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File: 70 KB, 234x300, harvard-university-logo-63E7093ACF-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10811806 No.10811806 [Reply] [Original]

How is it like to study at those places? How hard is it? How much do you have to read or study daily? What are the level of the other students? Are the professors good at teaching? Thanks for reading, I always wanted to know how is the reality for the average student at Harvard.

>> No.10811822
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>> No.10811827

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.10811836

Not a student, but I know several people attending MIT, and I talk to them about it frequently. They seem to feel like it is very difficult and a big shock from being the smartest kids in their schools/hometowns, being able to pass through classes with no difficulty. Really, it seems like a normal college curriculum shock but for a much higher level/standard. Idk many professors but I know there are a lot that don't take themselves too seriously and still like to joke around in lectures, just like normal professors/teachers. I remember hearing about a diff eq prof who demonstrated unstable equilibrium by running back in forth harmonically before running face first into a wall. And, obviously the level of the other students is much higher than what they are used to- but everyone going there is of very high dedication/intelligence so as far as I know there's not a huge gap in student level. Probably not qualified to answer not being a student there but felt like answering anyways bc several friends attend there and they tell me about it very often

>> No.10811838
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>> No.10811840

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm bduprottullhuj
buurg ......

>> No.10811850
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>> No.10811852

I see, thanks for answering. What I heard is that they have very few hours of lessons per week and that it is expected of the students there to stay all day at the library studying on their own, one girl who studied astrophysics and political science there said she had to read about 1000 pages in some weeks. Really nice reading those stories and kind motivates one to be better and compete at a higher level.

>> No.10811853
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follllooooobbbbb.... jub

>> No.10811855
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ibee loog

>> No.10811857

Bro, why are you trying to destroy my thread with those posts? What did I do to you?

>> No.10811861
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>> No.10811864

I don't know shit, just a student at an "average" University in Europe. But our prof of organic chemistry who taught at Harvard always likes to bring up, that he doesn't see a difference in quality between 1) the level of education/difficulty of the courses there and 2) the average studenta ability compared to our university where he teaches at now. He says it is all a huge marketing hype/stunt for americans to spend even more extra tons of money on education.

>> No.10811885

They're so retarded, they can't answer a basic question

>> No.10811887

classes r harder here at mit than stanford. i dont study except day before test. for every 1 good lecturer there are at least 10 shitty lecturers. grading is 50% A , 50% B (need As for quals, not giving As pisses off students/profs who need to focus on research)

t. ee phd

>> No.10811954


The real advantage of universities like MIT, Harvard, Carmbridge (UK), Oxford (UK) may not necessarily be the courses and lecturers per se but the networking and financial pulling power these universities have (for research etc). They attract the brightest working on the cutting edge in their respective fields because they have funding to see them through. Incredible networking opportunities abound if you are really noticeable and want to work with a particular professor on some project. That level of interaction and opportunity is in my opinion what separates the great universities from the standard. The courses may essentially be the same but all else being equal you have far greater opportunities going to a famous university like the aforementioned. If at the end of the day all you have going for you is that you simply attended it as a statement on your CV its meaningless. If you were not able to take advantage of the networking of student investment opportunities you'd have been better off going to any other place.

>> No.10811969

I'm europoor but I believe undergrad is the same everywhere. However those institutions have so much money that grad level courses and doing something like a PhD means that you work with the best in the world. Of course for certain fields that doesn't mean much but for most things in the sciences it can't be beat.

Imagine it's like a sport where these institutions buy all the talent

>> No.10812015

Professors from those places who give presentations about their research are always really good. Judging from MIT OCW the course content doesn't really differ much.

>> No.10812147

There's a large gap between completing a course and doing actual cutting edge research.

>> No.10812252

Harvard is overrated, MIT is the real deal

>> No.10812513

Excepting certain programs some elite unis offer that arent intended to be standard like that infamous harvard math undergrad one, for most purposes its pretty much the same as any half way decent uni.

t. went to a decent uni (waterloo canada) then columbia for phd

>> No.10812604

>tfw go to school with similar amount of money but they don't put their money into being good

>> No.10812657

irrgh burgggghhhh urrrgh

>> No.10814231

I didn't study there, but I recently started researching at MIT after having done research at another undergrad school known for its research. I can say for sure that the pace at which science happens here is far faster than my prior experiences there. I think it's due to a) the massive amount of funding, and b) the sheer concentration of field experts here. Instead of having to wait for a couple weeks to collaborate or get advice, things here happen rapidly. It's a breakneck pace but it's very intense and I love it so far.

>> No.10814484

>> Not a student, but

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.10814521
File: 783 KB, 1092x505, Caltech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into MIT but I chose this institution after visiting it.
Difficulty: high
>lots of course prerequisites; hardest institution to graduate from in the country
Daily reading: high
>you are expected to learn a lot of math on your own, and that's for everyone
Level of students: high
>most students here want to become researchers and scientists so they study like crazy and are probably USAMO/IMO/Olympiad winners prior to being accepted here
Teaching ability of profs: low-mid
>a lot of the profs here are very good scientists but they aren't very good at teaching; again you're expected to be a self-starter

>> No.10814554


>> No.10814573

Fuck, if only James hadn't hidden his name!

>> No.10814593

top kek

>> No.10814594


>> No.10814604
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>> No.10814608

You did it for (You)s you dirty slut

>> No.10814610

Only a really pathetic guy would do that desu.

>> No.10814624

He legit posted the best replies. If you think a Harvard or MIT student's schedule's any different from any other non-community college, you're obviously one of those IQ retards.

>> No.10814663
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quite so

>> No.10814668

As a Cantab I can say that it's mostly about the networking and who you meet above the actual institution being higher level. Of course the lecturers these places attract will be some of the best qualified and experienced, but my best teacher at teaching me, was one at Secondary school. Without going all /x/, being at these institutions get you into the niche closed circles. For example there are FM lodges at Oxbridge only for current undergrads, post grads have a separate one, and I imagine the same stands for US. Imo the level of the top 10 Uni's are probably fairly similar, but the top 3 or so are there because of 'who' not 'what' they know. And you do feel outcast if your face doesn't fit, but maybe that's just a britbong posho thing

>> No.10814673

What is your field of study/occupation/salary/IQ?

>> No.10814734

Chemistry Teacher, so Natural Sciences into a PGCE, just finishing my TT but you can probably guess what kind of schools and salaries schools hire grads for. Don't know about IQ, never bothered me, but I'm not near Mensa level I wouldn't think.