broken by women 4 times.
His personal life sucks ass, but he has a talent for innovation and engineering.

>> No.10818999
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>Elon Musk hate

You are fucking kidding right?
The man is a defining individual of our time.

>> No.10819005

>Tesla has to make profit to be successful
No it doesnt, why would you think this? They need money to be successful, turning a profit on your product isnt the only way to acquire capital.

>> No.10819006

So exactly like everyone else on the planet? Particularly corporate execs.

>> No.10819010

A guy with a bunch of money investing it into risky technology ventures for ideological reasons can do far more for science than the typical lab drone.

>> No.10819026
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>read what his ex wifes and employees say about him.

Ex-wives generally shit talk their ex-husbands like crazy, same with ex-employees.

That is like saying Trump is BAD, read this column by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party on how bad he is.

>> No.10819044

>The man is a defining individual of our time.
lols no, using any metric where this statement makes sense literally thousands of people are defining our time

>> No.10819046

>ex employees
Jobs was also an absolute fucking tool, what is your point?

>> No.10819067

>lols no, using any metric where this statement makes sense literally thousands of people are defining our time

7.5 Billion people with a few thousand defining our time is about right.

>> No.10819367

It looks like you confuse revenue with profit. Profit is worthless capitalist shit. Companies and entities that want to change the world have as little profit as possible.

>> No.10819519

very unlikely, looking back at my own upbringing and growing up, I was (un)lucky enough to experience several unlikely events that changed my perspective and outlook on life, if it wasnt for that I would be a liberal today. But I am not even sure how this relevant, I never said dont have children. The bigger problem is that my grandchildren might just get murdered in a future south african tier Europe for being white or simply gonna be muts, and that is not acceptable.

>> No.10819538

Also: for all I know my grandchildren could be eaten by lions, or die in a fire, but I'm gonna do my damned best to create a good future, not say, "oh well, it's all going to shit anyhow".

>> No.10819545

i've been gone for like 6 mo, this is a thread now, fuk u, fuk me, and where is my doordash taco bell? i'm like tier 1 millennial so all you fucks will be like me in 10 or less years, bye :)

>> No.10819584

oh, there is no future for white people, and if things go the way they are going now then that is guaranteed. You can work hard for the future but the the people you work for will not be white. That is pretty much a given at this point. I guess it ok if you are not white but if you are why bother? Why wake up every morning and go to work, work hard for 10, 20, 30 years, until retirement, save money, buy, invest in things, all that for some random person on the street who doesnt even share your genes?

>> No.10819597

What about Mars?

>> No.10819604

there is water, no atmosphere, no magnetic field on mars, its a dead planet, there is no future there.

>> No.10819608

Well, you're a real Debbie Downer, aren't you?

>> No.10819637

its reality, anon

>> No.10819659

I'm just so glad that there's more to me and my thought processes than the color of my skin, which is a light beige.
I cannot imagine seeing the world and thinkong of the future based on skin color alone, though my European cultural heritage is very important to me.

>> No.10819709
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>I'm just so glad that there's more to me and my thought processes than the color of my skin and my heritage, I cannot imagine seeing the world and thinking of the future based on skin color alone, though my neanderthal cultural heritage is very important to me.

>> No.10819817


>> No.10819842

Dead man taking about his future, whats important to him etc. Basically all of it irrelevant because he and his people are extinct. Just like the whites will be if nothing changes.

>> No.10819880

It's a combination of paid shills, people invested in shorting Tesla stock, techno skeptics and luddites.

>> No.10819920

I'm sorry dude, it just doesn't matter that much to me.

>> No.10819959

it makes no difference to me, but if your own survival doesnt matter to you then I dont even understand what kind of person you are, you are like some vegetable, but even those compete with other plants for sunlight and nutrients so I really dont know.

>> No.10819996

>there is water, no atmosphere, no magnetic field on mars, its a dead planet, there is no future there.

Hmm... we are discovering that there is a LOT of life deep in the rocks of earth and I suspect in the deep oceans (not the ones on the surface of the planet, the deep ones) that there is a lot of life as well. In time we will discover that a large fraction of all life on earth does NOT depend on the sun for survival.

As a general rule where there is water there is life.

It would be SURPRISING if NO life were discovered on mars.

>> No.10820713

There IS water on Mars.

>> No.10820716

/sci/ hates him because he has influence, gets things done, and people pay attention to him. If he posted these ideas on a blog no one read and died penniless, he would be an /sci/ hero.

>> No.10820763

my dad likes him
I hate my dad

>> No.10820789

Elons grown on me as he's gotten more unhinged. I got to watch him stumble through a private Q&A a couple of months ago. He's not a normie at all

>> No.10820874

Explains why he's more a fan of Edison than Tesla..

>> No.10820897

They also added lead to gasoline because it was cheaper than shit that wouldn't kill people and raise the levels of lead in people's bloodstreams to ridiculous levels

>> No.10821528

>Why do you hate him so much?
He is pro Trump, he is a fraud (like Trump), he is useless (like Trump)

>> No.10821538

He’s not pro trump, unless everyone who’s not purely leftist is pro trump.

The other things are wrong too lol

>> No.10821542

I do like him. I think he’s pretty cool actually.

>> No.10821672

/sci/ does not hate him
Thunderf00t and other asshurt shills hate him

>> No.10821677

The fact that Thundercuck hates him is kind of weird. Musk is a lot of things, but he does generally deliver the goods even if he's late. I certainly don't think his tunnels or hyperloops will be great successes, but I give him props for trying something cool and new.

>> No.10821802

Nice bait

>> No.10821809

I don't hate Elon, I just have an immense dislike of him.
This is because he refuses to acknowledge the cult of personality that his followers have built around him, and to some extent, even encourages it.
Cult, as in, a group that fits the BITE model definition of a Cult.
Whenever you criticise Elon his supporters treat you like you have just killed their parents or something.

>> No.10821823

Oh I didn't know that

>> No.10821859

>things that never happened

>> No.10821894

>be a nice, smart, funny guy
>do things well
>decide what industries are important to you, and work to push them forward
>avoid corruption, and prefer directness to subterfuge
>people like you a lot and are inspired by you
>people begin to conceive of a hopeful, non-apocalyptic future
>because people like you, you are now guilty of being a cult leader

>> No.10821905


>> No.10821909

>hey that guy is a cult leader, and his follower attack you if you say bad things about him
>hey, no he's not, he's a pretty nice guy
>pfft, you just proved my point

>> No.10821917

>Anyone popular who has people who will defend him against baseless allegation, is a cult leader

>> No.10821922

Strawmanning counts as informational control if the opponent does not respond, and behavioural control to depict an us vs them portrait.

>> No.10821923

>At least on paper.
The government's word isn't worth that much, the government will only support your wellbeing so long as it determines that's the most efficient way of farming you for revenue, bodies, and power, and whenever possible will only do the bare minimum to keep it's citizens from violently revolting, whenever possible it will attempt to curtail liberties like self defense and communication, and it will happily (and regularly does) form state backed monopolies in collusion with large corporations to extend that control beyond it's mandates. It's so cancerous because so far nobody's found a solution which functions better to perform the same task, but just because some level of government is necessary for the basic organization of society doesn't at all imply that it would be optimal to leave the majority of decisionmaking in it's hands. In fact I think if you pay any attention to modern history or pre-modern history, you'll find that a society's death often coincides with the explosive expansion of it's state apparatus.

>> No.10821928

Speak English, please.

>> No.10821936

It's not baseless!
I used to like Elon Musk, but then, one day, I was walking along the beach, to get ice cream for my girlfriend, as it was a particularly hot day, and she had period cramps so she couldn't walk properly, then Elon Musk glared at me and he whispered to me, "I know exactly what I am doing, and the best part if it is that nobody will believe you"

>> No.10821940

Fuck, not again.
Just the other time...I knew it, I had already told others before, but just the other time, I suspected that Elon was blocking my internet and scrambling my words to make it seem as if I'm insan, mow I know and have evidence that not only is Elon Musk a cult leader, he also controls the satellites, guess what Elon, you bastatd, I will never forget that day when you took away my wife, don't think I will let you get away with this

>> No.10821946

Oh god, what was he doing? O_o

>> No.10821953

That's the scary part! Nobody knows, but I suspect its to help the NWO...have you ever heard of the protocols of the elders of zion,....its true, every single word, they think they are superior and they are trying to rule over us because they think we are stupid.Elon musk is complicit in aiding the destruction of western civilisation through the harnessing of illegal immigrants to advance his corporate agenda and start a messianic cult while he is at it.

>> No.10821955

In October 2001, Elon Musk met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bitch", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Musk became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.

>> No.10821961

You know what's scary?
I have had conversations on /pol/ with people who say almost exactly the same thing _ with sincerity.

>> No.10821963

Thank you for helping spread the truth on this cult leader. #elonfacts

>> No.10821969

Oh my God!What the fuck!
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
What are you saying? That I'm lying?
I'm not a liar, my daddy raised me to be better..you know who's a liar? ELON MUSK
read the comment above, this is absolutely horrifying, he LAUGHED at the DEAD KIDS OF 9/11.only a satanist or a pedophile would do that..mspeaking of pedophiles, dver heard of jerf epstein, he was photographed shaking hamds with bill clinton, suspicious hmmmm, pedo bill clinton and killarys dead body lisy goes on for miles, may god curse them.

>> No.10821982

In 2002 during the preparation to launch the first SpaceX rocket from Omelek Island in the Pacific, Elon Musk was surfing with fellow engineers when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As the other engineers rushed to help, Musk held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Tom Mueller (later SpaceX's CTO of Propulsion), "The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life". The others, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. He was later spotted outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.

>> No.10821983


>> No.10821985

This makes me so mad >:(. How can we stop him? Is it too late?

>> No.10821995

With stories like these, it's hard to imagine why OP doesn't get the hate.

>> No.10821999
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>> No.10822030

>Just like the whites will be if nothing changes.

Dude, there are more white people alive today then EVER in human history. What has changed and will continue to change is the percentage of white people in the ENTIRE human population.
Whites are no where NEAR going extinct. REPEAT there are MORE white people alive today than EVER in human history.

>> No.10822130

>lets just pointedly ignore what the term "replacement rate" means
He's retarded, but so are you

>> No.10822140

Why don't you explain the term "replacement rate"?

>> No.10822183

He's a marketer, and most people hate marketers.

His most valuable contribution to society is raising awareness to problems and possible solutions to them. He's just a bit too good at the whole promoting existing technology and concepts thing that he's developed a cult and "le iron man" persona from it. I'm guessing the pure hatred for him comes from people who feel like he's getting credited for doing fuck all except having a "vision" (kind of like Steve Jobs).

It's understandable why he irritates people, but I say let him fire bomb all of his money. At the very least he's forcing companies to reconsider investing more into R&D to stay competitive.

>> No.10822269
File: 199 KB, 852x450, Elon-Musk-Twitter-Media-580-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't buy advertising for his companies, so he has to be a good marketer.

>> No.10822373

Those scientists would be working regardless. The man with the money decides WHAT they work on.

>> No.10822416
File: 37 KB, 1200x114, D5U1RaMWAAIxIgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You gullible naive piece of shit believe everything le Iron Man tells you right?

Here is some evidence vs Elon's lies
Just search for the word "advertising"

>> No.10822433

Ever seen a Tesla ad anywhere, sweetie?

>> No.10822438

Bought journalists, bought twitter accounts bought reddit accounts and so on.
You just have been presented with 100% bullteproof evidence of Elon lying to you and this is your reaction? A retarded question to avoid accepting the obvious.
It really is a cult, I pity you.

>> No.10822454

>marketing, promotional, and advertising
This is a category that applies to events, in store flyers, banners, etc, etc.
Just because advertising is mentioned in the category does not mean that they bought advertising.

>> No.10822473

>Just because advertising is mentioned in the category does not mean that they bought advertising.
Literally your brain on Musks semen, it's fine mate I won't waste any more time.
See you on the Moon or Mars in a few years Musk will do it!!!!!

>> No.10822492
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon's semen
I wish

>> No.10822500

He's the epitome of what a brainlet's idea of a smart person is. He appeals only to stupid people who love pop-sci, and annoys actual scientists and people with more than a surface level understanding of STEM. He's a glorified e-celeb.

>> No.10822687

B-but hes going to bring us to Mars by 2030 anon, H-hes a real life Iron Man, even though he himself has never created anything remotely novel save for arguably Paypal. H-hes a Super genius and his company definitely wasn't held up by government gibs.

>> No.10822716

>That would solve pretty much all problems we have today (global warming, energy crisis, polution etc).

>> No.10822722

>Retards are discussing how to save the white race in the Elon musk thread
I guess only retards discuss this guy at all.

>> No.10822811

>three posts in a nearly 300 post thread
stop shitting on the floor for attention

>> No.10822971

>the only way to progress science is to publish

>> No.10823102

>boohoo! white people are threatened by all those evil dark skinned foreigners!
>it's so unfair!
so inspiring
you truly represent a proud master race, braindead lard-ass

>> No.10823110


>> No.10823120

elon started out well enough but he seems to have decided to sell pipe dreams. i suppose after seeing the feds act like retards and steal that mini rocket that could land funny just so america could test its missile defense system with a slow target he gave up

and yes the previously stated situation happened

>> No.10823152


Because OpenAI is a complete meme. MIRI was studying the AI alignment problem since the early 2000's, and rather than team up with them, he did his own thing. Said thing has not, in the last few years, produced a single piece of research relevant to AI value alignment. All of their papers are about mere capability increases.

>> No.10823179

Why don't you join in and make something good happen instead of impotently bitching?

>> No.10823190

I am. Your post is ill informed and highly autistic.

>> No.10823222

because he thinks he invented the subway.

>> No.10823387

Ah yes the whole, why don't you do it "criticism" as if it does anything to take away from their valid points

>> No.10823506

I don't hate him. I dislike his reputation as an innovator, because he really hasn't done anything other than fund competent people, and a lot of his ideas are actually shit and unrealistic.