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10806982 No.10806982 [Reply] [Original]

This man is solving physics right now
what have you been doing with your time?

>> No.10806988
File: 3 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Physics was solved 6 months ago. It's called Optimum Theory

>> No.10806995

dude complex numbers lmao

>> No.10807004


Optimum Theory: universe is a perfect fluid of infinite depth and scope; gravity is a pressure gradient; electromagnetism are ripples, waves and flows; particles are non-viscous vortices of expanding and contracting current. This can all be computed using a single equation, energy / space, on a cellular automaton simply by averaging real-numbers with their neighbors. It really is that simple. Darwinian evolution turned out to be stupidly simple; and so is unified physics.

>> No.10807012

>what have you been doing with your time?
plotting genocide against the man's tribe

>> No.10807013

>This can all be computed using a single equation
So write it down

>> No.10807024

can you predict the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron to better precision than QED?

if not than stfu you crank

>> No.10807030
File: 253 KB, 1306x353, ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This can all be computed using a single equation, energy / space, on a cellular automaton simply by averaging real-numbers with their neighbors. It really is that simple.

>> No.10807031

I opened up a twitter account last night and have been trolling SJWs constantly since then, so I'm doing pretty good for myself at the moment.

>> No.10807036


It can predict anything to better precision than other models. Only limit is processing power. Optimum Theory starts from planck scale. Requires super computers for high level stuff.

>> No.10807040

if it's infinite but you can only simulate a finite volume (finite processing power and time) then how do you even go about proving it?

>> No.10807067

weinstein is a meme formed from the combined cancers of washed up mathlets thinking they can do physics, the cringe “intellectual” dark web, and alt right idiots playing meme telephone. he’s a hack

>> No.10807070

optimum theory is retarded, Gary. back to plebbit

>> No.10807076


We've seen enough to call Optimum Theory a legit THEORY of everything. It is and will always be theory. But see for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P--HO3KDmdU&t=0s

>> No.10807080

okay, then make one prediction and show your work fucktard. like, the next eclipse over Chicago or something

>> No.10807085

who this

>> No.10807086


Optimum Theory has already made successful predictions.

Predicted superfluid dark matter a year before it became widely accepted at Penn State and elsewhere.

Predicted infinite particle decay a year before others computationally proved it.

You can take "pictures" of what phenomenon will look like using high resolution Optimum Theory automatons, and our pictures of light and black holes were virtually indistinguishable from the real pictures that were later taken.

Could go on...

>> No.10807092

no Gary, looking at some squares and going “that’s superfluid dark matter, i take credit” is just a blend of quackery and schizophrenia. show me a real QUANTITATIVE prediction, and show your work. that means calculate some number to compare with experiment

oh wait you can’t. instead you see a few squares and go “OMFG JESUS CONFIRMED” like a incel version of tooker

>> No.10807097

Making Russia proud!

>> No.10807107

What are some of your other predictions that are unconfirmed yet?

>> No.10807134


Infinite depth to the Universe is a big one. Bigger colliders will find smaller and smaller particles. There is no limit.

>> No.10807147

okay, predict one particle then. what is its spin, mass, charge, helicity, anything? and show work.

>> No.10807170


The model has been proven adequately. Give me funding and I can do these other things for you like predict un yet found particles. The questions in the universe are infinite and I am not playing with your shifted goal posts without pay. Cheers

>> No.10807181

that’s right, ask for gibs while denying that you have literally nothing resembling science. not even a good conman

>> No.10807191


The model unified physics by the established goal posts. Want more than that then pay up. My time isn't free. Cheers

>> No.10807219

if you think this makes you sound any less retarded, you are mistaken. if a real physicist even did a fraction of what you claim to have done they’d get millions from the nobel and breakthrough prizes alone, plus would get automatic tenure 6-figure professor positions where funds would flow like crazy. but the physicist would prove it first before shilling for patreon retards. you are no better than tibbees

>> No.10807230

>millions from the nobel and breakthrough prizes alone

Well maybe I should then if those institutes have integrity. These breakthroughs only happened a few months ago

>> No.10807246

no, you shouldn’t, because you’ve produced nothing of scientific value. just a crap version of wolfram’s useless automata.

prove me wrong: make just one prediction and show work. it could be as simple as, say, predicting the next eclipse or hurricane or the first order correction to the EN coupling constant (oh, sorry, you probably don’t know what that means. maybe try, i donno, the mass of the proton. err wait, still too hard, how about the shape of ice crystals. or, maybe, the color of an orange)

>> No.10807249

*EM coupling constant (alpha), not “EN”

>> No.10807280

>prove me wrong

You were already proven wrong, and my time is valuable I'm closing the site now. Take care.

>> No.10807295

yes, please, close your site. thanks.

>> No.10807501

>This man is solving physics right now
I doubt that. He seems like a complete hack that's getting hyped up to boomers for the sake of sounding smart like >>10807067 is saying. I don't trust that faggot one bit. Also this thread is
extremely off-topic

>Shitposting that goes against your political views on a shitty plaform like twitter = foreign espionage
Real smoothbrained take there faggot

>> No.10807587

Who ?

>> No.10807601

Getting fat research grants in physics which are completely made up.

>> No.10807750

>PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard
>Managing director for Thiel Capital
>complete hack

What have you done, anon?

>> No.10807759
File: 138 KB, 990x1038, Engine_drawing_sfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designing a rocket engine for my personal amusement.

>> No.10807771


Do you know where you are, Anon?

>> No.10807859

Trolling is not an effective way to change people's minds. On average It just makes people angrier. Russia manipulated the left and right on Facebook to make them angrier at each other. Do you want to make the world worse?

>> No.10808359
File: 933 KB, 1199x967, Screenshot_2019-07-15 CohlFurey_FanoPlane_2880x1600-2880x1600 jpg (JPEG Image, 2880 × 1600 pixels) - Scaled (61%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This man is solving physics right now

Not so fast mr Noseberg

>> No.10808364


Though that looks like a guy who did a physics phd and didn't end up becoming a physicist. He has no peer-reviewed publications as a physicist.


>> No.10808367

>Do you know where you are, Anon?
I may, it's hard to tell.

>> No.10808550

busted. also, i really dislike asshole physics PhD students, especially high energy theorists, who go directly into industry, ESPECIALLY directly into finance. there are plenty of people who would give anything to study high energy theory at harvard so they could actually use it to advance physics, and people like this asshole just flush it down the drain