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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 936 KB, 736x490, high cray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10808149 No.10808149 [Reply] [Original]

Is the neural system of a crustacean/invertebrate capable of getting high off amphetamines? Would it give it an evolutionary advantage? What about other drugs

>tld I want to get my lobster high

>> No.10808303

Why don't you try and find out?

>> No.10808552

How much should I dose him?

>> No.10808557


>> No.10808566

Start small and look for changes in behaviour. Document it in this thread.

>> No.10808572

I have amphetamine in the form of ritalin 10mg. How many tablets should I dissolve in the water?

>> No.10808579
File: 36 KB, 275x300, 1465046234657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus dude, it's obviously done something. The fuckers turned blue!

>> No.10808603

I don't know. Start with 1/10 of a normal human dose perhaps? Be sure to get it on camera. You have a chance to do actual science on the science board for once.

>> No.10808608

You're going to want to start really small, don't forget how small those niggers are.

Try disolving like 1 tablet in 5 litres of water (I would say 10 but shit's hard to do). Make sure to stir that shit thoroughly too. Give the little blue baller the water and see his reactions/changes. You can easily poison something so small.

Do it for /sci/

>> No.10808614

You can always buy another lobster at the grocery store. OP should get several to make sure of the effects.

>> No.10808616
File: 3.40 MB, 4128x3096, 20190715_202622[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so here is the subject prior to administering of 2 crushed 10mg Ritalin pills. Sorry for the potato camera

>> No.10808619

You need to realize that only a tiny fraction of the ritalin will make it into the lobster.

>> No.10808624

Op might deliver for once

>> No.10808626


which is a good thing

>> No.10808668
File: 717 KB, 640x360, IMGP6163 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok at this point he seems rather agitated

>> No.10808686

Is this normal behaviour? You should have some sort of control sample. If he survives you should repeat the experiment and document any periods of agitation regardless of whether he's sober. See if the frequency of agitatiom events increases when he is subjected to amphetamines. Document the dosages.

>> No.10808700

Ritalin is not strictly amphetamine, but a derivative. Methylphenidate as it says on the label, jus sayin.

>> No.10808778

Probably not. Caffeine evolved as a pesticide for fucking up invertebrate nervous systems. So stimulants are probably bad for invertebrates
oh shit he already did it. That lobster's probably gonna die.

>> No.10808794
File: 2.61 MB, 640x360, IMGP6164.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK Lobsterbro is still alive and I did a little test to see his aggressiveness, he never usually grabs onto the food to the point where he is pulled outside the water but he does here.

>> No.10808836
File: 75 KB, 625x571, 1459764229339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fade in blu hue?
Isn't that like a testosterone thing in them guies or something?

>> No.10808853

You need to develop a way of conducting this test consistently, and control for factors like hungriness.

>> No.10808859

Looks like he's developing autism

>> No.10809172

Ok he seems to be jittering his appendages violently, either coming down or about to die

>> No.10809185

Can you put speakers in his tank o see if he likes some music? I always like to dance on amphetamine so he might too.

>> No.10809211
File: 36 KB, 500x464, b1557859951520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 sentences require a tldr. The state of todays no attention span society.

>> No.10809245

Dear lord

>> No.10809267

I told you to document it, did I not?

>> No.10809274

>I have amphetamine in the form of ritalin 10mg
Ritalin is methylphedinate which is not the same thing as amphetamine. They have some structural similarity and physiological effects but still two different molecules.

I'd suggest you calculate the molarity when a 70 kg man ingests 30 mg amphetamine sulphate. Lets say the man is 70% water so roughly about a volume of 50 liters. Molecular weight of amphetamine sulphate is 368.492 g/mol so it would result in a molarity of c= m/MV = 0.0000016 M = 1.6 µM.

Ritalin has a molecular weight of 233.31 g/mol so if one tablet is worth 10 mg then you'd need a volume of V = m/Mc = 26.8 liters.

So this is overall a very crude approximation but start with one pill in 26.8 liters of water and work your way up from there.

>> No.10809287


>> No.10809369

Get help

>> No.10809614

>amphetamine in the form of ritalin 10mg
Ritalin isn't amphetamine you retard.

>> No.10809733

this is a good thread

>> No.10810045

it would be if OP hadn't stopped documenting his crab

>> No.10810063

His mom probably caught him

>> No.10810201

Lmao that lobster is tweaking tf out
This is the funniest shit I've seen on /sci/ in a while

>> No.10810204

This. OP gave his lobster a heroic dose.

>> No.10810229

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10810236

Because homo's need to be kept in line.
by gods will they have no rights and are lower than animals praise god.

>> No.10810250


>> No.10810290
File: 20 KB, 350x350, middle-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have complete and total authority over a weak creature
>torture it with drugs
fuck you OP

>> No.10810302


>> No.10810326

No. Crayfish are naturally crepuscular. They should be hiding and inactive in high light environments.

I do not know if this crayfish exhibits unnatural behaviour because it is "tame".

>> No.10810342

delete your comment

>> No.10810357

why did you do this op?

>> No.10810363

OP torturing animals is worse than someone baiting with poorly paraphrased anti-homosexual muzzie phraseology? You need to get a grip on reality and realize that no one is going to harm any gays especially not incel autists on 4chan

>> No.10810376

Based thread.
Fuck anyone who says it is cruel

>> No.10810410

OP give him more.

>> No.10810422

>lol I’m a sociopath

>> No.10810559

For fucks sake it's a lobster you fucking pussies
Its standard to boil them alive when they're prepared for food

>> No.10810582
File: 115 KB, 900x900, AGF-l79DDAKHQ5nYIuCO9U9rd2-eG4gNh7DfF72jxg=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone just assume OP is torturing the lobster? For all I know the lobster could be having the time of his life spun out on kiddie meth.

>> No.10810595

I think that we can conclude that lobsters have a similar reaction to Adderall wow so science

>> No.10810597

Peterson is a nigger

>> No.10810616

This I would be one happy lobster if someone dosed me with kiddie cocaine

>> No.10810633

Fuck off moralfags. The lobster survived so quit bitching

>> No.10810677

m8 i was genuinely curious why op decided to give ritalin to his lobbie friend. i think it's cool and i don't care that he did i just want to know why

>> No.10811347
File: 189 KB, 494x584, 15-1(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop hurting that lobster, you fucking monster! He is a precious creation from nature and we should treat it with love and care! I fucking love science!!!

>> No.10811358

If you give him meth on mating, he'll be best and you'll have 50 blue lobsters or so.

>> No.10811378


nigga you gave him crack-cocaine

>> No.10811379

It's actual science unlike the rest of the threads up right now.

>> No.10811409

some one did this before

>> No.10811431

Good thread, must say, he's awfully cute.

>> No.10811697

based and adhdpilled

>> No.10811719

You should consider things like moon phase and tidal waves if you want to predict the situation based on mating and living.

Now he maybe just think, that he have a lot of energy and he have enough energy to waste on food.

Can you make lobsters like that on meth in controlled periodic(modular), outside tested out? Can you get enough data in nature?

You use control environment, not controlled environment for doing experiments, and that's why they are boring.

And don't force them first, just propose if it tries to get itself if it founds.

Hiding stuff in food is not friendly interaction.

Later he can just react to fact you are giving him food and you became enemy by the food, not the meth.

>> No.10812095

so I am correct then, he is having a blast therefore fuck the basedbois saying OP is torturing the lobster.

>> No.10812142

you're probably also against medical animal testing but not a vegan because of your mental gymnastics huh

>> No.10812487

Fuck yeah, bang that shit lobsterbro

>> No.10812495

its his pet

>> No.10813051

do you ever cough on ritalin op?

>> No.10813243

Nice, great study

>> No.10814169

Oh wow it has a label that totally changes the type of animal it is. OP is no more of animal torturer than someone eating lobster in a fancy restaurant where they get thrown into boiling water(both of wich im kinda against, but at least this is science). If you're not a vegan you're a hypocrite.

>> No.10814193

>autist feeds his lobster ritalin
this site never ceases to amuse and confuse me

>> No.10814207

>if you kill the bacteria washing hands you're a monster
>b-but the nervous system
>animals are our friends *WAA WHAAA*


>> No.10814215

pet lobsters are frens
food lobsters are not

no bullying the pet lobbie

>> No.10815610


>> No.10816479

If you're not vegan you're Satan

>> No.10816497

Sometimes I wish I was in biology. So easy to come up with research. Just have a dart board with different animals, and one with different drugs.

>> No.10816507


I’m vegan I don’t eat lobsters you fucking moron. I think it’s wrong and disgusting.

>> No.10816510

>lol u guys aren’t sociopaths like me XD so that’s so funny


>> No.10816511

nigger I would never give a pet, an animal I've taken into my home and adopted as a member of my family any sort of psychoactive substances without doing at least basic background research on how that species reacts to that substance. if you do that to for instance your dog or cat you should be beaten within an inch of your life. I also never told him to not do it, in fact I didn't say anything to OP at all but only pointed out that someone pretending to hate gays is not worse in any way than someone actually potentially harming their pet. Nigger

>> No.10816857

CONGRATULATIONS ANON! You get to research what happens when polar bears consume cocaine! Did you know that polar bears are the most aggressive bears that we know of?

>> No.10817286
File: 1.82 MB, 400x600, lobber.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you were complaining that the Ritalin wasn't a real amphetamine so I went and scored this

>> No.10817300

How did you fucking get your hands on meth in the short period inbetween your first post and this one?

>> No.10817302

>lobster part of family

>> No.10817308

prick to his animals
based scientist

>> No.10817340

He's probably australian. Pretty sure that's a maron. Not sure if they are exported.

Point being meth is everywhere in australia (it comes from china).

Pretty impressed by that crustaceans tolerance to narcotics.

>> No.10817364

>Pretty impressed by that crustaceans tolerance to narcotics.

The Virgin Hermit Crab vs. the Chad Lobster

>> No.10817380

I hope that's not actually meth.

>> No.10817709

Lad why are you so intent on giving lobsterbro a fucking heart attack and potenty lobster psychosis?

>> No.10818256
File: 130 KB, 910x682, 1547346420375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw crayfish don't have a heart.

>> No.10818264

We boil them to eat not for the sake or torture

>> No.10818287

we aren't giving it drugs for the sake "or" torture. the goal here isn't to inflict as much pain as possible onto the underwater lizard. op could quite easily grab some nail clippers and start chopping bits of it off, or give it a very lethal dose. As far as we know Mr. Lobster is still alive and could be potentially having a great time.

>> No.10818324

Probably having a heart attack mate in fucking agony. And whos we?

>> No.10818572

We want to see the aftermath

>> No.10818606

Recheck your facts dude

>> No.10818608


>> No.10818811

I kek'd so hard I almost fell out of my seat

>> No.10818869

Toasting in science bread

>> No.10818965

he didn't, it's most likely just salt
also i doubt he even gave it ritalin

>> No.10818996

>white dust

Current observations on the subject:
Rapid twitching of the whiskers and chelicerae

Swimmerets are swishing back and forth more rapidly than usual

Agitation, raises its claws defensively when I move my hand's shadow over it

>> No.10818998

yes, salt can be in dust form like any kind of crystals

>> No.10819007

you're my fucking hero

>> No.10819034

Dont listen to the fags, It was a nice experiment but he or she? wont have kids so...ill tell a stoner friend about this and lets see if he has enough atention span to raise a colony of spiders with weed

>> No.10819038

He or she (its difficult to sex them and I haven't tried) won't have children because it will die in that tank. These lobsters are extremely aggressive by nature and they dismember each other for hiding spots. I had to give all his brothers and sisters away because they were massacring themselves

>> No.10819340

At least this one got rewarded with meth after defeating his siblings, lol.

>> No.10819572

u got to step up your spearmints bro, dump a handle of vodka in the tank and add more methamphetamine

>> No.10819930

This, keep it going. And record it.

>> No.10820344

Anon is doing God's work. Bless up.

>> No.10820391

This makes sense to me.

>> No.10820400

Tightly circumcised.

>> No.10820514

Nice /b/ tier thread where it actually belongs. Reported faggot.

>> No.10820818


>> No.10822409

it's for science, so that makes it ok

>> No.10822425


>> No.10824032

Was a new thread for this made

>> No.10824039

This but unironically.

>> No.10825207
File: 2.16 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20190722_014009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so things took a turn I completely didn't expect, the lobster moulted

>> No.10825240

YeH Op do this so we can all have a pet blue lobbie and give meth too

>> No.10825247

what's happening in that pic? vid

>> No.10825254

Meth causes lobsters to have advance moulting?

>> No.10825274

Ahh so he's finally coming out of his shell. You can begin to observe the experiment for real.

>> No.10825279

Now this is legit interesting. Was he due to moult?

>> No.10825299
File: 2.05 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20190722_020905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here he is outside the moult
It's possible

He might just be due for a moult, it's been about 2 months

>> No.10825315

When berried the female carries at least 50 eggs or younglings (They remain stuck under the moms tail). These things breed like crazy which is why I think they make good subjects for experimentation.

>> No.10825342

More like aftermeth

>> No.10825412

Has his behavior changed much before/after? Did he crash and sleep 12 hours?

>> No.10825422

Can't tell. I missed the whole moulding because I was sleeping.

>> No.10825436

Put me in the screen cap

>> No.10825472

Did you at least watch him after the mething

>> No.10825941

get two tanks, dissolve speed in one tank, you can put him in the speed tank to dose then remove him

>> No.10827197

This OP, we need controls.