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10808370 No.10808370 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Eastern Europe have higher quality of education compared to the West despite having objectively worse system and significantly lower funding?

>> No.10808384

getting your ass kicked for not doing your homework

>> No.10808385

getting your ass kicked for not doing your homework

>> No.10808408


>> No.10808434

no handholding and hard af exams

>> No.10808436

Yup. Thread’s done. Also no SJW stuff. Does that answer your question OP?

>> No.10808453

some children are left behind

>> No.10809000

I saw British high school exams and they were a joke

>> No.10809006

Lmao, I have a friend who did his undergrad at the faculty of mathematics and physics in Charles uni and he's literally the smartest guy I've ever met, I saw some of the math exams taught to physics students and that shit was fucking insane.

>> No.10809033

>i have a poor understanding of statistics

>> No.10809035

No niggers.

Also, this.

>> No.10809038

ha left because the west is usually on the left funny

>> No.10809041

Nah, Oxbridge is just trash unfortunately.

>> No.10809057


Higher quality of students and harder exams. Students more poor then soft civilized westerns and have better motivation to study hard. I think so. (as russian myself)

>> No.10809061

Where can I find test banks if their exams are much harder? I want some practice problems.

>> No.10809062

we don't

>> No.10809063

Alright eastern-eurobros I’m going to Saint Petersburg State Uni to do a foundation year before (hopefully) enrolling into their mathematics program. What am I in for?

>> No.10809066


>> No.10809067

Aren't almost all of their colleges free though?

>> No.10809070

Ah great, guess I’ll have to bribe the administrators then.

>> No.10809079
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Western schools have a strong egalitarian bent where they must give everyone an equal opportunity. What that really means is that it creates an employment vehicle for left leaning and leftish indoctrinating academics. There are exceptions. Secondly is the student loan SCAM. What this does is incentivize schools to take in as many clients (students) as possible. In doing so they lower entry standards, make assessments easier, and charge more since the government is footing the bill.

Education in the US for example was pretty affordable even into the 90's but as universities jettisoned their academic integrity for profit more and more schools popped up catering to this newly found demand which was spurred by government backed student loans. The same phenomenon has wrecked the same effect in the UK and Australia. The dumbing down of tertiary education happened as student loans started appearing, universities were privatized (education became commercialized), a class of administrators emerged that exerted pressure on the faculty to drop standards and rake in more revenue. Thus to retain more students course work had to get easier. This also marked the proliferation of all sorts of new degrees and majors. Like multimedia, real estate, marketing, etc.

Another reason I suspect that led to this was free trade. As manufacturing was being hollowed out in a lot of countries (in particular the US, the UK and Australia) a lot of jobs went overseas. Jobs that any high school drop out could do, and because of unions offered a living wage. So governments encouraged people to go to college so they would waste 4-6 years distracted and living in perpetual adolescence.

It's also why colleges started marketing the whole "college" experience, and emphasizing the social aspect.

>> No.10809083

To add to this. Eastern European countries have an opposite structure. Education is nationalized. Funded by the state, and you go to state run institutions. Thus there is no profit incentive to drop standards and let anyone in. Professors aren't penalized for failing students, and they aren't at the mercy of the students either. So standards are kept high.

>> No.10809084

No they are trash. East Europe is shit.

>> No.10809087

Big brain anon, at last I truly see...

>> No.10809092

Sure thing. Russia has one of the highest percentage of people with higher education yet only people from top Moscow and St. Petersburgs universities are worth their shit. I believe that people studying at these are crem of the crop and you can always find such people in any Western European country and the US.

>> No.10809095
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>> No.10809097

Pisa rankings disagree, publishing stats disagree,

>> No.10809100

If you hate education so much why are you here?

>> No.10809102

Novosibirsk also. State University of Novosibirsk is pretty good too, if u belive rates and opinions

>> No.10809103

This is true, especially the part about state run institutions.

>> No.10809112

>Professors aren't penalized for failing students, and they aren't at the mercy of the students either.
This is false, at least in my country. Professors can fail arbitrary many students but theire is only a fixed number of them that can be expelled each term. If you don't fall into this small number failing a course means effectively nothing.

>> No.10809685
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>> No.10809800

east European here, not so long ago we had statistics released of last year middle schoolers and a very large number of them were almost failing math and physics. Last year of middle school is generally when things like calculus starts getting taught (or at least foundations) and a lot of kids are failing.
Eastern europe higher quality of education is just a myth, yes the curriculum is harder than usa/uk but most kids are failing so it makes no difference, also we have no niggers and much less political correctness and the cancer from the west and our own past is still affecting us, kids start drinking from like 14 and younger, and I recently spoke to my niece who is 14, she said most kids in her class vape and several smoke weed.
Its an absolutely degenerate behavior and its getting worse, it seems while we are getting rid of our communist past and old communist mentality, we arent getting any smarter, its just going off one degenerate onto another degenerate path while avoiding the path of intellect, logic and reason.

>> No.10810159 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10810162
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>> No.10810828


>> No.10810899
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>> No.10810943

if you dont study, you literally work in jobs equivalent to being a slave in coal mines